
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · その他
55 Chs


November 12th 2032

This is the first time in my life to write a diary and this may also be the last that I write anything.

It has been 2 years since mana appeared in this world.

The war which showed no sign of ending due to the emergence of mana has finally been ended due to the help of the them.

And today will be the day I depart from earth so that I can fulfill the promise I made to them.

Honestly, the promise I made with them wasn't necessarily required to be completed now but if I delay any longer then the entire Milky Way Galaxy would be at risk of being destroyed in my fight with them.

To be frank, this has been one of my goals I wanted achieve from a long time and now that I have a reason to do this I couldn't back out from it all the more. 

There is a chance that I will die and never be able to return, but a promise is a promise and I am never one to break them. It's been a long time since I lost my human emotions, now I don't even feel the excitement which I was used to feel whenever I strived to achieve my goals.

Well even if I die, my companions who were with me from the beginning and trust me a lot would be more than enough to handle them even if they turned out to weaker than them. 

After I complete this job there would be no need for citizens to keep on hiding and they can finally lead a peaceful life without any fear. 

Although I wouldn't have normally cared about anyone even if they were to die since I cared for no one, but I made a promise to myself in the past that I wouldn't let innocent people die while achieving my aspirations.

Perhaps I foresaw the possibility that I would lose my emotions and become indifferent to every one or I was simply incapable of handling the thought of having innocent blood on my hand that I made such a promise to myself even I don't remember what was going through my mind at that time.

I even don't know why I am writing this diary which I am never going read again even though I usually don't do such meaningless things. 

Maybe I wanted to leave a will of sorts so that my friends wont feel guilty in case I have to die.

It may even be because I turned 27 today, the age I decided to die after I accomplished all my ambitions ten years ago and I am writing this in the honor for completing all the things as planned

 - Vincent Frost 



At the edge of the universe trillions and trillions of light years away from the Earth lay a man gasping for air as he floated in space. Around him lay billions of corpses and huge amounts of blood and mangled bloody parts floating in space due to no gravity. A little far away from the man and the bloody gore around were millions of other existences who were all injured and tired as they too were out of breath.

Even though the space has no air or oxygen in it, these existences and the man were still capable of breathing air which only showcases how otherworldly these people.

Even for these existences whose mere presence is enough to make everyone bow down to them and revere them were now terrified of a single entity, the man in front of them.

"IMPOSSIBLE! How can a single being be able to kill so many of us?!"

"At this rate, he is even more of a threat than that guy. What kind of an idiot is Aegnor for picking a fight with this monster?"

"What's more? He is still not giving his all. Since we are already at this point and he is already on the brink of death, we better finish him off before he turns into an even bigger threat."

These existences who now fully acknowledged the severity of the situation and the terrifying power this man held became even more determined to end this threat right there. Just as they were about to make their move they heard the indifferent voice of the same man that had them terrified them to the core mere moments ago.

"So you guys finally see the reality huh. To think that this many of you had to die for you guys to realize the real dangerous existence between me and him, you Gods sure are dumb."

The man mocked these existences who were Gods, yet both his voice and gaze were rather indifferent. He didn't have a single emotion on his face even after killing so many gods.

Disregarding the looks he was being subjected to, he stood up even though the condition of his body was at its worst. 

"Looks like it's time we end this little game of ours since I already won. From now on I will be serious."

"Don't make me laugh. This is all a game to you?! Going to be serious from now on? Sure you were strong, much stronger than any of us expected. You might as well be the strongest being to ever exist in the entire existence, but with your condition, there is no way you can fight now. Stop pretending to be tough and accept your death quietly."

One of the gods spat as if he couldn't believe that this man could still fight. Not just him, all the gods present were sure that this was nothing more than a bluff.

"You are all forgetting something. Before we all started to fight each other, I said to you Gods that I will prove that I am the strongest and more dangerous than him. And to prove my point, I was fighting all of you while holding back. Now that you Gods yourself acknowledged my strength, the game has ended. Now I will attack you guys with the intention to kill."

Just as he completed speaking, the Gods all fell silent unable to comprehend his words. The God who spoke to him earlier realized one important fact that everyone including him overlooked from the start. All the color drained from his face as he uncovered the truth in his words. 

"Looks like a few of you realized what I meant, but it's already too late. Let's see who among you is lucky enough to survive."

The moment he finished his words a large explosion took place.