Warden wakes up in a wilderness with a hole in his mind, deprived of all his memories. Lost, he found within himself an aptitude for combat and magic. On happenstance, he rescues a pair of youths and an entire village, pushing him into a renowned academy of mages and warriors alike to become a teacher. Warden adventures across the divided land of Ezim, determined to unravel the mysteries of his past. However, the task becomes incredibly hazardous when his own path—the ruinous power of Void that runs through his veins—holds a connection to the Traitor Gods, who threaten to cast their shadow upon the world once more. ____________
Warden's mind might be playing tricks on him, or perhaps it was the disorientation, but his instinct telling him he knew this girl even if he couldn't find a reason for how it was possible.
"What are you staring at?" she asked, her eyes glaring at him. "Never seen a woman, have you?"
Warden blinked and looked away. He stood up, cleaning the drool from his lips. "It might sound a little foolish, but I feel like I should know you..."
The girl took a step forward and examined him thoroughly. "No, it isn't foolish at all," she said, turning back to look at the vortex of wind drifting away. "Most people I meet seem to feel the same... I have that kind of effect on them."