
Chapter 2 Growing Desire

Early in the morning before the sun rises. Below the church that is home to the Hestia familia. Bell is tossing and turning on the very uncomfortable sofa that is his bed. He is stuck deep in a nightmare. Repeatedly getting kicked out of familia after familia. Constantly being mocked for being weak looking, to young and inexperienced. Humans are weak and fragile bodies unlike the boaz or dwarf, most do not have an affinity for magic like elves, or senses like other beast folks.




Rejection after Rejection had led me to an alleyway. I sat down to rest against a wall with my head between my knees, trying to force my eyes closed to avoid tearing up. "Such a child." Lifting up my head up and opening my eyes to try and find the voice that called for me. The alleyway changed into a black hallway with endless doors.

"Where am I?"

"Bell you are home. You are mine. You don't need any elves. All you need is me." A black shroud in the form of the goddess stood next me.

"I am sorry goddess. I owe you so much but I want to stand by her side. Please I want to get stronger so I can become a hero and finally reach out for her hand."

"No, you will not. I will not let you." The shrouded black form of Hestia started getting bigger and bigger. The small little girl body turned into muscles of a beast. Her pigtails shortening and shaped themselves into horns.

The new form before me was a minotaur as black as night. "Uwroooooooooarr." The beast's screams shocked me to my core. The primal fear made my blood run cold. It took all I had to roll forward and start running forward. The hallway shaking under the pressure of an impact behind me. The beast left a crater where I was sitting and started chasing me down the endless hallway. Every door slammed shut as I passed.


"You will only bring death to my familia."

"Stay away runt."

No matter how fast I was, I would never reach a door in time. The minotaur continued to chase me down the hall. After what seem like forever of running, a path opened up to my right. My hopes were completely crushed as soon as I turned. It was a dead end and the minotaur was upon me. I went in for a desperate strike with my hands and only broke them on contact with its skin. The beast just laughed off the strike. "You will die for interrupting my feast."

The minotaur raised its foot and kicked me in the chest so hard that I flew back against the black wall. My chest was crushed in and my lungs were desperately fighting for air. The black minotaur went down into a crouch with its horns forward and charged to finish me off. My vision was going blurry as death was upon me.

The world went cold, the blackness of the dream dungeon was instantly filled with blue ice. The black minotaur in front of me was no more. As the ice magic dissipated the form of a jade haired goddess with elven ears approached me. "Are you okay Bell Cranell?"

The once black halls radiated a light blue from the magic and aura of the elf before me. "I do not wish for my savior to get hurt. Ryu, please heal him."

The form of Ryu, the dyed green haired elf from the Hostess of fertility, appeared a on my left side "Stop. Let me heal you Mr. Cranell. Noah Heal."

"I will see you around Bell." Riveria turned around and walked down the hall. "Let's go Ais.' as the form of the blonde girl nibbling on a potato snack watching us.

As they were walking away, the brown-haired half elf Eina whispered into my right ear. "Bell, many women are drawn towards strength. Perhaps a stronger you can find the woman of your dreams." The apparitions of Eina and Ryu kissed me on the ears. Before all four women disappeared instantly from the hall leaving me all alone.

A fire roared to life in my stomach at those words. It threatened to burn my very skin with the pure desire pushing me forward. The black halls started to change orange in color. "I will get stronger to be able to stand by her side and protect the ones that have cared for me!"




The darkness from the hall started to fade. My eyes opened to a dimly lit living room, from a magic lamp. As I adjusted my eyes to being awake, my goal came to my thoughts and filled me with determination. 'The desire to get stronger. To become a hero and Be at the side of the one I love.'

I went to get up but felt a weight holding me down. The body of the four and half foot goddess Hestia was lying on my stomach with her head leaned into my chest. I laid there a minute trying to figure out what to do about her. She shifted in her sleep pushing her E cupped breasts forward, threatening to spill out of her top.

My face went red alarmed that she was laying on me and I slid out from underneath her small body. Then pulled the blanket back over her. The magic stone powered clock only read 5:30 am. I started to walk away the goddess mumbled in her sleep. "Stupid Bell."

I grabbed some water and my shoes and proceeding to take the winding staircase out of the church basement and walked out of the church to breathe in the fresh morning air. Sunlight was barely peaking from the horizon and most of the sky was still dark. I started wandering aimlessly to the western wall of the city. The empty streets allowed me to be alone to my thoughts, trying to determine the best course of action to achieve my goal.

'I need to get stronger. It's a little early to go into the dungeon. Maybe exercising would help make my body stronger looking. I was never able to go too far from my village because of monsters. Still running would be embarrassing inside Orario. Where can I go that will help me avoid people?'

Before I knew it, I had arrived at the west wall near the market district. I looked around to find an entrance and stairway to the top of the walls. It wasn't guarded at all. Guards were only posted at the entrances. I took the stone staircase to the top of the wall. Again, no guards were on top of the wall. The view of the northern mountains, eastern forests and the western farmlands looked amazing. As I turned around, the true size of the city was breathtaking to behold. Orario seems like an endless expanse of buildings from this viewpoint. However, this thought was not shared by the hungry eyes staring down on me from Babel.

"I don't know if I will get in trouble but this seems to be the perfect spot to go for a run. Maybe do pushups as well." Trying to reassure myself this is a stepping stone to achieving my goals. My stomach was nervous and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.

I bend down and perform one hundred pushups. Made a lot easier with the falna on my back. From what I understand even a level 1 blessed person can easily overpower the strongest warrior without a blessing. After I am done, I begin one foot in front of the other, gaining speed around the walls of Orario. Only stopping at each one of the eight main roads for another set of pushups.




At the northside of Orario. Loki familia was waking up. As morning sun shined brightly through the windows, Riveria got up and started preparing for the day.

"Uggggh, 7:30am already. I was hoping for more sleep. Better get dressed and meet the rest for breakfast." Exchanging her form fitting nightgown for more layers. Riveria put on her normal multiple layer royal elven robes and exited her room in the women's tower. Heading down to the dining hall to find most of the familia female executives already eating. She grabbed a plate from Aki who was in charge of the kitchen staff outside the dungeon and headed to the table.

"Good morning Riveria. Sit with us." Even this early in the morning the amazon Tiona was as energetic as ever. Even annoying her sister Tione with her cheerfulness.

"Good morning Tiona. Don't mind if I do." Riveria sat down between Ais and Alicia.

"Good morning Riveria." All the girls responded to the high elf.

"How are you all doing this morning."

"I am okay. Next few days are gonna be boring outside the dungeon. Hope to get some sparring in today." Tione punched the air excitely.

"Tiona, we were ordered to rest after the expedition for the next few days. Also, I believe you need a new weapon after that monster's acid dissolved it."

"Oh right, Lady Riveria."

"Sister you will not defy the captain's orders." Tione's face is showing clear signs of rage at her younger sister. "He has given us all tasks to complete today."

Ais was still nibbling on her breakfast watching the conversation. "Tiona, I need to take my sword to Gobinu as well. I will go with you."

Leyfia jumped at the opportunity. "I can go as well."

"Leyfia you are helping me turn in the rare drop items like the unicorn horn. The captain wants me to sell that one to Armid." Tione words made Leyfia's ears droop downwards.

"Fine Miss Tione. Why don't we all go shopping later for clothes. Monsterphilia is coming up in a few days."

"Sounds like fun. I would like to show off more to the captain. Maybe he will finally make me his wife."

"hahaha. Desperate much big sis." Tiona laugh just made Tione furious at her sister.

"Lady Riveria maybe you should get new clothes other than that robe."

"The last time I did that Tiona; Raul and Dain were being perverts ogling my body."

"Lady Riveria." The usually quiet elf Alicia spoke. She was a beautiful elf in mid 20s. Blond hair, green eyes dress in a pink form fitting blouse held up by a brown corset and brown boots.

"Yes Alicia."

"Could you show me the Witch's Secret shop in western Orario. I need to replace a magic stone in my wand.

"Sure Alicia, I can go there with you. Before we meet at the Hostess of Fertility, I need to place food orders for the familia in the market district today."

"Lady Riveria, I can accompany you to the market district as well. My bow and sword are in good condition. I do however need to pick up a quiver of arrows while were in the area."

"Alright then Alicia. I will see the rest of you tonight at the Hostess. Hopefully a drunken werewolf doesn't give me a headache tonight."

"Don't worry Bete will get a knuckle sandwich. That shouldn't count as sparring, Riveria." Teased Tiona

The Loki familia women finished up their breakfast and walked out of twilight manor and split into their respective groups to accomplish their tasks.

As Riveria and Alicia crossed the main street in northwest Orario by the Dian Cecht Pharmacy. Alicia noticed a white blur running the walls.

"Lady Riveria, are we allowed on the walls."

"Hmm, I don't know Alicia. The walls are never guarded. Their only to prevent people from leaving. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I just saw a human boy running the walls."

"That is no small feat. I am pretty sure the circumference of Orario is 20 miles all the way around. He must have been at it for a while."




"Three hours, I don't think that is too bad for my first attempt. I need to get something to eat and head to the dungeon." Finally, I have made it back to the western guard house and exited to the street below."

"Hold it."

I turned around to see an older woman with blue Hair dressed in an eastern style orange battle gear.

"I am the Ganesha familia captain Shakti Varma. What were you doing up on the wall?"

I bowed at the waist. "Sorry Miss Varma. I was trying to run the walls before I go into the dungeon later."

"Is that all you were doing up there?"


"What is your name."

"Bell Cranel from Hestia familia."

"Fine as long as it's for training purposes. I will notify my guards to allow you to keep doing it. If any, criminal activities are reported you will be the first, I bring in for questioning. Am I understood?"

"Yes Miss Varma."

"Just call me Shakti. Now move along."

"Thank you. Miss Shakti." I start walking back to the abandoned church that is my home.




Not even a second after I open the door to the basement. The small goddess jumped me. Tackling me at the waist. "Bell where have you been? You been gone for three hours."

"My apologies goddess. I didn't mean to worry you. I got permission to run the walls, so I can get stronger. I am going to go to the dungeon soon."

"Fine, I would appreciate if you would tell me. Don't need someone to take my precious Bell from me." Still embracing me in a hug.

"Goddess won't you be late for work?" scratching my face to hoping that would get her off of me.

"Oh no it's almost 9am. Fine I need to go. See you tonight Bell. Be safe."

I cleaned up and changed into my dungeon clothes. It took me a little bit to fasten my chest piece on. Then make my way over to the food storage only to find it was empty, causing my stomach to growl. I found my sword and my destroyed bag. "Guess I will need to buy breakfast and a new bag. I think there is a shop by that bar down the street."

As I make my way up from the basement and head east towards Babel. I purchase a new backpack for 5,000 valis and noticed I left the rest of my money in my other pack. 'I can always get food later by selling monster drops and crystals.'

As I passed the Hostess of Fertility, my stomach started to tense up as I had the feeling somebody was watching me again. Looking around like a nervous child, trying to find the source.

"I must be going crazy. I feel like I am being watched." I turn around in the direction of babel to find a really cute silver haired human girl in a waitress uniform.

"Um, excuse me."

"Sorry, I was just a little surprised. Must be tired still."

"No, I am sorry for startling you. Your name is Bell Cranell right."

"Yes. I believe your name is Syr."

"Awe, you remember. I think you dropped this monster stone two weeks ago during that incident."

"Thank you for going out of your way Miss Syr."

"Oh, no it was no problem. Are you heading to the dungeon?"

"Yes, I was about to go into the dungeon." I was trying to end the conversation but my stomach growled.



"Oh my, going into the dungeon would be dangerous on an empty stomach."

"Probably right, I forgot to bring enough valis with me. I can just get a few monster kills then get some lunch."

"I have an idea, Bell." She enters a side door to the bar and came back out immediately carrying a small basket. "The kitchen is currently closed but you can have my morning rations."

"No no. I can't do that Miss Syr."

Syr begins to pout. "Please take it. I don't want you to get surprised by a monster because your stomach is betraying you.

"How can I say no to that?"

"Just call me Syr. Since I will go hungry. Maybe you can make it up to me and come eat dinner tonight at the bar."

My eyes go wide in shock. I had fallen into the trap setup by the waitress. "You don't play fair. Guess I will see you tonight Syr."

"I will reserve a seat for you Bell. Hopefully I will make a lot of money tonight." She teases me. "See you later bell."

Then I head towards the dungeon with the many other adventure groups heading down as well.




As I got to Babel, I sat at a bench and ate the breakfast provided by Syr. It was much more filling than my normal diet. "Even though she tricked me. I probably would be in trouble if my stomach was distracting me." Sat around for another few minutes watching adventurers of all races walk towards the dungeon under babel. Many wearing armor and holding weapons that I could not fathom on affording with my current funds. I got up, entered babel and proceeded down the stairs into the dungeon.

I was able to reach floor 4 in only an hour with almost no monster spawns. So much traffic this morning from other groups had cleared out these floors. As I was cutting my way through floor 4, I came across a few goblins and kobolds. Still, I found myself at the staircase to floor 5 only one hour later. "I don't have to tell her I went down to floor 5 again. I will just go down to a few rooms and keep track of every turn."

Floor 5 looked nearly identical to floor 4. I proceed a hundred feet down the tunnel until I reached the first room along the path. As I entered the room, a long tongue jabbed into the dungeon wall, taking a small chunk with it. The tongue coiled up back into the frog shooter's mouth. It was only 3 feet tall but was 6 feet long propped up on 4 legs and staring at me with one giant bulbous eye.

Again, it released it tongue, I sidestepped the attack and brought my shortsword down on to the tongue and cut it off. The tongue disappeared into ash and an angry scream came from the frog. It backed up on to its hind legs and launched itself forward. My legs were a little shaky from the run earlier. Instead of dodging I turned it into a roll, rolled underneath the body of the frog. With a thud the frog landed behind me. I pulled out my blade brought it down on the backside of the frog. The body of the frog collapsed to the floor dead.

Before I could celebrate my victory against the new monster. Another tongue wrapped around my sword hand. Causing me to drop the sword to the ground. The frog's tongue was incredibly strong and was dragging me into its open mouth. Luckily the frog didn't have any teeth but the force of its mouth down on my arm still shot pain through my body. My status prevented a beast of this level from breaking my bones.

"Get off me you slimy bastard. I will not be killed by the likes of you." I raised my left hand and slammed it down on the frog's eye. Repeatedly punching all my strength down onto its sole bulbous eye. After thirty seconds of pounding the eye burst open. The frog was blind and yelling in pain allowing me to get my arm out. I ran to my sword that was still lying on the ground picked it up and grabbed a potion out of my bag and drink it.

My arm started to regain its old strength as it recovered from the assault. The frog still blindly lashing out with its tongue, trying to find the adventurer to cause it to go blind. I readied my blade and charged toward the blind frog. Like the first frog I cut off its tongue and brought the blade down on to its head. Killing it instantly.

"Whew, the was a close one." Looking down at my left arm, my shirt was chewed away from the frog's saliva. I began cutting out the stones and put them into my backpack. As the frogs' bodies disappeared into ash, a crackling noise was coming from multiple parts of the walls. A few seconds later eight Kobolds popped out each look at me with hungry growls.

"These numbers put me in a bad position." Looked back behind me to the hallway that brought me into the room. Two of the Kobolds guarded that part. "That's the only way."

I picked myself up and charge the two Kobolds guarding the hallway. Killing the first with sideways cut which took off its head. I continued the movement and brought down the blade into a downward chop on to the other splitting its head down the middle.

The other six Kobolds charged barring their fangs ready to get revenge for their fallen brothers. I raced towards the tunnel forcing them to fight each other in order to be able to kill me in the narrow space of the tunnel. "I can't just run away and let them surprise another."

I turned around to face the 6 kobolds forcing themselves into the tunnel one or two at a time. Pulled out my secondary cutting knife. One of the kobolds tried jumping over the first two. I threw my knife between its eyes and it collapsed on the back legs of the front two. Both of the kobolds on the vanguard were pinned under the weight of the dead kobold. Gripping my shortsword and began to charge towards the right.

Ignoring the screams of pain, the kobolds were still desperately trying to claw at me. I brought my blade up to stop the attack. The arm was severed on contact with the sword. Followed up the attack with a forward lunge impaling it in the stomach. Another claw came from the left narrowly missing me. I jumped against the tunnel wall and used my status to propel me in the other direction towards the other frontline kobold. Impaling the side of its body with my sword.

Three left to go. The back two were hesitate to charge after seeing the others die in front of them. The middle one jumped over the corpses but tripped over the bodies and was able to finish it off with a horizontal slash. My confidence increased ten-fold after reducing the numbers to a quarter of the threat from before. It was my turn to go on the offensive. I used the back of kobold as a ramp to charge the other two. I jumped in the air and brought my blade down into a vertical slash killing another and finished off the last one with horizontal stike.

"Whew it's all over. I think I should get these monster crystals and go back up to upper floors and take a break." While I was hunched over going for crystals. I was surprised by another Kobold that spawned in the tunnel. I barely had time to react, to dodge its claws. The claws still connected with my back but it was not a fatal attack. The rookie armor I bought only had front protection. Forcing myself into a roll on my right side, my hands found the carving knife still embedded in the skull of a dead kobold. I ripped it out and sank it into the right eye socket of the kobold.

The injury was not severe. I did not have any potions left nor could I reach it on my back to patch it up. "Maybe goddess can look at it on the surface and I can stop by Miach's Blue Pharmacy too."

After about thirty minutes later. I cut out all the crystals and found 9 kobold claws that I added to my bag with the other drop items and crystals. I walked back up to floor 4 and spent another two hours killing smaller groups of Kobolds and Goblins before exiting the dungeon.




As I made it to the top of the stairs. I glanced at a clock on the wall reading 330pm. "Oh, I need to get to the guild. Eina wanted me over for lessons." The evening sun was still decently high in the western sky. Always blinding to the eye after you spend a long enough time in the dungeon. I started walking the northwest road in the direction of the guild headquarters.

After entering the guild Patheon, I head towards the exchange. The exchange in the guild building was lot less busy than the one located in Babel. Rose the werewolf was at the exchange desk.

"Good evening Miss Rose."

"Evening Bell, did you bring in a nice haul."

"I think I did a good job today." Scratching my face in nervousness. Then dump my bag of crystals and drop items into collection bin.

"Looks like somebody doesn't like listening to their advisor. These two monster stones look like they're from frog shooters on the fifth floor."


"You will have to explain that to Eina. You have a surprising amount of drop items. You must be pretty lucky."

"Well, I am alive still." Chuckling at the werewolf's remark

"With your crystals and drop items. You have earned twenty thousand valis. Congrats Bell."

"Thank you miss Rose."

"BBBEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLL!" came a loud scream behind me. I turn around in a hurry to see a confusing sight of a very angry beautiful looking half elf.

"Um hello Eina, how are you doing this evening?" My hand scratching the back of my head.

"I would be doing a lot better if my adventurer would listen to a word I said. Not only do you have a giant kobold claw strike on your back but your arm looks like it was inside the mouth of a frog shooter."

"Well, it was actually, sorry Eina. I got bored on floor 4."

"Oh, it's my adventurer already Eina. Getting a little possessive are we dear. Need to separate work and pleasure." Rose teased Eina from the exchange window.

"Knock it off Rose. Bell, please stand still now." Ordered Eina.

I was nervously shifting in place expecting to be hit. "ok"

"Respond to the contract, light of the forest. Follow my order and heal the wounds of those that seek your Mercy."

"Dio Luna." Green light radiated from Eina's hand and encircled my body. The scratch marks on my back healed over and my arm was even in better condition than when I used my potion. "Bell go get yourself cleaned up and meet me in the training room in as soon as possible."

Still stunned by the beautiful magic from the half elf advisor. "T-thank you Eina. I will be back their soon."

About twenty minutes later we are once again seated across from each other on the comfy couches inside the training room. Still nervous awaiting my punishment. "Bell how many times do I have to tell you to not seek adventure? You will get yourself killed. Last time you got lost down there."

"Sorry Eina. As I said I got bored on floor 4. I went down to the first room on floor 5. Miss Ais showed the best way kill frog shooters. The second one kind of surprised me but I bashed its eye in with my fist."

"What of that claw mark on your back Bell."

"I got surrounded by eight Kobolds. I used the tunnel to the room to reduce their numbers. I was able to take care of them but was surprised by a ninth one that spawned in the hallway."

"Bell the reason I didn't clear you for floor 5 is the number of monsters increases dramatically. They will only get smarter, more numerous and deadlier.

"Yes Eina. Sorry." Letting out a sign

"Glad you at least came back."

"Miss Eina, I want to get stronger like you said. I don't want to sleep through my dreams." My eyes locked with hers.

Eina's face grew a light blush. "Okay Bell but you need to be smart about it or you will only be awake for the nightmares." Her words cut deep as the memory of the minotaur gripped at my heart.

Eina spent the next two hours teaching me of the various monsters on the 5th and 6th floors. Frog shooters, Kobolds, war shadows. The tactics they are known to use to kill adventurers and study maps of the floors. After I passed the test, I glanced over to a clock, it was 5:30pm.

"Bell, it is getting late. We should both be getting home."

"Miss Eina, w-would you like to get some Jaga Maru potato snacks. My goddess runs a stall up north. I would love it if you could meet her. Sure, she would thank you for healing me up and it would be a good opportunity for her to get to know my advisor."

"That sounds like a fun idea Bell. I actually live up north. Actually, was planning to leave earlier, but somebody was late getting here." Hint of excitement in her voice.

Me and Eina walked out of the guild ignoring her coworkers and jealous stares of passing adventurers. We cut past the Hephaistos's familia shops in the north west and past some Clothing shops on the north road. Still nervously walking side by side.

"Bell, I noticed you looking at those weapons in the Hesphaistos Familia window. I am surprised you haven't replaced your starter gear yet. You seem to be making enough valis."

"Uhhh. The prices are way too much for me to afford."

"Bell, you have to work your way up to the first-tier adventure weapons and armor over years of hard work. There are cheaper options. One of these days when I get some time off from the guild. I will have to show you the lower tier shops."

"That would be amazing Eina."

"Bell was there another reason you wanted to take me to get potato snacks and walk me to my place." Eina teases me with a sly grin.

"I wanted to try to put your mind at ease. I want to keep pushing myself but I don't want to worry you. Plus, I would like to get to know more about you."

"Bell I am gonna get in trouble if I keep healing you at the guild building."

"Sorry for that, however that magic was beautiful Eina." A blush formed on Eina's face. "Did you use to be an adventurer?"

"I was three years ago. I never made it to level 2. I decided to stop and chose to work in the guild."

"Did you use to be part of Loki familia? You seem to know Lady Riveria and I remember my goddess saying something."

"Yes, to both Bell. Lady Riveria and my mother are best friends. She uses to serve her as a handmaiden in the Alf Kingdom. They both fled the kingdom 28 years ago with Loki and Finn."

"You don't have answer if you don't want to Miss Eina. What happened to make you stop adventuring?"

"It's okay, the rest of the Loki familia was on an expedition to the deep levels. I was leading a group of level 1s on floor 10. We got cornered by an infant dragon. They are extremely rare but are basically the unofficial monster Rexes of the upper floors. Three of my friends died that day. I would of as well but the expedition showed up back early and Lady Riveria destroyed it with her magic. Ever since then I have stayed out of the dungeon."

"I see. Sorry you had to go through that Eina."

"It's okay." Eina decides to change the subject. "Bell what do you think of Lady Riveria?"

The walk up the north road was quiet for a few seconds with me looking side to side nervously. Eina chose to tease me and pressed me further.

"Come on Bell, you can't hide it from me."

"I-I fell for her." Whispered softly and my face went red

"Oh, my Bell. She is a wonderful person. She is very strong willed but has had the responsibilities of the familia forced on her shoulder. Though I don't think she is seeing anybody, but it still might be impossible with her being an elven princess. Do you not think that is a bit of a Herculean task to overcome?"

"I know. I can't help it. I think its way more than being saved by the minotaur. I know it might be impossible. I felt like a fire was lit inside me upon meeting her. She is one of reasons motivating me get stronger."

"What's the other reasons Bell?"

"I have always loved the heroic tales from the age of heroes. My grandpa use to tell me those stories all the time growing up. When he died, I had nothing left and came here to be an adventurer."

"Sorry for your loss Bell."

"It's okay. It did hit me hard but I would never have met you, Lady Riveria, Miss Ais or my goddess. Hopefully I can make all my goals come true with time."

"Bell, goals can help push us to be better. Even the gods can't tell the future." She was trying to give me hope but her voice hinted at jealously. "I will clear you for floor 5, but please be careful. Okay."

"I will miss Eina. Maybe someday I can help you overcome floor 10 when I get stronger, if you ever desire too."

Eina gave a pained smile and decided to change the subject. "Oh, here we are. Is that your goddess with the pigtails?" She points to the big chested small child like figure of goddess Hestia behind the jaga maru stand.

"Yes thats her."





Surprised by the angry aura coming from her. "Oh, hello Goddess, can I buy two potato snacks for me and Eina?"

"Fine but I want to talk immediately." She reached in her stand and gave Eina 2 potato snacks and took my valis. As soon as she finished. She put a closed sign on the stall and grabbed me by the ear and dragged me to an alleyway.

"Bell what are you doing with that Half elf." She shouted loud enough that some people walking by turned their heads.

"Goddess Hestia please calm down. I just wanted to walk Miss Eina home and I wanted you to meet my advisor."

Eina nervously stepped forward to introduce herself. "Hello goddess Hestia. As bell has said, I am his advisor. My name is Eina Tulle. Nice to meet you."

"Miss Einasomething, are you sure you're not using your position to corrupt my dear Bell or drag him to that flat chested goddess of yours."

"Goddess please don't be rude to Miss Eina. Her classes have been extremely valuable to me. She is a very nice person." Eina chest warms up and cheeks have a light pink blush.

Eina's reaction did not go unnoticed by Goddess Hestia. "I knew it, Bell. I will not allow her to take your innocence."

"Goddess what are you implying. Please stop it."

"No, I will not let her take you away from me." Hestia drags me away to the abandon church. Leaving the half elf confused and alone in the alleyway.

"Eina are you okay?" She was startled and turned around to see two elves standing behind her. Lady Riveria and Alicia Forestlight.

"Lady Riveria, Miss Alicia. I am sorry for that. Yes, I am okay."

"What happened Eina?" Riveria asked with a brow raised.

"Bell Cranel wanted to introduce me to his goddess after our classes. The stall and my house are up this way. I agreed. I am not sure why his goddess reacted like that. I just wanted to talk to her about his progress."

"Don't worry about it Eina. He is a good kid but I had the same reaction from his goddess yesterday."

"Hehe. Sounds like he has an elf fetish. She gets jealous when elves are near him." Teased Alicia at her side.

A shock appeared on both Riveria and Eina's faces. "Alicia knock it off." ordered Riveria.

"Oh fine. I think that was the same cute boy I seen running the wall this morning too." That brought surprise to both of their faces.

"A twenty-mile run before going into the dungeon. No wonder he got hurt on floor 5."

"Is he alright Eina?" Questioned Riveria.

"Yes, Lady Riveria, it wasn't too bad. I healed him up. Would one of you like this potato snack?" Eina held out one of the potato snacks to the other elves.

"Sure, better not to let it go to waste. Give me enough energy to deal with Loki and Bete at the Hostess of Fertility tonight. Would you like to come along Eina?"

"No, I couldn't do that. I was not part of the expedition. I am glad you're all okay though. I am always worried when you go down deep."

"Nonsense, the rest of the familia would love to see you again."

"I am sorry, I have to get up early for work. I can stop by after monsterphilia festival is over on Saturday, Lady Riveria."

"Fine we will expect you in four days Eina. Loki keeps talking about you too. Please do avoid her hands though when you come over!"

"Thank you, Lady Riveria. I will see you all in four days. Please don't let goddess Loki get to you drunk. I don't want Bell to risk his life to save you again." Eina was surprised to see a blush appear on Riveria's face.

"I-I will not let our annoying goddess trick any of the women tonight. Have a good night Eina."

"Lady Riveria." Spoke the timid Alicia.

"Yes Alicia."

"Would you mind if I walk Eina home? I want to chat with my old friend a little. I can make it back to the Hostess of Fertility in an hour or two."

"That is fine by me. Take care you two."

"Good night Lady Riveria." Eina and Alicia walked off to her house in the north west and Riveria continued up the north road to the Twilight manor.




Alicia and Eina continue their walk for another mile until they reach Eina's apartment. Eina invites Alicia in for tea and to chat. Eina's apartment is meticulously organized with elven furnishing.

"Wow I love your apartment Eina. Reminds me of my room but with a lot more space.

"Thank you, Alicia."

"What did you want to talk about with me?"

"Is it wrong to want to catch up with my old friend? You would probably be a level 4 with me if you didn't quit adventuring three years ago. Always felt bad that I leveled first and went on the expedition instead of helping you."

"It wasn't your fault, Alicia. Just how the dungeon can be!"

"True, you seem to be holding up well being an advisor."

"I am doing well. It's stressful. Everybody keeps forcing their work on to me and Bell is making me worried a lot."

"Oh, I keep hearing his named being brought up a lot in the last two weeks. What's with that Eina?"

Eina with an annoyed looked on her face. "He's just stressing me. He is the only one to sit through all my lessons but still barely listens to me. He's already going to the fifth floor alone by himself."

"Wow usually people are at it for a month or two before progressing as a group." Sounds amazing.

"He almost got killed by a minotaur last time."

"That was an accident Eina. Plus, they spawn on floor 17. Glad Riveria saved him. He should be thanking the ground she walks on." Sips her tea.

"Oh, she actually gave him the stones to apologize and thanked him for rescuing her at the Hostess two weeks ago?"

Alicia spits out the tea. "Sorry, are you serious. That was him."

"Yes, Bell was able to hold three criminals off as a fresh level 1 until an elven waitress came to their aid. Both Bell and Lady Riveria have confirmed the story."

"Surprised he didn't try to get in our familia."

"He tried but Bete threw him out."

"That sounds like that mangy beast."

"You keep talking about him like he's your lover." Sly grin appeared on Alicia's face.

Eina's face is red and in shock. "Absolutely not! I am his advisor. Our relationship is strictly professional."

"Hard to believe with your face like that Eina." Her grin goes even deeper.

"I am just his advisor. Plus, his goddess is overprotective and he's in love with Lady Riveria … Oh no!"

"Well, I can't allow a human, no matter how honorable, to defile our princess."

"He is aware of the near impossibility. Please don't hurt him."

"Fine" Another hour passes before Alicia leaves Eina's apartment and heads to the Hostess of Fertility.




Goddess Hestia and Bell reach the abandoned church in the west part of city. I take off my armor and wash up. I lay down again to allow the goddess to update the falna on my back. "Goddess you can have half my earnings today. Should be 10 thousand valis. Could you pick up food tomorrow while I am out?"

"Sure Bell. I can do that as long as you're not trying to cover up for another date with that half elf."

"D-d-date. Please goddess, she is a wonderful person. All I wanted was for you and my advisor to meet. I don't think she sees me in that way either." My heartrate was betraying me which made Hestia slip with the knife in her hand. The blade fell from her hand and impaled me about an inch into my back.


"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Bell it was an accident. I think I have a potion in my end table." She reaches over to the end table and retrieves bandage and a potion. She applies it to my back and covers the wound up. "Sorry bell. I lost my balance. Please forgive me."

"It's okay goddess. Please calm down"

She went to over to the sink to get cleaned up and was searching through her wardrobe for an outfit and I glanced over at my status sheet lying on the bed.

Bell Cranell Age 15 Race Human

Level One

Strength: H108 H159 Defense: H101 G201

Dexterity: I96 H147 Agility: H192 G250

Magic: I-0 Luck: I

Magic ()

Skills () ********

Blood still covered the bottom half of the paper, but something was off with what was shown on the status paper. 'How is this possible? What is this Luck stat and what's with this huge growth? Its more than the last two weeks combined.' My mind was spinning as the goddess entered my room with a shocked look on her face.

"Goddess is there something you're not tell me? How did my status go up by TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY POINTS? What is this Luck I?"

"Bell I am sorry. I hid the Luck developmental ability. I didn't understand how you would get a developmental ability at level 1. I need to ask a friend of mine because that should be impossible. I don't want people finding out about it and take you away from me." Tears appeared in her eyes.

"It's okay goddess, what about the growth? That is almost as much as last two weeks."

"I am not sure Bell. It might just be a growth spurt. Maybe you are pushing yourself too hard?" she explained hesitantly like she was hiding something.

'I am happy about my stats but I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that she's not telling me everything.' Thinking to myself after witnessing her behavior.

"Goddess I need to head to the Hostess of Fertility. I promised a waitress that I would eat there. She was nice enough to give me breakfast for free in return I told her I would show up and eat."

"Fine" she began to pout. "I am going out with a few work friends tonight anyways." Hestia throws on her coat. Grabs a pouch of 10,000 valis and storms out of the basement.

'What is going on with her recently?' I think to myself.'

"Oh well, I am starving. I will use the remaining valis I made today to go eat. I can search through the rest tomorrow when I convert all my stuff to the other bag."

I left the basement at 8pm. The city was already illuminated by the magic stone lamps. I started walking east towards the Hostess.




After about twenty minutes I found the two-story building that is the Hostess bar. The place was packed with people aside from the empty table in the middle. The waitresses were all female from what I could see. The large dwarfess owner was serving at the counter talking to the silver haired girl Syr. Her presence was as intimidating as ever.

I was still too nervous to enter the bar. I am too young to drink and there were none in my home village. I was about to turn around when the elfess waitress approached me.

"Hello Mr. Cranell. It's been a while since we have seen you here!"

"Oh, I am surprised you remembered my name. Nice to see you again Miss Ryu. Thank you again for coming to my aid back then. I should of came to see you sooner."

"It's fine. The event may have been a bit traumatic. How can I help you Mr. Cranell?

"I promise Syr that I would stop in for dinner. She was nice enough to offer me her breakfast and gave me back one of my stones."

"I see her tricks have lured you in as well. She has been wanting to see you again." Her small smile made my chest warm at the sight. Beautiful and quick but her face went back to its normal stoic self.

"Rrrryyyyuuuu, don't embarrass me in front of Bell."

"Sorry Syr. I will let you take care of him. I have to get back in before Mia gets angry."

"Bell follow me into the bar. Now seating one." She leads me to the bar right in front of the owner Mia. I take a seat at the L shaped counter.

The dwarfess owner leans over to eye me up. "So, you're Syr's guest. You have a cute face for an adventurer. Surprised you were able to hold those men off of that dizzy high elf."

"Thankyou, I just didn't want her to get hurt. Is miss Ryu, okay?"

"Don't worry my girls can handle themselves. She even housed that drunken High Elf."

"You have my thanks for taking care of her ma'am."

"Just call me momma, momma Mia. Just give us a holler if you need something. I will keep the food coming your way. You need to gain some meat on those bones."

"Thank you"

"Syr this bar is amazing but I only have a few thousand valis to spend. I am just starting out."

"I know, but I will at least squeeze a little out of you. Ha-ha. Just a joke bell I won't bankrupt you."

I ordered the pasta and a non-alcoholic beverage. I burned so many calories in the dungeon that I was starving and quickly wolfed down a plate of pasta. Mia came back out to give me a second plate of pasta and Syr asked her if she could sit alongside me.

"What about your job?"

"The kitchen is busy and were waiting on a big party to come into the hostess."

"Well, first let me thank you for the food this morning. It gave me the energy to bail myself out of a tough situation on floor 5."

"No, no. You coming here made my empty stomach worth it."

"Do you want something to eat? I am not rich but I can buy you a plate to make up for it. I didn't bring enough this morning."

"I can get something later before the kitchen closes. A nice tip wouldn't hurt though."

"Are you in love with money?"

"No, I just like meeting new people. Bell."

"The party with the reservation is here." Called out a brown-haired cat girl.




The bar went quiet as the Loki familia entered the hostess, each one radiating an aura of strength. Every race from amazons, dwarves, elves, humans and beast folk were represented in their ranks.

"Wow they seem like Royalty."

Syr just rolled her eyes. "As if? Look at their emblems. Their Loki familia."


I was starting to tune her out. The gorgeous blonde name Ais Wallenstein walked in which drew many stares and mumblings from the surrounding bar patrons. She was extremely beautiful. 'In another life I would propose to her in an instant.' The one that had my attention was the jade green haired high elf behind her.

Riveria Los Alf, her beauty was refined and sophisticated. Those beautiful elf ears sticking out of her green hair were making my heart pound like crazy. Many ignored her because the cloak she always wore was unflattering to her female form. She held a protective motherly aura that could be mistaken for a cold indifference if you were not the object of her affection. Her royal status also made her seem intimidating.

"They come in here pretty often Bell."

As they all seated and gave their orders of food and ale to the waitress. A red-haired woman stood at the front of the table. "Great job out there in the Dungeon today, people! Time to cut loose and get our drink on."

The normal atmosphere restored once the celebration started. If I come here more often. I will have more chances to see her. I was staring too long again. Locked eyes with her as she was watching her familia celebrate.

My face shaped into an uncontrollable smile and went red. Out of embarrassment I turned around to my food.




'He's here as well. Why do I want to talk to him? I shouldn't he's not in my familia. His face was so cute when it went red and turned around in embarrassment.

What is wrong with me? He's a human.'

"What are you looking at Riveria?" The red headed goddess approached in her daze.

"Nothing goddess Loki. Just making sure you're not planning something."

Loki sensed the lie and turned around to look at the bar where a white-haired teen was sitting with a red face. The silver haired waitress got up to check something. 'Hmm interesting she couldn't keep her eyes off the little bunny.'

"If you say so. I am gonna have a drink at the counter. You keep them under control mama." Riveria was holding the bridge of her nose, annoyed thinking about what trick she would pull tonight.

"Yo barkeep, pint of the good stuff." Mia raised an eyebrow at Loki's response sensing something was off.

"Sure thing." Passes the alcoholic beverage to the red-haired goddess as she sat down at the bar next to Bell. Suppressing her aura.

Loki was eyeing Bell up and down. "Hey squirt anybody ever tell you that you look like a bunny rabbit."

"I hope that doesn't become a thing Ma'am. I am trying to build on some muscle."

"Oi, I struck a nerve their kiddo. Seen you staring at my friend Riveria. Have a thing for elves, do you?"

"…." Face went red and steam was almost coming out of my ears. My response didn't go unnoticed by a certain elven bartender walking by us.

"Why not go talk to her?"

"I am not worthy of that honor. I need to get stronger. Plus, I would probably be seen as an insult to other elves. Ma'am."

"Aren't you the one that rescue her?"

"No, I don't think I did. All I did was delay those three guys, I would have been a goner without a waitress here and still failed at being a hero."

'Interesting humble and cute. Still don't want him near my Ais. Maybe I can take him from Itty Bitty. He would live longer.' Before Loki could start to introduce herself. A loud booming werewolf voice filled the bar.

"Ais, Riveria, tell us about the tomato brat that got his ass handed to him in the dungeon." The silver haired werewolf was completely drunk and being obnoxious.

"Tomato boy?" both looked confused.

"Yeah, from yesterday when all those minotaurs ran from us on floor 17. By some miracle, one of the ugly suckers made it to floor 5 and cornered this newbie like a trapped bunny rabbit?

Tiona spoke. "He seemed fine to me. Just resting."

"Riveria freeze blasted the beast and shattered it on top of him. He was so scared when he woke up that he tripped and knocked himself out. Covering himself in blood."

Anger was filling my body. I released my hands from my fork as I was about to consume one of the meatballs in my pasta. My knuckles balled up into fists turning white from the pressure.

"Oi, calm yourself kid." Spoke the red-haired woman at the bar.

The high elf spoke, angry at the werewolf. "Shut your mouth already, Bete! It was our mistake that let the minotaurs escape! The boy had nothing to do with it! You shouldn't drink if you can't handle it, you mangy pup."

I was happy that she spoke out against him but it hurt when she called me a boy. 'Will she ever see me as a man?'

"Oh! You elves and your dam pride. Trash is trash! He had no reason to be in the dam dungeon or even be an adventurer in the first place."

"I don't blame him for the circumstances that were forced onto him. We all start from level 1 just like any other."

The prum Finn spoke up. "Bete, Riveria, relax! You're killing the mood in here."

"You think some crotch sniffing little boy is gonna land the sword princess or the stuck-up elven princess?"

"There is no reason to answer that question, especially to a puppy who can't hold his liquor. Stop being absurd…"

"Quiet, hag!"




That was the final straw. I could not control my body anymore. My fists slammed down on to the table. One landing on the fork that was dug underneath a meatball covered in tomato sauce. The meatball launched like it had a mission and fell on the drunk werewolf's head. Staining his fur.

"Ha-ha-ha!" The flat chested amazon Tiona was laughing uncontrollable. "Look who the tomato boy is now." She rolled back on her chair and fell over laughing. More laughs spreading throughout the bar.

The silver werewolf locked his bloodshot eyes on the white rabbit ready to pounce on his prey. He omitted a murderous aura of a first tier adventurer.

"You're a dead man!"

"Bete don't" but he just ignored the orders and gave chase.

I was almost about to get to the doors. I can feel his murderous aura close behind me and made a quick turn left in the east direction towards babel. Bete was tripped up by Ryu's foot and fell to the ground.

Turning around to the elven waitress. He focused his rage on Ryu. Forcing her into a corner and was about to tare into her for intervening.

"OIIIIIIIIII, you think you can assault my girls, chase out my patrons and destroy my pub. I don't think so Vanagrand." The werewolf turned around to face the massive fist belonging to the dwarfess Mia. Bete was rendered unconscious instantly and every being in the bar was quiet. Still feeling her anger."

"Ryu, I think he went to the dungeon. Go chase him down."

"Yes mamma!" Ryu took a minute to gather herself, bowed before the dwarfess and ran out to the dungeon.

"Loki your wolf is banned from my pub."

"That's fair. He's been a real ass lately."

"What are you all standing around for? Drink! Eat! Now!" The mood in the bar was restored to its vibrant atmosphere once more each going home with a fun little story.




Alicia was down the street from the Hostess of Fertility when the white-haired boy sped past her. His level 1 speed even surprising her this late into the evening.

"What got into him?"

A minute later she was at the entrance to the Hostess when a green haired elf in a waitress uniform raced off in the same direction. Thinking the worse she entered the bar to see Bete lying on the ground unconscious and members of her familia tying him up.

"Is everything okay Lady Riveria?"

"No, the idiot wolf caused an incident. Would have been better if I went with you and Eina!"

"I am going back to the manor."

"I will follow you Lady Riveria."

'Hope Bell will be okay. Ryu should be able to catch him before he gets too far.' The high elf needed to lie down to get over her headache and the sinking feeling in her chest.




I raced through the dungeon annihilating packs of kobolds and goblins with a vengeance. I was filled with anger and running on adrenaline. Even failing to notice the beautiful blue eyes watching over me as I cut my way through floor after floor of monsters.

I continued my pace until I didn't recognize the floor I was on. "This isn't floor 5. I went down five sets of stairs. This must be floor 6.

Ryu was watching from around the corner. Stunned by Bell's progress. 'It's only been two weeks and he made that look so easy. I will have to intervene soon.' Her grip on her shortsword under her apron, ready to back him up at a moment's notice.

I began attacking 3 frog shooters. I dealt with the first one quickly before it could attack. The second one sent out its tongue. I dodged and sliced it off and closed the distance to stab its head. My reaction was to slow, the third frog shooter wrapped its tongue around my mid-section and prepared to swallow me whole. I stabbed my blade upwards through its jaw into its brain. When it died the tongue rolled off me.

'That was a close one.' Ryu thought still watching the fight. 'Does he noticed the war shadows on the ceiling about to form.'

As she noticed them. Their black masses oozed down from the ceiling. Once they made contact with the floor. Their bodies molded into bipedal shape of a humanoid. Each over 6 feet tall with many sharp appendages and blacker than the night sky.

"War shadows."

Their screams were loud and intimidating. They began their assault to claim me as their victim.

War shadows have a low defense but deadly claws and high speed. I still remember Eina telling me I had no chance of dodging them with my current stats. It took all I had to dodge their claws. Many landing deep cuts on my torso. Once every couple of dodges, I landed a hit and killed one of the war shadows.

"You will not kill me. I will do anything it takes to be by her side."

Ryu again was startled by my announcement. She saw the burning determination in his eyes and relaxed her blade arm to watch.

The fight lasted for an hour until I landed a horizontal slash against the last War shadow. I thought I was done when I heard a shuffling noise of something new coming from deeper.

It was a killer ant that came up from floor 7. It was one and half feet tall but four feet long. Its skin looked to strong, I didn't think my weapon would penetrate the monster. Its pincers awaiting to snap into my body as it charged forward to me. I was ready to stand my ground, but in an instant, it was killed. The green haired elven waitress had impaled a shortsword into the killer ant's head. Killing it instantly.

"I think that is enough Mr. Cranell. I don't want you getting killed." Ryu warned

"Oh, miss Ryu. Thankyou. How long have you been watching me?" I was shocked by the sudden help.

"I was ordered by Mamma Mia to chase after you. I was surprised by your progress and have been watching over you, for a couple of hours."

"Sorry I should of went back to Mamma Mia and paid my tab. I feel awful." Bowed low to apologize.

"It's fine Mr. Cranell. Let's head back to the Hostess and talk with Mamma Mia. You can have all these monster crystals in my apron."

"I can't, Miss Ryu."

"I am no longer an adventurer, with my circumstances, I cannot cash in the stones. Plus, you killed all the monsters. By the looks of it, you need a new weapon to go any further."

"You think so."

"Yes, the killer ants' natural armor will break any blades of that level with its skin. The head is the best way to kill it, but you can go for its spinal column between the armor segments. However, it will alert more with its antenna's if you don't kill it fast. They are not as fast as war shadow's but can climb walls."

"Thank you for watching over me and the free lesson. Can I make it up to you somehow? Mia will probably be mad at you for taking so long."

"Run it buy Mamma Mia, but first let me heal you up."

"The song of a now distant forest. The nostalgic song of life. Please bring the mercy of healing to those that seek you – Noah Heal."

A green light radiated from her hand as her magic coursed through my body. The cuts on my torso began to heal up and disappear.

"Thank you very much Miss Ryu."

"Don't mention it."

"Elven magic is always beautiful to witness. I will try my best to not make this a reoccurring thing." Causing Ryu to blush as the compliment.

"I somehow doubt that is in your control Mr. Cranell. Now let's get out of here. You will be in the vanguard. I will be rear support."

We both fought our way through the dungeon within the hour. A thought in the back of Ryu's mind. 'She had to agree with Chloe. He did have a nice butt.'

When we surfaced inside babel. I noticed the exchange center inside Babel was always opened. I exchanged the monster stones and drops items for another 20k valis. While the clerk was busy, counting all the stones. An old piece of paper on the back wall caught my eye.


Gale Wind 80 million valis

Race Elf. Long Blond Hair. Blue eyes. Green hood

'Best not to ask. She definitely looks similar to Miss Ryu. She always looks like she's forcing herself to interact with people. Her eyes show a hint of sadness. I hope I am wrong; she seems like a lovely woman.'

I walked out of the tower to find Ryu was sitting on a bench waiting for me to finish exchanging the stones.

"Miss Ryu please take half of the valis for helping me down there in the dungeon." I offered her a bag with an outstretched hand.

"Are you sure Mr. Cranell?"

"Yes, I might have gotten myself hurt worse and probably would have left the stones even in my foolishness. Plus, your lesson was very valuable. Also, I got to see something new."

"Are you talking about the killer ant?"

"That and I got to see your smile." Ryu stumbled when reaching for the money and I accidently grabbed her hand.

"Mr. Cranell please." Her face was changing into a deep red.

"I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean to touch you."

"L-lets head to the hostess of Fertility, Mr. Cranell."




The mile walk to the Hostess of Fertility was quite awkward. Neither one of us said a word. My thoughts were running wild, trying to figure out how to apologize to the Dwarfess owner. Ryu's confused look was worrying me too.

In Ryu's mind, 'Why did I let him touch me? Usually, I hurt people that try too?'

We both arrived at the two-story structure early in the morning and entered into the bar. It was quiet. "Their probably all asleep. I am probably gonna pass out."

"Mr. Cranell if you promise not to do anything you can get a few hours of sleep in my room….

"…." My mind went blank.

"On the floor. I have an extra pair of linens in my room."

"No, I couldn't…."

"Just do it. She's bound to tare apart the city trying to find you and you look like you might not make it to your place."

"Are you sure I don't want it to look negatively on you?"

"Come just keep it quiet. As soon as they get up to start cleaning. You can jump out my window. Come around to the front; apologize, pay your tab and leave?"

We both went up stairs to her room. I fell asleep on the floor in the corner of the room. Ryu had her back to me on her bed. Her ears red 'Why did I do this? I won't ever hear the end of this if they find out. Please forgive me Syr.'

Four hours later the other women in hostess were waking up. Knock came at the door to wake up Ryu. Syr pushed open the door.

"Good morning Ryuuuuuuuuuuuu …. ahhhhhhhh… Bell!"

Naturally every woman in the house heard that came to investigate.

"Does Ryu have a boyfriend?"

"Does he have a nice butt?"

"Ssssyyyrrr, it's not what you think." It was too late, Syr just ran downstairs to tell Mia. Ten minutes later we both went downstairs to confront Mia.

"Ryu, I told you to stop him from doing something stupid in the dungeon not join him."

"Sorry Mamma, got carried away in the dungeon and let him sleep on the floor."

"If this becomes a regular thing you're bonking elsewhere. I don't want little half elf babies everywhere."

"….." both of us were blushing messes.

"Miss Mia, please Ryu was kind enough to watch over me on floor 6. She offered me the chance to sleep on the floor so I could talk to you right away and pay my tab. Nothing else happened." I reached out with both hands giving her a pouch of valis.

The floor 6 surprised her for a rookie. She grabbed the pouch and pocketed it. "Your little stunt created a mess in my bar. Still cleaning out bits of wolf from my fist too and you took one of my girls away for the night making it difficult to serve people."

"Momma Mia can I help out around here to make up for it?"

"Fine, the next 2 days, you can stop by at 9am – 12pm to carry in crates of food and clean the bar."

"I can do that."

"Who knows maybe Ryu can help train you too ….. with a blade?" winked at the Ryu

"That would be amazing, if it's okay."

Ryu interrupted, "I can do that. You did well down their but you leave too many openings."

"Fine then. Do try not to get yourself killed? Doesn't matter what people say about you. As long as you come back alive you win."

"I will." Mia grabbed me by the shoulders, turned me around and pushed me lightly towards the door. I walked out and headed west to the abandoned church. Now fearing what my goddess would say to me.




I entered the church and made my way down the steps. Yet again to be tackled by my goddess.

With tears in her eyes, she was screaming at me. "Where have you been? Why do you look like you were attacked?"

"Goddess I went into the dungeon."

"Are you crazy? You went into the dungeon at night without armor. Do you have a death wish?"

"No goddess. I just want to get stronger and I had to vent off some frustration."

"Why does it look like you were healed. You left your bags here."

"Oh, the elven waitress followed after me. I got chased away from the pub by a mean werewolf from another familia. She came down their to watch after me and to make sure I paid for my food." I omitted that he was from Loki familia.

"You should be dead tired right now. Why does it look like you got some rest?" Her tears were gone, but her voice was rising with anger.

"I fell asleep at the pub for a few hours and woke up and paid my tab and apologized."

"You spent the night with an elf. Did she take your innocence?"

"I was by myself. Nothing happened." Hestia seemed furious more at my answers then being in the dungeon all night.

'He's told the truth but I feel like he is not telling me everything.'

"I forbid you to go back to the Hostess."

"I can't goddess. I told momma Mia I would help work there for two days for the trouble I caused them."

"Fine get cleaned up and go to bed."

"Yes goddess."

Five hours later I woke up and was lying on my back while she was updating my status.

Bell Cranell Age: 15 Race: Human

Level One

Strength: H159 G260 Defense: G201 G280

Dexterity: H147 G242 Agility: G250 F345

Magic: I-0 Luck: I

Magic ()

Skills ()

Heart of Alfhiem

'He's growing too fast all because of this skill. This isn't fair. It's all because of these dammed elves.' Hestia kept these jealous thoughts to herself.

"Everything alright goddess."

"Yes, Bell is it okay if I tell you your status today."

"I guess that's okay goddess."

"You grew a lot this time. Why do you think that happened?"

"Would it be because I went down to the 6th floor?"

"Do you have a death wish? Are you that desperate to leave me that you charged down there with no armor on because of some fantasy about being a hero or getting with an elven princess?

"No goddess. I just want to get stronger. Please support me. Maybe even start trying to get more people to join the familia, if you think I am pushing myself too hard."

"Why so some harlots will seduce my Bell? I don't want you to leave me Bell."

She was starting to give me a headache, "Fine goddess I will take it easy for a few days."

"Good. I am heading to a celebration of the gods being hosted by Ganesha. I should be back in a few days. Please be careful and stay out of the dungeon until I get back."

"Okay goddess I will."

She left the church; I went to run the walls of Orario and do pushups. This time I did two laps in 5 hours. Before coming back to sleep.




The evening sun was high in the sky. Ais was practicing her swordsmanship in the second story garden in the middle of the twilight manor. She was worried about the boy that went into the dungeon and wanted to distract herself. She couldn't talk to Riveria all morning because she locked herself in the Library all day. She thought it weird that her mother figure was acting so distant to everybody after what happened in the bar.

"Hey Aizu." Goddess Loki approached her and Ais stopped her sparing against her invisible opponent.

"Loki, what do you want?" Tilting her head to the side.

"Can you go get Riveria out of the Library? None of the others are able to get into the Library and I want you both to stop mopping around before I go to the banquet."

"Alright Loki, I can go try again."

"I can always try to grab that booty of yours. That might help her get out of there."

"No means no." Swats Loki's hand away.

"Ah your no fun. Fine I need to get dressed up so I can make itty-bitty jealous."




KNOCK. KNOCK. Ais knocks at the door to the library. Riveria was still trying to ignore everybody, but was having trouble concentrating on her book too.

"Riveria" came ais soft voice through the door.

"What Ais?"

"Can we talk outside?"

Riveria walks to the door. Feeling bad for neglecting her duties and Ais. "Fine let's go to the bridge." Riveria and Ais walk over to the second story bridge connecting the library and the common room buildings above the garden.

"Riveria, are you okay?"

"Guessing Loki put you up to it."

"Yes, but I wanted to see you to Riveria."

"I am just worried. I should have chased after the boy to stop him going into the dungeon. Second time Bete has made an ass out of himself and our familia in public."

"I was thinking the same."

"Sure, the waitress found him before he went in to the dungeon without armor, Ais"

"You think so"

"Yes" she points to the walls. Seeing a the white haired boy running the walls. Stopping to do pushups causing both to form a little smile.

"We can bother him some other time to apologize. Let's go get something to eat in the dining hall, Ais." Both of their moods had improved and walked down to meet with the rest of the familia.




"Hail, welcome one and all. I am Lord Ganesha" The muscular elephant masked god Ganesha was inviting all to his celebration under the gods. Underneath a 3-story metal sculpture of himself. The banquet hall was extravagant at the expense of his children's hard work. Ganesha was a god of the masses and spared no expense to host events like monsterphilia and events for the gods.

Loki was dressed in her black dress with red trim. Talking about her familia's deeds to Lord Dionysus and Lady Demeter. All the while trying to keep an eye out for Goddess Hestia who is her enemy. Until she saw her tiny child like body standing on a stool emptying a few plates of food into her bag from the banquet table.

"Nice talking to you two. If you would excuse me." Happy to get out of boring conversation with Dionysus. She ran down the stairs to a group of three goddesses.

"Hey Fei-Fei, Freya, Itty-Bitty!"




"Why the hell are you here Loki?!"

"It's a celebration Itty Bitty. It would be rude not to come. If anything, I am surprised to see Freya here. Where you been hiding?"

"Oh, I been feeling a little down until late. I decided to get out for once. I hearing about your familia all the time. Thinks must be going well?"

"My children are my pride and joy. I could brag all day Freya."

"Oh, right Hestia you finally got a child after mooching off of Fei-Fei for months. White hair and red eyes."

"Yes, and I Would appreciate it you stop your children from talking to my Bell? They keep getting in my way." Pouted hestia

"He would be lucky if I allowed one of my girls to go after him shrimp. They only wanted to apologize for what happened and Riveria wanted to thank him."

"Oh, what did you do so your beautiful elf?" Questioned Freya.

"Just a bad prank that got her boy caught up in it Freya."

"Weird that you get hung up on a man Hestia."

"My bell is special. Leave him alone."

"Oh, right I wanted to ask you something later Hesphaistos."

"Fei – Fei wait for it she's gonna ask for something."

"How rude?!"

Hesphaistos came to the celebration of the gods to get over the stress of the week. Pinching the bridge of her nose. Sensing that this conversation was gonna spiral out of control with those two. She thought of a way to change the subject and turned to Loki.

"Loki that is a very beautiful dress."

"Awe thank you Fei-Fei. I figure some nobody goddess would be here so I got dressed up."

"Too bad you don't have any Boobs, Loki. How many men have have tried and failed to climb that sheer cliff?"

"Itty bitty just because I don't have giant cow utters like you doesn't mean I am a virgin like you. Plus, I like women."

"Fine then you keep those harlots away from my bell." Hestia was desperate to get an edge.

Rage was growing on Loki's face. "If the guild didn't get in my way, I would send you to Tenkai and take your kid out of spite. My girls are worth more than any treasure."

Loki grabbed Hestia by the chest and was wringing her about the celebration. While the gods placed bets on who would win. Loki ended throwing her for the win causing Hestia to run upstairs.

"Guess I should go up to check on her." Hesphaistos held her head.

"Telling you Fei-Fei that she will only try to get free stuff out of you. She just abuses her friendship with you. I am gonna need a drink after dealing with her."

"Well, I am leaving. I think everybody has had enough time taking me all in." Freya yells out attracting all the men around her.

"Guess I should speak to Ganesha anyways. Good night Freya."

"Good night Loki."




"Hey Ganesha" loki walked up to the elephant masked god.

"I am Ganesha! What can I do for you Loki?"

"Always the same I see. Anyways what happened to those three assholes that tried to defile my girl."

"Two of them are still locked up. I regret to inform you that the strongest one got away."

"How in the hell did that happen?"

"I don't know Loki. I am guessing outside help. If it will help at all the other two belong to Apollo familia. Apollo sealed their falna."

"Fine that's one lead"

"I am going home."




Hesphaistos walked upstairs holding head for the migraine to come as she approached the crying Hestia.

"Did you really have to insult her children like that Hestia? That was too far."

"They are trying to take my Bell away from me."

"How do you know that and what's wrong with letting mortals find love in the first place. Doesn't matter how much we love them. They are not possessions."

"I know." Pouted Hestia

"What did you want to ask me Hestia?"

Hestia lowered herself in to the dogeza position. "Please make bell a weapon."
