
Heavenly Prince Youlan's Twist of Fate BL

Heavenly Prince Youlan's life takes a twist of fate and he becomes attached to people he never expected to.

xiaohuli455 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter Five.

Cai An Xing summons a small bell to her left hand and she rings it before speaking,"Hey buddy,I found a place where they make very sweet buns and cakes."

The owner of the inn is left staring in shock. A young boy flying across the sky on a flying mat attracts the attention of the crowd standing outside. As the young boy descends the crowd disperses in fear screaming 'Devil!' 'Devil!.'

The girls stare at the boy fearfully from a distance claiming how handsome he is. The boy is Cai Heiying. He enters the inn and orders for more buns. Cai An Xing suspends her hammock and joins her brother on the table. Later the inn owner gives Mu Yuxuan osmanthus jelly for free as his token of appreciation.

When Mu Yuxuan returns,he finds Wen Xian standing near the brick walled fence as if he wants to sneaks out. Mu Yuxuan approaches Wen Xian and hands him the osmanthus jelly. Wen Xian eats them excitedly and thanks Mu Yuxuan.

At midnight while Wen Xian is asleep,Mu Yuxuan takes the opportunity to bathe. Wen Xian has always allowed him to bathe in his bathroom. He no longer regards him as a servant instead he treats him like a brother. Mu Yuxuan pleasurably sinks in the hot water with his eyes closed. An unfamiliar voice scares the hell out of him.

"I didn't know the Wen family servants live this kind of luxurious life."

Mu Yuxuan covers his chest using his arms and nervously asks,"What are you doing here?"

Cai An Xing is lying on her hammock again.

"I've seen everything no need to cover up,"she says in a sarcastic tone.

Another uninvited guest appears. Whenever you see Cai An Xing be sure Cai Heiying will show up in a few minutes.

"Didn't I tell you not to intrude other people's privacy?"

"Hey pretty boy, is Mu Yuxuan your name?"Cai An Xing asks ignoring Cai Heiying.

Before Mu Yuxuan responds she continues speaking,"You make pretty good buns. Bake me a few more and I will fulfill your wish," Cai An Xing says confidently.

Mu Yuxuan is still unable to talk due to the shocking things he has witnessed today. Mu Yuxuan's face brightens as he remembers something exciting,"Are you sure you can fulfill any wish?"

"Just say it already,"Cai An Xing replies revealing her impatience. Mu Yuxuan reveals about his plan to help Wen Xian to snatch back his love from Jie Hong. Cai An Xing immediately agrees but Cai Heiying refuses to offer help.

The following day,Mu Yuxuan goes to his favourite inn where he promised to meet the lotus twins. He bakes the buns for them as they had agreed. Cai An Xing takes the opportunity to convince Cai Heiying to help Mu Yuxuan. Cai Heiying is a bit stubborn yet cheeky at the same time. Afterall it would be exciting to ruin the wedding cause devils enjoy other people's misery. So the morning of the wedding day Cai Heiying lures the maids of the Gu family away while Cai An Xing kidnaps Gu Xiang from her room. Gu Xiang has already been dressed up. The next time the maids return they find the bride still seated looking at herself in the mirror. The bride is Mu Yuxuan but his face has been disguised using a Devil Realm technique. Since Mu Yuxuan's body features are tiny and cute like that of a woman the maids don't suspect anything.

The wedding will take place at Jie Hong's mansion. The mansion has been decorated in red and Minister Jie Hong and the guests are waiting for the bridal sedan.All the ministers are there to witness the wedding. After a while the bride arrives and they go through all the cultural norms of the wedding. Even Li Jun is there to congratulate him . Jie Hong cannot help but brag about how he has one more concubine than him.

At night the bride sits patiently waiting for the groom to remove her veil and probably consummate the marriage. Jie Hong comes in carrying wine. He removes her veil and the bride looks down shyly. Jie Hong smiles satisfactorily. He loves shy girls and he's sure he will have a pleasant night. He pours the wine and they drink together. He leans closer to kiss Mu Yuxuan but Mu Yuxuan moves away. Jie Hong goes after him as he caresses his body. The difference between Mu Yuxuan and a girl is that his chest is purely flat. Though he's drunk,Jie Hong can feel something is not right.

"My Lord am I not suitable for your taste? You don't like men?"Mu Yuxuan says with an evil smile lingering on his face.

"You're a man?" Jie Hong exclaims loudly.

Mu Yuxuan sprays some blinding powder and escapes through the window. Jie Hong screams out in frustration as the guards barge in to check up on him.

"My Lord what is wrong with your eyes?"

"Don't worry about my eyes? Follow that bride he's a man,"Jie Hong yells.

"Huh?" the guards exclaim in unison with their eyes wide due to shock.