
Heaven's Blessing: A Love Beyond Time

"There's a sacred tradition in the world full of crown jewels, continue the royal lineage and follow the traditions. Do it, and honor it as your forefather's did. And when the right person and the right time comes... pass the knowledge to your children." "Through the journey, temptations will come. But you must stand firm and hold your Queen's hand through it all." "The King will be the mind, spine and fingers for his Kingdom and his Queen. And the Queen will be the strength and protector of the King. "They reign, they love, they fight. And when they die... They die together." ================ Bai He, a princess born in the Qing dynasty must marry a man of Influence to protect their kingdom. Her mother the raining queen finds suitor's for her, not knowing that her daughter is already in love with the General named Hero. The two of them died a tragic death. And with the heaven's blessings, they were reborn to love each other again. But life is never that easy. Hero is reborn on top of the pyramid, while Bai He in the lowest of low. Will they find each other? Or will the punishment of heaven prove too much for their love.

KamiKrimson · ファンタジー
61 Chs

The Girl With Two Lighters

A lit cigarette is clipped between her index and middle finger. Lilly taps the cigarette twice on the ashtray, and she watches as the dark gray ash falls on the building dust of ashes. The young lady inhales another breath of smoke, and then she looks at the old man in front of her whose expression could only be described as euphoria.

Lilly arched her neck and saw the mirror that's placed on the roof. This was a hotel room after all. And this man --- this sponsor had just finished fucking her until he was over and done with her.

This was her punishment for messing up. And her eyes when she looked up in the mirror were as blank as an unstained canvas.

She hates everything and everyone. But then again, no one can blame her. Who wouldn't be in this situation? Even the strongest, bravest man or woman would collapse on their knees and beg for escape and mercy.

"What time is it?" The old man asked, his raspy voice reaching Lilly's ears, rendering a frown on her lips.

But since she can't deny the sponsor any kind of service --- even the stupidest one, Lilly glanced at the wall clock, then she let out a breath full of gray smoke through her mouth. The time is 11 PM sharp, and silently, she wishes time to relapse.

"It's 11 o'clock." Was her lifeless answer. Robotic and lukewarm. "Your time is up, Mr. Johnson."

Lilly heard a shivering sigh, then she turned to the man who just used her body for his own pleasure. He looked utterly dissatisfied. He even looked pissed off. "It's over? So soon." The middle aged man spoke emotionlessly, and then he looked at Lilly's body with such lust in his eyes that Lilly had to hold her tongue and clench her fist to stop herself from killing the man.

"I wish I could have another hour with you." The old man even tried to flirt with her. He bravely cupped her ample breast and squeezed it, teasing her nipple. And yet, all Lilly could do was bear with it.

If she acts up, she'll be receiving something far more worse than this.

Lilly closed her eyes and bit her lips, sinking her tongue. She imagined that she's trapped in between his oceans of tranquility to keep herself calm, even for only a few moments.

"You like this, hm?" The old man said with a ridiculous smug look on his face. "You like it when I touch you, hm, my lotus flower."

The old man leaned close and kissed her on the shoulder blades, sending disgusting shivers on her spine.

Lilly isn't stupid. She knows the other party is on their way to take her away from this disgusting old man. The young man dragged a long breath from the cigarette but then exhaled the smoke. "Your time is up." She replied after smudging the lit head of the cigarette against the ashtray. "Rules state that you cannot touch me when the time is up." She spat out, and looked dangerously at the old man. "Now, stop touching me. Or it'll cost you."

"How dare you talk back to me!" Mr. Johnson alleged bitterly, and for a few slow seconds the room remained silent. "You're just a bitch owned by the company!"

"Oh really?" Lilly's voice cracked, faint sounds of amused laughter were heard, and all but Lilly remained silent. "And you... you're just a pig who pays women like me for sex because you can't even face your wife because of your shame." Lilly paused, then smiled. "Plus, your dick is ridiculously small."

Mr. Johnson's mouth hung and his cheeks went from pale to bright red. "How dare you!"

The old man was about to raise his hand to slap Lilly, but then there was three consecutive knocks on the door. A sign that the Butler was there to pick up the Jung's priceless gem. The glamoured and pampered prostitute, as the sponsors called her.

Lilly clamped her lips together to stop herself from saying anymore than, "My ride's here." She smiled. "Thank you... for your time and donation to our company and the coming Charity Ball."

The young lady bowed her head and then rushed to put on her clothes, leaving the old man with his mouth gaped --- wide eyes and all.


"How was the meeting?" The butler, HuKong, spoke. He placed his hand against Lilly's back, an indication that an immediate answer was needed, making the young lady feel uneasy. "Tell me everything. Did he give the maximum donation and investment the company has proposed?"

Lilly cleared her throat and then she smiled while shaking her head. "No… And yes." She conjectures with a smile.

HuKong leaned back against the car seat. Feeling the vibration against his back. His forehead creased, and his brows raised. "What do you mean no and yes?"

"That fat bastard gave a $40,000 donation to the Jung's Charity ball, and decided to only buy the minimum amount of shares the company is offering. He said he's not interested in the shares. But he is willing to give money for the charity." Was Lilly's short and yet concise answer.

HuKong hummed, then crossed his legs. "Why?" He asked. "I thought I told you to persuade him?"

The butler was beginning to sound agitated, and Lilly didn't like it. For her to be able to answer the question without panicking, she took a deep breath and said, "As I've said, he wasn't interested."

"Maybe you didn't play with him enough." The butler manager pointed out. "I told you, didn't I, that he needed to be persuaded?"

Lilly rolled her eyes. Feeling different kinds of emotions at the same time. She feels like a meat hanging on a hook whenever the Jung's need more money for the company. As if she's the meal ticket the company is offering to potential business partners and sponsors. And she hated that.

She foisted something from her bag, rolled down the windows and began to smoke.

However, HuKong noticed this. The butler snatched the lighter off of Lilly's hand, and the heavens be damned if she puffs one stick after another.

Lilly made a loud sound of irritation. She wanted to snatch back the lighter from HuKong's hold but she didn't want to piss off the man so she remained quiet instead. She ignores the older one's scolds and preaching while she looks at the dark city lights instead.

"Why do you keep smoking?!" HuKong asked with disgust laced in his voice. "I told you this is bad for you and it stains your teeth! It makes you unattractive to the sponsors."

Lilly sighed and looked at HuKong. Raising the unlit cigarette, showing it to him. "This calms me." She replied as a matter of fact. And with a smile, she grabbed her bag and grabbed another lighter instead.


"Matthew." His father called, snapping the young co-director and up and coming CEO from his trance. Since the beginning of the drive to the investigator's office, Matthew was not himself and was always blankly staring at a far off distance.

He keeps his gaze on the window pane. "Yes?" He drags his answer through a hazed voice.

"We're near." Gordon answered with a practiced smile, to soothe his son. For days he had noticed how tense he was. And how scared Matthew must've been for his life could've ended then and there. "Soon, all your problems and worries will go away."

Matthew huffed a chuckle and looked at his father with an amused smile.

Up to now, Gordon still likes to talk to him as if he was a small child. "Sure, Dad." Was his casual answer, yet it was enough to make the old man smile.

Gordon called for the driver's attention, stating and asking if the man was in the right direction. And after the car has stopped in front of the building where the investigator is waiting for them, Matthew feels an odd feeling. Like he had been there before, he simply couldn't point out when.

"Let's go." Gordon was the first one to step out of the car, and he followed soon. But then the moment he stepped out of the vehicle, a weird feeling surrounded him.

It's as if everything passes by quickly and all thoughts that were supposedly planned and thought out had been washed away from his mind. Something was happening inside of his. His mind and his soul --- it feels like both were working against his body.

Like a sense of impulsiveness and instincts were telling him to run away from the place.

"Son?" His father called, bringing him back to reality once again. "Matthew?"

"Yes?" He answered a bit too quickly.

"Let's go inside. Prepare yourself. And don't forget to tell the investigator what you remember from the scene."

The instruction darted through his mind and it snapped him from the dismantled illusions of sanctuaries. "Sure." Matthew answered.

And yet, the young man doesn't plan to tell the investigator anything.

Only if he knew what's coming. Because after years --- too long to count, he'll finally see that man again. And his soul, however long it might be, still recognizes the man. And this time, they'll meet again, in the most inevitable and expected situation.

A situation relayed by the Gods.