
HEAVEN lies in their HEARTS

[]Mature content available Hehe[] Hello there! I'm farihahaha11. English ain't my first language so please consider all my mistakes and help me correct them.This is my first novel writing! A story where Stella, a teenager who has love & hatred for the same person, Zach. Falls in love with another man- her 'Soulmate' who was a gangster. But only before he met Stella. For him love was just nothing but a stupid word and sex was just a boring game which he never wanted to play. He often wondered why people fall in love to break their hearts. He was a bold man whom every girl wanted but couldn't have. This is just two love stories of Stella where there's happiness and sorrow. Love and hatred. Good and bad side of Stella. She's an Aries after all haha. She got everything you want but can't have. But Brandon...made Stella his one and only. Hope you'll enjoy and support. Good wishes! "It was a full moon night! Stella is going to the terrace as Brandon's waiting there for her. Wearing full BLACK! as its their favorite color. Brandon's heart beats faster as Stella puts a step on the stair, wearing heels- 'Tap! Tap! Tap! ' Stella waves her hand saying 'Hii' Brandon's mesmerized looking at her. He declined the call saying ' I'll talk to you later '. He starts wanting to touch her like no one else has ever touched Stella that way. Stella wants the same but they were so nervous...... -I'm sorry I'm late-night she says but Brandon already holds her hands and kisses her knuckles like a gentleman. Then he continues kissing from her hand to elbow to neck. Which obviously brought shivers to Stella. It's been so long since she had felt like this. His hot breath fell upon her neck and slowly she became almost conscious less. Without even knowing what she's doing, she kissed him. He didn't bother asking he also pushed himself to her as a willing of kissing her. He holds her waist and turns her around. He kisses her neck from behind that made Stella shiver. Suddenly she moaned a little. Which brought smile to his lips. "Love me Stella" he said and kept there heads together leaning on each other. Somehow that made her emotional. She sobbed. I love you already, she said ....." Read the story to know further ;)

fuhuhii · 若者
59 Chs

♡ Chapter 4 ♡

It's raining since morning. And Stella can do nothing but thinking about Zach.

"I don't mind spending everyday out on your corner in the pouring rain... " She sings.

"Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile...and she will be loved and she will be loved... " She continues.

She starts wanting to write those lyrics down in her journal so she opened the 2nd drawer of her table and pulls out a beautiful paste color journal which has a golden butterfly and a flower at the top of it. Opens it and starts writing. First the date: 9th November.

She doesn't even know how the hell she's feeling love for him. Starts to care for him.Her phone rings it's a unknown number.

"Who might it be?"

Stella answers it even though she didn't want to.

"Hello? "

"Hey there sweetheart. You busy tonight? "Who the hell are you even, huh? "

"It's me your lover."

"But I don't have any..."

"I'm just kidding stuu, it's me Zach." Stella's eyes got wide and face became brighter.

"I just called you to ask you if you wanna come over a party tonight. At my house. It's my brother's....birthday" He lied.

"Anything for you" Stella whispered.

"What? "

"Yeah I'll come over."

灬At night灬

Stella knocks at his door. It didn't seemed like a birthday party tonight. The house was dark enough to scare someone off! Anywhoo she knocked. The door opened slowly. She can see none it's so dark.

"Zach... are you in there? "

"Yeah come in." A voice echoed from deep . Tap tap tap Stella's heels made sounds that made Zach's heart beat even faster but he had a great plan to do. So he focused on that. Stella walks inside until she sees a candle on the table, someone just lit that up and went away.

"Umm.... Zach? Is that you? " She goes there slowly and stops. Someone is tracing down his fingers over Stella's shoulder and back. She immediately turns around and someone is on his knees with something shiny... she can't see much of it or understand it because it was too dark.

Zach taps a button on his remote and all the lights turn on, it was so beautiful. The room looked like a fairy just made all the arrangements. So golden, full of roses, candles. Stella watches here and there. All of a sudden, Zach comes in front of her and kneel down with a ring,

"Will you Stella Beckham, marry me?" Stella keeps staring at him like Wait what? Then she starts teasing him...

"Didn't you say I wasn't the type of girl you liked, eh? Now where are all of these coming from, hmm? " She moves around Zach and with a devilish smile on her face.

Zach couldn't just control himself so he stands up and grabs Stella's waist and neck, slide her down a little and whispers...

"I want to make you my wife. " Stella felt butterflies in her stomach. She shivered. Slowly Zach pulls her neck up and pull Stella closer to him so there's no space left between them.

Zach puts his hands around her neck. Stella starts breathing faster, her pulse, her heart beats faster, she never had these feelings before. She feels his soft lips on hers. She starts loosing control. Zach kisses her for almost a minute and stops. Stella wanted more though. She keeps staring at him. She's so in love with this one man .

"You didn't answered my question Stella."

"Yes. I want you too Zach."

"Come on, my lady." Zach pulls a chair and Stella sits there.

"Let's start the feast, I bet you're hungry." "Mmhmm" was her short answer.

That night was so beautiful. All the stars were cheering for them. They went to the roof and cuddled for hours, talked about everything they wanted to. Stella never felt this much happiness before. This happiness was different and special.

"I love you."

Zach whispers in her ears. Both chuckles.

"I love you too." Stella whispers back.

Zach hugged her so tight that her breath could stop but she still survived as if she was in Heaven.

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Read it and support me to the end to know what happens next until the end...

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