
Heavenly Opposers

Manipulation... How would someone feel if their life was completely manipulated to the end? How would it be when everything from the moment of your birth to the end of your life is completely under the control of another? How much worse would it be that not just one, but all the lifetimes you have lived, be manipulated? Xiao lived two lives. In the first, he lived as the villain and died as one—a beautiful villain that made no impact on the real story whatsoever. Then he lives again in a different world, just to come back to his first. Doesn't that mean he can rewrite his mistakes? Doesn't that mean he could be great this time? But what if this was the goal from the very beginning? What happens when Xiao finds this goal and escapes his fate? What if the puppet escapes the puppeteer's hands, reshaping destiny, fate, and karma? What if this former plaything becomes the ultimate threat to causality itself? Witness as Xiao compels both the living and the departed to chant his name... Until the very cosmos quakes in awe of his might and fear of his name......

Chaosking · アクション
284 Chs

Chapter 260-Planned Tragedy.

"Just why does fate favor you so much?"

Adria asked Azrail as he kept slowly patting Ravenna's head, the monster turning into jelly by his touch as he looked at the floating Adria, his face lighting up with a smirk as he spoke."Even if I know why, do you think you have enough karma to hold the weight of that truth?"His subtle hint made Adira frown, the depth of her weakness being open for to see, yet the interest to see the truth that lay within this monster being ignited with Adria as she kept floating around Azrail, to which Ravenna didn't like it but she stayed still under the hand of Azrail as Adrai spoke."Just what kind of monster are you? Just one of those girls is enough to have the greatest fate yet three of them and my sense tells me they won't be the end, so what is it? What is the final goal that you need to complete?"