
Heaven's Devour

Max is an unlucky boy. With his birth his mother died and after a few years his father followed. he then got chased away from the village and he was Trash in everything especially cultivating

Ghostt · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Heaven's Devour Chapter 02:Darkness

In front of the group of boys Baron had sent Max disappeared into thin air. The boys stopped then one of them asked "where did he go?". The boys looked around then their leader answered "I recently heard that there is a shadow python around this forest maybe it is the shadow python that caught his there,he's snake food now so let's go back".

The group went back. The minute Max fell from the cliff he felt a strong suction force pulling him down. The cliff he fell off was pitch black and the suction force pulling him was growing stronger the more he fell. "Fuck I'm gonna fall to my death" around the cliff walls he saw all kinds of herbs to grew in dark places.

Max knew that if he got those herbs he could sell them for a high price in the town and he could leave the village to start a new life in another place. But alas he was falling to his death, Max could only see the riches but he could not get them he really wanted to scream his lungs out.

Finally after falling for what he felt to be like a life time he finally reached the ground. With a 'BANG' Max fell on the ground but strangely the suction force became gentler when he landed but with his weak body Max still broke a few ribs.

"Why do I have such bad luck" Max laughed at his own bad luck. Before his father died his father was the richest man in the village, he even had business in the town and city but he still chose to stay in the village where his wife died.

Max was even engaged to the daughter to the mayor of Crow town. When his father died the engagement got cancelled and the mayor seized all his fathers properties and businesses in the town.

Max's relatives joined in with some of them taking the properties in the city while others took the business in the village. Max was not given a single thing ,the only thing he got was hate and ridicule.

Back to the bottom of the cliff Max looked around and the place was pitch black. Sighing Max looked around and saw a lot of herbs, seeing the herbs Max began to salivate. Good thing he always brought sacks with him. Max pulls out his sacks from his pockets and began picking herbs like crazy. It was well know that most herbs that grew in dark places were poisonous.

But the herbs that were here are of the rare and non poisonous type so Max greedily collected herbs in all the places his eyes could see. "I've struck gold this time" Max got so exited that he jumped in joy but then the reality that he can't get out of the bottom of the cliff "damn I've got gold but I can't get out this is infuriating".

Max collected all the herbs he could see then he started looking around then he saw a small opening in between the rocks. Max could only see a meter in front of him so when he looked through the small passage he only saw darkness.

Max squeezed himself in the gaps of the rocks then entered the other side. What he saw when he reached the other side of the opening was nothing, only darkness but when he took Two steps forward the place was suddenly engulfed in bright light.

The light was so bright that it light the whole place up and at the front of him five steps away he saw a small book. Max got curious then he cautiously walked forward step by step.

Max's heart was at his throat as he looked from side to side making sure that nothing happened since he always heard that new places always had traps. Max was as cautious as a frightened mice trying to steal cheese.

After five steps Max reached the book he took i t and blew away the dust revealing two arrogant words 'Heaven's Devour'. Reading the title Max thought that whoever wrote this book must have drowned from spit and died.

After reading the title the book turned into a bright light and entered Max's eyebrows. Upon entering his eyebrows Max fell down and clutched his head feeling unbearable pain.



Max began screaming while clutching his head in pain. A lot of information entered Max's head ,the information was all foreign to Max it seemed like the information came from the book.

The book seemed to be giving Max additional information about it.


"Fuck whoever made ...this stupid book must have been an asshole…."

Max screams intensified by the passing minute ,the more time that passed is the more the pain Max felt. Max would scream this minute and curse the next minute but the pain seemed to not subside.

The more cursed became the more he would feel his heard in pain coupled with the pain that would be added by the passing of time. Max wanted to cry but no tears would come out,wanting to curse but being afraid of pain.

Finally after an hour of excruciating pain did it finally subside when the pain faded away Max straight away fainted and he got up after ten minutes and he was surprised to find a lot of information inside his head.

The book contained the Heaven's Devour cultivating technique which was of an unknown grade but Max knew full well that it was better than the one he was using.

"This Heaven's Devour cultivating technique seems good I guess I'll use it to cultivate maybe it'll be my turning point" Max told himself as he was viewing the content of the Heaven's Devour technique.

Max then checked the other information inside his head and he found something amazing. There were alchemy techniques and also guides of how to become an alchemist. "I've truly struck gold this time"He shouted at the top of his lungs

"I think I should cultivate here for a while and leave after the spiritual qi is finished" the qi inside the cave was pure and dense so it is good for cultivating.

To be continued