
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · その他
55 Chs

Daily Life

Tring—! Tring—! Tring—!


Rubbing my eyes, I woke up from my slumber when the alarm ring fell in my ears.

Sluggishly shutting it off, I got up from my bed, walked up to the closet and took out a bathrobe before entering the bathroom.

Although the clock was displaying [5:00 AM] right now, I was still feeling fresh despite it being so early in the morning.

Perhaps it's because my body has adapted to my routine, or maybe I slept at night for the first time in a while or maybe both.

Yes, my sleep schedule is messed up as usual.

In my previous life, there was hardly any night I would have slept. I always took naps during the day and only slept for about 3 hours a day. It only got worse at the latter time due to various reasons.

Even after awakening my memories, I felt more comfortable sleeping 4 hours than the usual 8 hours Lucas used to follow. And due to training I had done a few days ago, my sleep cycle basically reversed from night to day.

But since I have to attend the Academy, I try to start sleeping at night but it is not that easy. For now, I am somehow managing by taking naps in between classes or sleeping in the evening since the classes end early.

My morning routine is something like this: I wake up early in the morning or do not sleep through the night at all. Then I freshen up and do exercise. After that, I dress up and go to the Academy.

Though I say exercise, it wasn't anything simple. My body has become so strong that normal exercises wouldn't benefit me a thing.

To see any improvements, I had to train my body so intensely that it should be comparable to staying at the bottom of the ocean.

Of course, it wasn't as serious as that time since I could breathe freely and it was practically not possible to create the same pressure as then.

Well, that's what I was doing these days.

It's been five days since I got that envelope and the red quill pen.

No matter how much I tried I couldn't use the pen due to lack of points. And not knowing the story made it even harder to gain them. 

I don't think that the story has already started and even if it is started there won't be any events this early. But if I had known the story, I could at least take away the resources the MC gets in the future.

I don't care if the plot gets messed up because of my actions, Joe also wanted it anyway.

Well, I am not in any hurry to gain points since there will be many opportunities in the future. And considering my personality, I am sure that the plot would get messed up even if I didn't do it intentionally.

After leaving the bathroom, I put on a bathrobe. My white hair was wet, so I used a towel to dry it.

After drying my hair, I turned my gaze to look at the living room couch.

As soon as my sight fell on it, a red translucent screen that I was very familiar with appeared in my field of vision


Item: Couch

Status: Modified

Ability: Cloud Cushion

Condition: Good

Rank: None

Edit (Active): A couch that provides a feeling of comfort and support, as if the user is sitting on clouds.


Yes, I used the red feathered pen on this couch.

Out of all the things I could've tested my pen on, I decided to go for a couch!

But there's a reason. Not a solid one, but still a valid reason.

Yes, there was an envelope and my modified status screen telling me its use, but why would I even need it for anything important?

I am already stronger than anyone, I have the greatest hacking skill in today's generation rendering any technology useless against me, and to top it all, I am a smart person. 

So why would I need to use this pen on something like a weapon? To me, the best way to use this pen is by making my life more comfortable as I did with the couch.

This also served as a trial use for my pen. It took one Edit Point for the Edit to finalize. Since I was given five free Edit Points at the start, after this test, I only had four left.

Anyway, now I knew what the Pen could do.

The red feathered pen can help me view the status of any object. And in that status screen, I will be given an Edit column.

Anything that I write in that column would become true as long as I have enough Edit Points.


Item: Ordinary Kitchen Knife

Status: Unable to modify. 1650 Edit Points are needed to complete the edit.

Ability: None

Condition: Rusting

Rank: None

Edit (Discarded): Become a nuclear warhead.


…Yeah. I tried to turn a knife into a nuclear warhead.

Besides that, this pen has many more functions. For example, I can also Edit the property of an object.

Yesterday I lit a paper on fire and used the pen to extinguish it. I basically stripped the fire of its 'heat' property, and it extinguished itself.

In short, I can redefine the properties of existing items as long as I have enough points with me.

I can alter their physical features. I can also reshape and reconstruct them.

I can customize their properties, upgrade their overall capabilities, and even transform them into an entirely different type of item.

That is, as long as I have enough Edit Points.

One more thing, the closer an object is to the Edit that I desire to achieve, the fewer Edit Points I would have to spend.

For example, if I wish to turn a normal kitchen knife into a sword, it would cost 20 Edit Points, whereas if I wish to turn a pillow into a sword, it would cost me more than 50 Edit Points.

Similarly, the shape and size of an object also affect the cost of the Edit I want to achieve.

For example, transforming a 5-inch big knife into a sword would cost me 20 Edit Points, whereas transforming a 3-inch knife would cost me more than 20 Edit Points.

But even with all these limitations, this pen was quite overpowered even though I don't plan on using it for any serious stuff.

But what made me angry was how to gain more Points. I mean, the way to obtain more Points was clearly written in the envelope that I received.

I have to create an enjoyable enough story to entertain… 'him.'

Is my entire existence nothing more than a source of entertainment for him?

"Look forward to it Joe. The moment I end this story of yours would also mark the end of your story." I vowed to myself 

At the Academy,

I was sitting in my regular spot, which was the seat beside the window.

To pass the time, I usually either sleep or just blankly look at something doing nothing.

It's been five days since the academy started, and groups have already started forming among cadets.

I didn't have a single friend.

Well, that's to be expected since I was in the body of an sexual assaulter, and not to mention I was also a disowned son of a prestigious family.

In simple words, other kids belonging to major backgrounds and elite families didn't see me as worth their time.

After all, I had neither political value nor individual strength to offer to them.

While commoner kids also avoided me, most likely because of the rumors that I assaulted a girl back in high school.

To be honest, I am rather relieved that nobody approaches me since I don't know how to treat them. Even if I have memories as Lucas, I was still technically 10 years older than them.

And considering my past life, I decided that it was better to not needlessly interact with anyone. I was, after all, a cold-blooded man.

Clap—! Clap—!

As I sat in silence, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, a loud clapping sound interrupted my reverie.

I turned towards the front of the classroom to see a guy standing up, clapping in an attempt to get everyone's attention.

He scanned the entire class with his crimson-red eyes and after confirming that everyone's attention was on him, he spoke

"Everyone, now that we've spent some time with each other, shouldn't we officially introduce ourselves?"