
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · その他
55 Chs


"...And after that, he left for real." With that, Nero concluded his narration about the previous group meeting with his master.

Honestly, Liz was now feeling a lot more complicated after hearing her disciple's words. Lucas was becoming more and more of an enigma for her every day. 

She was even feeling resentful of Leo sensei for mentioning something that absurd a few hours ago.

At first, she was indeed a little curious about the student who defied her at first, but now it was nothing but a headache for her.

What's more, the fireball he used was very unusual.

Liz thought to herself as she recalled the time when she asked students to demonstrate their spells.

At that time she was truly shocked to witness Lucas's spell.

While Liz did know how to fight with weapons, she was primarily a mage. And her specialty was dark attribute magic.

Moreover, she was so talented in her magic that she was given the title The Witch of Soul Harvest. 

That is the reason she could tell that Lucas's spell was strange.

Setting the color of the flame aside, the sheer destructiveness it held blew her mind. So much so that even she had to struggle a bit to extinguish the fire. 

And even then, the spell used by Lucas was definitely fireball. No one would think that the most basic spell in fire magic could have that much power. 

That's why she initially thought that Lucas might have made a mistake like he said. But now she was having second thoughts.

"Arghhhhh....What's with that guy?"

"Master! What happened! "

Liz complained out loud due to the headache she was having from thinking about Lucas. Nero who was on the other side of the call grew concerned for his master but Liz completely ignored him.

Her mind was completely occupied by a different matter.

In her entire life, this might as well be the first time for her to have thought so much about a stranger.

But it's not like she would be able to reach a conclusion either just by sitting there. For that, she would have to ask Lucas directly, but her pride wouldn't allow it.

So she decided on the best course of action she could take for now.

That is to completely forget about the matter.

She decided to stop thinking about Lucas and concentrate on other important matters.

But just in case, she thought that it would be better to at least get regular updates on him.

And the person she thought would be the best suited for this job was none other than the very person currently on the phone, her precious disciple.

"Well Lucas's behavior is indeed strange, but it's not like he is causing trouble like in the past either so we can't say anything to him. But still, keep reporting to me if anything strange happens."


With that, she ended the call with Nero and continued to work on her documents.

But at that time she forgot that the most troublesome person was none other than her own disciple.


Casually entering a crowded café a few streets down from his apartment, Lucas took a seat at a table where a light blue-haired elven boy was already waiting for him.

"Lucas! You're here! Let's go to a club and I'll teach you how to live!"

"Yeah, no."

"And as your best friend, it's my duty to show you the wonders of life!"

As soon as Lucas took his seat, Kent went on to talk about showing Lucas how to live for a few more minutes.

It's been almost two hours since Lucas got a voice call from this guy.

Just as he expected, he started to talk nonsense right after he arrived. He proposed the idea of going to a club and partying all night since it'll be a day off tomorrow.

 Naturally, Lucas coldly rejected that idea.

The only reason why Lucas even agreed to meet up with him was because he felt bad for always rejecting Kent's invitation. But he wasn't planning on doing anything that Kent would suggest.

The only reason he came here was for his personal satisfaction.

Aside from that, Lucas was a bit curious about Kent due to his unique character.

In the past few days, even though he slept most of the time in the classroom, he had also been keeping a close eye on every cadet in his class.

Since he still wasn't sure of the main cast of the story, he had been analyzing their personalities and traits while trying to get a good read on them just in case.

Moreover, he might also interact with them in the future so knowing about their personalities would make it easier.

And the thing he found about Kent was that he was a very social person. He was outgoing and fun, easy to talk to, and charismatic.

Although he can't take hints and social cues sometimes and despite his ability to not being able to read the room, he's quite popular among the commoners.

What's more, he was a player. And a huge one at that. This guy knew how to flirt like a pro.

But that makes it all the more strange. Suspicious even.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Lucas asked while maintaining his usual stoic face not letting a single one of his thoughts leak out.

"Yes," Kent nodded and replied as if he remembered something and continued to speak. "There's this hot chick in our class and she has been recently meeting up with me. I also learned that she had an older sister...."

Kent continued to talk about something but Lucas stopped him in the middle before he could speak any further.

"Wait a minute. I am not here to know about the girls you are hitting on nor am I interested in it. What I wanted to talk about is what we are going to do now."

At this point, Lucas even started to wonder whether Kent had any brains in his head. How in the god's name would anyone interpret Lucas's question to their love life?

Honestly, Lucas was impressed with Kent's ability to not care about anyone else and speak however he wanted.

But it didn't change the fact that what he was doing was mostly useless.

"Oh right, my bad. I thought you asked me to talk about what I wanted to talk about. But let's leave that for another time. So, what do you say we hit the bar and enjoy!"

"No." Lucas refused without missing a beat right after Kent finished his words.

I should've known.

When Kent said that he would teach him how to live, Lucas thought that they might do something exciting like fighting monsters or some games famous in the current advanced world.

But it turns out that he was wrong.

In a way, Kent might be right.

Although he didn't like Kent's idea of enjoying life by going to a bar, Lucas assumed that what Kent was suggesting might be the norm in the present world considering how the past Lucas had also done the same.

But Lucas's thoughts on the subject were completely wrong this time. 

Not everyone enjoys going to a bar. Only a very minuscule percentage of students go to bars for that purpose, and those who do go are not normal either. The previous Lucas was the perfect example of this.

Most students either train themselves to become strong or spend their leisure time going out with their friends. Not to bars of course.

Rather, Lucas's thoughts were the ones that were most strange since he even entertained the notion that students enjoy their time hunting monsters.

If I had known things would be like this then I would have rejected his invitation.

These were the honest thoughts of Lucas who had started to regret accepting Kent's call in the first place. 

But Lucas was also at fault here for ending up in this situation.

Whenever Lucas and Kent came across each other, Kent would continue to drivel non-stop which caused Lucas to completely ignore him.

If he had paid any attention to his words, then he would've already known about Kent's habit of hitting bars and might have been able to reject him at the start.

But there was no use crying over spilled milk, so Lucas decided to just chat with him for some time before leaving. 


In the middle of their talk, Lucas noticed the door of the café swirling open and a fetching young girl sporting a loose, casual black hoodie and high-waisted denim shorts coming in.

She had dark hair, matching eyes, and a triangular face that complemented her athletic but slender body. She was beautiful but nowhere near the same level as Amelia and Anastasia.

After entering the café, she scanned the surroundings with a lost look on her face as if she were looking for someone.

"Oh, hey Kent!" as soon as she spotted Kent, her eyes lit up and her hands, which had previously been tucked inside her hoodie pockets, emerged and began fidgeting.

"Oh hi, Lily!" Like a true gentleman, Kent immediately got up from his seat and greeted the girl with a bright smile.

The girl immediately blushed upon seeing his face and her eyes started to wander all around the place which soon landed on Lucas who was looking at the pair with interest.

So that's what this is.

Lucas immediately realized what was going on between the two. Even with his lack of emotions, he could clearly see that the girl had feelings for Kent.

Kent noticed that Lily was looking at Lucas and decided to introduce each other.

"Lilly, this is Lucas. Lucas, this is Lilly."

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

When Kent introduced Lucas to her, they both curtly greeted each other before Lilly immediately turned back to face Kent.

"By the way, Kent, what are you doing here?"

Without further ado, she initiated a conversation with completely ignoring Lucas. Love is blind as they say. 

This is my chance.