
Heart of Freedom [English Version]

The Organization of Monster Hunter has been formed. All Monster Hunters around the world have joined, what will be faced by them in the future?

TheCapt · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Peace of Mind

Zan gave his home address and asked Jun to come to his residence the next day at 7 am. Jun enthusiastically accepted it, then left feeling impatient for tomorrow

When he got home, Jun quickly cleaned up and changed his clothes. After that, Jun went to his room and did some physical training to prepare for tomorrow. Jun was persistently doing push ups, sit ups, and several other physical exercises until he was exhausted. With an unyielding spirit, he resumed his training.

"101 ... 102, 103 ..." Jun couldn't do it anymore

The clock was 1 a.m., and at this time he had just finished training. Jun goes to the kitchen to boil instant noodles. After eating his instant noodles, Jun went back into his room, lay down, and pulled the blanket while thinking excitedly about tomorrow.

The next day, Jun left at 6 am so as not to be late. It turned out that after seeing Zan's address it was not too far from his house. Jun arrived in front of Zan's house a little late, then he knocked on the door. Zan invited Jun to come in. Jun was a little surprised, an executive from a large organization owned a fairly modest house.

"Hey, put your bag. Go to my backyard, there" said Zan

"Yes, sir." Jun was quick

Zan's backyard looks quite spacious, with some training tools. It looks like a training area.

"Sir, are you practicing here?" asked Jun, curious about what he saw

"Yes, what's wrong?" Zan asked back

"Ah, it's okay, I'm just curious," Jun replied

"By the way, what is my first practice sir?", asked Jun

Zan explained to Jun that what needs to be learned first is concentration, because regulating Qi requires high concentration. So Zan gave Jun the first practice, which was meditating or what could be called staying still in order to increase concentration.

"Focus, don't be distracted by those around you. Do this for only 2 hours, if I hear or see you doing something, even just moving your finger, repeat from the beginning," Zan explained seriously.

Jun felt that it was too difficult for him, but his determination was made up. He accepted it confidently, and practice began. Only 2 minutes after it started, Jun had failed and started over again. Jun repeated several times, failure after failure was passed every day. One day Jun realized that it was not only high focus that was needed, but also peace of mind. Finally Jun was able to endure a long time, only a few minutes left until the time ended. Suddenly heard someone asking for money in front of the house. Zan did not respond to the voice either. Jun, who was focused, stood up and approached the beggar and gave him some money.

Zan wondered why Jun let go of failing just to give money to the beggar.

"I'm sorry sir, I'll repeat it again", said Jun apologetically

"Hm, you don't need to apologize, you passed. It's my first time seeing someone like you", replied Zan who was surprised by the attitude shown by Jun.

Jun was happy not playing, he thought he would repeat the exercise again. It looked like Jun was really sweating, drenched in sweat himself, the exercise was really hard. Zan told what exercise to do next. Jun will practice focusing qi to his body. With a face full of enthusiasm, he couldn't wait for that day to come.