
Heaven's Blessing: A Love Beyond Time

"There's a sacred tradition in the world full of crown jewels, continue the royal lineage and follow the traditions. Do it, and honor it as your forefather's did. And when the right person and the right time comes... pass the knowledge to your children." "Through the journey, temptations will come. But you must stand firm and hold your Queen's hand through it all." "The King will be the mind, spine and fingers for his Kingdom and his Queen. And the Queen will be the strength and protector of the King. "They reign, they love, they fight. And when they die... They die together." ================ Bai He, a princess born in the Qing dynasty must marry a man of Influence to protect their kingdom. Her mother the raining queen finds suitor's for her, not knowing that her daughter is already in love with the General named Hero. The two of them died a tragic death. And with the heaven's blessings, they were reborn to love each other again. But life is never that easy. Hero is reborn on top of the pyramid, while Bai He in the lowest of low. Will they find each other? Or will the punishment of heaven prove too much for their love.

KamiKrimson · ファンタジー
61 Chs

The Girl With Crazy Eyes

Beside the luxurious chair was a table with three bottles of expensive spirits. The fourth one was none other than Chateau Margaux. A pleased hum reverberated around the room as Matthew poured a decent amount of wine on his clear and polished glass. The earthy scent filled Astrid's senses, making her unconsciously swallow.

Matthew took a sip, licked his lips. And just like a pompous gentleman, he placed it down on the mahogany table with such air and dignity to him. "Let me cut to the chase, Astrid Starling…" Matthew said and his tone was sharp, as if he was threatening the latter with a well-mannered warning. "The only reason I took you out of that Mental Facility… is because of Acashia, my little girl."

'So this is his reason, huh…'

"For the child? Why?" Astrid asked. Her brows met in the middle while her forehead creased. She was obviously concerned, wondering what's wrong — almost to the point of overthinking why Matthew fished her out of that hell for their little girl.

She had always believed that Matthew never loved her enough for him to dream about them being a complete perfect family. No. It was never like that. So for him to go to this length for this little girl means something is wrong.

And she was dying to know what it was.

The truth is, she hates talking to Matthew. She loathed him, despised his existence. And the only reason why she's itching to talk with him, and have a decent conversation with him like a regular human being was for Acashia.

Her stomach began to churn. And before she could even speak, Matthew caught the uncomfortable look on her face and said,

"Usually, I would rather pay $10,000,000 to the authorities to let you rot inside that Mental Institution than have you introduced to my daughter." He said with a cold tone. "Don't get me wrong, Astrid Starling. I still see you as someone unworthy… and unqualified to care for a child and be called someone's mother…" He paused and licked his lower lip. "However, you are her mother after all. And she needs you, now."

She knew it even though it's the first time she saw little Acashia. That little bundle of joy was her own flesh and blood. Her daughter.

An emotion that she had thought was long dead rose up inside of her. A strong feeling that made her want to protect the child with everything she is… with everything she has.

The monsters and demons stopped playing inside her head, lulling the chaos. Ending the mayhem and calming the anger inside her heart.

She stared at Matthew Cullin whose expression resembles a statue. His eyes did not have a hint of emotion nor there was any sign of grief or remorse in him… But for Astrid Starling it was a completely different thing.

"What's wrong with her…" She asked as tears cascaded from her eyes like a waterfall. "What's wrong with my little girl?" She asked again, but Matthew remained silent. "FUCKING ANSWER ME, DAMN IT!"

"What's wrong with my little girl?!"


It was one word. But that one word was enough to weaken Astrid's already unsteady knees, making her crash on the floor as she cried her heart out. "You're lying…" She hissed while one of her hands sneaked up on the hem of her dress, trying to stretch her clothes.

It was getting harder and harder for her to breathe.

It's as if she was being choked. Air was being pulled away from her lungs. "You… you're lying!"

"I am not."


'So this is heartache…' She continuously said to herself as she screamed. 'So this is what it feels like to bleed.'

"Six years ago, I married you and gave birth to a child who I didn't get to see because you threw me in that hell — and now you're telling me that my daughter is dying?!"

For five years, she didn't dare to think about this child, just like she didn't want to think about Matthew's cruelty towards her. She forced herself to forget about her child, the life that she made with the monster in front of her. For if she dreamed of holding that baby in her arms, she would become as crazy — as insane as the patients who are confined in that institution.

She forced herself to forget about her child because of her will to survive… But now that she saw her, felt her in her arms… how could she still pretend that Acashia didn't exist?

That she has a daughter, and she's dying.

Matthew on the other hand pushed himself off the chair and walked towards Astrid who was laying on the floor. She stared at her red eyes that were filled with tears. Eyes that were filled with horror, anger and guilt.

"My precious daughter was diagnosed with leukemia a year ago. I searched all over the country, trying to find a compatible donor but I was left with no choice… no one was compatible. Only you. Only your bone marrow can save her. "

Astrid's eyes widened yet she remained silent. Choked up with her emotions, she could not think properly, nor could she breathe properly.

'What cruel fate this turned out to be.' Was the words that circled her mind. She was able to escape from the hellish life she had from John George's Psychiatric Facility because of her daughter, Acashia, who needs her. And in turn, her daughter's sickness saved her from her own kind of hell.

But what cruel price for a child to pay…

"I can! Of course I can! Let me help her!" She agreed without any hesitation. "Let me save my child, please!"

Her daughter, Acashia, was brought into this world by her. She carried her for nine months and nourished her in her womb. She felt her move, kick and grow. But after giving birth to her, Astrid failed to become a mother to this innocent angel.

She failed to nurse her, feed her with liquid gold. She missed putting her little girl to sleep, hearing her tantrums and failed to protect her from the monsters in her dreams. But most of all, she failed to give Acashia a strong body and good health.

But most of all, she failed to give her love.

Matthew never thought that the infamous and greedy Astrid Starling would refuse, but even more did he not expect that she could agree so simply. "You agree?" He asked, sounding a bit surprised. "You agree with no condition? With absolutely nothing in return?"

Astrid was taken back, thinking that Matthew still did not trust her to be so kind and selfless. But he was right. A menacing grin formed on her lips and she stopped crying almost instantly. Half of her face cloaked in the dim light, almost making her look like a demoness.

Years ago, if she would be asked to donate blood to save someone's life. She'd tell them to 'Go fuck yourselves, assholes!' or maybe even, 'Find someone else to poke that needle into! I like my blood inside of me and not inside some bag in a freezer!'

Five years ago she'd definitely ask for something in return, something grand. But now that she was facing this devil and their child… somehow, her will for revenge has been suppressed.