
Chapter 18: Flames of Denatus

(Day 32)


A chilly morning breeze washed over my body as I stood motionless on the eastern wall. I saw silhouette of a large being resting against the tower wall ahead. The light from the sun peaked over the horizon and illuminated a large muscular brown-haired man with a sword at his hip. At first fear crept into the back of my mind, but wave of relief coursed through my body when I realized he was Eina's father.

I wasn't able to talk to Eina yesterday with the Loki familia setting off on the expedition and my promise to goddess. I was planning on immediately going to Eina's after my run. Still I felt uneasy noticing his hand resting on his sword pommel.

I gazed upon his furrowed brow and stern expression, slowly walking up to him. "G-g-good morning, Sir."

"Morning." He greeting back in a deep voice. "Out for a brisk run are you."

"Every morning." I bowed my head. "S-s-sorry I was planning to immediately apologize to Eina today."

"Ah don't worry about it. She will get over it." Ethan folded his arms.

"Huh." I asked confused.

"I am taking her back home."

"What!? Why!?"

"Orario is not safe for her. I do not trust Loki's ability to keep her safe. She will be better protected at home with her mother and me."

"You can't! I can protect her!"

"How are you gonna do that boy!?" An audible crack of his knuckles released from his clenched fists. Ethan heard of the events of the lunar festival and was on full alert. "By dragging her into the dungeon, costing her livelihood, distracting her guardians or gaining the ire of the gods and elves alike."

"But she..?"

"She is young and her mind is clouded by a reckless infatuation that will cost her life." Ethan crossed his arms.

"I never wanted her to lose her job. Nor did I want to drag her into the dungeon." My heart was beating erratically trying to defend my actions. "She does not have to follow me. I would never force her too. I will even pay her expenses until she gets another job."

"I seen where you live boy. You can barely pay your own expenses."

"I can get a job outside the dungeon."

"No." Ethan put his foot down. "Look I am grateful that you saved my girl and my wife. I truly am, but you already have a commitment with somebody else, so I will do you a favor."

"I don't want anything except Ein….aaa…." My sentence was cut short as fear coursed through my body and sweat rolled down my back.

*Shing. Gulp*

Eina's father grabbed the pommel of his sword and pulled it out of the scabbard. Ethan pointed the dark shiny gray longsword directly at Bell. He smirked seeing Bell jump before bringing the blade to rest on his other hand. Ethan held out both hands in front of Bell's face. "Try it out. Go on!"

My hands trembled reaching for the weapon slowly. The sword was heavy, the blade looked sharp enough to rend flesh from even the strongest of monsters and the pommel had intricately designed thunderbolts carved into the gold pommel.

"That blade is a first-tier weapon made of adamantite. Old man gave it to me almost twenty years ago." Ethan recalled.

"I-i-it's a-amazing sir, but why are you…..?"

"Keep it."


"You heard me." Ethan repeated

"No, I can't." I pushed the blade back to him.

"I insist for saving their lives." Ethan pushed back.

"No. No. No." I pushed back again.

"TAKE IT!" *THUD* Ethan pushed back harder throwing me backwards to the ground with the blade. "That blade is worth fifty million valis. Sell it for all I care and live comfortable with your goddess. Just leave Eina alone!" Ethan shouted, his temper boiling up to the surface.


The blade rattled against the stone wall to Ethan's disbelief at the now angry Bell jumped to his feet.

"I will not. I value Eina's life more than anything." Tears started welling up in the corners of my eyes. I strained my eyes to try and stop them. "If Eina doesn't want to see me. Then that is her choice, but I if am worthy of her love I will follow her."

"No, you will not. I will not let you hurt my little girl. You will not go near her."


I kicked off the wall and jumped down to a nearby building. I was able to land on the roof and quickly rolled to the edge and jumped down to a random alleyway. I ran directly home to relief the pain from my fall and collapsed onto the couch.




(Day 34)

The late morning streets were busy as Hestia nervously made her way to Babel. She thought it was weird that she was the only one walking down the middle of road and everybody else was keeping to the sides.

Clack. Clack. Rattle. Rattle.

"Watch out."

Hestia was alarmed by the high pitch shout. She turned around and stared wide eyed horse drawn carriage barreling down the road toward her. She quickly dived out of the way as the carriage blew bye her. Hestia watched angrily as the horse carriage continued without checking on her. "How rude!?" Hestia motioned to get up.

"You alright Hestia." A man voice called out from above her with his hand offered down to her.

Hestia looked up to see the handsome black-haired eastern god. She grabbed Takemikazuchi's hand and hoisted herself up with his help. "Thankyou Take. I am fine."

"Good." Takemikazuchi smirked at the goddess dusting herself off. "I thought you were in Orario long enough to know the streets are gonna be busy on Denatus."

"I kind of didn't go outside much when I first got here." Hestia confessed hiding her face. "Are you going to Denatus?"

"That I am. My little girl Mikoto leveled up recently. Hoping to secure a fine title for her today. Need to hurry up and get to the thirteenth floor before they start." Takemikazuchi held a closed fist in front of his chest to keep him on task. He started walking in the direction of Babel.

Hestia followed after him in silence. Takemikazuchi gave a sideways glance. "You might be late for work if you go through the roundabout."

"I am asked Gram if I could have off today. What's Denatus like!?" Hestia asked.

"Nerve racking." Takemikazuchi starting going pale in the face.


"Denatus is brutal, especially for lower ranked familias? I had to beg to get my captain Ouka a decent name. Hold up." Takemikazuchi held his hand up in front of Hestia as they made it to the roundabout. Another carriage sped past them.




The outside of the turnaround was full of bystanders and adventurers waiting for Denatus to begin before being allowed into the dungeon. The inside of the turnaround was full of carriages pulling up to drop off well off and rich deities with their bodyguards. The upper echelon patron gods were dressed extravagantly, climbing out of their carriages and escorted to the elevators.

A red head stepped out of her plain black carriage in an extravagant red dress. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves for the naming ceremony and annoyed that she was forced to flaunt her wealth.


Hesphaistos smiled noticing her friend racing over to her. Regardless of recent tensions she was happy to see Hestia. "Morning Hestia. Takemikazuchi."

"Nice to see you again." Takemikazuchi nodded. "You look lovely today."

"Thankyou." Hesphaistos smirked.

"Wow you have a nice carriage and beautiful dress. Fancy!" Hestia stared in awe.

"Hate dressing up for these things. Every three months I have to show up. Give it a few years and your children will force you to do all sorts of things." Hesphaistos held her eye patch. "Surprised you showed Hestia."

"I-I don't have a choice." Hestia chest sunk. "I ran into his werewolf advisor and she said everything is straightened out and his level up was reported."

"Your boy leveled up!?" Takemikazuchi stared dumbfounded at Hestia.

"Y-yes." Hestia hid her embarrassment.

"I'm at a loss. I thought he just started." Takemikazuchi recoiled in surprise.

Hestia shuttered in fright. "Ah. Yeah."

Hesphaistos shifted back and forth with a pained face. "Try to keep your head down in there. I can't really do anything."

"But you are Hesphaistos."

"Hestia!" A stern expression grew on her face. "All of my high smiths are on the expedition and my voice is but one among many in there."

"Fine. I understand….." Hestia sighed in defeat.

Takemikazuchi nodded. "I won't say a thing. Hopefully they will be too distracted getting good names for their children."

"Good." Hesphaistos replied. "How is Bell doing? He still hasn't picked up his bow yet."

"I don't know. He's been kind of depressed lately. Moping around not doing a thing. Been trying to cheer him up with dates, but still he won't tell his own goddess what's wrong." Hestia pouted.

"Awe. He seemed in high spirits during the festival. Wonder if something happened with his date." Hesphaistos tilted her head with a solemn look on her face.


"Half elf girl…."

"Einaaaaa!" Hestia shook in anger. "Good. Hopefully she's done trying to seduce my Bell. Now I just have to stop those dumb waitresses, somehow?"

"Sounds popular with the women."

"Can it Take!" Hestia warned. Takemikazuchi smirked at the upset Hestia.

"You should really let Bell choose who he wants Hestia."

"No." Hestia pouted. "These girls want to take away his purity. Especially that grabby waitress Syr. She's probably gonna try and get him drunk and I can't even go into the Hostess without stopping them, because I am banned."

"Oh no." Hesphaistos laughed. "Why not ask Bell to stop by and pickup his gear tomorrow. Welf has been looking for him. Maybe he can keep and eye Bell, while we get a drink."

"That sounds like a great idea."

**Clack. Clack. Rattle. Rattle.**


Everybody around Babel felt a strange aura emit from an ornate purple and gold carriage drawn by three rows of horses. The carriage skidded to a halt in front of the trio of gods. Immediately four half-naked men jumped off from the reigns and raced to the door. Two of them laid over on all fours from biggest to smallest.

The door opened to reveal the tanned body of a goddess of beauty. Her very breathed inspired lust and temptation. She wore next to nothing apart from her red wrap around skirt and a cloth draped over her voluptuous chest. Crowds around Babel froze in place. She reached outwards for the two men to grab her hands. They guided her down the backs of the other two descending like stairs. "Tammuz follow."

"Yes, Lady Ishtar." The young muscular man bowed.

Ishtar focused her gaze on a nervous Hesphaistos and Takemikazuchi. "You giving out handouts, Hesphaistos."

"No." Hesphaistos crossed her chest. "I value my children's work too much to throw it away on random people like yours!"

"Hah. My girls love their work too. Gobinu is better anyways." Ishtar grinned wide at Hesphaistos angry red face. Ishtar blew a puff of smoke into her face before turning to Takemikazuchi. "Haven't seen you around Take. Why not stop bye? My girls would have fun with you."

"Ah…ahhh. I. I… won't be-be doing t-that." Takemikazuchi stuttered out trying not to inhale the smoke.

Ishtar got closer almost touching the nervous god. "You can practice your martial arts on me. I can handle rough. He-he-he."

"NO!" Hestia pushed herself between Takemikazuchi and Ishtar to break his trance. "You will not touch him."

Ishtar's mood instantly soured. "What are you doing here runt!?" Ishtar instantly held her hand up in Hestia's face, annoyed being in a virgin goddess's presence. "Nevermind! Virgins are so boring. Go jump off something. I have business to attend too." Ishtar rolled her eyes and strutted past the group with her escort.

"Stop." Hesphaistos grabbed onto Hestia shoulders as she squirmed in her grasp. "Remember to keep your head down. Last thing you need is trouble with a goddess of beauty." Hestia stopped with a stared back with a panicked look on her face. "Well I guess at least your immune."

"Right." Hestia sighed.

"Except to me." Hesphaistos snickered. "Let's get this over with shall we."

"Fine." Hestia pouted.




Thirty minutes later dozens of deities were gathered around a giant circular marble table on the thirteenth floor. Denatus was originally met for familias that earned a certain level of power and influence or gods that had retired. These deities decided it would be fun to gather every three months to exchange news and discuss trivial manners. As their influence grew, their meetings started directly affecting adventurers and all of Orario.

Loki stood up from the table. "Well, we're all here. Let's get this show on the road. Anybody got some juicy tidbits to share?"

"I do. I do." A male god rushed to wave his hand. "I heard Soma got in trouble with the guild. He's been forbidden to give up his hobby.

"What? Why?"

"Not sure. Day after the lunar festival Royman issued a cease-and-desist order at the Soma familia compound. He's probably crying in a corner."

"Ha-ha-ha." The gods around the hall started laughing.

'Wonder if Aina scared him?' Loki thought to herself.

"Apologize for the interruption but the kingdom of Rakia seems ready to mobilize for an invasion."

"Ares again Ahhhhh!"

"Loki's turn."

"Huh!" Loki propped her feet on the table. "My kids are all in the dungeon. The city's defense is up to Ganesha. Where is that annoying oof anyways?" Loki looked around the table. All the gods seemed confused except Freya who was daydreaming.

"Ganesha's had a bad month." Hermes spoke. "With monsterphilia debacle, one of his children was murdered on floor 18. Rumor is he's been drinking himself silly lately over losing another."

"Poor Gane….sha." Hestia was close to breaking out in tears.

"Never thought he was having problems. Especially by how amazing the festival was this year. That white light was truly awe inspiring." Many gods agreed around the table. Hestia tried to keep her composure calm.

"White light!?" Freya's lifted her head, interest piqued. Hedin was found the morning after the lunar festival. His jaw was dislocated, stumbling around the north lawn delirious. He had since been healed and Freya asked to use her charm on him to help with his fragmented memory. Regardless he suffered from a case of mild amnesia and couldn't recall anything after the fireworks, except a blinding white light.

"Think a firework misfired up north. It was amazing though. Looked like it was day time for a second."


"Ganesha must have skipped the inspections with recent events." Hermes shook his head. "Ankusha did ask me to take over his hosting duties for the pageant."

'Better be that crybaby's fault?' Freya rolled her eyes. "What happened on floor 18?"

"More of those plant monsters invaded Riviria. My kids stopped them a few weeks ago, but they seemed to show up wherever they dam well please." Loki recalled. "They're as strong as a second-tier adventurers."(1)

"Scary." A blond goddess shuttered. "Seen the one emerge from the arena and kill that white haired boy."

Loki rolled her eyes. "That kid is still alive, Dolly(Dali(2)). Riveria healed him."

"Thank goodness. He was so exhausted and brave after that dragon fight. I feared the worst."

"Don't forget cute." Demeter chimed in next to her.

"Is he yours?"

"No Hestia hides him." Demeter shook her and giggled along with her friend. Too Hestia's dismay Bell had already become a topic of discussion.

"Hestia's child is getting around?" Hermes had a sly grin on his face.


"Not like that Hestia. Thane told me he beat Silvan's record in the archery competition." *SMACK* Hermes smirked over at Hesphaistos who was palming her face.

"Ehhhh, you can't be serious Fey-Fey. No way that rabbit beat Alicia's score." Loki sat up angry.

"Ahhhh, Yes Loki." Hesphaistos released her hand. "He won the competition and hit every target."

"How Alicia did that at level four?" Loki stared dumbfounded.

"Rabbits like to jump." Hesphaistos rolls her elbow and half heartly raises her hand with a smile on her face and pink cheeks.

"Ha-ha-ha." Cheerful laughter rang around the room.

'A rabbit.' Ishtar's eyes focused on Hestia. 'Could it be the one that weakling was talking about.' A grin curled up on Ishtar's face as she gazed over at Freya. "Are they talking about the wooboy? That chose an elf over you Freya."

Freya turned her gaze to Ishtar. "Its like you're begging me to burn down the pleasure quarter down, Ish….Tar." The laughter died out immediately.


"No Please."

"You wouldn't dare!" Ishtar's face was full of rage.

"Try me!" Freya smiled devilishly.

"Please not over a joke."


"No dears." Freya dismissed the terrified group of male deities. "That little matter has been cleared up. I am talking about a group of amazons attacking my dear Ottar in the dungeon. There is no mistaken that foul beast of a captain you have Ishhh-tar."

Ishtar released a puff of smoke from her golden pipe. "Girls were probably hungry for a challenge. Amazons love strong men."

Freya's perfect smile collapsed and her eyes flared wide. "Bit rude don't you think. Do yourself a favor and keep your whores in leash!"

"Maybe you would like to explain why Ottar had a minotaur in his case?! I lost one of my girls to that thing."

"Why would I care about your girl? You're lucky that Ottar was feeling charitable with their lives. As for the bull, I thought Ottar could train it to be your husband." Freya smiled wider.


"You bitch!" Ishtar scowled she slammed the table.

"He-he-he." Freya giggled out loud. Some of the gods nervously contained their own laughter, knowing of the rivalry between the goddesses of beauty. "Can we start naming ceremony?

Loki stood up. "Not just yet Freya. I have some questions of my own for Ishtar."

"Oh my, Ishtar is being a bad girl."

"What do you want Loki?" Ishtar growled.

"One of mine died that night from that same minotaur." Loki eyes formed slits staring down at the brown skinned goddess of beauty.

"And?" Ishtar played coy.

"Conveniently Hod was hiding just a few floors up on floor nine. Just waiting around without a care in the world."

"Is that your convict?"

"Yeah." Loki shook her head up and down expecting this answer. "My familia has been searching all over the city and the dungeon for him without a trace. He's only level two, so there is no way he could handle the middle floors alone. Which leaves the pleasure quarter?"

"Hah! Amazons, only like strong men Loki. If I knew of his existence, I would have made a spectacle of you clown. Girls would make a show of it by parading him all the way to your manor naked with a phallic object attached for an easy payday." Ishtar crossed her legs and laid back in her chair. "Is that why you sent patrols into my streets?"

Loki was thankful to be spared that embarrassment. "Yes, some familia members knew of his late night trips to see a girl. Sounds like a great place to hide."

"You evidence of this is what exactly, Loki. Men from all over Orario hide from their wives and familia in the pleasure quarter. As long as my girls earn their quotas, I don't care what they do with their free time. Hardly a justification to interrupt my business."

"True I rather nobody went there. However, my girl Eina was kidnapped by Hod along the southern road. There is no way in hell I was gonna let her be sold off in the pleasure quarter."

"Is that right?" Ishtar sucked on her pipe.

"Pretty much. Thankfully she wasn't there. I would be powerless to stop Riveria from leveling your tower."

"I gave no such order." Ishtar dismissed the trickster with an annoyed look. "Should be careful with threats, Loki! Those deep levels are awfully dangerous. They might not come…. back." Many around the room were starting to get nervous. Loki sat down, bead of sweat rolling down her back.

"Is miss Tulle, okay?" Hermes asked.

"She's fine now. Let's start the naming ceremony already."




The tense atmosphere in the room dissipated as the adventurer sheets were distributed around the table. "First up is Seto's boy Ceti."

"Please be Gentle!" A muscular tanned white-haired god pleaded.

"DENIED!" Nearly every god in the hall agreed. The same aliases mortals wore like badges of honor made their gods head hang in shame. Without influence they could do little to change regrettable names attached to their children.

"That's final. The adventurer Ceti Selty shall be known as Burning Fighting Fighter."(2)

"Whyyyyy!?" Seto's head collapsed on the table.

One by one regrettable names were issued out to children that leveled up. Their gods going mad or embarrassed as their peers laughed at their expense. Deities attending Denatus for the first time were treated especially cruel.

"Enough! Stop this at once! I've done the absolute best to raise and guide my little angel." Takemikazuchi pleaded as the gods teased him for seducing the young woman.(2)

"Little angel, Then."

"Mercy please."

After a few more suggestions from Hestia and Hesphaistos that went entirely ignored. Loki turned to the quiet blond deity. "Dionysus, are you falling asleep over there. How about you toss out a suggestion?"

"Hmmm, let me think." Dionysus leaned his face against his hand deep in thought. He ignored the desperate pleas from Takemikazuchi. "How does Eternal Shadow sound?"(1)

"Dionysus you baaaaastard!" Takemikazuchi outrage that such a horrible name was forced onto her. To his dismay the gods agreed with Dionysus. Takemikazuchi took his seat looking like his string was cut.

"Next up is my Ais-pu. She gave Mr. Uduaes the ole one… two." Loki shadow punched the air happily.


"Level six. Amazing!"

A lot of the male gods huddled close to each other to discuss her new name. "Do we really need to change it!?"

"Only one choice." All the gods blushed at the cheeks. "Our wife!"(1)

Loki's eye twitched as she gave each god a death stare. "I will murder you all!"(1)

"We're Sorry!" Each god pleaded for their lives.

"Ais-pu name is staying the sword princess." Loki swiped Ais paper to the side and noticed the white hair on the sheet behind Eina's. "Last one seems to be Eina."

"Wowsers she got some curves. Gorgeous elf." A random god shouted out practically salivating staring at her photo. Ishtar's brow raised in interest. Silently agreeing with Hod's assessment of her.

"Isn't miss Tulle part of the guild."

Loki tilted her head. "Eina was fired."

"Say that it isn't soo. Not Miss congeniality."

"Not the bouncy elf."

"Waste to have her in the dungeon. She can spend some time with me."

"You perverts need to shut the hell up." Loki shouted.

"Did Eina free herself from Hod and level up by defeating him?" Hermes asked.

"No… I forgot to record her level up three years ago." Loki lied through her teeth.

"Bit odd. Why was it never reported?" Freya asked.

"I was depressed losing four of my children in one day. Three to a dragon and Eina couldn't take loss and left my familia for the guild. She only recently started seeking out help with her fears."

"How did she lose to Hod and evade the minotaur?"

"She was blindsided by Hod on the south road. His creepy ass was obsessed with her. Hod dragged her down to floor nine in order to bait out her boyfriend."

"Dammit Loki!" Hestia clenched her fists in anger. Her outburst allowed Freya time to control herself. "They are not together!"


"Who are you kidding Hestia?" Loki rolled her eyes at Hestia as the other gods listened to the story.. "They can't resist each other. He even ignored your orders to go rescue her. Again!"

"Bell is not her boyfriend." Hestia folded her arms. "She's not worthy of my Bell. Hmpf."

Loki's eye started to twitch in anger. "That's funny Itty-Bitty! Bell told Riveria, that Eina is his evening star."

"WHAT!?" Hestia eyes and mouth flared wide in shock.

Hesphaistos sole eye rotated knowing full well that the cat was out of the bag. "Evening star is a very cute name." Hesphaistos pinched her fingers together. "Maybe shorten it to Evenstar."(3)

"Not you too Hesphaistos." Hestia pleaded as Hesphaistos shrugged her shoulders.

"I like it. Added benefit that it angers Hestia." Demeter chuckled.


"Rather fitting name for an ex-guild official of her caliber." Hermes added. The gods around the table agreed upon Eina's alias.

"Fei-Fei I love you." Loki smiled to the smith goddess.

"No problem. Sure, Bell will like it too. He-he-he." Hesphaistos chuckled turning away Hestia. Hestia was beating on her back. "Are w-we done with the names?" She managed to get out under Hestia's barrage.

"That should be it." Loki murmured.

"Wait a second." Freya lifted her finger. "There is another one."





"Under your hand Loki." Freya pointed to Loki's hand while lifting a sheet in hers. "See I have one, too. Bell Cranel. Hestia's boy."

"Thought it was an error." Loki turned over the paper to see Bell's smiling face on a level up sheet. "No way Itty-Bitty's kid leveled up. It's only been six weeks since he started."


"We have a new record holder!" Hermes stared at the paper with a child-like grin. "He shattered the sword princess's record of a year."



"He's so cute and brave."

'That skill can't be more obvious.' Loki was both upset that Ais's record was destroyed and still trying to deny the level up to save the kid. "See that is absurd. Six weeks! Our Blessings can't do that. Spill Itty-Bitty! What are you trying to pull!?"

Hestia was petrified unable to speak. 'I can't tell them about his skill. They will swarm him day and night.'

Loki could see the strain in Hestia eyes. "Unable to speak. You wouldn't happen to be using your arcanum would you. Have been feeling divinity being released over the last month."

"Of course not. I would never use it on Gekai and I don't want to be sent away from my Bell!"

"Ara. Ara." Freya's velvety tone silence the hall. "Is this jealousy Loki? That your favorite little girl's record was broken."

"Like I care." Loki said unconvincingly. "Itty-Bitty probably leveled as soon as he got a D-rank."

"Doesn't sound like it." Freya dismissed Loki's feelings. "I do hope you didn't damage his potential. It is hard to believe that boy had

"Man." Demeter added to Freya's surprise. "Says he's sixteen."

Freya's brow stretched in surprise for a second realizing Bell had a birthday recently. She quickly regained her composure. "Fu-fu. I suppose he is a man now. Well by some miracle he's taken down a level two adventurer, a minotaur and almost eaten by a wyvern."

"Wyvern!? How did you know about that?" Loki asked.

"I paid a visit to Hestia last night to apologize for Allen's outburst." Freya noticed the look of fear in Loki's eyes. "Plus, Ottar seen nine hells healing him. She even had tears in her eyes from what Ottar told me. Such beautiful mothering instincts."

"Here I thought you two hated each other." Hermes laughed

"We do!" Hermes backed up in his chair with both Loki and Hestia angry at him.

"Is that why your familia just watched him fight, Loki?' Freya tilted her head to the side. "Petty hatred."

"Course not!" Loki's brow furrowed. "They just got there after the minotaur was killed by the both of them. Then the floor collapsed and the wyvern popped out."

"Odd." Freya tried to throw suspicion on Loki. "Anyways, he must have earned an extreme amount of excelia with so many consecutive fights. He's clearly able to adapt and outsmart stronger opponents like the dragon at Monsterphilia."

"Makes sense to me."

"Guess so. Why don't you name Loli-big boobs boy Freya?

"Guess something cute for the brave record holder." Freya held a finger to her lip. "How about Little rookie?"




"I like it."

"I am with Freya."

Freya scanned around the table as the gods deliberated the alias. She was happy noticing the weak stares of the men agreeing to her suggestion. Until she saw a group of goddesses at the other end of the table conversing secretly.

"Nah. It doesn't fit." Demeter replied a minute later.

Freya pouted towards her friend. "You don't like it Demeter."

"Just doesn't sound right Freya."

"Why is that?"

"Hmm." Demeter had a guilty look on her face. "Well for one thing he's not a little boy. Also my I may have noticed a secret when the girls and I might of stole him away for a date." Demeter smiled wide ignoring Hestia's dirty look. "My hand might have drifted. Let's just say little doesn't fit." Her face getting redder by the second.

"Oh my, Demeter." Freya covered her smile.

"You pervert!" Hestia shouted.

"What he is cute, Hestia? If he's still single, I know Persephone adores rabbits in her garden." Demeter held her cheek. "Course she would share with her loving goddess."

"No!" Hestia stood on top of her chair barely taller than most gods sitting.

"Come on Hestia. I like him."

"No mean no!"

"Hmmmm, how much you want for him Hestia?" Ishtar asked.

"HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Hestia stared obliviously toward Ishtar.

"I could make a lot of money off him! He would be wasted on a virgin goddess, if he truly has such gifts." Ishtar smirked evilly.

"Like hell Ishtar!" Hestia's twintails hovered in the air as her divinity seeped out. "You even try to seduce him and I will take you with me."

Ishtar mocked Hestia by shaking her head back in forth sensually. "Then I will send a few of my girls to pick him up. Where do you live?"

"Rabbit has an elf fetish." Loki rolled her eyes. "If a bunch of goddesses couldn't distract him. Your amazons won't phase him."

"Elves are so boring and Amazons don't ask for permission from their prey." Ishtar took a long drag from her pipe. Hestia was shaking in fear.

"Like hell we will allow that!" Demeter jump to her feet with a few other goddesses. "Your lot will not defile him."

"Nor will I allow that." Hesphaistos stood up with Hestia at her side.

Ishtar released a puff of smoke. "Hah, like you all could win especially with one eye and the clown's familias in the dungeon."

"Ishhh-tar." Freya's deepened her voice in a menacing tone from her seat. "Can you really afford to make enemies of everyone?"

"Why do you care how I run my business?"

"I could care less what you do with your diseased whores as long as they stay in their cesspool." *SNAP* Ishtar snapped her golden pipe out of rage. A couple of the male gods started to nervously scratching their nether regions as they watched the goddesses' clash. "However Ottar is still extremely angry. He would volunteer in a second to vent his frustrations. Also, I am pretty sure Ganesha owes him a favor for the dragon."

"Urrrgh. Whatever?" Ishtar stood up and stormed out of the hall, slamming the door behind her.

"Huh. Should we finish this up. I really must get back home." Freya flashed a smug grin over to her friend. "What pervy alias do you have Demeter?"

"How about Rabbit foot?" Demeter joke was met with giggles around the hall. She held up her hands as a measurement towards some of the other goddess.

"No please." Hestia begged with her head in her hands.

"Phallic rabbit."

"Virile hero."

"Rabbit Style."

"Haremmmmm ….ouch why Loki?" Hermes held his shoulder.

"Knock it off." Loki retracted her foot. "Just give him something appropriate so I can go home."

"What do you suggest, Loki?"

Loki shrugged her shoulders. "He's always running on the walls and apparently is a master archer. Why not give him something stupid like Strider?"(3)

"Huh." Hestia raised her head blinking slowly at Loki then around the table as the gods started shaking their heads.

"Love it." Demeter rocked in her seat.

"Does fit." Hermes agreed.

"Its decided. The rabbit's name is Strider." No gods objected to the decision and all of them through their papers to the ceiling to signal the end of Denatus. Gods slowly got up from their chairs and made their way out of the hall with gleeful looks back at Hestia.

Loki stopped next to Hestia. "Watch your back shorty. They are after your rabbit!" The stunned Hestia looked terrified as she was consoled by the alarmed Hesphaistos. "Keep your eyes open."




(Day 35)

"Hu-hu-hu." After three days I finally managed to motivate myself to get out of the basement and go for a casual run. The sun was already up and the city was busy. I wasn't going at my limit, but still my breathing felt erratic with my mind distracted elsewhere.

Two times I tried going to Eina's apartment. Each time I went nobody answered. Anytime goddess wasn't working she would force me into spending time with her. I was barred from going into the dungeon until today, but I still didn't have gear. Though goddess said I should go to Hesphaistos shop later.

The bulk of my time was spent motionless on the couch either daydreaming or reflecting on my actions. Less than two months ago, I had nothing but what I carried on my back into the city. Since then, I had achieved gaining a blessing and even leveled up killing all manner of scary monsters. Even making a few friends along the way.

Still, I felt lost and hopeless. Every time I did something good; I made more enemies and gotten further into debt. I failed to earn the heart of the woman of my dreams and I was forbidden to even attempt to pursue Eina's. I sighed and shook my head speeding up to finish.

"Huh." Movement outside the western tower ahead, multiple people were searching around for something or someone. As I got closer, I started hearing shouting.

"Thereeee heeee iiiiiiss!"

"Eh?" I skidded to a stop in front of a group of five people. They're… gods?!

"Not so fast." Two more gods came racing from behind me.

"What!?" I fear and confusing consumed me as I was quickly surrounded by many gods and goddess.

"Couldn't find Hestia's place anywhere. We've been looking you."

"Li'l bunny finally came out of his hole." Sweet sound voice I recognized belonged to a goddess with an insane bust size.

'Lady Demeter.' A cold sweat broke out on my backside as I remember how grabby she was last time. *Gulp* I may not be in the right mindset to resist her. 'Why are they here?'

Lady Demeter leaned over showing her ample cleavage with her hands on her knees. "First come, First serve! Please join my familia Bell. I would love to open my garden to a cute rabbit." My face went red as she winked at me.

"Hey idiot! You sound desperate. Join my familia, everybody will greet you with open arms."(4)

"No join mine."

Blinking slowly, I stared dumfounded as the gods argued with each other and getting closer and closer to me trying to stake their claim. 'Why now!? I don't understand.' Every single familia shown me the door. Only one god show any eagerness to recruit me when I got to Orario. I didn't trust that god at all and he seemed to have other plans for me…..as a pet.

"Move aside." An orangish red haired god wearing an extravagant white and orange toga with a wreath adorning his head; pushed his way through the group of deities.

The sight of him sent a shiver down my spine and my hairs stood up on my arms. "My you gotten even cuter since I last saw you. I knew I sensed greatness. Come to me my naughty rabbit. For you have stolen my heart."

"Tone down the creepiness Apollo. You're scaring him."

"Hush. What do you say Bell?" Apollo took a knee in front of Bell.

"N-no thankyou. I am a member of Hestia familia."

"You're the only member of Hestia familia dear child. Join my familia and you will have a hundred strong protecting your back. Besides your obligation towards her is meaningless in the eyes of love." Apollo leaned in closer outstretching his arms with a salacious grin on his face.(4)


The others could sense Bells horror as he backed up away from Apollo. "What kind of weird plan do you have for him?"

"You're too good for loli big boobs."

"I… am staying with goddess Hestia. Sorry." I bowed my head.

"I really want to know what is written on your back!"

"Is it a rare skill? Take your clothes off!"

The gods crept closer gripping my shirt and trying to pull it off. "We can force it out of him. Show us your falna."

The wet clothes slipped out of their hands as I pulled backwards. I dodged another set of hands and rolled under a tall god. Then I jumped onto the parapets and dived overtop the orange hair god. My body hit the ground into a roll toward Demeter's feet.

"Looks like I caught you." Demeter leaned down trying to hug Bell. She lost her balance gripping at thin air as the rabbit kicked off the side of the wall. Demeter landed onto floor with a thud as the rabbit got to his feet and sped away from the remaining gods towards the tower.

'I can't show them where I live.' The western tower passed in a blur as I opened up my stride pushing the bounds of my new falna. The frightening thing was the gods didn't give up. They were actually keeping up and the group seemed to grow bigger as we passed each tower. Even townsfolk within a few blocks of the walls noticed the chase along the wall.

"Gonna catch you." Apollo started wiggling his fingers about to grab my shoulders.

"Ahhhhhhhh." With a desperate war cry, I leaned into my stride an put every last ounce of energy in moving forward recklessly trying to escape

"How the….?

"Is he only level 2? Hu-hu."

"Don't be ridiculous. Hu-hu."

"Get him. I will leash that naughty rabbit. Waaaaaaaaa. Oof." One of the goddesses tripped apollo from behind." Apollo looked up to see the blond goddess stick her tongue out before disappearing from his sight.




"Aisha wake up."

The beautiful curvy amazon's one eye gazed upwards at the blond fox girl. "Sorry little fox I don't feel like it."

"Its late and Lady Samira wants your help with something."

"She can handle it herself." Aisha buried her cheerless face back into her pillow.


"Come on get up already Aisha. You been moping around for the last week. Lady Ishtar has noticed."

"Like she cares about Lena's death." Aisha rolled her face to the side. Her usually perfect complexion was dimmed with her face full of grief.

"Probably not, but you don't want her to take it out on her." Samira darted her eyes to the fox girl. "Lady Ishtar is in a bad mood."

"I won't let that happen." Aisha growled.

"Then get up. Lena wouldn't want you to be like this. Why not go hunting for a man to make your spirit happy?"

"There are no good men in the pleasure quarter."

Samira approached Aisha's bedside. "Than go searching for one." Samira gripped the mattress and lifted it to the ceiling sending Aisha to the floor. "Get up!"


"Come on that didn't hurt, Aisha." Samira looked down unamused.

"It did, but I didn't scream." Aisha growled angrily at Samira. She was ready to toss the white-haired friend out of the third floor when she saw fox girl nervously holding onto the red silky window drapes. She was staring at something in the distance covering her mouth. "What is it Haruhime?" The fox girl didn't answer as if she was entranced by something. The two amazons exchanged a quick look before walking past Haruhime to the balcony.

Aisha was stunned, seeing a white-haired teenager running away from nearly a dozen gods and goddesses. To their amazement, the young man picked up his speed and started outpacing the gods and was soon a blur to the east. "White hair?" Samira playfully touched her own.

"I've seen him before. I was trying to convince Lena to go after him instead of that loser, but I don't know who he is or where he lives."

"So that's what you two were talking about!? Interesting." Samira licked her lips. "He is rather cute and pretty fast. Wonder how strong?"

"He's mine!" Aisha smiled for the first time in a week.

Samira rolled her eyes. "Don't be stingy."




The beor mountains were growing taller and taller as I raced to the north of Orario. My stamina was quickly running out, but the gods were less than two hundred meters behind me. Panting heavily and starting to slow down, I looked toward the tower the northern tower for any chance to get away from them. To my horror goddess Demeter was standing in front of the tower blocking the path with a pout on her face.

I gritted my teeth and jumped on the parapets to her right. Than over the tower.

"Stooooooop!" Demeter pleaded for the rabbit to give up. She was amazed by his speed and persistence. She quickly ran through the tower to the other side. Nothing. She backed up and looked at the top of the tower. Still no sign of him, like he disappeared.

"W-where did he… go Demeter!?" The rest of the gods arrived panting heavily.

"I don't know. He jumped over the tower and now he's gone?"

"No way he just disappeared. Spread out between the north and the west. Dali can you track him!?"

"Sure, Sure." The blond goddess Dali regained control of her breathing. "This is a hunt after all. Crafty little rabbit might have dropped down below."

Half of the gods went west along the wall while the other half went to ground with goddess Dali to search the north. Demeter stayed at the north tower, making sure no corner went unnoticed. Eventually nearly an hour later she gave up and took a break, on the west side of the north tower.

*Boing* Demeter was use to helping out with the crops, but running and jumping was something her mortal body didn't allow. She rested her weary back by leaning her huge chest against the crenellations. She stared off at the city in a daze. "Awe I really wanted to cuddle with the warm bunny."


"Huh." Demeter thought she heard a pained grunt. "Whose there?"


My grip was slowly failing to hold onto the wall. My legs felt like jelly and my arms were burning from holding onto the wall so long. I thought they would be gone in a few minutes and I would be able to slip away. I knew I couldn't without being spotted. I could sense a lot of them still nearby and Demeter refused to leave. The shadow of the tower was obscuring my body from the city, but the sun was steadily rising. I tried to readjust but end up end up making noise. The strength was quickly being sapped from my arms. I tried to use my legs to get leverage and lift myself up before I fell.

I stopped seeing she was directly above me. She was distracted gazing upon the city. However, I was too. Her floral perfume was intoxicating and her chest blocked everything else. Their softness looked like they would put cotton to shame and her cleavage seemingly never ended. Now blood was accumulating in the least helpful place.

"You guys find him yet." Demeter called out to her peers still frantically searching the wall near the northwest tower.

"Not yet Demeter! Help us…..!" The god stopped when he saw something out of his right eye. He leaned over the wall to get a better look.(6)

Demeter noticed the dumbfounded look on his face. "What's wrong Horus?"

Horus pointed below her. "Under you Demeter!"



My feet gave out from the wall. I was frantically trying to bring myself back up. I stopped when two warm hands rest on top of mine.

"Trying to become a mountain goat are you? He-he-he." Demeter had a huge beaming smile on her face.

"P-p-please let go."

Demeter gripped tighter and leaned in further. She giggled when his face got even redder. "Why would I do that cutie? Don't you need my help up. You look exhausted."

"I-I do, b-but I can't abandon goddess."

"Of course, you can dear." She saw the defeat in my eyes. "Tell you what Bell. I will help you up and protect you, if you go on one date with my dear Persephone. Then join my familia after if you fall for her." She waited as I continued to struggle for my grip. "Better hurry before they get her."

I weight my options still clinging to the wall. I could hear shouts from other gods closing in on our position. I nodded my head up and down nervously.

"Good. He-he-he." Demeter lowered her tone to a whisper. "Of course, as her favorite goddess. I would want to join in the fun.."

"Eh." I was stunned.

'ROOOOOOOMMMMMMAAAAANNNNNNNCCCCEEEE!'I heard the shout of my grandpa in the back of my head. I was so flustered that I failed to hold on. My arms reached muscle failure and my sweaty hands slipped through Demeter's.

"Beeeeeeellll!" Demeter screamed out from above. Horrified that she could do nothing to stop his fall. Horus reached Demeter's side and had to hold her back, watching the rabbit's descent with his left eye.(6)

My body was at the mercy of gravity and would be battered along the service road with in two seconds. Luckily, I debated a last resort over the hour I was hanging there. I aimed my hand to the sky. "FIREBOLT!"

Demeter and Horus couldn't believe their eyes. A huge fireball spanning a foot wide, instantly erupted from his hand. The fireball was aimed towards Babel.

The spell slowed my vertical momentum and propelled me into the wall. I reacted instantly and used whatever remaining strength in my legs to kick off the wall.


A small divot was carved into to the thick stone, as I forced myself backwards across the service road towards a two story build. "Firebolt!" I sent a smaller blast to intercept the one heading towards Babel.


A small explosion in the sky alarmed many residents in the area as the spells canceled each other out in the sky. My back smashed into the roof across the road. "Oooofffff." I laid their in a daze, by body sore and exhausted. I pulled myself out of the crater in the roof and slowly got to my feet.

Demeter was practically jumping for joy in happiness. The rest of the gods deepened their grins, excited by the spectacle. They started racing to the building, redoubled their efforts to control the rabbit.

I gritted my teeth barely holding on. If I went to ground I would be captured. I hobbled along the rooftop to put as much distance between me and them as possible, hoping the owner would understand.

My body felt heavy as I jumped across the rooftops, The alleys were easy to cross. The side streets I basically dived across the street, smacking each the roof each time I landed. I managed to make it over two wide side streets and was ready to jump the third. My back started to burn and tripped over a wooden beam and rolled down the rooftop. I tried to catch myself at the edge but my arms gave out and I fell to the street below.


I was in pain all over. My vision was blurry. The last thing I saw was green hair before my consciousness faded.




"Ow my head." I held my throbbing head. A few seconds later, I opened my eyes to a strangely familiar room. A rag fell off my head as I sat up and looked around the room. "Why does this look like Eina's place?"

"Because it is her place." A soft voice of her elven mother preceded her into the room.

My cheeks tinged pink as she entered the room a long sleeve sun dress carrying a tray with two cups. She was nearly as beautiful as beautiful as Riveria, but held a more mature motherly aura. "M-mrs. Tulle."

"Why does that surprise you?" She placed the drinks onto the table and sat down across from me.

"S-Sorry I didn't expect to see you." I bowed my head slightly. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"Its no problem. You look like you got pretty banged up."

"Yeah." I scratched my head nervously.

"What happened?" Aina seemed concerned but seemed somewhat distant; even cold as she drink her tea.

"I tried to motivate myself for a run this morning." I slowly reached out for my drink unaware of the confused look on her face. "Next thing I know I am surround by nearly a dozen gods trying to force me to join their familias. Been trying to hide or run away for an hour or two before I fell." I looked out the window to try and gauge what time it was.

"Don't worry your safe. I haven't seen any gods for a few hours." She answered cupping her drink above her thighs.

"A few hours."

"Yeah you were out of it. My magic only does so much."

"Do you have a blessing too, Mrs Tulle?"

"No it's just elven magic." Aina shook her head. "Me and Riveria were instructed in its use when we still lived in the Alf forest. However elf magic is nothing compared to that of adventurers; regardless how lengthy the chant."


"Its okay. You needed help. Had me worried."

"Sorry to trouble you Mrs. Tulle. I don't understand why this is happening. None of them wanted me when I got here. Nobody did." I grimaced in pain bringing the tea up to my lips.

"Well gods are rather fickle. They always chase excitement and you been noticed quite often lately." Aina shrugged her shoulders. "Denatus probably has something to do with you being chased."

"That's just it. Nobody at the guild believed me when I reported my level up."

"Ah well I might have threatened Royman, the guild head." Aina smiled devilishly.


"Eina charged into Royman's office to stick up for you. I guess I helped. He-he-he."

"eh. Ah.. wow. T-thankyou."

"You're welcome. Oh." She placed her tea on the table. "One second. I will be right back." Aina stood up and walked upstairs leaving me alone and confused. A few minutes later she came back down clutching something large in her hand. She held out a crystal in her hand. "I think this belongs to you."

My eyes opened up surprised to see the same minotaur crystal again. "You got it back for me." I reached out for the crystal.

"We dod." Aina pulled her hands back still holding onto the crystal. "However, first I want to know where you have been!? It's been five days without so much as a word. I thought you cared about my daughter!" Her anger subsided a little seeing the shocked look on his face and a tear roll down his face. Her voice softened. "W-what's wrong?"

"I-I-I thought she went back home!?" I rubbed my agitated eye. "With you. I never expected to see either of you again."

"No, she's been patiently waiting for you to show up. She has been distracting herself at the manor. Reading and training with her fa….ther."Aina closed her eyes but the anger was clear on her face. Her temper was flaring up enough to scare Bell. "Where did you hear that Bell!?"


"Tell me! Fuuuuuuuu….. What did Ethan do?" Aina stared at him with stern expression trying to control her breathing.

"I ran into him on the wall four days ago." I hid my eyes from her piercing gaze.


Aina's knuckles cracked. "What?! …..did he say?"

"He…. he said Orario isn't safe for her and that he's taking her back home. That falling for me would get her killed." My head sunk lower.

"Dammit Ethan!" The couch squeak as she got up. She walked over and sat next to Bell. She sat the crystal in front of him, before she wrapped her arms around Bell and gripped him tight.

"Huh." My body froze in place feeling her arms surround me and holding my body against hers. My face was heating up rapidly in her warm embrace.

"I am sorry Bell." She squeezed harder unknowingly pressing her endowed chest forward. "Please forgive him."

"I-I-It's o-okay." I stuttered back. 'Goblins, Orcs, Minotaurs. Goblins, orcs, minotaurs.' I recited in my head to calm myself down.

Aina thought she heard chanting and pulled back from the hug. She could see his red face and shifting eyes. "You're very cute, but I am already married to an idiot. He-he-he." She chuckled as relief flushed his face. "I'm so sorry. Ever since his familia died. He's been super protective and quick tempered."

"E-Eina told me during the festival. I am sure he did out of love."

"That remains to be seen." Aina's shook her head. She decided to change the subject. "What have you been doing all this time."

"I was forbidden from going in the dungeon. Mostly been laying around at home. I did come over here a few times hoping Eina was here. The rest of the time Goddess has been forcing me to spend time with her and go on dates."

"Dates?" Aina questioned.

"She's been worried about something like this happening, I guess. Anytime she's not at the jaga-maru stand. Goddess wants to go shopping or get food."

"Nothing more."

"No. I don't see goddess in that way." I shook my head. "I mean. I don't mind spending time with goddess, but she's been going kind of… overboard."

"How so?"

"Two days ago, she dragged me to an orphanage."

"What?" Aina's mouth hung open. "Why?"

"I-I don't know."

"Are you in a rush to be a father?"

"No!" I shook my head side to side. "I want to be one eventually, but I am not in any rush. I want to at very least be stable with money and have a new place before I am worthy of a wife first." My cheeks reddened. "Though I do feel kind of bad. I at least had my grandpa to raise me."

"Your grandpa raised you." Aina asked confused. "What happened to your parents? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's okay. I never knew my parents. I don't even know what they look like or if their alive or dead. For fourteen years it was only me and grandpa." I paused to clear my throat. "I was mostly by myself for the last two years, until I came to Orario."

"Awe. I think I understand you a lot better now. That's why you desire family." Aina reached her arm around his shoulder and held him in a sideways hug. "Unfortunately, there is nothing you can really do for those children right now. Hopefully those kids will find a home or are well taken care of there."

"T-they seem to be. I did run into my friend Syr there. Apparently, she brings food from the hostess and spends time with the children a few days out the week." I scratched my head. "Goddess was definitely not happy to see her there."

"I bet." Aina let go and stared suspiciously. "Who is this Syr?"

"She is a waitress at the hostess. Syr actually invited me to a party tonight to celebrate my level up. Ryu and Lily will be there too."

"More Girls!?" Aina narrowed her eyes and spoke in a monotone voice.

"Not… Not like that. Lily is my supporter. Ryu and Syr are great friends of mine."

"You sure that's it." Aina prodded.

I shook my head. "Syr is pretty and she does tease and flirt a lot. I don't really feel a connection with her."

"What about this Ryu?" Aina smirked.

"Ryu is a very beautiful elf, strong, kind, caring and I wouldn't be alive without her. She is kind of reserved, but I don't think she has those feelings for me."

Aina stared off at a distance toward a family portrait with her daughter in the center. "And what of my Eina?"

"I.. I love her! I want to win her heart and spend the rest of my life with Eina. Even if I have to quit adventurering."

A beaming grin curled up on Aina's lips as she held her heart. "You have no idea how happy that makes me feel Bell. You two need to talk before you do something rash like quitting adventuring, but I would be happy to have you as my son-in-law."


"Of course. Though I can't let her suitor be stolen by one of these other girls. He-he-he." She giggled at my red face. "What time can she meet you at the Hostess?"

"Eight I think."

"Okay then. I will tell her to meet you. Worse case I will have her meet you tomorrow morning." Aina stood up.

I followed after her. "Thank you, Mrs. Tulle."

"I am happy you dropped bye."

"Next time I will knock."

"He-he." Aina giggled wanting to fist pump herself for mothering. "I am sorry but I really need to get a shower before my appointment."

"I-I understand. I need to talk to my smith to get new gear." I followed her to the door. "T-thank you for everything."

"My pleasure. Good bye Bell." She waved him off, before closing the door. Aina rested her back against the door, smiling towards the ceiling. "Huhhhh, he reminds me so much of Ethan all those years ago. He would be perfect with my Eina." Aina rested her hand on her stomach, rubbing her belly. "I guess I should get ready. I am definitely gonna have a word with your father; little one."(7)





Around noon, I entered the main Hesphaistos shop in the northwest district. An older male animal person behind the counter was talking to a customer. I decided to look around at while he was finishing up.

I started humming a little as I searched for armor made by Welf.. My mood had significantly improved since meeting Eina's mother and it only gotten better when I visited the guild to cash in my monster crystal. Rose apologized profusely. She even forced her stubborn section leader, Rehmer to apologize as well. The crystal was worth fifty thousand valis and Rose teasingly told me how Eina really stuck up for her man. Naturally my face went as red as Rose's fur. Before I left, Rose informed me that the Denatus results would be posted outside of Babel in a few hours.

After a few minutes, the customer left and I approached the counter. "Hello."

"How can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you have any gear made by Welf Crozzo."

"Welf….. Crozzo." The man gave me a dumbfounded look. "You are in the wrong store. If you want that idiots gear. Go check the refuse bin on Babel's eight floor."

"I HEARD THAT LARS!" Welf stormed out of the of the back. "What's the big idea you piece of… oh hey Bell?"

"You know each other."

"Yes this is my best customer, Bell Cranel." Welf smiled wide.

"I don't know about Best." I shuffled nervously.

"Only more like." Lars said sarcastically.

"Actually, I have two. Lily picked up one of her weapons up the other day. Still need to give her a new wrist mounted ballista. Have you seen her Bell?"

"No I haven't seen her in almost a week. Was told that she would be at the hostess tonight. Want to come along Welf?"

"Does sound like a lot of fun." Welf held is head. "Next time for sure. Getting my status updated tonight and I wanted to go to floor seven to see if I can get more of those ant legs. Had some ideas for cheap stuff to sell to beginner's."

"End of getting them killed more like." Lars said sarcastically.

Welf turned around with a scowl on his face ready to lay into him. "Muh." I cleared my throat. "The Welf's bow was great for everything up to a minotaur."

"Ha-ha. Look at that Lars. Genuine review from the new record holder." Welf slammed the counter with both hands and laughed in the animalperson's face. Welf turned around to Bell with a grin. "The one you won at the competition will take a lot more than a minotaur to destroy. Where you been?" Lars stared in disbelief."

"Sorry I forgot; been going through some stuff."

"Sorry to hear that." Welf pushed by Lars and slid open the cabinet

"Please give lady Hesphaistos my apologies. I have been doing a lot running today." I winced nervously.

"Don't worry about it." Welf placed a polished dark brown bow onto the counter with golden embroidery by the limb tips and the hand rest. The bowstring was jet black except the center where a beautiful white thread was tightly wrapped around the knocking points. "Sorry looks like Indril forgot to modify it from a recurve bow, though that white thread is new." Welf scratched his head.

"I think it's perfect. I can't wait to try it out." I traced my fingers across the beautiful golden riser surrounding the hand rest, admiring the incredible craftsmanship.

"It's still considered a shortbow but its slightly heavier and bigger than your last one. The Treant wood is thicker and hollow like the ant legs. Also you won these." Welf grabbed the long sleeved padded green orc gambeson and a quiver of arrows. "Come to the back and try it on."

I followed welf to a fitting area with a mirror and through the gambeson over my body and fastened the many belts along the middle until it was snug. The diagonally stitched layered padding made the garment much sturdier than a normal shirt. The collar went half way up my neck and the bottom trailed down to my thighs. It was surprisingly easy to move in. "Will this protect me as good as armor?"

"Indril makes high quality stuff. It should protect from glancing blows and slow down any attacks to your body. However, you can place armor on top. Actually, have some back at my forge."

"I was actually looking to buy your armor again. Last one did prevent the Wyvern from eating me."

"Glad it did. How about tomorrow we get you refitted. Didn't account for the gambeson and you look like you grew a couple of inches."

"Now that you mention. All my clothes have feeling tight on me lately."

"You must have hit a growth spurt." Welf smiled standing next me staring into the mirror. "I don't remember you being the same height as me."

"Wonder if its from the level up?"

"Nah than every high tier adventurer would look like an orc. Even those elves your so fond of? Ha-ha-ha." Welf laughed at the embarrassed pout on Bell's face.

"Hey cut it out."

"Alright alright. Want to go in the dungeon for a few hours and test out your bow?"

"Yeah that would be great as long as we get out before nightfall."

"Alright. Let's go." Welf grabbed his great sword and threw me a backup knife. Soon we departed for Babel to go hunting for killer ants.




It was late into the evening when the front door of Eina's apartment opened up. "Mom we're home." Eina shouted upstairs, still wearing her armor."

"Be down in a minute." Aina shouted from the upstairs bathroom. Her voice seemed kind of weak. *Blargh*

"You okay." Eina shouted upstairs.


Ethan closed the door. "Pumpkin go get ready for dinner."

"Yes, Father."

*Flush! Slam!*

"Your home." Aina speedily exited out of the bathroom concerning both Eina and Ethan.

"Yes our daughter might be a little banged up from training though."

"Not fair." Eina pouted. "You put way more into that strike just because I surprised you."

"Not at all why would I want my girl to get hurt." Ethan smirked.

"She did make it to level two dear." Aina slowly walked down the stairs. "Did Loki tell you about alias from the naming ceremony?"

Eina's cheeks puffed out embarrassed. "Evenstar."


"Cute but it doesn't matter now." Ethan shrugged his shoulder. "Gonna help her pack after dinner."

"No she's not." Aina's voice grew cold.

"She said she wanted too." Ethan smiled.

"Well I won't accept Eina coming home."

"What?!" Ethan was shocked.

"Mama!?" Eina seemed worried.

"Not when you're being coerced by your father at least." Aina approached Eina and draped her arm around her shoulder.

"Bell dropped bye. He's wishes to see you."

"Where has he been?" Eina held her chest.

"Ask your father." Aina's eyes narrowed on her husband.

"Dad!?" Eina noticed the guilty look on his face. "Please tell me you didn't." Ethan was quite. "WHY!?"

"Because I love you, Eina. He will get you killed by the dungeon or by some rogue god!"

"I will love who I want and I will go where I dam well please!" Eina shouted back shaking with anger. "Get out of my house!"


"You heard her, Ethan. GO!" Aina's eyes flared wide.

"Where am I going to sleep?"

"I don't care. Go home or sleep in the dungeon." Aina was torn between anger and sadness, evident by her straining eyes. "I am not sleeping with you for a while. I am staying here with Eina for a few days."

"Come on! You can't be serious!"

"GOOOOOOOOOOOO!?" Both mother and daughter shouted. Ethan's head sunk in defeat and he turned around to the door.

"Oh Ethan." Aina spoke to get his attention. "If you lay a finger on Bell. You can count on me never touching you again." Ethan stormed out of the house.


"It's okay Eina." Aina gripped her daughter tighter. "Go upstairs and get ready for your date!"

"D-d-date!?" Eina's face reddened.

"Well party. A few of his friends are celebrating his level up tonight at the Hostess."

"Doesn't sound like a date." Eina shoulders sunk.

"He wants you there. Bell was heartbroken over you. After all you are his evening star!" Aina whispered into her ear. Eina was speechless and completely red in the face.




(Floor 44)

A war raged on floor fourty-four. The Loki familia level three and four adventurers were holding off the flanks as hundreds of monsters charged toward them. The level sixes were out front and center furiously trying to kill every monster in sight.

"Earth Raid." With a slam of his great axe, an earthquake consumed a dozen flame rock monsters before Gareth.

An angry Bete had to change paths to avoid the magic. He landed right beside Gareth. Bete towered over the unamused dwarf with barred fangs. "Watch it old man. Those were my kills!"

"Then why are you letting an old man beat you, wolf." Gareth huffed as he jumped forward towards a Lambton. The massive ten meter long and five meter high snake's body exploded in blood and visceral as Gareth cleaved its body into two pieces.

"I thought your ass would be on the cliffside with the hag and the shrimp." Bete barked as he jumped over the dwarf and landed a kick in the gut of spartoi.

*Woosh. Boom*

A giant boulder flung by Bete's head and smashed into two more flame rock's surfacing behind Bete. "What the hell Amazon bitch?"

Tione stood hundred feet away gritting her teeth. "You're lucky I changed targets at the last second Wolf or I would be serving wolf soup to the captain!"

"Ew nasty." Tiona joked next to her sister.

Bete looked like he was about to explode in angry. "Focus your anger on the battlefield boy! Or this excelia is gonna belong to me." *Bam* The dwarf jumped off toward another group of monsters.

Finn stood on a cliffside overseeing the formation and the enemies constant advances. Riveria and Tsubaki were behind him. Indril and Alicia were nearby shooting at a group of trolls threatening to break the right flank. "Your familia holding up okay Tsubaki."

"Doing alright braver. These floors are nutty. Hu-hu-hu." Tsubaki was resting her front against her sword and arching her back forward. "First time that we been this deep, but were ready for more."

"Good with any luck we will reach floor fifty by tomorrow night at this pace."

"Can I ask, what the hell has gotten into all of them?" Tsubaki held out her hand toward the center of the formation. "Even Gareth has been riled up since the middle floors. Haven't seen him like this in years."

"They were all inspired, witnessing the actions of a heroic adventurer." Finn chuckled.

"Oh, you're talking Bell Cranel and the minotaur and wyvern." Tsubaki smiled resting her head on her hands.

"Words already spreading."

"Gareth told me the other day. Think he might want to adopt the bunny as a son. He-he-He." Tsubaki giggled towards the ground.

"What!?" Riveria and Finn stared dumbfounded at the giggling half dwarf.

"Gareth gave me a couple hundred thousand valis last week to buy him new gear. Seems to care about his safety a great deal."

"Did you know about this Riveria?" Finn eyed her with suspicion.

Riveria shook her head. "No, I didn't know a thing about that. He did take down the Amphisbaena himself, so it's his right to spend his winnings. Hopefully Mr. Cranel will be better prepared for the dungeon."

"Geez he practical falls head over heels for you and now you're calling him Mr. Cranel." Finn mocked the upset Riveria.

"Stop it Finn or I will tell Tione to fall back."

"Oh did the rabbit do something naughty. Kidding." Tsubaki joked calming Alicia and Indril who overheard from their vantage point.

"No he did not." Riveria cheeks tinged a light pink. "He is a very respectable young man."

"Sure Welf will craft him something better this time." Tsubaki smirked. "If not, the bow he won should keep the bad monsters at bay."

"He won!?" Riveria tilted her head confused for a second. "The archery competition!" Alicia stopped firing completely blindsided by this news.

"Oh did he!? He-he." Tsubaki giggled. "Thought he lost for a second when he fell on his face. He surprised everybody when he jumped back to his feet and hopped onto the railing; riding it all the way down."

"Silvan, I need your help with the big one!" Indril warned. Alicia immediately focused on the battlefield. Both women unleashed an arrow into the giant trolls eyes; allowing the right flank take the irregular down.

"He actually tied the Silvan's record." Tsubaki continued.

"WHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTT!?" Every adventurer and monster alike were distracted for a second at Alicia's loud scream. "Sorry!" *Swish* Alicia shot another lava monster and the clangs of the battlefield reignited.

"Alicia try not to get everybody killed." Finn reprimanded her.

"Sorry Captain. That can't be right."

"It is Alicia. He somehow broke one of my bow's doing it." Indril commented still tracking any rogue monsters.


"I don't know." Indril shrugged. "Didn't see any magic. Maybe a skill."

"Was it white?" Riveria asked.

"I didn't see anything Lady Riveria." Indril shook her head.

"You know of it Riveria." Tsubaki asked.

Riveria lied. "Ah no I just saw weird light over the walls the other night. Don't mind me."

"Uh-huh." Tsubaki smirked. "We didn't noticing anything. Riveria eyes widened. "Only the arrow impacted the target."

"Wow he continues to surprise." Finn stroked his chin.

"Ah that reminds Finn. I need deformis spider silk to upgrade the bow to a first-tier weapon." Tsubaki thought out loud.

"Woah. One heck of a prize you gave away." Finn joked. "Should run into a lot of them past floor fifty. Will keep and eye out."

"Finn." Riveria turned around unable to control her smile. "I am going to join the battle. Need the exercise." Before Finn could protest, Riveria jumped off the cliffside and joined the other first tier adventures in the center.

Alicia was stunned by the princess's outburst. 'No. No. No. She doesn't feel that way for that stupid bunny. He must have cheated to win the competition.' Alicia's mind started drifting into a daydream, watching Bell's rapid progression with a bow. Starting from the time she trained him to he was making a mockery of floor ten with his bow. She imagined that he was behind her protecting her back. Than the beating, the strong rhythmic beating of his heart from the hospital. Her face went a deep read remembering the soft wet lips.


Rubble fell from the ceiling as a green dragon exploded out into the air, scaring the reserves in the center. Alicia took one look at the razor-sharp teeth and her heart went ablaze. Her eyes widened in anger. "Die. Die . Die. Die." Alicia freaked out and sent a flurry of arrows into its wings and underbelly. She dropped her bow and pulled out her sword and launched herself to the sky. She flew like a ballista bolt and buried her blade into the dragon's gut. She rolled to dodge it's claws in mid-air. Stopping herself from falling by stabbing it again.

The level four dragon was nearly dead and was plummeting to the ground, along with Alicia. Ais was ready to jump in to save her when a blue magic circle appeared at Alicia's feet. Alicia aimed at the ground. "Niflhem's shackles."

Three ice pillars exploded out of the ground beneath her. She pulled her blade out of its stomach and jumped away from the dragon, landing on the ground twenty feet in front of the pillars.


The dragon splattered against the ice pillars, crushing a few flame rocks with its massive body. "HMPH." Alicia smugly buried those feelings with her prideful kill as cheers rang out from all around her.




A little after eight I stumbled into the Hostess of Fertility. The bar was busier than I expected with a bunch of adventurers.

"Master Bell over here!" Lily waved cheerfully in her elf form from a circular table, along with Ryu and Syr.

Ryu whispered to Lily. "If you want to be convincing as an elf. Don't do that again."

"Right." Lilly sat down.

The bar went silent when I waved back to Lily. My head swung back and forth seeing a lot of angry stares from adventurers around the bar. My nervousness starting to get the better of me when I started hearing my name or title muttered throughout the bar.

"White hair?"

"He leveled up in 6 weeks!"

"Impossible! That scrawny ass kid can't be the record holder!"

"Dude he's The Strider. My goddess won't shut up about him."

I walked slowly weary of all the eyes glued on me. Finally made it to the table. "S-sorry if I kept you all waiting. I was kind of hiding all day from gods. Then I went into the dungeon."

"Its okay Bell. We haven't been waiting long."

"You become famous overnight mas-…. B-Bell." Lily nervously locked eyes with Ryu.

The brown haired catgirl Anya slammed a drink down on the table. "Momma Mia meow, said she would loan you Syr and Ryu as long as you spend a lot of money. So, live it up meow." Mamma Mia smiled from the bar.

"I guess I did make a lot from that minotaur crystal I sold. Order anything you want."

"Just a salad and drink." Ryu commented. "Not gonna make you go broke Bell."

"Oh thanks, Ryu.

"Nonsense this is his party. He needs to eat and drink to his hearts content. Why not give it a try?" Syr held an ale out towards Bell.

"I never really drink alcohol before, Syr."

"Perfect night to try. I can take care of you if you drink to much." Syr had a devilish smile on her face making Bell's face go red.

"Syr." Ryu glared.

Syr stuck out her tongue at Ryu. "Don't you want to see how cute a drunk bunny is Ryu?"



The familiar voice I had come to love was calling from across the bar. I turned around to see Eina walking over to the table dressed in the same outfit as our first date. White blouse with a brown ribbon, a red skirt and black knee-high socks. A huge smile curled up on my face as I stumbled to get to my feet. "E-Eina!"

Eina quickly evade any ogling customers jog up to the table until she was within a foot of me, happy to see he was so excited to see her. "Hope I am not intruding. My mother told me to meet you here."

"N-n-not at all, please join us." I reached over to grab my seat. "T-take my seat, Eina. I will get another." I was eager to see her again. I wanted to talk to her alone so much. The other girls could sense the excitement between us. Lily's head sunk in defeat. Ryu stared silently at Eina with wide soft eyes; however Syr was angry. The mug was shaking in her hand.


"Oops." Syr spilt the mug purposely on to the chair, making it reek with booze. "Sorry." She played it off innocently.

"Oh!... i-tt's okay Syr. I can use this one."

"Nya problem. I got two chairs." Anya was quick to respond as our waitress. She replaced the chairs weary of Syr's bulging eyes.

Eina was hesitant to sit down noticing Syr spilt her drink on purpose. "Everything okay."

"D-don't mind her. Syr's just clumsy." Ryu replied ignoring Syr's stare. "Please sit down with us, Eina."

"Um, thank you" Eina smiled sitting down between us.

"Table is a bit to full." Syr pouted.

"It's fine Syr. I don't mind sharing this side. Besides Eina just leveled up too."

"Congratulations, Eina." Ryu and Lily congratulated her, while Syr looked confused.

"Thankyou." Eina nodded her head and took her seat, between me and Ryu. "I am still having trouble getting use to it."

"It is tough to get use too, especially when you go back to during normal stuff like chores." Ryu replied.

"When were you an adventurer?" Eina asked.

"L-long time ago." Ryu deflected. "Not important. What names did the gods give you both?"

Eina not towards me. I pointed at my chest. "Mine is Strider."


"Lily's likes it."

"Love it." Syr leaned over bumping her shoulder against mine.

"He-he-he." Eina giggled covering her face.


"Don't be mean it's a good name." Syr narrowed her eyes.

"I am sorry. I am sorry." Eina waved her hands frantically trying to stop herself from laughing. "Its just funny how that name makes so much sense. You're always running the walls or in a rush to get stronger."

"Oh." The three women smirked towards Bell.

"Guess it does make sense." I scratched my neck. "W-what did they give you Eina?"

Eina stared directly into his ruby eyes. "E-Evenstar."

My face went a deep red. "It s-s-suits you."

"W-wonder why?" Eina smiled wide.

Syr's eyes were narrowed trying to suppress her anger. "Are you cheating on me Bell?"

"What!?" My face froze up.

"Mean Bell running around with multiple girlfriends." Syr pouted.

"Bell!?" Eina backed her head up a little.

"I-d don't have a girlfriend. Well I mean you are all my friends and you are all girls that I care about, but….uuuuhhh."

"Then its settled. I will be your girlfriend." Syr smiled wide.


"Bit desperate." Eina mumbled. in a low voice, crossing her arms around chest. "I knew him first."

"Lily thinks Syr will suck the life out of Bell faster than his pockets will empty."

"I will not." Syr pouted.

"Stop putting Bell on the spot Syr." Ryu scolded Syr for putting him on the spot. "You're making him feel uncomfortable."

"I thought you were on my side, Ryu."

"I am, but this is a celebration for out dear friend, Syr."


Eina rolled her eyes. "So, when do you want to go to into the dungeon next Bell?"

"Huh." My brow stretched. "I thought you weren't…."

"Talk about it later. However, I am looking forward to it Bell. The three of us will make a good team."

"F-F-Four. Welf wants to join too. I was just in the dungeon with him."

"Oh good. A four-man cell will be a lot safer, especially if you want to go to the m-middle floors." Eina hesitated.

Ryu placed her drink down. "I think that would be unwise to rush those floors."

"Lily thinks mas…..Bell and Eina are strong enough Miss Ryu."

"Its not about their strength. The dungeon becomes a lot more vicious the further you go down. The sheer amount of monsters will become very difficult to handle. I suggest you all work on your teamwork and group structure since you're all from different familias."

"Ryu's right Lily. We barely survived floor twelve last time and I still want to test my new strength. Also, I need to buy all new clothing and gear."

Eina raised her hand against the top of my head. "You are getting taller. Would you want to…..?"

"Go shopping with me tomorrow." Syr interrupted Eina with a forceful request of her own. "I need to buy some things and I could use some company."

"Pack mule more like." Eina said sarcastically with anger in her voice. "You will break his back."


Ryu snorted overhearing Eina's comment. She started beating her chest and coughing, painfully swallowing her drink. "S…orry. Syr, but I think you would crush his back like last time."

"Hey I showed him where to get the sofa."

"And I gave him the crystal from the dragon. That bought it."

Syr shouted. "You're probably at fault."


A pan hit Syr in the back of the head. Mamma Mia loomed over top of her. "Like hell you're getting off work tomorrow. Ryu make sure she doesn't try to slip away again."

"Yes mama."

Syr was lying with her head down on the table still reeling from the hit. Afraid to get hit from Mia I tried to diffuse the argument. "I will probably be spending most of the day getting new armor fitted and gear made from my drop items."

"I don't mind going with you Bell." Eina smiled.


Ryu rocked her body back and forth a slightly. "If you need more lessons to help get use to your new level up. I can spare some time."

"That would be amazing Ryu, but I think I need to get back into the dungeon to pay for my weapons. I want to try and get an apartment by the end of the month."

"Hope you are able too. Just stop let me know if you need help. I don't mind." Ryu replied.

"Maybe before the middle floors. You and Eina's lessons have been keeping me alive."

"My lessons didn't help with a minotaur or a wyvern Bell." Eina replied.

"Minotaur and a wyvern!?" Ryu was stunned. "Is that why you said that I wouldn't believe you?"

"I seen him kick the minotaur's butt on floor nine. I passed out during that night, but the executives witness him finished the dragon.."

"I would have died to the minotaur without you Eina." My cheeks started to redden.

"No you would of beaten it. All I did was get a lucky shot on at after running away in fear." Eina's face went a little pale.

"You left him to die." Syr shouted.

"No. No I told her to run, I really didn't think we could take it on as levels ones.

"You said you would catch up." Eina pouted. "More terrified of losing you."

"Same here…" I tried to cover my red face by looking down.

"How does a minotaur and a wyvern show up on floor nine?" Ryu stared in disbelief. "Why were you two down their at night all alone?"

Eina rocked into my shoulder. "My hero did more than take on the minotaur and the wyvern. He saved me from Hod."

"E-enough already.." I felt like my head was about to burst from embarrassment. I rocked back and forth in the chair with my hands between my thighs.

"What did he do?" Ryu crushed a fork in her hands.

"He failed at his task. Bell beat him to a pulp and Lily notified my familia. I think we both would been goners without her."

"Lily was terrified for you both the whole time."

Ryu was shaking in anger. "Is… he… alive!?"

Eina could feel her anger. "Hod's dead. He ran directly into the minotaur."

"Good." Ryu breathed a sigh of relief.




"Need help with little old Minotaurs do you…. Strider?!" A sudden loud male voice called out behind us. Three large muscled men walked up to our table stopping right across from us behind Ryu and Eina's chairs.

"Wha?" Still in shock by the sudden intrusion. I turned my chair around to face them halfway out my seat.

"We heard of your troubles. Sounds like you need more allies. How about you join us….Strider?!" The leader had a wide grin on his face.

"No thanks."

"Come on you little bastard, were both adventurers. Me and the boys have been through the middle floors for years now. We can help each other out for the right price." His eyes shifted back and forth between Ryu and Eina.

"Uggh." A heavy wall of alcoholic stench emanated from their bodies, assaulting the senses. Syr and Ryu grimaced in disgust. Lily was furious; her hatred of adventurers like these men was still as strong as ever. Eina was feeling incredibly uncomfortable and scooted away from the leader.

The rock faced leader with scars on his face starting getting a little annoyed. My body was sending me warning signals feeling like the situation was escalating. I hated how he leered at my friends.

"Here's the deal KID!" The leader gritted his teeth before extending his arms out as far as possible with a happiness bordering on hunger. "Let us takes these ladies for the night. Don't know how much coined you dropped to get so much ass. You do us a favor and we will do you one later after I had this perky half elf fill my drink."

"NO!" I stood up from my chair.

"Come on runt. You're are not man enough for women like these. Just step aside and you can tag along in the dungeon." The leader chuckled as he flexed his arms inward.

"I WILL NOT STEP ASIDE! You will not talk to either of them in that way! Go… Away!"

The four women at the table exchange glances of shock and worry as Bell's angered voice override his nervousness. Ryu was ready to step in to intervene. The three men were unimpressed, I may have been close to the height of the leader and the one on the left, but each was twice my size round. Their posture went from relaxed to threatening as they clenched their fists and scowls filled their faces.

"You think you're a big deal after just leveling up. All of us here have been level two for a long time junior. You should back down while I am still being generous and leave." The man's eyes flared as a smirk creased noticing my nervousness.

Ryu emptied her drink. "He does not need you. Go away! You are not worthy of him."

"Trying to say were trash little elf. That were lower than this scrawny child."

"Trash would be too kind of a word. You are far lower than Bell." Eina shouted up from her chair leaning into Bell.

The man smirked at stepped closer to Eina. "You better apologize or this kid is gonna get hurt. You can start with drinks then your healthy b….." The leader stretches his hand out to grab Eina's shoulder.


My hand reached out instinctly and grabbed the man's left wrist with my right hand; directly above Eina's head. Any nervous were completely washed away with anger. "You… will not touch her! Or any of them!"

"Tough guy!" *Swish* The man sent a fast right hook towards my face. Ryu was to late to respond, blocked by Eina and one of the men. To her amazement Bell backstepped away from the punch. The man punched the air to the left of Bell's head. He was too drunk to respond fast enough as Bell grabbed his other wrist, spun inward and tossed him over his shoulder into his friends. "What…. Ooofff?!" The other two men barely caught him in time as they fell to the floor in a pile.

"Please stop this and go back to your drink." I replied trying to diffuse the situation.

Ryu and Eina were on their feet. Eina distanced herself from the men and stood behind Bell. Touching her fingers against the back of his arm. "T-thankyou Bell."

"Always." My cheeks tinged red feeling her hand touch my arm.

"No more going easy on you, runt." The man jumped to his feet and lunged towards me.


In a flash, Ryu jumped in front of the man and encased his fist in a mug. She refused to touch him with her hands. She twisted his arm at a painful angle and the man was on his knees screaming in pain. "Ow-OWWWWWWW!"

"You are a vile man. You have no right to touch any woman, let alone an elf. Then you made an even worse decision try to hurt my dear friend." Ryu twisted his arm further back. The man screamed louder. "I don't want you anywhere near Bell's battle party or you will never have a use for this arm again." Ryu popped the mug off the man's hand and kicked him lightly in the backside. He rolled into a table.


Two loud cracks rang out across the bar. Anya and Chloe immediately smashed a chair over each of the man's friends. Stopping them from attacking Ryu. Both men fell to the floor groaning in pain.

*SHING!* The metallic ringing of a blade being pulled out by the leader sent a shiver down my spine. The drunk was so angry and humiliated that he did the worst possible thing in the Hostess and pull out a weapon.


Mamma Mia had enough of the fight. She buried her massive fist into counter creating a v-shaped imprint. Customers at the counter fell over, scared for the lives. The rest of the bar was eerily quiet staring at the enraged dwarfess. "If you are stupid enough to do that here. I WILL FERTILIZE MY GARDEN WITH YOUR CORPSES!"

The leader froze in place absolutely terrified of the dwarfess. "This place is for food and drink only. GET….. OUT!"

The three men jumped to their feet and ran for the door. "Don't forget to pay asshole!" Three coinbags fell on the floor before they cleared out of the Hostess. Ryu bent down to pick them up and give them to Mia.

I approached the bar slowly. I bowed my upper body to her. "Sorry for the trouble Mamma Mia."

Mia rolled her eyes. "You're eating seconds Bell! You're still too dam skinny."

"Yes Mamma." I shook my head furiously.




*Knock. Knock.

"Lady Hesphaistos can I come in?" Welf straighten his appearance outside the two white oak doors that led to his Goddess's penthouse quarters in Pandora's manor

"Go ahead Welf."


"Evening god….dess." Welf entered the spacious living quarters to see Goddess Hesphaistos wasn't the only deity in the room. Hestia was leaning on the counter and Takemikazuchi was sipping from his flask slowly. "Sorry I didn't mean to intrude."

"Evening my lord and lady." Welf bowed.

"You don't have to do that." Takemikazuchi waved him off.

"Bell.. Belll… Where is my Bell?" Hestia agonized over her missing Bell, lost in her own world drinking more and more.

Hesphaistos looked up to Takemikazuchi. "Can you take that from her?"

"Sure." Takemikazuchi got up from his positioned and started fighting to clear the booze in front of Hestia. "Hestia, I am sure everything is fine."

"What's wrong?" Welf asked.

"Apparently Bell was being chased around the walls all day by our peers. He hasn't shown up all today. She's worried he's been kidnapped. Have you seen him Welf?

"Yes goddess. I was just in the dungeon with him an hour ago."

"Oooh good." Hesphaistos sighed in relief.

"W-where is… he?" Hestia was half asleep barely lifting her head above her many empty mugs before her.

"He is fine goddess Hestia. He rushed home before going to the hostess." Welf bowed to the inebriated goddess.

"Oh that's nice. Zzzzzzz"

"Why didn't you go with him Welf?" Hesphaistos asked.

"I was looking forward to getting my status update tonight."

"Oh right. Sorry." Hesphaistos held her face. "Alright take your shirt off and hop on my bed." Welf walked off to her bedroom. "Take can you help Hestia home?"

"Sure thing. Thankyou for the drinks and the company. Good night Hesphaistos."

"Good night Take." Hesphaistos waited for Takemikazuchi to carry Hestia out of her room. Time to tease Welfy." Hesphaistos popped one of the buttons to her work shirt and walked into her bedroom. She took her time taking off her gloves and sitting them on her nightstand.


"He-he-he. How was the dungeon?" Hesphaistos sat down next to him. She cut her finger with a mithril knife and held her finger over his back until a droplet fell to his back. The falna glowed white for her to update.

"Great. We only went to floor seven to get some drop items and test out his bow."

Hesphaistos pouted. "I wanted to do that."

"It was started to collect dust goddess. Sorry I know you like him geez." Welf groaned.

Hesphaistos leaned over and grapped hold of Welf's arm. "I told you to stop being jealous. You are still one of my favorites."

"You still act differently around him."

"It's just fun to tease him. His pureness is kind of adorable. That's why I trying to set him up with Indril, since he likes elves."

"Then I gonna lose my best client." Welf growled. "What about Eina?"

"Loki told me her father is trying to take her home. That's probably why he's been feeling down lately. Apparently enough for him to ignore a ten million valis bow."

"Huh. He seemed in good spirits today. Maybe something changed." Welf shrugged. "Does Indril even like him?"

"Pretty sure she does. I wanted to tease him about his bow. Indril tied a piece of her hair to the bowstring."(8)

"Ha-ha-ha." Both welf and Hesphaistos. Hesphaistos leaned over and placed her head against Welf's to tease him. Welf froze up. "He-he. Let's see what we got here."

Welf Crozzo Age: 17 Race: Human

Level One

Strength: C617…C650 Endurance: D521…..D525

Dexterity: C645…..C679 Agility: D509…..D534

Magic: I70

Magic ()


Skills ()

Crozzo Blood

Hesphaistos was taken aback by the huge increase in numbers on his back. "Welf! When was your last status update?"

"Two weeks ago." Welf sat up on her bed. "Why you ask goddess?"

"You had a big increase. Ninety-six points to be exact."

"What serious." Welf grabbed the paper out of hands. He was dumbfounded by the increase in his points. "H-How?!"

"I have no idea. Did you do anything different?"

"No I have only been in the dungeon twice. Including today with Bell. We did get a nice haul and I cleared out most of the ants. Bell covered me."

"Huh." Hesphaistos slapped Welf on the back. "Whatever you're doing keep it up Welfy." She leaned her head on his bare shoulder. "I want you to level and see what you can craft Welf."

"I-I will try g-goddess." Welf was shaking and his face red. "I joined his battle party."

"He-he-He. Good. Maybe you can pick up pointers from Bell."

"I am just happy to actually get into the dungeon. I need to plan what to do with my drop items." Welf pulled his shirt back on and stood up. "Good night."

"Night welf." Her smile vanished when he left the room. "Take a hint would you. Ahh I wanted to tease him more." Hesphaistos eyes rotated back to the status sheet. "What are you hiding Hestia?"




"Thankyou for walking me home Bell." Eina had her hands clasped together by her hips as she nervously talked to Bell outside her apartment.

"I wanted to make sure you got home after what happened at the bar."

"Awe thankyou, Bell." She hid her quivering smile. Her heart skipped a beat. Eina was so nervous that she dropped her keys.


Eina instantly reached out and caught the keys. A millisecond later her hands were instantly surrounded caught by his hand. "B-B-Bell m-my h-hand….." She froze in place as his second hand clasped around on top.

"Is really soft?" *Fuuuuuuuu* I took a deep breath. "Eina!"


"Eina, I missed you so much that hurt. You smile keeps me going everyday." I continued to stare into her shocked face.

"S-sorrry about my father."

"Its fine. He probably did it for the same reason I am doing this now. Eina, I am love you. I am Bell Cranel am in love with you."

Her beautiful emerald eyes started to shimmer under the starlight. "N-No you d-don't B….." *Muah*

My heart couldn't take it anymore. I leaned forward a pursed my lips and pressed them against hers. It felt like the world stopped, as our lips connected for the first time. Slowly I moved her lips with mine.


I broke the kiss a second later. Eina couldn't speak. I bowed my head. "S-sorrry. I wanted to do that during the Lunar Festival so much." I released my grip on her hands fearing I pushed too far.


Eina's shoulder's rotated as she brought her arms up and over my shoulders. She interlaced her hands behind my neck. "Me too."

I felt my head be pulled downwards. She opened her mouth and pursed her lips. Our mouths clashed eagerly tasting each other's soft wet lips. My arms clasped around her back of her hip. For a while we made out on the steps of her apartment. Furiously trying to match each other's facial muscles and continue to consume each one another.

"Yes. Yes. Yes." Aina stared down from Eina's bedroom hiding her huge smile with her clasped hands. "Finally."




After a few minutes, we broke apart. Both of us with huge smiles on our bright red faces. "W-would you like to come inside Bell? F-for some tea."

I furiously shook my head. "P-please."

Eina grabbed my hand and pulled me the door. She jiggled the keys; almost dropping them again in a rush. Finally she was able unlocked the door. She slammed it as soon as I entered.


I followed her into the living room. "Do you need help?"

"No." Eina turned around with an evil smile. "I am out of tea."



Eina couldn't contain herself any longer. She jumped up into Bells chest, wrapping her arms and legs around his torso. "I love you Bell."

"I love you Eina." *Muah* *Muah* My mind was going crazy being completely enveloped in her warmth. My legs were going weak from as her lips furiously consumed my own. My mind was slipping under her loving assault. I aimed for the nearest couch and sat down continuing to passionately make out with her.

Eina felt his body react as his pants started to tent into her bottom. "Ahhhh…." She broke the embrace overwhelmed by the sensation and rested her head against his. She grabbed the bow on her blouse and untied it. She slowly tarted popping the buttons holding her curves in place.


"Huh!" Eina stopped feeling his hand over top of her breasts.


"I…. Fuuuuuuuu. I want our first time to be special."

"It is. I want you." *Muah* She went in for a quick kiss but was instantly pushed away.


"Please." I felt a pair of eyes were watching us. I took a deep breath. "Eina, I love you. Please just give me a few weeks."

"Bell if its about getting an apartment. You can move in here."

"N-not yet. I want to do this right. I want to take you out on dates and convince goddess that our love is real. Give me a few weeks and I will give everything that I am to you."

Eina blushed a deep red. "Okay." Eina leaned forward and kissed my lips slowly as she grinded her hips along my pants. *Muah! Tch* She broke apart the kiss with a worried look. "Wait there is something I have to tell you."

"Don't tell me." I tried to reach for her lips again.

"I have too. I need too earn your trust. You might even hate me." Eina face strained.

"Don't tell me. Riveria said you knew something. I can't imagine a world where I would hate you or Riveria, so don't tell me yet!"

"When did Riveria?" Eina was taken aback.

I grimaced in pain. "Huuu. I confessed to her and she said no."

"Bell I knew you still love her."

"I won't lie you." I focused directly into her eyes. "I still have feelings for her and it will take sometime for those feelings to disappear completely."

"Bell we can't…."

"I want your love, Eina. I want it more than anything on Gekai or Tenkai." I leaned my head against her hands still holding her shirt together. "I always have since the day I met you at the guild hall." I wrapped my arms around her backside and stared up. "I couldn't look away from your beauty then and I refuse to now."

"Bell!" Eina's heart rate was matching his. "I still should…..

"Some other time." I leaned over to the left and put my head on one of the couch pillows and pulled her down with me. Feeling the full extent of her body pushing up against mine. My mind crazy was doing somersaults. "I haven't finished kissing you yet.

Eina tremble all over as her as she stared back into those inviting ruby eyes. "Yes. You haven't fin…mmmmmm." Eina felt Bell engage her lips again with a renewed purpose. "Ahhh." Eina's eyes bulged as his tongue slipped into her mouth. Her body felt weak and she gave in completely to the rabbit devouring her lips.




(Day 36)

*Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!*

A few birds flew into the bush out front of her apartment. The sun started creeping through the blinds.

"mmmmmm." Eina nuzzled her head into Bell's warm shoulder. "Comfy."

"Good morning you two."


"Five more minutes, Mrs. Tulle." I replied back with my eyes still closed. Enjoying the warmth that was blanketing my body.


A few seconds passed in silence, than both of our eyes shot open wide. I was barely able to control the embarrassed grin on my face. Eina lifted her head slowly. Her mother was staring down with a warm smug grin on her face, seeing her daughter wrapped around Bell.

"I see you to found each other." Her grin widened.

"M-mama." Eina hid her face. "H-how long?"

"Oh I seen and heard everything. He-He-He. Good thing your father didn't." Her laughter filled the room seeing the fear and embarrassment in our eyes. Eina buried her shame deeper into my shoulder. "Don't worry grouchy will come around in time."

"Hope so."

Aina shook her head barely able to control her smile. "Bell as much as I hate to interrupt the beginning of your courtship." Eina eyes stretched to their limits as she sat up on top of him. "I would ask that you get home before your goddess tares apart the city."

"Yes Mrs. Tulle."

"You can call me mom." Aina pouted with her hands on her hips.

"Y-yes….. mom." I replied. Eina was speechless staring back and forth between me and her mom.

"He-he-he. Good." Aina chuckled. "You two will break the news before the next moon." Aina bent down to stare her daughter in the eyes. "In a few weeks. Agreed!"

"Y….. yes mama." Eina barely managed to utter that with the stunned look on her face.

"Agreed!" Aina stared at me.

"Yes mom."

"Alrighty then. I expect you too to clear out any misunderstandings or secrets by then. I don't want anything to hold you back, like the tea we have in abundance. Liar!" Aina tapped Eina on the head and walked off to the kitchen leaving us alone on the couch.

The both of us sat up on the couch. "T-that is what you m-meant."


"Oh Bell." *Muah* Eina leaned in to engaged my lips. A slow rhymical and deep kiss that could have gone on for ages.

"I don't want her to blow your house up!" Aina shouted from the kitchen.

Eina pulled away. "Right!" Eina climbed off and buttoned up her blouse and made herself presentable, before escorting Bell to the door. "I will see you later to go shopping B-Bell."

"I can't wait."


At the door we gave each other one last kiss goodbye. "I will see you later my love."
