
Chapter 10 Delicate Roses, Waiting to Bloom

翻訳者: 549690339

"You freak!" The men laughed at the man, but Ivy Jackson screamed the moment she was released, "Don't ——! Don't touch me!"

The men were taken aback, glancing at each other, then burst into laughter. One of them reached out without hesitation and grabbed Ivy Jackson's hair, leaning in to kiss her. But she was quicker, forcefully smashing his face with her head, instantly causing swelling.

"This damn bitch, she's asking for death!" The man who was hit turned pale, and raised his hand to slap her.

"If you hit me, how are you going to fetch a good price for me?" Ivy Jackson defiantly stared back at him, narrowing her eyes at the man.

"Sell, sell?" The burly man was stunned by Ivy Jackson's words, and the other three men were also clearly taken aback by her words, not understanding what she meant.

Ivy Jackson could only try this gamble once. She stared at the men with piercing eyes and coldly said, "Aren't you going to sell me? Don't you want to get a good price for my first time? If you don't touch me, I guarantee you can sell me for more than you imagine!"

"Why should we believe you?" The man who got hit spat and looked at Ivy Jackson with contempt, clearly not trusting her words.

"Why wouldn't you believe me? I'm a virgin, how many are left in this society? If you highlight my virginity, you... What do you say?" Ivy Jackson tried to maintain a calm and composed tone, but nobody knew how her heart and even her hands folded behind were shivering violently.

Because she knew if they believed her, she could be saved for the time being. If they didn't believe her, her life ... would be ruined beyond repair. But she had to take that chance!

Ivy Jackson was once again locked in a room. She only took a deep breath and relaxed after she heard the 'clack' of the lock and the men had all left. At that moment, she collapsed due to weakness and exhaustion.

Did this mean they believed her? Did this mean she was temporarily safe?

Ivy Jackson knew that she could not reveal her real identity to them. They might not believe her, or, even if they did, things would get worse once they knew she was a prosecutor. They could take compromising pictures of her that would ruin her life and career. That would be idiotic!

Ivy Jackson faintly trembled, beginning to question whether this journey of self-discovery was a mistake. Should she have remained the repressed eldest daughter of the Jackson family, suppressing her emotions and continuing to harm her own body? Her eyes hurt from the swelling, and tears slowly trickled out. What should she do next? Would they really sell her? Would she be forced into prostitution? Ivy Jackson bit her lip in despair. How did she come to be in such a situation?

Just as Ivy Jackson started to relax, the tension returned within five minutes. The sound of the door lock implied that the men had returned. Had they changed their minds?

"Bang!" The door shook violently, and a man dressed in black walked in with the four burly men. They all had serious expressions except for the man in black who was smiling warmly. He looked at Ivy Jackson's pitiful state and asked, "Are you really a virgin?"

Ivy Jackson shivered and felt uneasy. But she knew she had to continue playing the gamble that this man wasn't intending to harm her...

Ivy Jackson nodded: "Hard to believe isn't it?"

Then the man laughed: "In today's society, it is indeed hard to believe. But, I can't trust you without proof." After he said this, he waved his hand and a path was automatically cleared by the men, making way for a group of men and women, dressed in white coats, carrying toolboxes — were they doctors?

Ivy Jackson suddenly realized what they were going to do and backed away, forgetting that there was nowhere to hide.

"No, you can't do this!" They were insulting her! Ivy Jackson's self-esteem and her dignity would not allow these people to do this!

"Unfortunately, we need to be sure. We ask for your cooperation. If you are a virgin, my men will not lay a finger on you. If you are not... then you should know the consequences of lying... they are much more cruel than being violated by all four of them..." The man still wore a gentle smile, but his words were cruel as hell.

Ivy Jackson bit her lip hard. This time she did not resist, knowing resistance would be futile and would only raise more questions...

The men did not look away within the next few minutes. The doctors managed to maintain some dignity, placing her on a bed and even covered her with a blanket. She was unaware of what instrument they had used, but in five minutes they left her alone, keeping the blanket on her. Throughout the procedure, she felt a bit of pain.

The leading doctor whispered something to the man in black, but Ivy Jackson didn't hear it as she buried her face in the white blankets, not wanting to see these people...

After listening to the doctor, the man in black chuckled: "It's indeed amazing that such a high-quality virgin still exists in this world. Have her take a bath, style her hair, do a full body SPA and make her ready. Tonight, I want her... to dazzle everyone, to make all the men go crazy!"

After saying this, the man took a few moments to look at Ivy laying on the bed. Ivy kept her head buried, not wanting to see them... or she might fly into a rage and bite each of them!

After a while, the man left with the four burly men. Though each of them seemed reluctant, none dared to disobey that man's orders. So, Ivy Jackson was safe for the time being.

Ivy Jackson, a proud woman, was shamelessly humiliated today, and she had no power to fight back. After suppressing the pain and humiliation, she will return the favour... she will not let this pass so easily, as long as she can get out alive!

Soon, a group of women came to take Ivy Jackson away, this time they removed the ropes from her wrists but shackled her hands and feet instead. Ivy Jackson, a prosecutor, who was being treated lowly and imprisoned as a criminal by a gang of outlaws. She felt shame and sadness for herself as she was walking toward an unknown and cruel fate.

Ivy Jackson was given a bath, styled her hair, and received full-body SPA treatment by a group of silent and indifferent women. When she saw herself in the mirror afterwards, she looked like a gorgeous budding rose waiting to blossom!

Throughout the process, Ivy Jackson did not speak to these women. She knew they would not tell her anything and they certainly wouldn't set her free. Instead of struggling in vain, she decided to bide her time and see how things unfold.