

The blurb is after this waffle, so feel welcome to skip ahead. So this is my first story ever, so any feedback (positive or negative) would be appreciated. Im not really sure what im doing and i also have no idea of a schedule, so right now new chapters will be out whenever. This story is fully set in the universe of league of legends, and as it progresses, the MC explores all of Runeterra, finding out what he is, and what is his destiny. While the MC starts as a child, He will grow as the story will. Orphaned in the Freljord, Fell has lived with the nomadic tribe of the Notai all his life, feeling that he never truly fit in. On the night after he received his first Song strand, the Notai are raided by the frost trolls. Forced out into the harsh arctic wilds of the Freljord, Fell has to learn to fend for himself, and learn what he truly is.

StarWrought · ゲーム
3 Chs

Chapter 2 - Nomads

His breath rapid and shallow, Fell was running. Biting cold and the animalistic cries of the Ursine followed him, their howls growing ever closer as they always do. Pushing himself further Fell increased his speed trying to increase the distance from those horrendous claws and teeth. Dark ice surrounded him, a eon age bridge in the distance. Infront was a deep trench, many axe-lengths wide and impossible to cross due to the intense winds emerging from its seemingly endless depths. On the other side were fearsome warriors wielding a range of weapons from bows to hammers equipped with bizarre horned helmets inspiring fear within Fell. As the bear-kin neared Fell could only step backwards with his back turned to the frost filled trench. One Ursine was larger than the rest, its back littered with arrows and one of its fangs broken. With a roar seemingly capable of causing avalanches many settlements in distance it picked up speed, barrelling towards the terrified Fell. It pounced on a frozen Fell, blood-stained claw nearing his eye. Flinching backwards Fell stepped back falling into the endless trench.

Fell woke up in a cold sweat, thick furs wrapped around him in a simple tent made of furs with empty piles of furs around him. "Get up sleepyhead" spoke a kind voice from outside the tent "breakfast is ready, and it's your favourite."

Fell quickly unwrapped himself from his furs and swept his unusual red hair back and tied it with a strip of leather, and responded with a grumble "come on Ljos, one more minute" The lack of response told him what his elder sister thought of his request. Stepping out of his tent he walked into the centre of the camp. The camp had one large communal bonfire that had been put out and was instead smouldering with his tribe scattered around it. Spotting Ljos and the other children he shared his tent with nearby he walked over, shaking his head to get rid of that constant dream he'd been having for over a week.

"Here's the birthday boy" smiled Ljos "in two days the Winter festival of the winter's mother will happen, and you will receive your song strand and join us adults as men and woman of the Notai".

A young boy of approximately 11 spoke to Fell "you're so lucky your 13 now, I can't wait to become of age! Finally I'll get to use a axe! Well my Da has let me swing his but I can't keep it but I really really want to and he says he's already made one for me but he won't let me see it and"

"Skarde!" interrupted Ljos "I'm glad your exited for your clan brother but if you don't eat your stew then ill feed it to the Elnuks. His eyes widening in panic the young boy rapidly scooped the stew into his mouth.

After eating and participating in the casual conversations of his fell tribesmen Fell began to wonder around the camp and came upon two burly men who were sitting down on pelts, one being Njal, focusing on what looked like 7 white stones with unique markings on them. The other man pointed at a face down stone and spoke something to which Njal growled "shield". He then flipped over the stone, scowled, and passed the other warrior a heavy looking leather bag. Turning around he noticed Fell looking curiously at him. "Happy birthday kid. Suppose in 2 days I can't call you that anymore."

"What are you playing?"

"A game we picked up from a Demarcian trader last season called tellstones. It's too complicated though, too much thinking." Then as if acting on a sudden thought he said "Oh right I've got you a gift. I'm sure you know that usually it's a parent's responsibility to give their child their first weapon but since your parents never had that chance, I thought I'd do it." Njal stood up and walked to his nearby tent, and with a clatter of metal and a curse that was presumably a result of his fallen blacksmithing tools, he came out just after with a hand axe with a shorter handle than normal. The Handle was made of simple wood with leather cross stitch and grip. While all these additions were made for battle not for decoration, it was clear how much time and effort the stubborn Njal had put into forging and making this axe.

Surprised and touched by what he considered to be a second father to him had done for him Fell was speechless. "I… Just… Wow. Thank you Njal. I swear I'll be a great warrior just like you!"

"Don't mention it kid. From now on, just before we setup or break camp we will spar, and I will teach you how to fight. Ill finish a shield for you tomorrow, and then we fight. For now relax and enjoy your birthday, and tomorrow you train to become a warrior. Just remember don't show the elder that axe until you have received your songstrand, you know how she is about our traditions."

Fell wandered around the tribe gradually getting to where the Elnuks were kept. Elnuks are big hairy beasts, taller than everything but the strongest warriors and stronger than even them. Yet the elnuk of the Notai are tame and simply stay in a area nearby the tents, pushing through the fresh snow to get to the grass hidden underneath. As both a source of meat, milk and being a form of transport, the elnuk were the lifeblood to the nomadic Notai and as such were always guarded by warriors.

"Prepare the caravans, we leave as sun rises" called the elder, who despite not yelling her voice was so clear and loud even a storm made by the chosen of the storm would surely be jealous. "We continue our path and move to Hortha to trade, then further north to spread the message of the mother of winter".

All of a sudden, the tribe of approximately 40 people became of a hub of activity. The rustle of furs, and clang of metal and the cries of people filled the air as an atmosphere of activity arose. Jogging back to the youngling's tent Fell collected his little belongings – his sleeping furs, his collections of favourite stones and pebbles, and his new but incredibly treasured axe.

Once ready he joined the other children and the young woman in the transport caravan and settled down for the long trip. As the tribe was ready a sharp yell was heard followed by the grumble of the elnuk. Smiling at the similarity of the sound of the grumble of the elnuk and Njal. Fell wrapped himself up in his furs to protect himself from the eternal cold of the Freljord.

It was an uneventful trip, with the tribe making camp. As a child Fell had no responsibilities in preparing the camp short of transporting some light baggage. Once the camp was set up and the hubbub of noise had turned into the gathering around the communal bonfire. Fell enjoyed the bonfire as once they moved further north trees would become sparser and they would lose the luxury of having as much wood as needed. Shuffling up to Ljos he asked her a question that had been on his mind since Njal had mentioned that Demarcian game. "Hey Ljos?" to which Ljos responded with simply turning her head "have you ever left the Freljord?"

After a second of thinking, she responded. "No never. I've met Demarcian traders just like you have, but I've never left here. Why?"

"Well aren't you curious? We've heard about these lands where there is no snow, with huge cities with thousands of people living in one place. Don't you want to see that?"

"Honestly? No not really. Those great cities are always constantly at war, always fighting. I'm happy here, just travelling with our tribe and enjoying life while spreading the will of Anivia"

"But were not safe here! What about the Ursine? The frost trolls. Raiders like the Winter's claw?"

"That's why we have warriors like Njal. He will project us as he always has. And soon so will you, judging by that axe sticking out of your furs" Shocked, Fell rapidly tried to hide it by placing the handle into his trousers, so hurriedly that he would have cut himself if not for the sheath on the blade. Having successfully embarrassed himself, he shot an annoyed look at his sister who was clearly trying to hold back a smile to little effect.

With a annoyed humph, he walked back into his tent choosing to go to sleep early as he would begin training the next day. Wrapping himself up in his furs, he took his axe and hugged it to his chest. Sleep rapidly taking him, he chose to name his axe, as Njal had named his own. "Fyrsta" he mumbled, sleep overtaking him. A great warmth emitted from him as he did this, like a hearth being lit.