
Where's My Super Suit

A/N: A lot of you out there didn't like the idea of sub-coupling and compared it to NTR, but that really just isn't the case at all. A sub-coupling is a lot like how close sisters behave and interact, sharing clothes and non-romantic intimate moments together, but they are firmly in love with their husband and prefer to have sex with their partner and husband in a threesome. At best, sub-couplings are used as a way to keep up with the demand for affection that all parties involved crave while not leaving any one girl or group of girls to be lonely. They are wives, not sex slaves, so the only way to give them the intimate personal connections they NEED to have a mentally healthy social life, is through this method... for normal people.

The MC is a Reality Warper on a Universal+ Scale, so the rules don't apply to him unless he allows them to. Later on in this chapter, you'll actually see what method he uses to have the time to spend with all of his girls while also getting work done.


"I am Ironman," Tony Stark said, shocking the world.

"Whoah, really? What are the odds of that? I could have sworn the Ironman was some kind of drone." Jean said, surprised.

"Really? I thought it was obvious?" Kara quipped.

"Howso?" Eve asked, turning away from the TV broadcast.

"Remember when we went to the Stark Expo?" Kara said.

"Yeah?" Eve responded, looking over to Jean who shrugged.

"Well Damian had just taught me how to control my supervision and I was testing it out on the exhibits..." She started.

"wait, you were perving on other people?" Jean interrupted, astonished.

"I was not!" Kara shot back, a slight blush on her face. "Besides, husband is far better looking than Tony Stark!" She said as if to reiterate the point.

"Well, you aren't wrong," Eve commented, looking at my chest which was hugged tightly by a muscle shirt, hiding nothing of my six-pack.

I smirked at her obvious lustful gaze and commented after a moment, "Hey, my eyes are up here." I commented.

"I know, but your abs are down there," Eve commented, to which I smugly smiled and flexed a bit, bouncing my pecs a few times, watching Eve's mouth droop a bit.

"Anyway!" Kara interjected, grabbing my left arm and trying to continue her story. "I was hearing an odd faint buzzing sound coming from his direction constantly, so I took a peek and saw he has one of those Arc Generators that husba- Damian showed us but much smaller inserted into his chest. The Iron Man has the same thing, so I figured it out." She explained.

"I see," Jean said thoughtfully.

"So he's an artificial superhero using a power suit to fight crime huh?" Eve commented, trailing off slightly.

I looked down at her and frowned slightly. "Are you feeling ok?" I asked her.

"I- It's fine. I just... it's nothing." Eve said, slightly blushing her cheeks.

I gave Jean and Kara a look, seeing if they knew anything, but both shook their heads silently. Kara let go of my arm, and I wrapped both of them around Eve and pulled her into my chest to hug her. I was a hugger.

"If there is something on your mind, please tell me about it. You know I'll move heaven and earth if you want me to." I said.

Eve chuckled darkly at that. "If anyone other than you said that, I'd think it was a metaphor, but I know you could actually do it... don't laugh, please." Eve said, gripping my shirt tightly.

I nodded, using my power to remove my ability to laugh temporarily while I held Eve in my arms. "I promise."

Eve then looked to Kara and Jean, who also promised and gave her a reassuring nod. Eve took a moment to gather herself and took a deep breath. "I want to be a Superhero!" She blurted out.

"Huh?" That was my honest reaction. Eve blushed hard and seemed to shrink back a bit, but I didn't let her. "I already knew that. I mean, you have all those comics about the adventures of the Elastigirl from the 70's and stuff and I've seen the sketches for your super suit, even though you tried to hide them."

Eve was now blushing madly with embarrassment and Jean's next comment just made the whole situation worse. "Yeah, we've known about that for a while now, why do you think Damain's been having you train in martial arts with Cassy and with himself in power control?" Jean added.

"I thought you were already a superhero. Didn't Damian give you your costume already?" Kara chipped in.

I rolled my eyes when I heard that and ignored Eve's confused and shocked look at me. "Kara, that was supposed to be a secret, remember?." I moaned, rubbing my forehead with my fingers to stave off the coming headache.

Kara looked at me surprised for a moment before realizing that I HAD told her to keep it a secret before, and quickly covered her mouth with one of her hands, blushing slightly in embarrassment.

Eve looked me in the eyes with a mixed expression. There was some shock, some embarrassment, and a tiny bit of fascination and of course, love. "You made me a costume?" She asked.

I sighed and nodded, which got an excited shiver from my little matter manipulator and an even deeper hug from my girlfriend. Jean and Kara were both smiling softly at this scene. After a few moments of this, I stood up, drawing their attention to myself.

"I also made one for Kara and Jean" I said, looking at them. I then snapped my fingers and opened a portal to the upstate location, which had become something akin to my base for the last few years. The portal itself was linked to my version of the armory, where I kept all sorts of gadgets and equipment.

I walked through and waited for the girls to do the same. First was Eve, who had an exciting pep in her step as she walked in first. Next was Kara, who confidently strode through the portal after her, and last to enter was Jean, who was a bit hesitant, as this was the first time she'd been to this location and was sending out psionic waves to get a lay of the land by mapping the environment psychically.

This was a technique I suggested she create and was inspired by the echolocation of bats. Ever since Jean mastered this power, she was given near-omniscient awareness of her immediate surroundings, able to detect the out-of-place movement of the smallest of molecules, making it impossible for her to be caught off-guard or ambushed. The method was so effective, in fact, that I mimicked it with my own powers to act as my own version of cosmic awareness. After a moment of mapping, Jean finally relaxed, though gave me a playful glare.

"You had all this stuff and didn't tell me?" She pouted a bit.

"Haha." I chuckled lightly and gave Jena a kiss on the forehead. "I'll give you the tour later and we can try out all of the toys then."

Jean sighed but didn't say anything more. I turned to Eve and Kara who were standing a few feet in front of me. In front of them was a row of steel pods standing like small obelisks in the center of the room. There were actually about 12 of them, but only the first four had anything in them at the moment.

"Solomon, if you would," I said to the room, eliciting a look of confusion from my three lovers.

"Certainly Sir." A semi-robotic voice came from all around us.

"Whoah! What was that?" Eve said, slightly confused and looking around.

I smirked. "Solomon, introduce yourself."

"Greetings Mistress Wilkins, Mistress Grey, Mistress El Ra." The voice returned, "I am Solomon, my master's personal automated assistant."

"I knew that your company was working with AI and Miss J was revolutionary, but why didn't you tell me about Solomon?" Jean asked me.

"He's new. My other body created him just this morning." I commented.

"I see. So that's where it went." Jean responded.

My other body, or as I could say my parallel existence, was a secondary body that I created and share a consciousness through. It wasn't a clone, as in a separate entity, but more of an extension of myself. I had basically turned my consciousness into a server, able to handle multiple instances of 'me' running simultaneously. Right now I was actually running three different bodies. The one for spending time with the girls, one I was using to advise Nick Fury currently, and the last was experimenting with various technologies I'd known from comics.

The instance I sent to SHIELD was currently giving directions to Fury's salvage team as they were converging on Captain America's resting place. I thought they'd be able to find it faster once I gave them the coordinates a while ago, but as it turns out, they were blindly searching in the wrong direction and I needed to directly support the effort, according to Fury, so I sent one of my instances there.

The instance that created Solomon earlier today was working on Unstable Molecules, Pym Particles. As a matter of fact, Solomon here actually had servers made up of hundreds of Omegadrives I shrunk down using Pym Particles. Currently, that instance is in another room trying to create my own version of Cerebro which would detect ALL supernatural beings, not just mutants, as well as potential supernatural beings, like unawakened mutants or inhuman as well as those with the 'spark' for magic.

I could just snap my fingers and it would be done, but if I used my powers to solve all of my issues then I'd be bored out of my mind. I think it's the same reason why people play games with high difficulty but also have a mod installed, which can give them infinite money or make them invincible which could solve their problem but only chose to activate it to blow through or skip particularly annoying quests. Besides, I was legitimately enjoying researching like this and wasn't hurting anyone, so who cares how I went about my free time?

"That's really cool," Eve said, impressed by the existence of Solomon.

"On Krypton we had a number of AI so I guess I should have expected some here," Kara commented to herself.

'*He's not going to go all Skynet on us, is he?*' Jean asked me.

'*No, I made sure of it using my powers before turning him online.*' I replied to which Jean nodded and let out a sigh.

I smirked at this and clapped my hands together, calling everyone's attention to me. "As cool as Solomon is, and he is cool, we were here for something else, right?" I said with a small amount of smugness in my voice.

Eve's eyes lit up and she nodded her head enthusiastically. The next moment, four of the metallic obelisks suddenly rumbled lowly, as small amounts of white steam shot out from around the seem running down the middle of them. Two doors, on either side, pushed out slightly, then retracted themselves, tracing around the edge of the pod's exterior and revealing the contents inside.

Inside was four black and bland jumpsuits without any seams or other markings. I could almost see the light draining off of Eve's face and stifled a chuckle as she looked at them.

"This is... uh." Eve was trying to be considerate of my feelings while masking her disappointment and failing miserably.

I smirked at this for a moment but said nothing as I approached the suit. I reached out my hand and touched it, and in that instant, the suit transformed into a mess of black tendrils and goo, leaped off the changing rack, and engulfed my entire body in one smooth motion.

"Damian!" Eve called out in shock.

"Husband!" Kara yelled, both stepping off to come to my defense.

'*It's fine*' Jean told them telepathically, stopping both in their tracks.

"Wha-" Eve was about to ask.

"I can't read Damian's mind, but with my empath powers, I was able to see that Damian was very confident about what he was doing... plus come on girls, a nuke wouldn't stop Damian, let alone this..." Jean trailed off as she tried to describe the black mass that engulfed my body.

"Master referred to it as a 'Superior Symbyote' before" Solomon chimed in.

"Sorry I don't have a better name for it yet," I said as I emerged from the black mass wearing my 'super suit'. I was pretty unoriginal, so I just stole the look of Radiant Black from Image Comics after confirming he didn't exist here. The only difference between our suits was that mine didn't have the Radiant Symbol on it.

"What is that? Solomon said it was a 'Superior Symbiote', whatever that means?" Eve asked.

"It's the pan-ultimate fusion of a number of materials and biotechnology. It's kinda hard to explain, but basically, it's a suit that can change its appearance, color, and texture at will." I said, transforming from my heroic attire into a nice business suit. "No more need for clothes shopping or stopping to change clothes before getting down to hero work."

This was something of a pet project of mine. As it turns out, Symbiotes didn't exist in this universe, much to my annoyance. I used my powers to see how they would have been created, and it was similar to how it happened in the Ultimate Spiderman TV show, where someone would make it out of Peter's DNA, however, that was before the 'upgrades' I gave to the Spider that gave Peter his powers, so I'd closed off that possibility already by mistake.

Seeing as they didn't exist and that Symbiotes, if properly handled, would be immensely useful to literally anyone who wore them, I decided to use them as the 'basis' of my suit, and therefore all of my girl's suits. One of the less talked about powers of a Symbiote was that it had the ability to absorb materials into itself and incorporate them.

I fed it a ton of materials and technologies to try to create the literal best suit possible. Proto-Adamantium, Element X, Vibranium, Neutronium, Enchanted Uru, a less radioactive version of Carbonadium, several shrunken Omegadrives, and many more things. By incorporating all of this, the suit is practically indestructible to any being without Matter Manipulation or Reality Warping. The Uru gives it Magic Resistance while also allowing the user to channel their magical energy better. The Vibranium removes the Symbiote's weakness to Sound. Element X gives it its nigh-indestructibility alongside Proto-Adamantium, and somewhere along the way, the weakness to fire was negated. The Omegadrives help store data, communicate with others, record sound and visuals for evidence, as well as grant the Symbiote an incredible amount of intelligence.

That was on top of the regular buff that it grants to all of its users. I did have to change its nature somewhat to survive off of the excess fat and waste foods in its host's stomach rather than the chemicals in their brains and liver. I also removed the 'feature' that changed its host's personality to be more vicious, but that was a given. Other than that, there were a few more minor tweaks to its overall usefulness I added as well. I gave it Anti-Venom's ability to heal all diseases and poisons as well as heal others for better rescue work. I even gave it mild technopathy. Not enough to create and control machines telepathically like Brainiac can, but enough to hack into systems remotely without leaving a trace. I made it so that any excess drops or drips of the suit would dissolve into nothingness upon being separated from the main collection, so we won't be seeing any Carnage situations in the future.

I flexed a bit, feeling the raw power coursing through my body for a moment before relaxing. "It's practically indestructible, will boost your powers and physical abilities, and even change outfits, plus it comes with its own AI," I said.

This was also something I changed. The Symbiote's personality would be 'set' once it bound to its host for the first time. I made it so that it would be egoless until then, but once it was properly bound to its host, it would become something akin to a support AI to them. I imagined it being similar to Rimuru's relationship with Great Sage functioned but without the jealous Ciel part of it.

Eve looked me over for a second and then to the pod next to it. I could tell she was hesitant, but I wouldn't stop her if she refused. She took a deep breath to psych herself up before striding confidently to the pod next to mine and reaching out her hand to touch it. Once she was just a few centimeters away from it, it suddenly jumped out and engulfed her entire body for a moment, as she yelped.

The entire bonding process only took a few seconds, but once it was done, standing in front of me was a beautiful Atomic Eve in her classic pink and white suit, though without the weird half-length cape she wore in the show. Her eyes were nearly bursting with radiant almost magical energy from around her as she hovered a few centimeters off the ground.

"So much power..." She gasped as she began to calm herself down and touched down on the floor.

"Well? How do you like it?" I asked, smugly.

Eve turned to see my shit-eating grin and immediately shot toward me. I didn't react, as I knew she would never harm me and couldn't even if she wanted to, so I stood still and held my arms open to catch her as she rammed her lips into mine for a long kiss. I twirled with her for a moment, enjoying the battle between our youngest, before finally breaking for air after what was probably a solid minute of making out.

"I'll take that as an 'I love it!'" I commented to which Eve chuckled lightly.

"I do, and I think you'll deserve an award later." She whispered into my ear.

"Can't wait," I whispered back.

I looked back at Jean and Kara as they both approached their suits together and were consumed by them. After a few moments, out popped a White Pheonix Jean Grey and a Powergirl Kara Zor-El Ra, though Kara's suit was without the cape as well.

"I'm digging the white, girls," I commented.

"Ah. He's horny again." Jean commented.

Long Chapter

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts