

Lee Lozer is a senior-year transfer student in a prestigious school called 'the Eden of Geniuses', Lockhart High. Considered a bottom feeder by those around him, he's talentless, fat, and ugly; an eyesore for the elite student body. After discovering the prettiest girl in the school, his crush, Ria Goodgarden, and star soccer player, his bully, Eric Graves, kissing on the rooftop; he's pushed down the staircase to his death. Given a chance to be reborn with a new lot in life by a mysterious being, and failing once already to change that chance, he's given the title of 'Heartbreaker': "To be reborn as a girl and to help his past life find true love." This would be simple enough if it weren't for the mysterious being adding in an extra caveat: "You have to find true love as well too!"

Tonedot · 都市
16 Chs

A Whole New Life

Beep, beep, beep, beep. 

The sound of an alarm was blaring as I groggily opened my eyes. 

It felt like I was asleep for so long, my body felt so stiff. 

"Mmmm, that's better," I muttered as I stretched, feeling surprisingly flexible.

Was that all just one bad dream? Maybe I had just bumped my head, and was now back home? 

"Dad! Are you home?" I called out to my dad, expecting him to reply to me in his usual morning greet. 

But there was no response. 

As I got up from the bed, I noticed something odd.

Why was I not wearing boxers?

I felt the fabric, it was soft and silky. It looked like... p-panties!?

"W-W-What the heck is going on!?!" I screamed, but instead of my usual voice; I heard a girl's. 

"T-This isn't my room!?" I shouted. I was in a light pastel pink painted room with stuffed toys littering the bed and floor. 

"Lia? Are you okay?" A woman's voice spoke from the other side of the door. 

Who's Lia? Where am I? W-W-Where's my...

I trailed my hand down to my crotch--

My little soldier was gone. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAA!!" I screamed, my manhood was missing!!

"Lia!" Suddenly the door was opened by a middle-aged woman. She looked like my Dad's age, but instead of a waste man's uniform, she had on a grey business suit.

"What's going on!?" She demanded as she worriedly ran over to me. 

I was tongue-tied, I couldn't say a thing to this stranger; I was still caught up over the fact that I wasn't in my body. 

"Did you drink soda before sleeping again? You silly girl, and the night before your first day transferring to this school no less!" She scolded me as she shuffled me over back to the bed. 

"Take a minute, it must've been a really bad dream if you had screamed that hard." She said gently as she ran her hand through my hair. 

"A-A dream?" I muttered to myself. 

"What was that?" She asked. 

"N-Nothing, sorry... Mom," I told her, averting my eyes. 

"Hm, well, once you've calmed down a bit please get ready and come downstairs; I have to leave in an hour." She said, leaving me alone as she walked back out of the room. 

With her shutting the door behind her, I was now alone again in this stranger's room. 

"Woah, what a way to wake up in the morning, huh?" A familiar voice spoke out of the empty space; nearly making me scream all over again. 

"It's you! What the heck have you done to me!?" I got up from the bed and whispered angrily into the air; it was that mysterious being. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked behind me, it was a grown man wearing a coat and fedora; his face was obscured, however, ever-shifting. 

"Like the new digs? I cooked this up just for you toots, you'll blend right in without a hitch; it's probably some of my best work--" He was interrupted by a stuffed penguin hitting his face. 

"Explain. Now." I demanded. 

"Wow, never did I think a seventeen-year-old girl in her pajamas would be so bossy with me," He chuckled, I realized again that I was only wearing a long t-shirt and panties; I suddenly felt embarrassed as I rushed to find some pants. 

As I ran over to the dresser, I was met with the mirror. 

"Woah," I gasped as I saw myself. 

It was a brunette girl with amber eyes. She was pretty, not as gorgeous as Ria Goodgarden, but pretty enough to be a definite contender for the roster of popular girls in school. I flexed my face around and every thought I had-- the girl's face responded instantaneously; I was inhabiting this girl looking back at me in the mirror. 

My eyes trailed down to the noticeable mounds on my chest...

"Nice right? Not too large, not too small; just right." The being snickered as he caught me ogling my chest; right, he was still here.

"What is going on!" I demanded to them once more. This time they were a little girl wearing a frilly blue dress. 

"You've taken the title of Heartbreaker, silly," The little girl said in an innocent voice, it was weirding me out that her face was a shifting mosaic.

"Okay? And!!?" I replied angrily. 

"Well, it means that you've been given the ever-important task of spreading the joy of true love to the world. Or in your case, as per my special request, Lockhart High," She explained as she swung her little legs off my bed. 

"Spread true love? But the title is Heartbreaker, not... Heart... L-Lover??" My voice fizzled out; I'm bad at being creative on the fly.

"Tomato, potatoes-- what matters now is that you've been given a whole new life! Hooray, yippee!" The little girl cheered as she jumped up and down the bed. 

I looked down at my hands, they were delicate and small; nothing like the fat, rough hands that I had in my original body. 

I then remembered an interesting detail that that woman had said. 

"W-Wait, I'm a transfer student? And it's the first day, which I'm guessing is for Lockhart High... what happened to me? My old life that is," I asked the being who was now, strangely enough, an orange cat. 

"Y'see, this is where our little bargain that you had agreed to comes to play, meow," The orange cat explained as it licked its paw. 

"Because I had let you use my personal Wheel of Life, I get to choose how your life plays out now, meow," 

"Choose it how?" I feared the worst of what that could mean. 

"Relax, it's nothing terrible. Besides, nothing can be as bad as being reborn as a Bottom feeder, meow-hahaha," It cackled as it jumped up to the windowsill. 

"You haven't told me what happened to my old life yet," I began to sneak up over to it, they were distracted by watching a bird hover outside. 

"Ah, your old life, that. Yeah, well, technically, he's alive, meow," It swatted at the bird, even though it was behind glass.

"Wait, what!?" I sputtered as I lunged for its tail. 

But just as I felt my hands around its tail, it suddenly transformed into a bird; the one that was outside. 

"Keep your hands off the merchandise, tweet!" It scolded me as it pecked my hand. 

"Ow! Stupid jerk--" 

"Lia, are you done getting ready or what!?" We were suddenly interrupted by the voice of this girl's mom shouting from downstairs. 

"Look kid, you have a script you gotta play by now. Fail it, and well, bad things will happen, tweet!" The bird began to explain. 

"I'll give you more details on the way over there, school that is, tweet!" The bird perched itself on the windowsill. 


"Coconuts! I'll make it easy for you to understand; something even your past life would get immediately without all this context. Now, do me a favor and crack this open; I need to go for a little joy ride, tweet!" 

With nothing else left to say, I opened the window for the being and watched it fly out; disappearing off into the distance.