
Heavenly God Technique in Douluo Dalu

A guy die while chewing a chewing gums but luckily because of all the good deeds he does he got a second chance to reincarnate to hi favourite world. Douluo Dalu and TODAG are both not mine and this only a fanfics. Don't read it if u don't like it, it safe ur time and mine too

HeavenlySpaceDrago · アニメ·コミックス
102 Chs


"I need to hunt for 50 (10,000 years old) dragons to evolve this dragon to God-Rank Potential. Sigh. Other works need to be done. I also need to condense every single Spirit Ring this Mirage Dragon needs. I can make all the Spirit Rings in 3 months but the hunt might be a bit hard since it is hard to find dragon-blood Spirit Beast," thought Nie Long.

Everyone knows about the rarity of finding dragon bloodlines, but Nie Long needs to hunt for 50 ten thousand years old dragon bloodlines. It will be a miracle if he can finish it in 2 months. Even though 2 months might be fast for someone, for Nie Long it is slow.

He already Rank 92 Titled Douluo, and he needs 2 months to hunt 50 dragon bloodlines Spirit Beast.

Nie Long sighed again thinking about his future hunt. 2 months of hunting non-stop. Hopefully, there are enough dragon bloodlines Spirit Beasts in the Star Dou Forest.

Nie Long then checks for Lucy, Lily and Aurora's evolution. Even after nearly 3 weeks, Lucy is still in her evolution state.

Nie Long then cultivate to condense Spirit Rings for his new Martial Spirit. Nie Long then cultivates for 1 week, to make 1st and 2nd Spirit Rings. He woke up to see if Lucy already finished her evolution, but she was still in her evolution.

Nie Long then continues his cultivation and condenses 3rd and 4th Spirit Rings, this takes 2 weeks. Nie Long open his eyes and saw Lucy already finished her evolution. It is estimated that she take 5-6 weeks to evolve.

"You already finished your evolution. It is good. How do you feel, Lucy?" asked Nie Long.

"I feel great. I feel that I can now advance more than before. I feel full of power and I now can upgrade all my yellow, purple, black and red Spirit Rings to golden Spirit Rings," said Lucy.

"Wow, Lucy you can upgrade your Spirit Rings to golden now? It is good because we need to have golden Spirit Rings to become god rank," said Nie Long.

Lucy just nodded her head since she already knows that they need to have golden Spirit Rings to become God-Rank in this world. She can directly become God Rank if she becomes 1,000,000 years old Spirit Beast.

For the other Spirit Beast, becoming 100,000 years old Spirit Beast is already too hard. How can they become 1,000,000 years old Spirit Beasts if they can't even become 100,000-year-old Spirit Beasts?

"You can come back into my inner space, Lucy. We still need to wait for Aurora and Lily to finish their evolution. After that, we need to hunt for 50 ten thousand years old dragon bloodlines Spirit Beast," said Nie Long.

"You already got a new Spirit Beast for your Martial Spirit. What Spirit Beast that make a contract with you?" asked Lucy.

"Just enter my inner space and you will know," said Nie Long in a mysterious tone.

Lucy trusts Nie Long and enters his inner space. In Nie Long's inner space, Lucy saw an eastern dragon with blue scales on its body. Whiskers beside its mouth and red ruby eyes.

Lucy looks at the dragon for a while before braving herself to speak with it. "Hello, I am Lucy. The first Spirit Beast to make a contract with Nie Long. I am a 600,000-year-old Spirit Beast," said Lucy.

The eastern dragon has face full of scorn instantly changes because she heard that Lucy is the first Spirit Beast of Nie Long and she is a 600,000-year-old Spirit Beast.

The Eastern dragon instantly humbled itself since she knows if she fight against this Nine-tailed Fox, she will lose and die instantly. She then introduces herself " I am a Mirage Dragon and I have no name. I am a 100,000 years old Spirit Beast."

They then continue talking and sharing what they know about Nie Long. This is mainly all Lucy who keeps telling about Nie Long's cool and kind side. She keeps telling her about when Nie Long is 3 years old and they make a contract.

The eastern dragon keeps her focus on how Nie Long becomes Rank 20 at 6 years old and keeps defying the norms of the world. He keeps becoming more stronger and now he can already fight against the strongest person in this world. She also heard about Nie Long having Bibi Dong as his main wife and his Spirit Beast as his concubine.