
Chapter 17: Shooting Star


*Clap. Clap. Clap.*

"Wooooooooooooooo!" I was standing on the cement pavers next to Eina. I was shouting at the top of my longs and clapping in awe of her beauty. I stared directly into the shocked face of the elven princess. "Go Riveria! Wooooo…oooo." My tunnel vision on Riveria quickly dissipated as the only sound I heard was the echo of my own voice. My clapping slowed to a stop as I looked around at the thousands of eyes glued on me. A range of emotions from shocked, worried and anger were all focused on me.

'Bell!' Riveria screamed out in her head trying her best to suppress any emotions.

My vision shifted to the silver haired goddess on the stage. Her head was tilted to the side with her purple eyes fixated on me. A confused pout adorned her flawless face. My head lurched backwards as my face was steadily getting hotter and redder. My heartrate was erratic and deafening as I stared back at her. Her lips curled up into a huge smile.


I jumped down off the pavers and sat next to Eina. My hand gripped around something extremely soft. The warmth radiating to my hand was giving me strength as I stared at the ground trying not to drown in fear and embarrassment. 'Those eyes. Why do they feel like their going to devour me!?'

"He-he-he." Freya chuckled; surprised by his actions. "That one is cute." Riveria and Loki's eyes opened wide.

"Ah crap!" Loki palmed her forehead.

'No-no-no. Please. Please don't be real.' Riveria pleaded internally.

I felt my hand start to vibrate uncontrollably. "B-B-Bell." Eina stuttered out.

"Y-yes Eina." I twisted my neck staring into the her trembling face. "Are you okay?"

"My…. my t-t-thigh!" Eina squealed out.

"Huh." I looked down at her leg. My eyes went wide seeing my hand gripped tightly around her bare thigh. My face scrunched up into an embarrassed smirk as I stared back into her emerald eyes. After a few awkward seconds, I rushed to place my hands together against my head like I was praying. "Please forgive me!"

Eina was red faced and smiling as she shook her head up and down. "Its o-Okayyy Bell…" Eina was cutoff by rush of wind as a powerful figure emerged out of nowhere.


"Gaaarggggggghhhhh." A short black furred catman grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up into the air. My toes were still touching the ground but his overwhelming strength made up for his small stature. I tried to break free but failed to overpower his grip with both my hands.

Allen sneered. "Your apology is misplaced fool."

"Get off of him!" Eina pleaded.

"Shut up skank." Allen sneered at the frightened Eina.

I gritted my teeth and gripped his hands tight. I propelled my body upwards to the side, sending my knee towards his face. *Thud* The catman caught my knee with ease. "Dumbass."

"Firebolt!" I shot my spell toward the catman's head. With a tilt of his neck the catman dodge the spell. The firebolt impacted harmlessly against Babel. The onlookers that could see the assault were shaking in fear from the first-tier adventurer and stunned that somebody would put up a fight.

Allen clenched his hand tighter around my neck, cutting off my air supply. "Urraaaghgh"

"Do not do that again!" Allen was seething through is teeth. *Bam* Allen crouched down and launched the both of us of the ground with a powerful jump, within seconds we made it to the stage.


I winced in pain as the catman threw me to the floor of the stage in front of the thousands of onlookers. He kneeled behind me, as I slowly propped myself up onto my hands and stopped as a white dress came into view above me. My eyesight followed it upwards scanning the perfect proportions of the goddess of beauty. Again, I stared back into this piercing silver eyes. I bowed my head immediately in her presence.

"Allen what are you doing!?" Freya's flawless face furrowed in anger.

"My lady he has offended you."

"He has done no such thing Allen. Leave us before you spoil the mood of the festival completely." Freya ordered.

"My apologies lady Freya." *Woosh* The catman disappeared in a blur from the stage.

Sensing no immediate danger, I motioned to get up to my knees when I felt hands softer than cotton linen, grab onto my cheeks. My neck was craned upward staring point blank into her eyes. "Are you hurt, dear?" The velvety sensual tone sent a shiver down my spine. Her piercing silver eyes were drawing me to the goddess. Air escaped my mouth as I was at a loss for words. My cheeks were burning from her touch and my chest felt like a dragon was sitting on it. "Are you okay?"

"Mmmhhhm…. Y-y-yes."

"So glad." Freya cheeks pulled back into a deeper smile. She helped lift Bell to his feet.. "Sorry Allen hurt you dear."

"I-I-I am o-okay lady F-Freya"

"My, my you are a brave one. I can tell you are in pain no matter how much you hide it." She gripped my cheeks and pulled me in closer against her chest. "Let me make it up to you child. Why not follow me back to my place?"

"Don't do it Freya." Loki warned.

"Do what Loki?" Freya rolled her eyes before turning her head to the trickster. "I just want to compensate for the pain I caused him and reward his bravery."

A few whistles and cat calls rang out from the crowds. "Lucky bastard!"

Her curves and perfume were intoxicating. She started stroking my hair sending my heart into a panic. Freya giggled at my response. "Tonight, you can make a dream of mine come true."(1)

"P-Please don't." Riveria uttered unable to contain herself.

"Oh." Freya slowly craned her neck to smile at Riveria. "Has he made an impression on you nine hells? He-he-he."

"Of course, he hasn't Freya. End this game already." Loki replied.

"I like games. That's why I came up here to give Riveria a hard time. He-he." Freya chuckled.

"I didn't want to be up here lady Freya."

"Hmpf, Guess Loki's prank was kind of mean spirited." Freya smirked to the high elf before focusing her attention on the red rabbit in arms. "Let me give you another reason to cheer tonight young man."

"I d-d-don't think that w-w-would be a-appropriate." I stared away her face and her heaving cleavage toward her shoulder with a beet red face.

Freya pouted. "Nonsense. We would get along greatly cutey. I also think you need protection tonight. I believe you upset a lot of elven men with your actions."


"FREYA!" A loud scream came from other end of the stage. Goddess Hestia abandoned her jaga-maru stand and ran to the stage immediately. My face went pale in fear, as I looked into goddess's twitching blue eyes.

"Wooooooooo! Looks like Big boobs Loli Hestia has joined the competition!" Hermes shouted out loud to break the tension.

Hestia clenched her fists. "Shut up Hermes!" Hermes sank back to the curtain with his hands out. "FREYA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BELL!?"

"Bell?!" Freya pretended to be confused. She pointed down at me. "This one is yours Hestia."

"Yes, Bell is mine. Let him go!" Goddess Hestia karate chopped between us down onto Freya's arm, splitting us apart. Freya rubbed her right wrist. Goddess turned toward me. "You are supposed to be resting at home, Bell. You just got out of the hospital."

"He looks fine to me." Loki said sarcastically.

"Can it flatty." Hestia growled. "What are you doing here Bell?"

"Airmid said it was Okay and I was….. invited." I trailed off with a smile.

"Urrggh… Later." Hestia muttered.

"So, this is the little hero." Freya smiled at me from behind Hestia.

"Like you didn't know." Loki muttered sarcastically.

"As usual I don't know what you're talking about Loki. I didn't realize Hestia's child was so cute." Freya smirked at my blushing cheeks. Hestia smacked the back of my head. "He-he-he, I can see why your women harass him, Loki."

"They do not!" Loki shouted. "He keeps barging his way into my familia with his elf fetish." My eyes shifted to the ground and my chest sunk in pain. I was looking for a route to escape as I slowly inched away from the goddesses.

"Don't be ridiculous, flatty. They can't even leave him alone for a day." Hestia huff out her chest to agitate Loki further.

"Ladies. Ladies, please calm down were in the middle of a festival." Hermes came over to stop the fight pointing at the enthralled crowds. "Anyway, you can turn that off Freya."

"You know I can't Hermes." Freya scratched Hermes chin. The blonde god starting bobbing his head in a daze. "I actually have a surprise for everybody. Unless nine hells favors cute human boys." Riveria arched backward, her brow flared wide looking uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"Of course, she doesn't." Loki stepped in front of Riveria. "Get on with it, cheater. People have lives."





"Okay Loki." Freya clapped her hands. A deep rich brassy melody rang out from under Babel. A handsome elven man clad in oranate golden armor with chainmail filling the gaps blared a curved horn. A second later loud rumbling of dozens of metal greaves hitting the floor rang out from inside. The crowds parted ways as fifty identically suited handsome elven men marched out of the north entrance. Their formation was perfect, exemplifing the meaning of discipline. Their armor and weapons swayed in rhythmically as they made their way to the stage. The elves in the crowds were cheering loudly, townsfolk and adventurer applauded the show. Riveria seem to be the only one who felt mortified at their presence.


The green haired commander ordered the elven contingent to halt. He bowed to Riveria. "My lady it's an honor to see you again."

Riveria forced herself to smile back unable to hide the pain in her face. "Sir Arandur, what are you doing in Orario?"

The middle-aged high elf raised his head and smiled wide towards the elven princes. "Lady Riveria, your father King Larfal requests your return to the forest by your centennial, accompanied by your husband."

"Huhhhh." Riveria brow furrowed deeper. "I am not wed nor do I have any plans of returning anytime soon."

"Your father wishes you to unite with your betrothed and provide and heir by your return."

"Yeah, I love weddings." Hestia cheer made Riveria's forehead twitch.

"Enough! I am not…..!" Riveria was distracted when she seen a white flash out of the corner of her eye. Arandur didn't wait for an answer back. He turned to his soldiers and shouted a command in elvish. The two rows of soldiers split apart two paces, turned around and razed their swords together to form an archway of steel. A man stood at the end of the formation, that made Riveria's blood boil; as she clenched her fists in an un-princess like way.

Hedin Selland stood there dressed in an ornate silver tunic made of silk, held in place by a braided belt.(2) The tunic was worn by nobles in the Alf forest. His long blond hair was pulle back into a knot. Even Riveria had to admit that it did look good on him, especially without his glasses.

However, Riveria hated that stupid smug grin on his face, as he walked through the archway eyeing her up. Arandur escorted Hedin on stage in front of the goddesses and the crowds. Hedin bowed to Riveria and Freya. "My lady. My love."

"Don't forget Riveria." Loki mocked.

"Loki quiet down." Hestia elbowed Loki in the gut. Loki doubled backward holding her gut.

"Thank you, Hestia." Freya chuckled.

Hedin smirked before taking a knee in front of Riveria. "My love, the night is perfect. Will you do me the honor of being my wife." The crowds let out a collective gasp. The elves in the crowd were about to burst in excitement.

"NO!" Riveria responded coldly. "I will not marry you!"

"HUH!" The excitement of the crowd froze over in disbelief.

Hedin stood up. "My love please see reason. You will never find a more perfect match."

"For the hundredth time I said NO!" Riveria reaffirmed her stance at the stunned Hedin.

Arandur stepped forward. "My lady. Please! Your family and your people desire you to be wed. The gods themselves rejoice for your union."

"I do not care Sir Arandur. I am not some prize to be won or taken." Riveria glared at the commander.

"Your father demands you offer your hand to Lord Hedin." Arandur insisted.

"An elf does not offer their hand. They offer their heart." Riveria voice deepened holding back her anger. Arandur tried to reject but sunk in place under his princess's stare. "You should know that uncle. I am sorry you wasted your time and came all this way for nothing."

Arandur pleaded once more. "My lady King Larfal will not stop. He is rather insistent that you marry Hedin by the end of year."

"No uncle. I will not throw my heart away to a man I despise"

"Riveria please don't hurt dear Hedin." Freya stepped forward nearly touching her face against Riveria's. "He desires your love and you can have me as well."

Riveria almost lost herself in Freya's gaze and honey words. She summon every ounce of her mental fortitude and snapped out of her trance. "Then you marry him. I will not!" Riveria stormed off the stage in front of the eerily quiet crowd.




"Your scheme has failed Freya." Loki eyes narrowed into slits at Freya. "Now everybody in Orario god and mortal knows that she will never marry this idiot." Loki folded her arms. "You're not taking our momma."

"Momma!" Arandur seemed offended. "Lady Riveria is not some old maid."

"You gonna be cranky like her father aren't you." Loki stared uninterested at the angry Arandur. "She is the heart of my familia. She's helped raise a lot of my girls." Loki leaned back to Freya. "No way she's gonna leave willingly. Give up."

"Give up on what." Freya asked. "I just want her to be happy with my Hedin. I am sure king Larfal will encourage my love to reach her through Hedin. I am sure his majesty is going to be angry about this predicament."

"Yes, my lady he will be." Arandur shook his head to the side grimacing in pain.

"Poor king Larfal. Just wants his daughter to be happy." Freya gripped Arandur's pauldron. "Why don't you and your men stay in Folkvagnr tonight before your long trip back home?"

Arandur's eyes flared wide seeing her hand on his armor. "M-my a-apologies my lady. We are u-u-use to darkness of the f-forest."

"High elf resistance is such a pain." Freya smirked at the flustered commander.

Arandur held his gut bowed his head. "I d-doubt you're trying my lady. Lord Freyr's gift only goes so far in the presence of such beauty."

"So sweet." Freya snickered. "Give your majesty my regards."

"I will my lady." Arandur turned around and jumped off the stage. He shouted another command in elvish as he passed through his troops. Each elven knight closed ranks as he passed until he was on the other side. One more shout the formation turned to the east and marched away.

Freya shifted to the blonde god scratching his head. "Hermes liven the place up will you."

"Ah Sure thing Freya." Hermes hesitantly made his way back to the stage. "Alright, that was sure interesting. Before we go back to partying. Let's give one last cheer for our FLOWERS!" The crowds roars echoed throughout Orario.

Freya turned around to Hestia. "Where did your child go Hestia?"

"Huh." Hestia turned around and shook her head side to side. "What!? Be-eeellll. Where did he go flatty?"

"How should I know!?" Loki shrugged her shoulders. "You two probably scared him away. I used too much blood today to deal with either of your bullshit. I am going back to find my Ais-pus." Loki jumped down from the stage.

"Sure he will turn up soon Hestia." Freya's eyes wondered to Babel.

"Swear he's in trouble!? Urrggh. I need to go close the jaga-maru stand." Hestia stormed off.

"Hedin dear." Freya whispered to the frustrated light elf.

"Yes my lady."

Freya approached closer and spoke directly into Hedin's red ear. "I am sorry for tonight, but would you go search the wall for Odr."

"Are you doing that tonight!?" Hedin wondered.

"Shhhh." Freya smiled evilly. "Not quite yet. See if he's hiding there and send him home. Perhaps if you fulfill a fatherly role. Your betrothed will have a change of heart."

"As you wish." Hedin grinned. "Do you need an escort home!?"

Freya trailed her fingers over Hedin's shoulder and walked around him. "Allen and Ottar are nearby. I am not ready to go home yet. Please go."

"Y-y-yes." Hedin tensed up feeling her lips graze his neck.

"He-he." Freya walked away from her dazed vassal.




Riveria was making her way to the north exit. Her anger was forcing the crowds to split around her. 'Can't believe that idiot won't give up.'

"YO! Riveria!" Riveria was cut off by the twins and Ais near the north road.

"Where you going Riveria?" Tione asked.

"I am done for the night. I need clear my head." Riveria grimaced.

"Should we go back too." Ais ask.

"No need, you all enjoy the Fireworks." Riveria cleared her throat. "Can you make sure Eina gets home safely?"

"Sure we can do that Riveria." Tione nodded her head. "I think her date was scared away. He-he-he."

"Sure he wasn't River…..oooooffff." Tiona was cut off when Tione's elbow impacted her gut.

"Thank you Tione." Riveria rolled her eyes. She turned around and started walking up the north road.

"Owie. Why did you that for Sis?" Tiona held her stomach.

"Think idiot." Tione shook her head. She glanced back at the blond night staring off in the distance. "You okay Ais."

"It's nothing." Ais was watching Riveria disappear up the north road. "Starting to think I should have joined you all on stage." The twins stared at each other with confused smirks on their face.

Riveria was walking up the northern road to the twilight manor. She was fuming angry cursing be placed in such an awkward position by her manipulative father. 'How can he be so blind about Hedin? Its not like I don't want to find somebody. I just don't want to be forced against my will and be treated like some sort of possession.'

As she walked up the road she noticed couples had slipped away early from the festival. Holding hands up the street, making out on a corner. She blushed deep when she saw a well-dressed human man escort an amazon into his house. She held her head down hiding her blushing face.

After a few more minutes of walking, she arrived at the intersection leading to manor. She needed to calm herself down so she doesn't scare her familia again. She glanced up at moon and held her chest. She closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath. "Huuuuuuu…Hmpf." Slowly she shifted her neck downward when something on the wall caught her eye. A shadow sitting on top of one the towers.

"So that is where he ran too." A small grin curled up on her face. "Guess I should check on him." She justified her actions to herself as she walked towards the wall. After a minute she found herself jogging not wanting him to leave just yet.




"Huuu. I guess I am okay up here." I sighed sitting on a tower with my legs dangling above the wall. I took the easiest route out of the roundabout and got lost, so I made it to the wall to get my barrings.

The night sky was even more majestic being away from the festival lighting. The brilliance of the moon and starlight was illuminating the countryside. I was in no hurry to rush home, so I jumped on top of one of the towers and just admired the contrasting scenery alone. I knew I was in trouble and I needed time to process all the weird events that happened recently.

A loud cheer rang out from under Babel. My chest hurt as my mind raced to the logical assumption. I didn't have the will to support my own weight and slowly collapsed backward. I just laid there with a hand on my chest as I focused on cosmic light show. "Makes sense that she would marry into nobility. Stupid for thinking I ever stood a chance."

About thirty minutes later. I started feeling a chill and slowly sat up. I scooted to the edge and stopped. Something my grandpa said stuck in my head. I smirked up toward the lone star and reached out for it. Nothing. My hand was empty. I flared my fingers wide seeing the starlight shining through it. "This is the highest I can get without climbing Babel grandpa. I don't think reaching for the stars is realistic. Can't even reach for her heart." I shook my head and leaned forward ready kick off. "Suppose coming to the festival was better than sleeping my birthday away."

"ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!" The familiar voice rang out below my feet.

Her voice shocked me to my core. I forgot what I was doing, my hand slipped and fell off the tower to the wall below. "Wahhhh…. Ooof." I felt my body impact against something soft and warm. I wrapped my arm upwards and flexed my core. My body came to a stop, I forgot to breathe, my eyes blinked slowly as I stared dumbfounded into Riveria's jade eyes. For a few seconds, there was only silence between us.

Riveria was getting redder by the second feeling a man's body pushing against her bosom with his hand around her back. She was tense holding him in her arms. She shook her head and released her grip sending the rabbit to the floor.

"Ehhh." I fell against the hard stone, barely able to brace my fall. I turned around and crawled backwards against the wall.

"Sorry." Riveria winced turning her head to the side. "Force of habit."

"I-its o-o-okay R-Riveria." I stuttered out trying to hide my shame.

"I think we need to talk Bell. I would sit down next to you but we both know what happened last time." Riveria tilted her chin up as she stared down at me.

"S-s-sorrry. I won't do anything. I p-p-promise."

Riveria's was wary as she approached. She sat down beside me putting her back to the wall. She could see that I was trembling. "First man to ever kiss me and now you're afraid of me."

I blushed a deeper crimson. "It was a gift that I was not worthy of taking."

"A gift!?" Riveria was taken aback with a confused grin on her face. "If I had known it was your birthday, I would gotten you something."

I shook my head. "You and Eina have done more than anybody in my life to help me out."

"Huh." Riveria was confused. "I haven't done that much."

"You have. You saved my life multiple times, helped me prepare for the dungeon with items and training. I would dead, multiple times over without you." I held my head in shame. "I am sorry. I had no right to do that to you."

"Well you did save my life and Eina's too. I am happy to help you Bell." Riveria cross her hands over her abdomen. "Why Bell?"

I started breathing rapidly trying to work up the courage. "I am….I AM IN LOVE WITH Y-!" My shout was cut off by a soft hand.

"Shhhhh!" An embarrassed Riveria had her hand against my lips. She slowly released my face. Feeling flustered from the saliva attached to her hand. "Calm down….. Please."

"I can't around you! I have been in love with you, since the second we met."

Riveria was stunned by the confession. "Why not tell me this Bell?"

"Goddess told me a while ago that elves don't touch people, that they don't find worthy. I thought I might…. have a chance to earn your love, when you said you weren't getting married. I couldn't get the words out."

"Bell….. this needs to stop here." She grimaced in pain seeing my eyes glaze over and my chest sink. "I am sorry if I led you on, but I can't reciprocate your feelings."

"Huh." My mouth hung open as I stared back at her blinking slowly.

Riveria tilted her head to the side. "Why do you seem confused Bell?"

"You said can't ….again."


"You…. Said…. Can't." I tried to calm my heart rate by taking a deep breath. "If you said no, would never, or if you hated me; it would definitely hurt for a long while. But I would understand."

"And!?" Riveria pursed her lips together looking nervous.

"Doesn't CAN'T mean something is preventing you. Like no matter how much I want your love. I can't force you to love me back." I held my hand against my chest. "I have to earn your love."

"Bell you CA…" Riveria caught herself.

A smile curled up on my lips as I seen her strain to respond. "If there is any chance at all. I would be willing to do anything to worthy of your heart."

"NO!" Riveria bluntly responded. "NO we would never work out. Your life would be in danger and I am way older than you."

"Were adventurers. Danger is the job." I stared back confused. "And you are not much older than me."

Riveria looked shocked. "Bell I am ninety-nine and you're a teenager."

"I am sixteen. I am an adult and you're an elf. Ninety-nine in elf years is like twenty-five in human years. Y-you definitely look it."

"T-t-thankyou." Riveria's stuttered out as her face started getting red.

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked down. "If anything, you won't age much during my whole lifespan. I wouldn't want to leave you alone."

"An elf will always love their mate Bell regardless how long they spend together. However I don't think you are in love with me. Assuming you're not talking about the alley. I think what you're feeling is because of the incident with the minotaur." Riveria watched anger fill Bell's eyes for the first time.

"No." I stood up and walked to the other side of the wall and leaned my upper body over the parapets.




"Bell." Riveria was surprised by his stubbornness. She stood up and walked over to him. "You said the first time we met. That was during that minotaur escape with my familia. Its only natural for a person to fall for somebody stronger."

"I didn't know who you were when I fell for you."

"I don't mean to boast Bell. I find that hard to believe." She narrowed her eyes to scan my face. "I can't even have a quiet day without being constantly reminded of my fate. My actions in Loki's familia has only exacerbated that problem."

"I didn't know who you were. Orario was the only place I been besides my village. I am grateful for you saving me from the minotaur, but I witness a beauty greater than the gods that day."

"Bell you don't mean….."

"I do Riveria. I still do." Riveria's heart rate starting thumping a little faster. "Remember when I tried run."

"I thought that was because of fear."

I shook my head again. "I felt like my heart was going to burst. My body felt like it was on fire. I wanted you more than anything yet I knew I would never be worthy of you. I never really expected to see you again either, but every time we do you t-touch me."




Riveria followed Bell's stare down at the wall where her fingers were touching his hand. She pulled her hand back. "Bell I will not be responsible for your death."


"Yes." Riveria replied. "You know a lot about elves Bell, but all you see is the idealized version in your head from fairytales. You do not understand what their truly like."

"Teach me."

"Bell!" Riveria's eyes narrowed in pain. Her head sank. "You would be hunted across Gekai by thousands of bloodthirsty elves. They are obsessed with the continuation of the bloodline."


"Stubbornness and pride. Most elves view themselves as superior because of our extended lifespans, natural reflexes and affinity with magic. They view elf and human relationships as an abomination, especially in the Alf forest. That same pride would quickly turn to malice and vengeance. I am sorry, but I will not be responsible for your death. You are…."

"Just a human." I finished her sentence. "Eh."

Riveria tapped him on the head. "I was not gonna say that. You are Bell. You are very special to me and I don't want to lose my hero."

"What if I am willing to fight for your heart!?"

"NO!" Riveria shook her head. Something broke inside her to seeing his lifeless response. "Its not a fight you can win, Bell. I think this expedition will be a much needed break from each other. I am sorry."

"I… understand." My head sunk low.

"Head up." Riveria ordered. She smiled into those ruby eyes. "Bell I am truly flattered by your feelings. You have been the first man to actually try for my heart, but it would never work out between us. You would be much better off with somebody like Eina."

My face went pale. My eyes widened in shock. "Eina."

"You alright Bell."

"I left her at the festival." I stood up holding my head. "I need to see if she's okay and apologize for leaving."

Riveria held out her hand to calm me. "Don't worry, I have the twins and Ais looking for her. I am sure they will walk her home. I will make sure to check. I will even run to your familia home if there's a problem."

"Huuuuu." I signed in relief.

"Sweet of you." Riveria smirked. "You care for her a lot don't you."


Riveria chuckled seeing his red face. She playfully jabbed his shoulder. "Dummy. He-he-he. Eina adores you. Why haven't you gone for her?"

"Ahhhhh. Ummm."

"Waiting Bell." Riveria crossed her arms.

"I didn't think it would be appropriate with my feelings for you and I hurt her so much."

"Well we can't Bell." Riveria held her forehead. "Not one of those things was your fault. Erase them from your mind now. She doesn't blame you at all. What else Bell?"

"She kind of babies me too much, especially when she was my advisor."

"She's not your advisor anymore Bell. She worries for your safety. So much so that she overcame her fear to join you in the dungeon. I believe I heard a confession from her twice now, once in front of you. It would be a cruel thing if she fell for you further without you telling her either way."

"I-I am. I do love her!" I confessed unable to control the nervous grin on my face. "I do. My heart is foolish. Been trying to tell her for a while, but we keep getting interrupted."

Riveria smiled warmly. "You're not a fool. You just have a strong heart. Understandable that you just got out the hospital, but I wouldn't wait any longer to tell her. Many men notice the other things about Eina." Riveria noticed the embarrassed smirk on my face. "He-he-he. Maybe you are a pervert like your grandpa."

"Kidding." She chuckled at my mortified face. "The only obstacle I see is your goddess. She clearly has feelings for you too. You need to choose, but if you want my opinion. I think you and Eina would be perfect together."

"I am afraid of losing her. Her light is precious to me."

"Light!?" Riveria looked confused.

"She reminds me of that star." I pointed to the lone star. "Everyday I can't wait to leave the dark dungeon to see her. Doesn't matter how bad my day is as long as I see her beautiful smile. I fear losing her by dragging her in the dungeon."

"Bell." Riveria was touched. Her body was tense. "Nothing we have done over the las three years has ever convinced her to go back in the dungeon. It wasn't her being fired either. She wanted to be with you Bell. Tell her that and she will open her heart for you."

"I-I will." I vigorously shook my head. "I need to tell her tonight."






"There is something we have been hiding from you." Riveria lowered her head.

"What!?" Stared at her confused. "Sure, it can't be that."

"I-it is Bell." She raised her head, her face full of pain. "You might even hate us over it.

"Whatever it is, I could never hate either of you."

Riveria closed her eyes for a second. "Please trust me, Bell. It's not something even a god should hide. Eina found out something a few weeks ago. She has been so scared to tell you."

"What!? What is it?" My eyes were strained trying to prevent my eyes from tearing up.

"It's better if Eina tells you." Riveria pressed her hands together and pleaded Bell. "Please don't hate Eina. I will make her tell you. She was afraid of losing her job at the time and now is petrified of hurting you."

"O-okay." I rubbed my agitated eyes. I felt a weird sensation like something angry was about to attack Riveria. I leaned back and stared over toward the tower.

"Bell, wha….." Riveria paused seeing the concerned look on Bells face. Her senses finally picked up on something. "Whose there!?"




"Hmpf." A voice echoed from inside the dark tower. "Aren't you two cozy." Hedin stepped out of the shadows. His brow twitching as he gazed at us with suspicion.

"Hedin!?" Riveria clenched her fists. "What are you doing here!?"

"Looking for him." Hedin pointed directly at Bell. His voice was tinged with anger and his eyes narrowed.

"Why are you after him?" Riveria stepped in front to guard Bell.

"I was tasked by our goddesses to locate him."

"Uh-huh." Riveria replied sarcastically. "What's the real reason?"

"That is my reason. However he did also disrespect our goddesses with his actions."


Riveria heard Bell's swallow in fear. "He didn't mean any such action. Can you blame him for being thrown on the stage against his will in the middle of everybody?"

"I guess not. The furball did overreact, but that does not excuse him running away. Regardless my intentions are pure in coming to find him." His gaze fell on Bell. "I do wonder about his."

"We were just talking." Riveria deflected.

"Yeeess." Hedin looked annoyed. "Talking under the lover's moon all alone on the most romantic day of the year." Hedin's mood was getting worse as he stared at Riveria.

"Don't be absurd."

Hedin interlaced his hands together behind his back. "One can't help to jump to conclusions, when you deny your betrothed on your wedding day for another male."

"There is nothing…. Between us and I will never marry you Hedin. Get that through your thick skull." Riveria angerly pointed to her head to mock Hedin.

"Our union is inevitable. My love." Hedin smirked menacingly.

"Don't make me vomit." Riveria cross her arms and turned to the side. "I don't care what father says."

"Uh." Both of them looked down at me for interrupting. Hedin's threatening aura and intimidatingly good looks made me feel inadequate on so many levels. "S-sir, shouldn't you marry s-somebody that loves you back."

"She will fall for me soon enough. She's just being stubborn Bell."

"Y-y-you can't force her, Sir."

"Bell stop." Riveria urged.

"Yes Stop." Hedin flared his eyes wide. "What right does a human have to lecture an elf on love? Non elves, especially humans rarely stay loyal to their companion. You are young and ignorant of the ways of the world."

"Just doesn't seem right for either of you to force yourself."

"Oh and what of it child?" Hedin asked. "If I ignored destiny, what would your plans be with her tonight?"

"Hedin!" Riveria's shout went ignored.

"Nothing!" I stood up straight and replied honestly. "There is nothing between us. I knew since the day I met her that I would never be worthy of her. She's just really nice and I worry her with my stupidity."

"Smart." Hedin smirked. "Then I would suggest you go back home child and apologize to your goddess. Mommy and Daddy need to talk."

My chest sunk. My fists balled up. "I don't need parents! I have spent sixteen years without them. I can go another."

"Bell." Riveria turned her head. She was fighting herself from tearing up at that revelation.

"Don't worry about it." I shrugged my shoulders. I decided it was best to make her angry and bowed to her. "Um please be safe during your expedition. Lady Riveria."

"I-I will." Riveria forced herself to smile. "Go and get some rest, Bell. You had a rough week."

"Good night." I walked past the smug looking elf man named Hedin with my hands in my pockets




Hedin and Riveria watched in silence as Bell walked down the western wall until he was out of range of hearing them. "About time we get some alone time. Shall we take a trip into the forest while the moon is up."

Riveria shuttered at the prospect. "Not even if you were the last elf alive."

Hedin lurched his neck forward with a wide glare. "You would rather spend your night with a human boy than me. This fascination with human children is beneath a noble high elf."

"Again nothing happened." Riveria rolled her eyes. "This pointless pride and hate will get our race nowhere. Ais is like a daughter to me and Bell saved my life. I will always try to help them."

"I am not convinced. Maybe there is some truth to goddess Hestia's accusations."

Riveria held her head. "You only need five seconds with her to see she's obsessed with Bell and thinks any woman who is friendly with him is trying to stake a claim on his heart."

"Maybe his heart should belong to a goddess." Hedin smirked.

"What!?" Riveria furrowed her brow.

"He clearly needs guidance on love and mixing between familias isn't a wise idea."

"Take your own advice then and leave me the hell alone!" Riveria shouted.

"That is different. I am a king."

"Ex-king." Riveria rolled her eyes.

"Still hung up on that." Hedin stared disappointed. "Lady Freya did me and Hogni a favor. Our tribes were gonna kill each other anyways with their endless fighting. She freed us for a grander purpose."

"Pathetic. You are nothing but a puppet."

Hedin stepped closer. "What is a king to a goddess of beauty, but another grain of sand washed over by the tide. Her love will reach your father and you will marry into her familia and serve as her vassal."

"Never." Riveria turned around and motion to walk away. She was instantly yanked backwards by the hand. She tried and failed to push his hand off her wrist. "Release me!"

Hedin gave her a wolfish grin. "Why should I not be able to hold my wife? It is our destiny to wed and carry on the bloodline of the Alf."

"I would rather die in the dungeon."


The fireworks show finally started shooting off under Babel. The dazzling spectacle brightened the night sky even more and the explosions roared throughout the city. Hedin took advantage of the distraction and pulled Riveria into him. She squirmed away from him but was immediately stuck in an armbar; with her backside against his chest. She struggled with all her might to break free from his grasp. It was no use. Hedin was a proficient level six front line fighter where she only tried to master her magic. "LET ME GO!"

"You have two options my love. Be a good little princess and marry me tonight or I go and tell your father about your human." Hedin threatened.

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh, I would. You two have spent way too much time together. You're deranged statements and your wild mood swings should be enough to persuade your father to take action against him. He would have to wish for a merciful goddess to defend him. He-he." Hedin chuckled.

"No. There is a third option."

"Oh, what is that dear." Hedin whispered into her ear.


Riveria pushed her neck forward and slammed her head into Hedin's nose with all the force she could muster. Hedin was blindsideed by this unrefined tactic as Riveria held her throbbing head.

"Blaarrghh. Hedin stumbled backwards holding his nose. "You bitch!"

Riveria tried to run east toward her manor but was quickly outpaced. Hedin landed a devastating kick to her gut that sent her flying off the wall. Riveria plunged a hundred feet to the grassy plains on the other side of the wall. She managed to briefly land on her feet before diving into an uncontrollably roll for twenty more feet before collapsing on her frontside. She struggled to hold her head up. Her jade hair blending with the grass.




"Huuuu." I sighed in defeat, as I walked along the wall with my hands in my pockets. Feelings of depression were eating at my mental state. My body felt like it was getting heavier with each step toward the western road. "At least you told her Bell. I cried out my desires." I slowly shuffled along. "Still what could possibly make me hate them? They have both done so much to help me."

*Pop. Pop. Boom. Boom*

The fireworks show was finally starting around the festival grounds. I approached the wall and jumped on top of the nearest crenelation to watch. Dozens of fireworks awed the crowds below Babel. My heart sunk even deeper. "I should have brought Eina up here and told her everything." I cursed my callousness and stupidity, ignoring the shining spectacle.

I raised my head and glanced over at the north wall to torture myself further. I could still make out the two elven royals from a few miles away. I forced my lips to form a grin watching them hugging from a far. "Figures." I stared on envious of the blonde elf Hedin.

All of a sudden Riveria head butted Hedin really hard. My eyes went wide in shock. "What!?" I stared on in disbelief. She started running away, but the man recovered quick and gave chase after her. The chase was over in a blink of eye as Riveria was hammered in the stomach by Hedin's foot. Riveria was sent flying off the wall away from the city. "RIVERIA!"

"How? Why!? What can I do to a first-tier adventurer? Do I go to the manor!?" My heart was pounding erratically as fear threatened to consume me. The man jumped off the wall a second later.

"NOOOOO!" I hammered the stone wall with my balled fist.

*ching. ching*

"HUH." I looked down at my hand. White specks of light were glowing faintly around my fist. The sound of a chime rang from this unknown skill. "What is this!?" I turned my hand back and forth watching the light steadily get stronger and the chime became louder.


"No time!" I clenched my fist and beseeched the light. "Whatever you are? Please….! I beg you for the strength to save her." The skill answered back with a steady surge of power.

*Bam. Swish*

Without another thought I kicked off into a full sprint to the north.


I barred my teeth and focused all my energy on running them down. The longer the skill charged the brighter and louder it became. Soo enough the skill was outshining the moon and the fireworks. Even festival goers were picking up something unusual.


As I past the original tower of my confession. I jumped onto the outer barricade and ran along the crenelations trying to find them.





Hedin jumped off the wall and landed behind her. He was already on his feet standing as she turned over onto her back. Riveria was shaking from fear staring up at now livid Hedin. "End this game now! We should have been married seven years ago!"

Still Riveria was defiant. "How dare you bring that night up again!?"

"Oh spare me the theatrics. That was a perfect night for our union and you were fawning all over me at the party."

"I was drunk!" Riveria was horrified thinking of that night. "You spiked my drink bastard. If you succeeded, I would have slit my throat."

"You truly are mad!" Hedin's mood soured. "You ignore destiny and outright lie. You hang around degenerates and plot suicide. I have no choice now." Hedin shook his head. "I will take you before my lady for your own protection."

"There is no way you will get away with that!"

*Bong. Bong*

Hedin dismissed the faint Bells. "Your familia is no match for ours; especially with you fighting for us. Your parents are desperate for grandchildren. King Larfal will probably be grateful to lady Freya for protecting your mind."

"I would snap out of it and cutdown anything that spawned from you." Riveria warned.

"Barbaric! I will warn my lady to keep you on a tight leash for many years." Hedin leaned over her. "Time to take a trip to Folkvagnr wife."


"Never!" Riveria planted her hands on the ground and pushed off to try and knocked Hedin out with an axe kick.

Hedin immediately caught her left leg. "Finally you're opening your legs for me." Hedin smirked at Riveria's pale face. "The dwarf isn't here to intervene this time…"

*Bong. Bong.*

"Annoying chime. Remind me to burn that building down." Hedin's threat went on death ears. Riveria's eyes were glued to glowing white light running along the wall. The sound and the light filled her heart with hope as each intensified around a shadowy figure. "What are you staring at!?"





I found the blond elf man standing over top of an injured Riveria. My ability to reason and any sense self-preservation was washed away as my heart took the reins. Without a second thought, I lined myself up with my target and dived off the wall with my glowing hand first. The ground was rapidly approaching, as I propelled my body like a ballista bolt toward the elf man. "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"WHAT THE….!?" The war cry and the grand Bell above Hedin drowned out all other noise. A chill crawled down his spine as he turned to see a figure cloaked in white light, dive off the wall toward him. He clenched his fist ready to put up a fight. "Urrrgggh." Hedin winced in pain as he felt a foot impact his stomach from below. He gritted his teeth and held on to her leg in place. A split-second later Hedin stared up dumbfounded by the blinding light barring down on him.


Hedin was thunderstruck by an overwhelming power in his vulnerable state. All Hedin could register was the pure white light and the mind shattering attack that followed a millisecond later. His left cheek was smashed by a punch that rivaled a floor boss. Hedin felt his jaw dislocate before he lost consciousness. His body was sent flying.

*Crunch! Thud*

I lost feeling in my arm a split second before my anticipated death. *Thud* I felt my body impact hard against something incredibly soft before I blacked out.

Riveria was able to reach out and catch the figure before he hit the ground. She pulled him into her bosom, before his momentum forced their bodies down a small slope. They rolled for several seconds before coming to a halt at the bottom. Riveria's vision was blocked by white hair. She tensed up feeling the warmth she was holding onto like a treasure. She slowly pushed the unconscious person head back and gasped in shock. Her mind spun as her lips quivered. "Be-ell!"





"Ha-ha-ha. Got you now pipsqueak." The gray haired bespectacled man held Lily in the air by her collar. He tracked her down to the northwest district after she ran away from a few Soma members during the festival.

"Let go of Lily."

"Awe here I thought you might want to spend the festival with me and go apologize to lord Soma." Zanis laughed at the prum in his hand.

"Never." Lily shook her head vigorously. "Lily doesn't want to be in Soma familia. Lily has friends that care for her."

"Alright then hand over those ten million valis and I will be on my way." Zanis asked.

"That is an absurd amount for anyone especially Lily to make."

Bong. Bong.

Zanis ignored the chime. "Well than you're coming back home with me Lily. We want to try that job again."

"Lily barely survived last time when you cowards ran." Lily pleaded.

"Yeah I wish to know that too. Nothing like a little special wine to open those lips." Zanis threat made Lily's eyes bulge horror.



The sky lit up like lighting struck the ground behind the wall. Zanis and Lily were dumbfounded by the brilliant light.

*Swish. Shink*

Lily learned a bit of sleight of hand from her time conning people. She shook her sleeve and a metal steel blade fell to her hand She ratcheted her hand quickly and the blade fanned out in a half circled with sharp knives all around. She swiped toward his outstretched arm.

"Ahhhhh." Zanis backed away holding his bleeding wrist, blindsided by the attack. "You little."

*Woosh. Cough. Cough.*

Lilly threw smoke bombs at his feet. Zanis choked on the noxious gas filling his lungs. He frantically swiped through the mist trying to catch her. After a few seconds the mist dispersed and he was all alone. "I WILL GET YOU LILY. MARK MY WORDS!"

(End of intermission)




"Bell!" *Shove. Shove* Riveria tried to wake him by calling his name and shoving him. "Bell, Please wake up."

"Huh." My eyes flickered open slowly. I shifted closer to the blurry jade warmth holding on to me. "Is…. This… Tenkai?"

"N-n-no." Riveria stuttered with an embarrassed grin on her face. "G-get up P-please."

"Tired! Five more minutes." My exhaustion took over forcing my body to collapsed down on the unprepared Riveria. My head fell back against the jade pillow. My eyes shut. "Zzzzzz… Comfy! Zzzzzz."

Riveria's face went a deep red as her eyes shot open wide. She was blanketed in his warmth listening to his soft breathing in her ear. She didn't want to hurt her savior, but she had to get up in a hurry to fight. She motioned to get up. Bell's hit readjusted to the moving pillow. "Mmmmmmpfffff." Riveria tensed up feeling his lips graze her ear.


The long ears are a very sensitive spot for all elves. In a panic she jumped to her feet with little thought of Bell's condition. His body flipped around and landed with a thud. Bell stirred for a second, but instantly went back to sleep. "Zzzzz."

Riveria was trembling all over her body. "Fuuuuuuu." She took a deep breathe to calm herself. Riveria slowly raised her hand to the wet spot on her ear. She was shaking all over from the sensation. She steeled her nerve expecting to be attacked any second.

Slowly she walked up the hill on guard to recon the area. She froze in shock at the top of the slope; when she stumbled upon Hedin's unconscious body. He was still breathing but his body was splayed out in an awkward angle with his cheek partially cave inwards.

Her head hurt trying to comprehend the feat Bell had accomplished. Even with Hedin distracted and injured, Bell had managed to knock out a peak level six fighter as a fresh level two. The potential of this skill was insane. Riveria didn't care what happened to him. She was far more worried about Bell and started walking down to get him

In contrast to the scene at the top of the hill, the one below was extremely cute. Bell was nuzzling the grass, still asleep but with a pout on his face. He was unconsciously seeking her out. "I swear I need to check for ears under that hair sometime." Riveria bent down to cradle the rabbit in her arms.


Riveria kicked off the ground; leaving a small crater behind. With her high level falna, jumping a hundred feet was doable for her. After a few seconds she landed gracefully on top of the wall. She sighed in relief that the fight was behind her and she didn't have to check back into the city with Bell in arms. She stared downward into the Bell's now open ruby eyes.

The impact woke me from my stupor. "L-L-Lady Riveria."

Riveria puffed out her cheeks and narrowed her eyes in a beautiful pout. "Don't call me by that title ever again, Bell. You somehow saved me again. I can't thank you enough."

"mmmhmmmm." I shook my head. "Sorry."

"Its fine." She had trouble controlling her facial muscles as her a flood of emotions threaten to take over. "Wha-what kind of skill was that, Bell!?" She asked timidly.

"I-I don't know. G-goddess said she would tell me later tonight."

"That is a crazy skill." Riveia smiled nervously. "Be careful using it. Seems to have a heavy price."

"I will." I nodded my head again. "Um R-Riveria."

"Yes Bell."

"Y-you're still holding onto me." My eyes shifted bashfully to her hands gripping onto my body.

"That I am." Riveria rocked her head slowly up and down staring up at the sky.

"I-I would offer to switch but I can't feel my arm."

Riveria smirked in embarrassment from that harmless flirt. "L-let me heal you." She lowered to a crouch to allow Bell to slowly roll out of her arms. Riveria ignored how casually she was holding him and continued to inspect his arm. "Good news. Bad news. It's only dislocated. Bad news is I can't heal it until its set. This is gonna hurt."

"EH." My face went pale.


"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE." I squealed in pained as she yanked my arm into place.

Riveria felt his fingers digging into arm. Her eyes widened with how easy touching was becoming with him. "Heavenly light, I beseech you Lux to mend the bodies of the broken – my name is Alf. Luna Aldis."


I found myself in another magic circle, many times greater than Eina's. The green light coursed through my body, mending each of my wounds. "EEEEEE…" I winced in pain again but was instantly distracted as Riveria pulled me close. She pushed back my bangs and leaned over.


I froze in place, feeling her soft wet lips press against my bare forehead. She held me in place for three heart pounding seconds I wished would never end. She pulled away slowly and stared down at my red face. "A-a-all good Bell."

"Yes." I shook my head before staring up at her with mischievous grin on my face. "Un-unless you want to break my arm again."

Riveria narrowed her eyes and puffed out her cheeks to suppress her grin. "I swear you better watch out on floor thirteen Bell. Definitely can't underestimate rabbits."

"I-I will. Should we go tell your family about the attack."

"No! Please keep it a secret Bell. Promise me." Riveria stressed.

"If you're sure."

"Please. With any luck that hit might of caused memory loss. I don't think he recognized you either."

"O-okay but I will not hide another time."

"Thankyou." Riveria squeezed me into a tight hug. "Happy Birthday Bell."

"T-t-t-thank you R-Riveria." I stuttered out in a daze from her softness.

"Thank you. Can I walk you home?" She offered.

"I need to take a walk…" I shifted my lower buddy.

Riveria seemed confused. "Get home safety, please."

"See you in a few weeks.." I waved her goodbye and turned around to jog to the west.

Riveria felt a chill overcome her body as she watched disappointed to see Bell fade away from her sight. She shook her head. She wanted to distance herself from Hedin as much as possible before woke. She jumped off the wall and landed on a nearby building. She raced back to the manor over the roof tops.




Within a few minutes she landed onto the second-floor courtyard. *Thud* "Ahhhh." Gareth fell over onto his back alarmed by her sudden appearance. His mug of ale crashed against the roof. Gareth sat up. What the shit, Riv…..eria!?"

"Sorry Gareth."

Gareth noticed her roughed up appearance. He stood up. "What happened!? Was it the pretty boy elf again!?"


"Bull. Want me to go to Loki this time!?" Gareth growled.

"Please everything is okay. Nothing happened with Hedin."

"Better be. I am not hiding that again." Gareth asked suspiciously. "Cruz told me the Bell got into some trouble."

"He's fine. I sent him home after a little talk and wished him a happy birthday."

"Well now I owe him two beers." Gareth grinned wide. "He mess up your lipstick first."

Riveria touched her lips. "I am not wearing any…" Riveria eyes widened in shock.

"Ha-ha-ha, he's something else. When's the wedding?"

"Quiet!" Riveria failed to hide her red cheeks. "Nothing happened."

"Uh-huh, Ha-ha." Gareth smirked eyeing her with suspicion.

"I told him no. Drop it."


Tiona exited to the courtyard. "Hey gramps have you seen Riveria? Alicia is looking for her…" Tiona froze in place staring at the smiling dwarf and blushing elf with her clothes and hair a little ruffled. "Holy crap you too. I am telling everybody."

"Tiona I would never." Riveria's words fell on death ears as the amazon raced downstairs. Riveria anger started to boil over as she chased after her. "GET BACK HERE TIONA!"




The city was quiet when I turned up the road to the church near one in the morning. I walked slowly to the church slowly dreading the being yelled at by goddess. "I am in so much trouble."

My body shivered feeling like I was being stared at from a nearby rooftop. I looked around and only saw a blur disappear from the rooftop.

*Creak* The church door swung open. I froze in fear as an incredibly large animal person came walking out of the church. I recognized him as the warlord Ottar. I didn't know what to do with the strongest person alive in front of me.

Ottar stoic face show no signs of emotion. "Calm yourself. Their down below waiting on you."

"O-o-okay." I shook my head trembling from head to foot.

Ottar opened the door and ushered me inward with his hand. "Not gonna hurt you. GO!"

"Yes Sir!" I walk past the towering Boaz unable to control my fear. Surprisingly he did not follow. He remained on guard, probably knowing he couldn't fit below without tearing the basement apart. I went down the circular staircase, not feeling any safer.

Slowly I opened the door and closed it behind me. My eyes went wide seeing the goddess of beauty sitting on my bed. "Hello dear."

"H-hi." My hold body was on alert under her piercing stare. I hid my reddening face.

"He-he. Come sit next me." Freya patted the couch to her left.

I approached the couch slowly alarmed by at her appearance on my bed. I didn't have time to think it over as I got closer she lunged out and grab my arm and pulled me to the sofa. "He-he-he. You don't have to be scared of me dear." Freya whispered into his ear. "I only bite upon request."

Hestia was freshening up bathroom after work. She was terrified and on guard from her surprise visitor. She heard the talking from living room and immediately stormed out of the bathroom. "Freya…. LET… GO… OF BELL!" Hestia dived in between us.

"Sorry." Freya smiled as she backed away.

"You have a strong familia that listen to you." Hestia glared at Freya.

"True. Though recognize this one." Freya giggled at my nervous face.

"You what!?" Hestia started shaking with a mixture of fear and anger.

"I look out my tower every morning and see him run along the wall. I was wondering whose child he was. He's very cute."

"He's mine." Hestia pouted.

"I know Hestia." Freya rolled her eyes.

"Um…. S-s-sorry. Wha'what are you doing here Lady F-freya!?

"Oh I wanted to check up on you. I adore my familia but they tend to get be a bit defensive over little ole me. Sorry Allen tends to be easy to anger." Freya replied

"I am okay."

"Are you sure?" Freya flashed a warm smile and soft eyes. Goddess Hestia aura was blocking Freya's. "Hestia told me you just got out of the hospital. I think I am at fault for your condition"

"I don't see how you would be at fault lady Freya."

"My dear Ottar was experimenting with the minotaur." She noticed my sudden reaction. "I am sorry dear. He was trying to train it for weaker members of the familia. He was attacked in the dungeon by some of our rivals and it ran from him."

"Attack!? Why? Its dangerous enough down there."

"Unfortunately, even I make enemies." She pointed to her chest softly along her cleavage. "My familia is the top in the world. People with malovent intent will take any advantage they can and cowardly strike from the shadows of the dungeon."

"It wasn't the minotaur. A dragon almost ate me."

"Oh my that's horrible. You are an amazing to have survive that at level one. Can I do anything else to help you? I can have new armor and weapons commissioned for you."

"Really." Hestia smiled. "I think that would be too much."

"Its no issue." Freya dismissed Hestia's concern.

I scratched my head nervously. "It wasn't your fault lady Freya and I kind of won new equipment."

"Huh." Both goddesses stared at me.

"I got the record on Lady Hephaistos's archery competition."

"Wow that's amazing." Freya smiled wide.

"Bell that's great but you were supposed to be resting." Hestia had a pained look on her face.

"Miss Airmid said I was fine to go to the festival."

"Hestia, he did pull off something great." Freya smiled deepened. "Hephaistos offers top tier prizes; from what I understand. Did you go to the festival for the archery competition?"

"Ah, n-no. Eina told me about it while I was on a date." My cheeks were red as I dipped my head to avoid goddess stare.

"YOU WENT ON A DATE!" Hestia shouted while Freya sat back positioning the bed pillow behind her.




"Yes goddess. I ran into her mother at the market when I went back and she invited me." I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face.

Hestia's eyes teared up. "What about me!?"

"Goddess you said you had to work. Was only one date."

"I had to work because I was with you in the hospital. Does that not count for anything?"

"Of course, goddess. I can't ever repay you for helping me off the streets and receiving your blessing. I just really like Eina." I smiled bashfully toward the floor. "I want to see her smile."

"What about Hestia's smile Bell!? She adores you." Freya intervened.

"I could never take advantage of goddess. Gods are to be revered."

"Dummy. Dummy." Hestia stormed back to her bedroom

"We may be goddesses Bell but we are still women. Gods desire love too." Freya stared emotionless.

"Gods are immortal and divine and they can't have…..

"Family." Freya finished my sentence. "Hestia told me about your little elf fetish. Is it the ears?" Freya held her hands to her ears extended her pointer fingers outwards to mock them.

"A little bit." I hit my embarrassed face.

Freya put her hand on Bell's thigh. "A goddess's love is a special thing. Our love is eternal even after death we fine the ones special to us. Maybe Hestia would be open to sharing."

"Sh-sharing." My face was a deep crimson as I stared back into her silver eyes. "I am not worthy of something like that."

"I doubt that. Women love heroes." Freya snickered at my face. She stood up and straighten out her dress. "I have to go. If you or Hestia need help. Don't be afraid to call me."

"I-I will."

Freya walked out of the basement. Hestia stormed out of her bedroom as soon as the basement door closed. Having realized she left Bell alone with Freya. "Did she leave?"

"Yes goddess."

"Good. Bell listen up." Hestia held her finger up. "Under no circumstances are you to go near her alone. She will devour every man within reach! A boy like you wouldn't last a few seconds."

"Goddess she didn't seem that bad."

"I don't know what her intentions are Bell. Just please listen to me."

"I will Goddess."

"Good. I will show your falna in the morning. Get to sleep."

"Okay. Good night goddess." Hestia walked back to her room. I cleaned up from wild night and laid down on the couch. Freya's perfume was clinging to furniture and pillow. My body shuttered, as the intoxicating aroma filled my nostrils. The warmth of the cushion was making it difficult to quell the beast with in. I repositioned the pillow failing to try to get to sleep. I switched to the other side of the couch and pulled out the remains of my quiver, using it as a makeshift pillow. Finally able to pass out and get to sleep.




*Clack clack*

Freya walked down the alleyways to avoid the main road. She was escorted by the boaz. Ottar sensed Freya was bothered by something. "Is their something wrong my lady?"

"My Odr has suffered alone through his early life. He is desperate for family."

"I am sure once he is yours. That will not concern him any longer." Ottar replied back.

"He craves it from the bottom of his soul. A brilliant pure light held in place by a fragile container. I may have to share with another to contain his brilliance."

*Woosh Thud*

"He doesn't even deserve you Lady Freya." Allen dropped down from the roof. "Let alone another."

"I will have him, Allen."

"Why not just take him already?" Allen replied.

"I don't desire to go back to Tenkai, unless it's with my Odr. The time is not right yet. If I have to share with an elf or Hestia. I will for a time."

"That goddess is annoying and beneath you. Be easier to take her now."

"Ye of little Allen. I still want to see him grow." Freya smiled deviously. "Besides Hestia can't be a virgin goddess if she's not a virgin right. My only concern is Loki's half elf. Seems Odr is getting distracted by her. Rather have another elf as his broodmare."

"Loki familia is protective of her and her father is in town." Ottar replied. "I have seen his behavior during the festival and heard about his outburst in the guild. I don't think her father likes him much."

"Interesting." Freya smiled up at Ottar. "Would save me the hassle of dealing with her myself. Either way Brontios doesn't concern me."

"What about the hag?" Allen shifted in disgust. "He chose her."

"Don't be ridiculous." Ottar glared at Allen.

"Even I find that hard to believe Allen." Freya agreed with a side glance. "She would be more useful as a mother to him."

"Why do you want her so much? Were already the strongest."

"Overconfidence can be a weakness of its own Allen, besides we lack a mage of her firepower." Freya warned. "Freyr's special creations always annoyed me by how resilient they are to my love. Hedin marries her and her father will bend the knee. Plus, she has a lovely soul and body that's she's bent on hiding. He-he-he." Freya licked her lips.




(Day 31)

Goddess Hestia exited her bedroom early in a better mood. She found Bell still sleeping but lying on the floor with his head on his quiver. "Bell."

"Huh." I responded still in a daze.

"What are you doing? That looks uncomfortable."

"Sorry goddess." I sat up. "I couldn't sleep. Smell."

Smell!? Urrrgggh Freya. I will clean the couch." Hestia insisted. "Do you want me to show you your status before I go to work?"


The basement shook slightly with how energetic I jumped to my feet. "Yes goddess."

"Hmpf." Hestia smiled at his eagerness. "Alright lie down on the bed and take your shirt off."

A few minutes later, Hestia was straddled over his back. She cut her finger and her divine essence dripped to his back. *SMACK* Hestia facepalmed at her discovery.

"Everything okay goddess."

"You weren't honest about everything yesterday were you." Hestia pouted.

"I didn't want to anger you goddess. I may of found some trouble in the market when I found Eina's mom. Archery competition and I may have punched a first-tier adventurer with a weird skill."

"Explain! Now!" Hestia ordered.

Over the next half hour, I told her everything that happened minus the confession and more intimate details from last night. Goddess face was pale. "Bell this is non-negotiable. I don't want you going into the dungeon until at least Denatus. Until I am sure you're not a target. Understood."

"Yes goddess."

"Good and you will be spending more time with me. After my shift, were going on a date." Hestia folded her arms. "Somebody forgot to tell me about their birthday."

"Sorry I forgot about it."

Goddess Hestia looked confused. "I won't mister." She pulled out the status sheet and placed it before him. "Hopefully this will be a good birthday present you earned two new skills."

Bell Cranell Age: 16 Race: Human

Level Two

Strength: I0…H101 Endurance: I0…..I51

Dexterity: I0…..I82 Agility: I0…..I98

Magic: I0…..I40 Luck: H Chain Attack: I

Magic ()


Skills ()


Heroic Desire, Earendil

Executes automatically with an active action. Charge up to one minute per level.

Anor's Flame

Grant resistance to flames.

Amplifies power of fire-element attacks.

Affects grow stronger during the day, especially under direct sunlight.

My jaw hung wide open as I read the paper in shock. Unable to speak as I read the skill names over and over. Goddess broke the silence after a few minutes. "Don't start drooling on the paper." She narrowed her eyes.

"H-h-hero!?" I stuttered out.

Hestia grinned wide with blushing cheeks. "Skills and magic are influenced by adventurer's personalities and aspirations. You're deepest desire to be a hero. Even at this age you really do idolize the heroes in fairy tales. Don't you?" She rocked against Bell to playfully mock him.


"Can't hide from me Bell. So cute and pure. He-he-he." She chuckled at my embarrassed smile. You also have some flame resistance but it seems temperamental. Don't get a big head about that skill either."

"I-I won't g-goddess."

"Something wrong." Hestia seen the his eyes still glued to the paper.

"B-b-both of those skills are from….. elves."

"Huh." Her face twisted from happy to angry.

Remembering stories from grandpa I translated the skill. "Sun's flames and Earendil is the son of two worlds."

"Gekai is the only world, Bell. I think you're reading into a bit much."

I dropped the paper on the bed, even more embarrassed. "Guess you're right goddess. Still not sure how to use it."

"Take it easy I mean it Bell."

"Yes goddess. I will just go for a run and come back and sleep."

"Good. I got to go to work." Goddess left shortly after for her Jagamaru stand.

'I don't understand. I thought Earendil' s story was finished grandpa."




Riveria had a painful morning dealing with mockery from her familia about last night. She also had to go through an ordeal to prevent Alicia and Lefiya from fighting with Tiona over her false rumors. The rooftop courtyard was quiet enough with Ais helping with the preparations. She stood at the rail staring off at the Beor mountain, trying to control her emotions. "Come on Riveria. Focus. They need you at hundred percent."

"So this is where your hiding." Familiar voice of her friend rang behind her.

"Yes Aina."

"Ohhh grouchy. Need a lap pillow princess."

"Stop it Aina." Riveria pouted toward the sky.

"I wasn't talking about me. Thought a rabbit might help you." Aina smiled wide.

"Knock it off."

"Fine. Fine." Aina approached the rail next to Riveria.

"Surprised you stayed here last night, Aina."

"I might of anger my hubby. Would have been weirder if we did something at Eina's. He's even more paranoid now, because of the woo boy."

Riveria closed her eyes and pursed her lips inward out of embarrassment. "Sure its nothing."

"He-he-he. Hope so. I think Eina and Bell would be great together."

Riveria glanced sideways at her friend. "How would you? You haven't met him"

"I did. That's why Ethan's mad at me."

"Why!?" Riveria asked confused.

"A hero came save me"

"What!?" Riveria's brow was hurting with her face shock.

"I might of went to search for him in the market. Apparently Eina has a few stalkers. Should be resolved now but Ethan wants to stay for a few more days." Aina calmed her friend by quickly dismissing her concern. "Anyways the two buffoons chased me into an alley out of some weird advice from their gods to protect people. They got into a fight and I was forced to go deeper into the alley. Ran into a few gentleman that wanted to have their way me."

"Where are they!?" Riveria shouted.

"Getting to it." Aina rolled her eyes. "Ethan was busy chasing after Eina to apologize for his behavior. I thought I was doomed. I shouted for help and a bunny came to my rescue. He told me to run and I went to get the guards. Bell beat them both pretty good by the time we got back."

"W-w-wow." Riveria stuttered.

"I introduced myself and he was in tears over Eina. Boy really does let his emotions get the best of him. Told him to come to the festival on a date with her."

"He's not a boy anymore."

Aina turned slowly with an evil smirk on her face. "Oh my."

"N-not that." Riveria shook her head. "Last night was his birthday."

"How did you know that?" Aina's grin widen.

"I saw him on the wall when I was walking home. Went to check on him."

"How romantic!?" Aina chuckled.

"No-no." Riveria replied calmly. "We had a talk and I told him no."

"Awe. Probably broke his heart."

"He has feelings for Eina. I suggested for him to pursue her instead."

"Suggested huh." Aina teased. "Well I would love to have him as a son-in-law. If grumpy pants lightens up." Aina closed one eye and stared up Riveria with a cute face. "You sure."

"I am."

"What's with the photo on your desk?" Aina thought about running for a second as Riveria looked like she was about to burst.

"EINA!" Riveria shouted. In her apartment Eina shivered in fright for some on unknown reason.




"Fels!" The old god called forth his servant. "Is everything in place!"

The ghostly veiled servant appeared in front of Ouranos. "Lord Ouranos, my informant in Hermes familia has give the sword princess the oculus bracelet and Loki familia undergoing their expedition to fifty-nine as we speak."

"Good this expedition has been delayed enough. We need to know what the Evilus are hiding in the deep. I will pray for their safety. The vanguard can not fall here!"