

"Are you excited about your engagement Heather?" asked my best friend Ava,

"of course, I am very excited about it finally we will tie the knot and secure it at our wedding, you know how much I loved him since high school," I said while Ava fixed my gown. 

"I thought you would be into something grand I mean the engagement I thought you would have a grand celebration, besides you are rich as fuck" she said while tightening my light pink silk gown, I wore this gown because Ava said that my soon-to-be-fiancé like pink color 

"How many times Ava he does not like grand celebrations, I love grand celebrations but nevermind, just don't rub salt in my wound again," I said, I'm quite sad I know he thinks that cost will be a bit too much but he doesn't need to worry about it because after all I'm the only daughter of the country's second richest man, sometimes it's not all daddy's money, my engagement celebration cost me somewhere around $20-25,000 and I have managed it all on my own as I m very famous author, it's not like I chose to be an author it just happened out of blue.

"And... you are done my lady," said Ava as she finished fixing my makeup, 

"Thanks a lot, girl, I love you," I said as I was satisfied with my makeup look indeed she is a great makeup artist, though this is not the makeup I wanted, it was suggested by my mother,

"You should've become a makeup artist instead of a secretary," I said as a way of complimenting her

"Hey I love being a secretary besides I do make for fun if I take it as a job I will lose interest," she said,

"I know but I just can't help it you do such a great job whenever it comes to makeup, trust me your daughter will be lucky as fuck" I said as I clicked a few mirror selfies, the door opened and there stands my mother,

"Are you done, honey? let's go, they are here."

My heartbeat started to rise at a very unhealthy pace, and anxiety kicked in "What if something goes wrong?" that thought kept pacing back and forth in my mind, "Mom everything will be fine, right?" "Of course, my dear you look gorgeous I'm sure everything will be fine, let's go," she said, I grabbed her and Ava's hands and walked outside Ava was ready before me she was wearing white and my mom was wearing light blue, if not for the age difference we would be mistaken as sisters, we are hosting the engagement ceremony at one of my dad's 5-star hotel, I walked down the steps with two most beautiful women, I smiled at everyone as they all looked at me except, him. I looked to see who he was looking at and to my surprise it was Ava, I think they were friends because they both worked at the same company, the Blackgold. It's a multi-business company owned by Dalfon Vanderbilt, the country's richest man. I reached the table and sat besides Amond, my soon-to-be-fiancé, we were sitting in the front of the table while on the right side sat Amond's friends and family, and on my left sat my family and friends.

"Ok! Here is a little summary of my and Amond's journey so far," I said as I signaled the waiter to turn on the presentation that I made with all the photos of us from our high school to now, the waiter dimmed the light and dropped the white screen for projector, she turns on the projector as the video started, I slowly took Amond's hand and hold it in mine, but to my surprise, he removed my hand and focused on the video, I thought it was weird but I let it slide, the presentation ended after about 2 minutes since the incident, Amond got up from his seat and went towards the mini stage, "had he planned a surprise for me?" I wondered, he asked for the mic, I looked over to my soon-to-be-in-laws and they didn't look happy they looked distressed and angry I wonder why.

"Hello everyone, so everyone here knows, I'm Amond soon to be Heather's fiancé well I have something to say, as you saw in the video how in love we are, I recently found out it was Heather all along, she was the only one in love and I was not, I have recently found the love of my life, my other half and now I m feeling the feeling of completion she is my everything, which is why I must break off this engagement right now, I m so sorry Heather hope you find someone who loves you and hope you forgive me,"

my heart stopped so did my world, tears flooding out of my eyes at the speed of light and words stuck in my throat, my ears were ringing and my head was spinning I couldn't understand anything or did they not understand me? confusion, frustration, hatred, and sadness all of it running through my veins as I just stare at him across the hall, I don't know what got into me but I just stood up from my seat and walked over to him, my face was emotionless, but the tears are flooding through my eyes I walked on to the stage stared at him empty inside, my body not being in my control and the blink of an eye I just slapped him hard, he stared at me in anger I was going through so much in this few minutes then everything he looked at me furiously and raised his hand to slap me back, the audacity of this bitch, before his hand slapped me Ava stood up before me and held his hand, I looked at Ava and she was looking angry not at him but at me? I wondered why, I couldn't take it anymore I just left the place once and for all, I went to my car and drove off, I don't know where I'm going but I know I will reach my destination soon, I have always been a daughter that everyone wanted, not going to clubs or wearing anything inappropriate but today I wanted to burn that girl down, driving for about ten minutes, here I'm at the country's most expensive club, I m not someone to go to cheap clubs, I ached willing to come here and today I'm here, I looked at my dress, yep! not too club like it's a fucking gown, I picked up my scissor from the back of the car and shorten my dress to my thighs, took a packet of wipes and removed my makeup and redid it, this time I did my makeup the way I wanted, I m tired of being someone else's choice, I stepped out of my car went inside the club and booked a table, a party table but just for me, I ordered the most expensive and strongest drinks, first shot burns in my throat but I love it, it taste different than I thought of course this is not my green tea or orange juice, it tastes funky but I don't care I kept trying all the different kind of drinks, I'm by far drunk now I can't even drive back home, because I'm too drunk, I think I'm gonna stay in a hotel nearby if I am able to, I'm for sure not in my right mind, someone walked up to me, I looked up he is familiar but, I don't know him or maybe I do he is handsome no doubt drunk or not, just as he was about to say something I passes out...