

The smell of car smoke permeated the air. Countless of individuals could be seen many storeys below, such a sight could easily be compared to the movement of ant colonies during winter when they search for a new nest. The noise from the individuals was overwhelmed by the loud sound of car honking. On one rooftop, there stood a grey-haired individual. "There’s no point in continuing this, I guess this is how I die. 40 years of being a victim to fate, it finally comes down to this. These Gods, these arrogant Gods- who expose men to these harsh realities. I swear if there is a next life, I will make these Gods kneel before me- I will get my revenge." The man's rage overwhelmed his rationality to the point where he began making odd statements. Suddenly the previous sound of cars Honking was replaced with the sound of blood gushing through his veins. Tears rolled down the man's face, "I'm sorry." Suddenly time froze as the man leaped over into the open air. It was almost as if he had finally obtained the heavens attention. The look on his face was that of a free man, a man who faced the cruellest realities life had to offer. One word comes to mind- Beautiful. This beauty, this feeling of warmth- If only it could last for ever. Very soon the man faced the same fate as Icarus *Splat** He was dead.

Daoist0RVkKY · ファンタジー
6 Chs


After spending his entire afternoon within the reception of his academy he was taken to his room. Everyone in the academy would be given single rooms. Rooms would be given based one's affinity level- so within Magnus's residence building- there were only rank D students. Students with a rank D affinity had the worst affinity to demonic energy and were destined to be city guards at most. These students were also allocated buildings that were the furthest from the area of the academy where classes would occur. The city had gates on each of the four main cardinal points. The abyssal demon academy was situated on the eastern part of the city, the rank D residential buildings were the closest to the eastern gates of the city.

Magnus's room was located second floor of the building, there were 4 floors in total. The room was around 12 metres squared, the room only had a bed, cupboard, and table (with a chair).

*This is like my house back on earth, and it is a million times better than where Martha and I used to live before. *

Magnus laid on his bed fell asleep.

*Knock knock*

His attempt at sleeping was disturbed by the sound of knocking on the door. Magnus yawned and began rubbing his eyes.

"How annoying, idiots don't know visiting hours."

*knock knock*

"I am coming."

*bang bang*


Magnus realised his room was dark as it was now evening, he lit the lamp and then proceeded to open the door.

The image of a brown-haired woman appeared; it was the instructor he had offended.

*What does she want at this time? wait there is no way she wants to…" his face became red.

Upon seeing Magnus's red face, the instructor became annoyed.

"Here is your reward idiot, ill be busy so decided to give you your reward immediately."

Magnus became confused.

"What reward?"

"We have successfully apprehended three individuals from the shadow realm who were supposed to be trialed for the usage of forbidden ancient cultivation techniques- they are being deported to the shadow realm as we speak. They would be punished for their crimes."

As she was speaking, she threw a purple egg to Magnus.

"This is a superior pet; you will need to form a contract with it once it has hatched." Hesitation could be seen on the instructor's face.

"I don't know why they would give you a pet knowing that you are a rank D- it is almost impossible for you to obtain enough power to tame the pet once it has hatched. Furthermore, you only have a few months before it hatches."

Upon seeing the worry on the instructor's face, Magnus could not help but ask.

"Instructor what is a pet?"

"Stop calling me instructor you idiot, call me Celine- and by the way I was allocated as your instructor. A pet is simply a being that may change between spirit form and physical form at the will of its owner. Both forms have their advantages. Legend has it that during the ancient times- there existed pets that could destroy an entire city like ours, simply from releasing a fraction of their spirit essence."

*Damn she is my instructor?? This is not good- I insulted her on the examination day. What if she makes school difficult for me? *

Even though Magnus was going crazy internally he still maintained a calm look externally. Furthermore, he was not impressed by the description of power that Celine had just mentioned.

"Do you have a pet? Can I perhaps see it? Also, what do I have to do to take care of the egg?"

"No, I don't have a pet, I only became rank 1 recently. The egg would feed on the demonic energy surrounding it, you don't have to do anything- it will hatch on its own. Even though I am a genius, I never had the opportunity to meet criminals from the shadow realm and profit of snitching them to the authorities" Celine teased Magnus, her smile increasing in radiance.

"Rank 1? isn't it not measured with Alphabets- for example I am a rank D?" Magnus furrowed his eyebrows.

"Your affinity is measured in Alphabets- affinity is qualitive. Your Power is ranked with numbers. Power is ranked from rank 1 to rank 9. Within our city, our Lord is a rank 3 Demonic master Mage. Each rank is split into 3 phases-namely beginner, mediocre and master. Usually, a person with a rank A affinity would become rank 1 before becoming 25 years old- in comparison people with rank D would only become rank 1 after 60 years."

Magnus stroked his chin.

"So, what is before rank 1?"

Celine seemed to be enjoying this conversation, as she sat down on a chair to attentively answer Magnus's questions.

"Before rank 1 you are called "novice"- the novice level is also split into 3, also called beginner, mediocre and master. Currently you a novice at the beginner level. Taming pets usually have various requirements depending on the breed of the pet. However, the most minimum requirement is rank 1 Demonic Mage."

"So, I'm screwed?" a cynical smile appeared of Magnus's face.

"HAHAHA I guess that's one way of putting it- but you could always donate it back to the city and obtain some spirit crystals. Anyways I should probably go now, speaking with an idiot like you is very distasteful." Celine stood up; her blue eyes focused on the chubby Magnus sitting on the edge of his bed. "See you in class." Her brown her swaying harmoniously was the last thing that could be seen as she left the room.

Magnus stared at the purple egg in his hands.

"I wonder how it would taste if this was cooked, I guess ill have to get another egg to experiment in the future." Magnus placed the egg besides his pillow and fell deep into slumber.


Magnus opened his eyes; all he could see was darkness. His body seemed to be floating in a place without gravity. He had a feeling that could not be put into words, the feeling that a calamity was about to befall him.

*Fuck where am I? Am I dead again? *

His body began to rise.

"....." he tried to speak but no words came out.

*I can't make my body stop rising, neither can I speak- It's almost as if I no longer control my body. *

As he continued to rise, he noticed that the blackness beneath him had a red tint to it that contrasted with the colour of the pitch-black surrounding.

The speed at which he was rapidly, even though it felt the same as when he was standing still- he could tell he was rising as the image beneath him became clearer. As the image became clearer his trepidation become even more evident. As he went higher, he began seeing the image more clearly.

"What the fuck is that?" Beneath him appeared to be a being so humongous that even this city paled in comparison.








Time paused; Magnus's heartbeat stopped- the blood in his body froze.

Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. His body could not move, as much as he desired to see the appearance of who had just touched him- he simply could not move he neck. The touch made Magnus feel as though his brain was about to explode. Suddenly he heard a woman's voice.

"Welcome to the family."

*Gasp …..gasp* Magnus suddenly opened his eyes struggling to pull in air, he began examining himself and was pleased to find that he there was no harm to his body. Naturally he turned his head towards the egg situated besides his pillow. The previously purple egg was now glowing red.

*It seems that there is a great possibility that my dream just now is somehow connected to the egg. Just what sort of pet is in this egg." Even though he felt extremely scared to go back to sleep, he now felt even more exhausted than when he decided to go to sleep. As a result, he immediately fell asleep.

The next two days passed very quickly. Magnus would stay in his room the whole day, occasionally going to the canteen to eat food, fortunately there were no incidents of Magnus having nightmares. Finally, the day had come, it was time to begin classes.

Our hero's journey officially begins.