
Heart theft

Introducing Raphael Lancaster, the esteemed CEO of Lancaster Group and a prominent business mogul. Widely known as the "ICE CEO" due to his aloof and detached demeanor, Raphael exudes an air of cool confidence and unflappable composure. Despite his quest for a new personal assistant, Raphael seeks a candidate who is not only enthusiastic and driven but also possesses the rare ability to penetrate his stoic exterior and reach the depths of his heart. During this search, he encounters Nathalie Hammers, a recent college graduate who has faced numerous obstacles and challenges in her young life. As Nathalie applies for the coveted position at Lancaster Group, she finds herself drawn to Raphael's enigmatic personality and determined to prove her worth. Will she be able to break through the walls surrounding Raphael's heart and awaken his hidden warmth and compassion? Discover the answer to this intriguing question in "HEART THEFT," a captivating tale of love, ambition, and personal growth.

Titilayo_Osifala · その他
13 Chs

chapter 10-Encounter

As we were looking for a place to sit, we finally settled on a cozy spot in the corner of the room. Suddenly, a lady approached the stage, and I assumed she was the host of the event. She had a warm and welcoming smile that never left her lips as she greeted the audience.

''Good day ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are having a good time, today is a special day for the Qulix club as we will be having a masked party with different types of games. The VIPs will also be participating in this game, let grab our mask and enjoy the points''.

''a masked party''

''sound's fun We should go grab our masks, I wonder who are the VIPs in the cabinet, too bad we have to use a mask, I want to see their faces''

''too bad"

''common let's go get our mask'' As soon as we entered the club, I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was staring at us. It was as if all eyes were on us, and I couldn't help but wonder if it was because of how we looked. We were on a mission to get our masks, but the attention we were getting made it feel like we were walking on a runway. I couldn't help but joke to myself that maybe we were just too beautiful to be ignored. Despite the strange feeling, we continued on our quest to find our masks.

At the top Conner of Quilix's private cabinet, four men could be seen having a chat with each other

''Damn your secretary is so sexy Raphael''

''I bet she doesn't know that you are here, gosh that little hot bunny'' Liam said as we stared at those two ladies right from the moment they stepped foot into the club.

''stare at her and I promise to gouge your eyes out''

''relax buddy you don't have a heart, why would you bother yourself for a little bunny''

''don't tell me you have fallen for her''

''seems like you both are courting your death sooner''

''Raphael why is your secretary walking with mine?'' Xander who has been quiet said.

''what!'' Ezekiel and Laim exclaimed.

''don't tell me that girl is your secretary'' Raphael asked.

''yes she is, she has been my secretary for some months now but she is quite strong headed''

''I can't believe you both have two hot damsels as your secretary''

''can't you just have mercy on us and give these two pretty damsels to us single brothers ''

''yes buddy''

''talk to her and be sure to kick your dumb ass'' Xander's icy voice said amidst their chatter

''I will break your arms if you dare come close to her'' Raphael followed in his cold voice

''don't tell me you two are in love as you are both marking your territories'' Laim said in a whisper knowing these two ice lords might give him a deserving beating.

''too bad we can't have them, brother, I think these two are about to have an encounter in love ''

''Will you two shut the hell up and grab your mask the party is about to start'' Xander's response was sharp and abrupt, causing us all to quickly grab our masks for the party. However, my mind couldn't shake off what Ziekiel had said earlier. Was I about to experience a sudden encounter with love? I couldn't comprehend what was happening to me. Every time I laid eyes on my secretary, my heart would skip a beat. Despite my inner turmoil, we proceeded to our designated seats at the party. The hostess, who had spoken earlier, announced that the party had officially begun.

''Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm excited to announce that the party is about to begin! To kick things off, we'll be playing a fun couples game. Here's how it works: we'll be passing around sheets of paper for both the males and females. On each sheet of paper, there will be a list of numbers. If you and your partner choose the same number, you'll have to dance together! It's a great way to get to know each other and have some fun. So, get ready to grab your partner, and let's get the paper rolling! ''

'' what type of game is this?''

''what's wrong, why did you ask?''

''are they trying to get us a partner or what''

''common math you don't have to be like that, it just a game, just a dance''

''I hope nothing goes wrong''

'' you worry too much nothing will go wrong, look our piece is here let choose, I can't wait to see the hot chick I would be paired with''

''can you keep your mouth shut for once'' I said while we chose our piece.

''nath see I choose the eighth number.''

'' I choose tenth''

''now let's see who I will be''

''When will you ever change''


''attention everyone I hope all the females participating have been given a sheet now it will be the males who will choose'' the hostess said while Ziekiel kept talking about where we were sitting.

''it our turn '' Ezekiel said first

''can't wait to see who to see who these two would choose''

''hooe they choose each other secretary''

'' then their love story can start Ezekiel''

''do I need to give you two a serious beating before you stop your trash talk'' Xander said while I just kept quiet as the waiter asked us to choose our number, I chose the tenth number, Ezekiel chose the sixth, Xander chose the eighth while claim to choose the third number. They were all discussing who they would be paired with which caused a loud chatter in the hall when the hostess announced again

''since you all have your number, I would like to call on the first tenth contestants to which the winners would be given a gold medal. The first ten contestants should kindly come up the stage'' As the music began to play, we were all paired up with our dance partners, and the room was filled with the sound of shuffling feet and rustling dresses. I was paired with a delicate lady, and as we began to dance, I couldn't help but notice the familiar scent of her perfume. As I held her in my arms, I felt a sense of comfort and familiarity, as if we had danced together many times before. Her movements were graceful and fluid, and I found myself getting lost in the rhythm of the music and the beauty of the moment.

''are you one of the VIP clients? sorry to ask''

''yes why did you ask''

'' my best friend over there dancing with that man having been dying to meet with the VIP clients'' As I followed her finger, my gaze landed on a sight that left me stunned. There I saw Xander dancing with a woman who he introduced as his secretary. It was then that I realized that the woman I had been paired with was none other than my secretary. The irony of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks, and I couldn't help but wonder what sort of game life was playing with me.

Hey there, my wonderful friends! I hope you all had an amazing day and had some fun. If you're excited for the next chapter, drop a comment down below and I'll make sure to reply. And if you're feeling for Ezekiel and Laim for being single?, don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments section. Also, please don't forget to follow, like, and share. Have a great night, sleep well, and lots of love to each and every one of you!

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