
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · その他
55 Chs

Dispute Between The Classes[2]


It was one word Nero hated the most.

He frequently heard that word in his childhood. His father, his father's lawful wife, and their daughter, who was also his half-sister, used to call him that.

However, that's not the reason why Nero hated that word so much.

In this world, governmental titles are hereditary. So obviously, those who own these titles like to highly value their bloodline.

Naturally, those who hold such power would want to enjoy the time of their life and would want to bed every jade beauty they see.

But there is a problem with that.

If multiple children were to be born due to such actions then there would be a lot of people claiming to be the successor which could result in conflict. In short, it would lead to a civil war.

And as of right now, it's not safe for the world to even think about having a civil war when there are literally two extinction-level wars going on.

It is for this reason that the Central Government has enacted legislation stipulating that men holding government positions are permitted to have only one legal wife and may maintain mistresses but shall not enter into matrimony with them, and these mistresses must be incapable of bearing children.

In simple words, you can have sexual relations with as many women as you want but those jade beauties should be sterile.

Naturally, when Mayor Blaze Dekrauf, Nero's father, took in a prostitute as his mistress, he made sure she was infertile by checking her medical reports. And it turned out she couldn't have kids.

However, fate being a prude little bitch, played one of its twisted jokes again.

A few months later, the mistress that Blaze Dekrauf had taken in became pregnant with Nero.

Of course, the mayor was not happy to hear that news. He thought he was lied to and got deceived.

Even though his mistress told him time and time again that she didn't lie, he never believed her.

He wanted to kill her. However, there was a problem with that.

She was now pregnant. And it is an unforgivable crime, even for a member of the Central Government itself, to kill an unborn child.

The reason is that any unborn child could be a heaven-defying potential that the world could use.

So he couldn't kill her. However, that didn't stop him from making her life a living hell.

Every kind of physical abuse one can think of, he put her through even when she was pregnant with his child.

Even after Nero was born, the abuse didn't stop. The poor little boy had to grow up watching his mother getting beaten day in and day out by his biological father.

Until one day, Blaze Dekrauf finally decided to stop the abuse and kill her. He drove a dagger right through her heart in front of Nero.

As he did so, he said, "You know why your mother has to die? Because she gave birth to you, you whoreson bastard!"

Those words scarred his soul. He realized his mother died because of him— because she gave birth to him.

He realized that his mother had to die because he was a… whoreson.

That's why when Alberto referred to Nero as the very thing he hated himself for being, he lost the leash on his emotions.

With a cold and emotionless expression etched on his face, his eyes void of focus, he slowly turned around and began to make his way toward the towering figure of the giant black boy.

"What did you say?"

"I said, apology accepted, you whoreson!"

Of course, Alberto, who had no idea what that word meant to Nero, kept using it to insult him with a mocking smile on his face.

He thought he was annoying Nero. When in reality, he was angering him.

Seeing that this verbal conflict was about to turn into a physical confrontation, Amelia, Anastasia, and William got up from their seats in hopes of grabbing Nero and calming him down.

Almost in response, several students from class 1-C-1 got up from their seats too.

The entire atmosphere of the cafeteria soon became tense. 

"Should we go too?" Kent, who was sitting across from Lucas, asked in a worried tone.

"No, not yet," Lucas replied without even looking away from Nero.

In his eyes, Nero right now was in a dangerous state of mind and would not differentiate between allies from enemies. Kent going there would only do more harm than good.

Moreover, he wanted to see the strength of this world's protagonist. He would only step up if things started to get serious.

"But we're in the same Unit," Kent tried to argue. "We should help him."

"Kent, this is no longer concerns our unit alone."

"What does that mean—!"

Before Kent could even react to Lucas's words, a crushing pressure swept over the whole cafeteria, suffocating everyone present there instantly.

The sound of once lively chatter and clanking of utensils ceased and the whole area was plunged into silence where all the cadets present here started choking on their breaths.


Kent was also subjected to the same fate. Even Amelia, Anastasia, and William, who were running toward Nero in hopes of calming him down, stumbled and dropped to the ground under the intense pressure in the air.

Currently, Nero was oozing off that pressure. It was his [Silver-1] ranked mana pressure.

Since most of the people present here were around [Bronze-1] rank at best, no one was able to withstand Nero's fury.

Even Alberto was the same. Although his condition was a little better than the rest, he was still on one knee, panting like a dog out of breath.

While everyone else lay on the ground with their body convulsing under the crippling pressure, Lucas got up from his seat and started to head towards Nero.

If it goes on any longer then it could lead to a troublesome situation for both his group and his class. He had already seen enough of his strength.

Although nowhere near his level, Lucas judged that Nero was indeed a monster.

After overpowering everyone with his strength, Nero walked up to Alberto and stood over him, who was struggling to get back up but was unable to do so under the former's presence.

"I'll ask again," Nero coldly stated. "Think very carefully before answering because it could be your last sentence. What did you say?"

Seeing the unfocused look in Nero's eyes, Alberto's heart was struck with a feeling that he could only describe as fear.

He trembled as we weakly muttered, "S-Sorry…!"


"That's enough Nero."

Just as Nero was about to kick Alberto's face Lucas grabbed his shoulder making him snap out of it.

The emotionless look in Nero's eyes disappeared, and his face returned to normal.

After looking around and seeing how many people he had made suffer, Nero quickly withdrew his mana pressure and bowed deeply.

"I'm sorry, everyone!" he shouted and trailed out of the cafeteria.

Retracting his gaze from Nero's retreating figure, Lucas looked around the cafeteria.

Everyone was sweating profusely, with some even unconscious.

With a curious look, Lucas swept his gaze at the main characters to take a look at what everyone was thinking.

Some were lost in awe of Nero's strength, some had fearful looks on their face, some were worried that this would become a big matter, and some… were envious of the power that Nero possessed.

But that wasn't all there was to it. 

Lucas who was able to withstand Nero's pressure was gaining just as much attention. 

"Things just got more troublesome." Lucas frowned at the looks that everyone was giving him but he decided to ignore them.

"Hey, there is something I want to ask you?" Lucas said as he looked at Alberto who just stood up. 

"What is it?" Although he tried to look composed, his trembling voice and shaking legs clearly gave away that he was suffering from what just happened.

"Why did you specifically use that word?"

This was what Lucas was curious about. Although trivial at a glance, Lucas noticed that Alberto especially stressed the word 'whoreson'. 

It might seem like a regular curse word at first glance but compared to curses like 'son of a bitch' and 'motherfucker' which have similar meanings, it was relatively less used. Yet Alberto used that same word not once but twice.

Lucas felt that it was used intentionally rather than in the heat of the moment. 

"What do you mean why? I just said whatever came to my mind. Now fuck off and stop wasting my time." Alberto glared at Lucas as he answered his question.

Lucas looked at Alberto in the eye for a few seconds and then left the cafeteria afterward. Since he already got the answer he was looking for, there was no reason for him to be there.

Although tempted to complete the rest of his meal, Lucas could clearly imagine the attention he would get from the others if he were to stay any longer. 

"How annoying.."