
Heart of Glass: Book 1

The Gods all gave the child a gift. For many years, the child kept peace of the ancient world, but she was put to "sleep" when the ancient world died, along with the strong belief of the gods. For many years, no one acknowleged their existence, but then in the year 2070 a war broke among the humans. Nuclear holocaust was bound to happen. The gods awakened their child, to follow her destiny. End the war and fulfill the prophecy. book 1 of the heart of glass series. Author: Teagan Hansen (noodle_rat)

Noodle_rat · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Ch5: The Start Of The War

2070, Seattle, Washington, Layna Kohn's living corridor.

"The war is coming sister, The Oracle said so, and that girl will be the end of us. What will we do?" The man looked at Layna, his black shoulder length hair laid upon his broad shoulders and his blood red eyes stared at her.

"We shall fight and kill those who are against us, My brother. Zeus and his followers shall die at my hand, no matter what." Layna replied, looking the man in the eyes.

Her grey eyes seemed dull far away but up close they danced with many colors. Silver, gold, black, greys, whites, and many variations. The starry night sky paled in comparison to her eyes, dusted with what seemed like beautiful small stars.

Her outsides may be beautiful, but the heart of the queen was no cupcake and rainbows. Her heart was broken many times because of the foolish gods that she let into her life.

A long time ago, when the queen was younger, Greece

"Hello, My dear, A-" He began and she stopped him.

"Dont call me that please.. Call me something more beautiful!" She stated to the god infront of her.

"Okay my goddess. I will call you Layna for now" He smiled at her and she returned the smile.

"So my love, and what should we do today? A walk among the forests? Or a swim in the beautifully blue ocean?" The god's silvery gold eyes watched the woman will delight.

"A swim sounds rather nice" The woman said, smiling wider. If she hadnt known the circumstances she would have believed she was his, the god,'s only love. But she was wrong.

Years later, same era, when the queen was younger, Greece

"Zeus..." She muttered, praying to the God. She needed to see him, her love. When he appeared, he didnt seem pleased. "Zeus?" She asked, placing her hand on the God's arm.

"Dont touch me" His voice boomed which made her flinch. "Zeus?!" She said again, not understanding why he was acting this way.

"You are nothing but a minor goddess, I never loved you. Never" Zeus looked at her, his golden eyes not showing any hint of remorse or anything other than anger. She sobbed, running away from the god.

He had not moved, he just stood in the same place, watching the young woman run away. He sighed and with a crash of thunder he had disappeared.