
Chapter 14: The Irregular

(Day 27)


In the guild's underground temple, an old god groaned. The god shifted in his throne surrounded by four lit braziers.


Ouranos furrowed his brow deeply towards his black robed follower. "Fels, my prayers have been interrupted. I have regained control, but something horrible has spawned on floor nine."


"A certain goddess has meddled with the dungeon."

"What is your will, Lord Ouranos?"

"Until Loki familia surfaces, warn the guild to not allow anybody in the dungeon. Send a message to Freya, she will answer for her intrusion by sunrise."





The cracks aligned the entirety the cavern roof around me, as Eina landed in Riveria's arms. I was hunched over on the ground after losing my balance. I stared up at the horrified Loki familia, as the ceiling of floor nine split open with a deafening roar. Hundreds of boulders of all sizes came crashing down as floor eight imploded down around my room, blocking all avenues of escape.

Ottar was taken completely by surprise, by this new dungeon gimmick. He was exhausted and injured, and was soon overwhelmed as the tunnel stairway, connecting the floors was the first to give out under the earthquake. He was instantly buried by dirt and rock and thrown down into floor ten.

"Fall Back!" Finn ordered at the top of his lungs. His thumb was aching in pain as rubble continued to rain down upon them. Loki familia didn't have to be told twice as the ceiling cracked open down the tunnel connecting the rooms. Any lower leveled adventurer would surely have been crushed to death trying to escape, but the executives quickly outpaced the falling deluge of rocky debris. Riveria was carrying the distraught Eina in her arms.


Loki familia spilled out into an adjacent room. Rocks and small boulders battered against Gareth's sturdy body as he was the last one through the tunnel. He dove through the entrance, with a loud rumble the tunnel completely collapsed behind him. Dust particles billowed out into the room choking out everybody as debris settled and the earthquake stopped shaking the dungeon.

*Cough* *Cough*

"Geez, Gareth get off." Tiona cried out, straining to prevent herself from being crushed under Gareth's massive frame.


Gareth rolled off of Tiona. He sat up clutching his pounding head. "Sorry Lass thought you were ground."

Tiona jumped up with her fists clenched. She was angry with her tears in the corners of her eyes. "You don't have to be so mean gramps."

"My apologies Tiona. I got a throbbing headache from all that rubble. Glad my helmet kept my head is intact. Is everybody else in one piece?" Gareth asked looking around the room still holding his head.

"Our f-familia is all here." Riveria responded in a saddened tone, holding onto the sobbing Eina.

"Ugghhhh quiet that crybaby half elf already." Bete replied annoyed as he cleaned out his ears.

"Shut the hell up Bete." Tione threw a rock by his head and impacted the wall behind him. "Her boyfriend just sacrificed himself for her. I think that is enough to justify her feelings you mangy mutt."

"Oi. Oi. OI. " Bete barred his fangs and jumped up ready to start a fight. "You want to go."

"Enough. Calm down the both of you." Finn ordered.

"Sorry captain."

"Whatever?" Bete dismissed.

"Our familia is safe but we have to try and rescue Mr. Cranel. At the very least retrieve his body if the worst has happened." Finn scratched his finger wondering why it was still throbbing.

"Eina." Riveria yelled out as the half elf squirmed out of her grasp.

Eina raced over towards the collapsed tunnel, desperately trying to pry a boulder out of the way. "Beeeeeeeelllllll. Beeeeeelllllll. Bell." Her tears were rolling down her face as Riveria and Alicia went over to consul her and try to help.

Riveria and Alicia managed to move one of the bigger boulders apart. Gareth was sitting against the ground rubbing his head while holding his helmet. "You're not getting through that way lass. You're just gonna make it worse until the dungeon repairs the structural damage."


"That could take hours Gareth." Eina pleaded. "We have to try."

"Give me a few minutes to right myself and I will open a new path with my fists. Mind helping me out Alicia." He motioned for the blonde elf to heal his head.

"Sure, thing Gareth." Alicia started her healing spell on the old dwarf bleeding scalp.

Eina was still struggling to move some rocks. "BELLLL!"




The phosphorescence bluish green lights that aligned the twenty foot tall by hundred foot wide cavern dimmed as the rubble settled. I was quickly losing hope. Terror started invading my mind again believing that the dungeon was trying to entomb me forever. The one shimmer of hope, that single ray of light illuminating the darkness threatening to consume me, was seeing Eina safely in the arms of Riveria.


My eyes widen like saucers and my heart rate started drumming in fear. The dungeon wasn't shaking because of an earthquake. The dungeon was summoning something new. The sound and size of the cracks flooded my body with panic and my hairs stood up. Something way larger than a mere irontusk was being summoned. I searched the room for some place to hide. The only thing I could think of was the minotaur corpse against the opposite wall. I jumped and dived behind it and stared between the horns of the severed bull head.


The wall finally split open. A massive shadow darker than a void was enshrouded by a purple mist. Slowly the monster crawled out of its mother's womb into the center of the room, its red piercing eyes were its only discernable feature.


The irregular monster backed up on to its hind legs and flapped it's incredibly powerful wings to disperse the mist and fell back to the ground. Standing over eight feet tall on all fours was a black wyvern(1), a subspecies of dragon, that only had two legs and two wings. Each of the wings had sword like retractable claws it could use to crawl along the ground.

The wyvern's body was about fifteen feet long from snout to its barbed tail. Its wingspan was almost twenty feet wide when flared all the way out. Small horns protruded from its huge skull filled with rows of razor sharp dagger like teeth. Scales adorned its body like a set of armor blacker than the night sky. Even if I had my minotaur knives, I doubted they could penetrate its skin let alone the scales. The wyvern was smaller than an infant dragon but emanated an aura of death to not underestimate it. Dragons were the kings of the monster world and dungeon birthed a prince.

The wyvern's nostrils flared as a pungent smell of death enticed it enough to investigate. With each step the dragon's claws gouged out the ground beneath it, until it stopped near the collapsed entrance to floor ten. "Guooo." The dragon's tongue licks along its teeth and celebrates with an almost cute little roar to thank its mother for providing the newborn with its first meal. The dragon opens its maul wide and started gorging itself on the smashed remains of Hod's corpse. It didn't even have to use its teeth to break apart the corpse. The dragon just had to flex its neck backwards to swallow its meal whole. Whether it was limps, innards or brain matter; the dragon did not care as it feasted on Hod's remains.

My stomach was starting to turn at the gruesome sight. I covered my mouth with one hand and with the other on my abdomen, trying with all my might to suppress the urge to vomit the contents of my stomach. The wet crunching noise of the buffet was making me dizzy alone.

"Bellllllllll." Muffled cries from Eina were coming through the collapsed tunnel.

'Eina is alive. Their alive.' My mind screamed out overjoyed. My eyes teared up as my chest warmed over the chilling aura from the Wyvern. I allowed myself the drug of hope to soothe my mind and heart.

"GUOOO?!" The dragon stared up from its feast. It barred its fangs, angry that it was interrupted by a mortal it could not see or sense.

The wyvern turned its full body towards the collapsed tunnel leading out of the room. It spread its wings far above its head and opened its mouth wide. A ball of flame sparkled in the back of its throat, glowing brighter by the second.

My eyes opened to the limits of forehead would allow. I gripped the corpse of the minotaur in a bear hug, to both hide and use its heat resistant skin to protect me. My hiding position was only a few feet from the tunnel.

It unleashed a powerful flame breath at the collapsed tunnel. A river of fire flowed over top of our bodies and impacted the rock with a thunderous explosion. The brutal crimson flame was boiling hot. Just being under it was damaging my skin by the oppressive heat that was shore to turn anything organic into ash. If I was on the other side of the minotaur's corpse, I would have been flash burnt to a crisp. The intensity of the flamed dipped for a second. The wyvern was sensing movement and hearing muffled cries of pain.

"RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRRRR!" It renewed its attack with a greater intensity melting the rocks into molten slag sealing the tunnel.


The dragon cut off its flame when the dungeon responded with an aftershock. Rubble fell on either side of the tunnel. The dragon flew away from the falling debris.




The cavern shook by what seemed like an aftershock. "Ouch." Eina pulled her hand away from the rock. "The rock is scorching hot."

"Huh." Riveria responded confused until she touched the rocks as well. She recoiled surprised by the heat emanating from the rubble. The cavern started shaking again. Riveria pulled Eina back as more of floor eight came crashing down to bury any progress they made.


Eina just stared at the rubble entombing her hero and hopeful lover. Riveria sat down next to her, rubbing her shoulder. "Bell is alive Eina. We will get him out."

Riveria's words fell on deaf ears unable to console Eina. Riveria forced herself to say those words to put her heart at ease, even though her mind did not believe he was alive. Riveria stared up at the wide eyed Ais. The beautiful blond skin was pale, she just stood there in silence not taking her eyes off the rubble.

"Ais." The blonde turned her head to toward Riveria. She looked worried. "What did you mean by an evil earthquake?"

"S-something similar happened eight years ago. Before I got level two." All eyes focused on Ais monotone warning.

"You're not suggesting." Ais nodded to her reply. Riveria's eyes went wide like saucers.

"RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRRRR!" A mighty roar of a newborn monster echoed throughout the floor.

Eina's heart stopped for a second. She froze staring up at Riveria. "What is that!?"

"No. No. No. Not that thing." Ais emotionless façade cracked. She knew what spawned in the other room. "Awaken Tempest." Her wind enchantment roared to life around her.

"AIS NO!" Gareth warning came too late. Riveria and Eina jumped out of the way.

"RAGE TEMPEST." Ais focused the wind currents of her magic and directed them onto the rubble. For a few seconds the torrent of wind was drilling through the rock.


The ceiling started to buckle half way into their adjacent room. Loki familia pulled back further as debris rained down. "STOP AIS!" Finn ordered. Ais fell to her knees feeling hopeless to save Bell. Her magic made the situation worse.

"RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRRRR!" The mighty roar sounded in the deep, muffled by rock blocking their path.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" They heard Bell's voice ring out in the night, ready to duel to the death with the newborn monster.

"Bell!" Eina and Riveria responded in unison.

Gareth jumped to his feet. He cracked his knuckles. "Like hell I am gonna let that boy die."





My breathing was heavy and my skin felt like it was on fire as I rolled around in pain away from the minotaur corpse. I froze in place when I saw two red orbs staring down at me. Clinging to the ceiling above me staring down with a hungering look at the helpless rabbit, drool dripping from its sharp teeth. It bent knees ready to pounce upon me. I stared up in horror knowing I was cornered and without a weapon.


A rush of wind exploded out from the sealed tunnel. The wind was enough to take my breath away by the its sheer power. Even the dragon couldn't focus on its meal with the wind rushing inwards. The dungeon however had different plans and the rumbling shook the floor once more. Massive crash came from the other side of the tunnel. The dragon lost its footing and fell in an uncontrolled dive to the ground behind me. The only thing I could think to do ,in that moment, was to pick up the heavy minotaur skull to defend myself.


A metric ton of scales, teeth and claws were thrashing around the floor spiraling end over end until the wyvern could right itself. I managed to roll out underneath its wing and escape its deadly claws that gouged out three long lines against the floor, until I got to my feet with the minotaur skull in my arms. My hands gripped around its neck I charged and thrusted the horns into the torso of the of the wyvern.

"RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRRRR!" The wyvern screamed out in pain. The horns were sharp enough to penetrate its scales and were almost long enough to stab its magic crystal. I managed to backflip away to avoid its claws but was smacked in the side by its barb tail and thrown to the middle of the room.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh." I screamed in pain, as one of the barbs penetrated my greaves and impaled above my hip mere centimeters from my kidney. The greaves shattered as I held my side feeling at least one of my ribs were broken. My body felt numb from the impact as blood came gushing out. "Ahh. Hu-hu-hu." The pain was enormous, my breathing heavy. "No choice." With tears in my eyes, I focused a little amount of mind as I could to my hand. "F-firebolt." I winced in pain feeling my side recoiled from the impact of the flame. I could smell flesh cooking from the searing point blank magic. I lurched forward in pain down to one knee in front of the thrashing wyvern.




"No. No. No." Freya was gripping her face in terror. Her beloved was unarmed and wounded, kneeling in front of the wyvern. His self-inflicted wound to cauterize his flesh, absolutely stunned her. She gripped the mirror again careful to control her emotions. "Where is he? Where is Ottar?" She begged the mirror.

The image of Bell disappeared and slowly switched to a pile of rubble with an unconscious Ottar buried under it with only his head sticking out. "W-what happened?"




An orc towered over Ottar's body with a landform raised ready to smash his skull in to the ground.


The orc unleashed a powerful downward slam with the club onto Ottar's head. The rubble exploded under Ottar's body, as his fist emerged to catch the club. "I will not be done in by you." Ottar crushed the landform in his outstretched hand. The orc backstepped amazed that mortal was still alive.


Ottar tossed the splintered club at the orc's skull. With a loud wet pop, the skull of the orc exploded into hundreds of pieces. "By the gods, what the hell collapsed the dungeon?" The boaz struggled to get his injured body out of the rubble and up to his feet.



"Whew." Freya let out a sign seeing Ottar was responsive. "Sorry my dear Ottar. Please hurry and save him."

"Where is my beloved?" Freya asked the mirror. The screen changed once more.

Freya released the mirror and gripped her cheeks in shock, digging her nails into her flawless skin. Every guard and attendant on the fiftieth floor of Babel heard her horrified scream. "NOOOOOOOOO!"





The dragon had enough of the horns impaled into its side. It mashed its teeth around the skull of the minotaur and ripped it out with one clean jerking motion. With a loud snap the bull's skull nearly flatten under the bite force of the dragon. The taste of its ally dissatisfied it; the dragon used its tongue to spit the skull out against a wall. Bone fragments and skin splattered as the horns fell to the ground.

My vision came back to me as I heard the bone shattering crash. I shook my head side to side to shrug off the pain. I steadied my breathing and focused my mind on the fight. 'The wings. I must immobilize it from taking flight or this fight will be over fast. How?' I searched the ground for the greatsword left over from the bull. It was lying ten feet away, but the distance felt like a hundred with the full attention of the now angry dragon focused on me.


"GUOOOOO." The wyvern roared in angry and with a flap of its wings, it launched itself forward and down onto me.

"Firebolt." I sent a blast at its head. I knew it would do nothing but might by me enough time to get around it. Just as the wyvern came crashing down onto my position, I rolled under its right wing. The ground was gouged out around me as the wyvern crashed it body down into the ground, flailing its claws randomly trying to skewer me. The tail came swinging from the left as I passed behind it. With one hand I pushed off the ground and spun up and over it. "Firebolt." I aimed for the back of its head, before I jumped on its backside and pushed off its body toward the greatsword.

Front flipping clear of the wyvern's body, with my right hand I grabbed the worn heavy blade and turned around to face death. "GUOOO." Flame started gathering in the back of its mouth.

My eyes went wide in fear. The searing flame left its jaws as I raced away at full speed across the room with the dragon crawling forward maintaining its flame. The dragon was smarter than I thought. It rotated its head to burn the path in front of me. With my back to the wall and the dragon in front of me surrounded by flames the only choice I had was to fight.


The dragon lunged forward and snapped down its jaws where I use to be standing. I ducked under its neck and sliced upward.


The worn blade wasn't high quality, it shaved off a few scales and created a giant slash under its neck. "GUOOO." The dragon shrugged off the pain and brought left claws in a low sweep.


The force of the blow rattled my arms as I was pushed back with my feet digging into the ground. "Firebolt." I raised my other hand to distract it. "Ahhhhh." The dragon's vision was obscured by the blast, I parried its claws and turned around and stabbed its wing above its wrists.

The dragon stumbled losing some of the feeling it its right claw. It shifted its body in a circle spun its tail around at me. At the last second dived over top of it, and spun uncontrollably behind it. I turned around to see the dragon standing on its hind legs towering above me with its wings outstretched.


Like a mini hurricane, a powerful blast of wind sent me rolling over backwards. With a crash the dragon landed on all fours as I looked up from the ground lying on my stomach. The sword landed five feet in front of me.

I jumped up and lunged for the sword, unaware that I fell into the dragon's trap. Shadow loomed over me, the wyvern jaws were stretched wide to swallow me whole. "GUOOO."

"Ahhhhhhhh." I was too slow. The open maw of the dragon enveloped my body and with one snap its jaws were clenched down on my whole upper body. Razor sharp teeth were digging into my chest and backside. The only thing that saved me from being split in half was the greatsword that was wedged between its jaws.

"RAAAAAAAWWWWWRRRRRRRR." The deafening roar of the wyvern was hastening the loss of my consciousness. The soft inner flesh of its mouth was blazing hot, saliva was drooling down around me. The dragon could literally taste its victory as blood spilled out of my wounds, painting its teeth red.

Crack. Crack.

The greatsword was straining under the bite force of the dragon. It was my only life line preventing the dragon from dining on my innards. The teeth impaled through my armor. The teeth in my chest were narrow where my heart and lungs were. The dent in my armor from earlier as well as the blade end was preventing that side of the jaw from ending me. I was braced between its jaws with my arms and back to pry its jaw open.

The teeth in my backside were so much deeper, the pommel end and my backside were the only things preventing it from clamping shut. The armor was starting to crumble, blood was gushing out of my upper back onto the ground.

The wyvern was getting impatient and the sword was painful. It craned its neck towards the ceiling to dislodge the sword and finish me off. Still its jaws were locked in place as my feet dangle out of its mouth.




Loud pounding noises were coming from the wall. The dragon stopped and focused its eye on the wall. Thinking I would just bleed to death in its mouth


Gareth was using his fist strike and crush abilities to pummel his way through the hard rock wall. The collapse from Ais magic made the task much harder to break through. Whole sections of rubble were broken apart by the dwarf's fist. The other executives pushed the rubble out of the way. Eina and Alicia were bringing up the rear.

"Gareth are you going the right way." Riveria cried out worried.

"Should be." Gareth started flexing his bruised hands. "My hands are getting shredded here. Lot more extra work with the roof collapsed." Gareth went back to punching the wall.


Gareth continued hammering a path forward. The force of his punch exposed a one by one foot window behind him. Gareth's path was going in the wrong direction. Alicia and Eina were the first to look through. "BEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLL." Alicia screamed out covering her mouth.

Eina's head turned at Alicia's scream, her mind went blank with shock and horror. The sight she witnessed was beyond what her heart could take. Bell's feet were kicking the air as they protruded from the wyvern's bloody mouth. Eina held her heart, her vision darken as she collapsed and lost consciousness.

"Oh shit." Tiona caught Eina and she stared at the sickening sight.

"Ah he's done for." Bete turned his head.

Riveria rushed to the window. "KILL THAT DRAGON! NOW!" Riveria ordered out at the top of her lungs at the heart-breaking sight. Bete, Ais and Riveria started punching the hard rock wall




I heard the voices as I strained to push back the jaw. I remember the words of my grandpa. The most important thing with women is to never make them cry. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I cried out as I brought one of my feet up to its teeth to get some leverage. I aimed my hand down the dragon's throat. "FIREBOLT. FIREBOLT."

The dragon was alarmed that the rabbit still had strength to fight back. Its jaw opened slightly from the concussive impact of his magic. The blade loosened in its jaw for a second. "I AM NOT YOUR MEAL!"

With one excruciatingly painful series of twists, I unbuckled my armor and brought my feet into the wyvern's mouth. I pushed its teeth out of my bloody back. I swung around my other foot and broke a shin guard against the greatsword. The blade wedged deeper in the dragon's jaw. "Ahhhh." Allowing room for me to jump clear from its mouth. Battered, broken and bleeding profusely from my back. I landed a few feet from the stunned Loki familia.

"BELLLL, Hold on one second." Riveria yelled to reassure me. Her heart was racing as it was only a matter of time before he collapsed from blood loss. "Gareth, over here."

"COMING!" The massive dwarf was having trouble turning around in his tunnel. "Don't die on us boy."

I could feel myself slipping as the blood came gushing out of my back. I ripped off the remains of my shirt expose the many deep bite marks left from the dragon. Blood flowed around my status, what Riveria and Ais saw made them relent their assault on the wall for a moment. A scorch mark from earlier concealed the skill section.

Sensing no choice, I strained my arms around to my upper back like I was hugging myself and aimed my hands downwards. "FFFFFIIIIIIIRRRRRRRREEEEEBBBBBOOOOOLLLLTTT." A blazing fire erupted from my hands and seared my backside. Smell of melting skin and blood loss was making me sick. My vision went black for a few seconds trying to adjust to pain racking my body.

"Bell." Loki familia stared on in horror as my self-inflicted wound burned my backside.

"Dumbass." Bete mocked.

"He cauterized it wolf. Knock this dam wall down." Riveria ordered




While battling to stay conscious, a vision flashed across my mind of my younger self sitting on a log next to my grandpa; appearing in a hazy gray mist. We were staring up at the night sky, looking up at a lone star. "Grandpa. *HIC* I am so sorry about the goblin." My bandaged hands were rubbing my tear-filled eyes.

"My boy I couldn't be prouder of you." His big burly arms pulled me in close.

"I lost." I buried my head into his shoulder.

"The victor always lies within the defeated my boy. It doesn't matter if you cry. You didn't lose bell. You held your ground until help arrived. You protected your friends and saved a pretty girl. Be proud of yourself my boy." His large hand rubbed my snow-white hair.

"I want to be like you grandpa."

"Bell you can do much better than an old fool like me." Grandpa pointed up to the lone star. "Aim for the stars my boy."

I stared up at the lone star with admiration and hope. "I would be happy to be like the hero in your stories."

"Now that is a fine goal, Bell. I can't wait to see the man you become surrounded by harem of elf women. Ha-ha-ha." Grandpa held his gut laughing.






The bite force of the dragon's jaw finally shattered the greatsword. The blade snapped into dozens of sharp pieces that made his mouth bloody. The dragon turned to face me when it froze sensing the extremely powerful adventurers on the other side of the wall. Still the dragon craved rabbit's flesh. It lurched its neck backward to summoned its strongest flame, just as Gareth got to the hole.

"INCOMING!" Gareth warned.

Frantically I searched for a place to hide but found nowhere to take cover. I hung my head toward the ground when I noticed silver sheen of Eina's armor and sword were right in front of me. I grabbed the expensive bulwark and shortsword. Quickly I thrusted my left arm through the chest piece as a makeshift shield and stood up to face the dragon's fiery breath.

"RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRRRR!" A huge ball of light appeared in the dragon's throat. It lowered its head and delivered is scorching flame to our direction.

I jammed the shortsword into the neck part of the armor and held onto it with my left hand. I shielded my face from the flame and marched toward the dragon with my hand held out, sending continuous jets of magic out to meet the dragon's flame. "Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt."

Unlike with the infant dragon on floor twelve, the raging river of flames was being dammed by magical explosions that were far more intense. Each step was like walking into an exploding caldera of a volcano, as the dragon's flames were pushed around me into the dungeon walls. The intense heat was sapping my body of strength and singing flesh.


Again, the dungeon rumbled under the attack. The last sight Loki familia witnessed before the hole collapsed was a boy walking into an ocean of flames. Debris started pelting them but the manmade tunnel was sturdier than the natural one.




My consciousness was begging to give out, but I forced myself onwards until the dragon started getting hurt from its own attack. It finally relented its breath attack. When the flame and smoke cleared, it was expecting the rabbit to be incinerated. The first thing it saw was a shiny shortsword aimed right for its right eye.


I impaled the blade right through it eye. The blade lacked the reach to get to its brain, but left a devastating injury on the dragon. "GUUOOOO." The dragon roared in pain before bringing its sharp claws down on me.


Its left claws bounced off Eina's armor as I bashed upwards with my left hand before swinging the shortsword with a horizontal slash across the dragon's face, leaving a deep gash. 'I have to end this fast or my body will give out.'


The dragon lurched forward and brought its right wing into a low sweep to knock me off my feet. I backflipped up and landed on top of the fleshy membrane of its wing. Then fell into a quick controlled dive, with the sword impaled down into the soft membrane, using gravity to sever the wing.


The wyvern lashed out with its jaws by craning its neck over its shoulder. I bashed upwards with the armor into its razor sharp teeth and stabbed the shortsword upwards into its jaw. The wyvern leaned on its injured right side and brought its remaining claws in a downward diagonally swing. I barely managed to parry the attack in time and was slapped down into the ground. The wyvern spun its body around and brought its barbed tail down into the ground.


I rolled away to avoid it from smashing me to pieces, as the ground was gouged out by its tail over and over. I jumped up to put distance between us.

"GUOOOO." The dragon breathed fire as I ran away from it towards the wall. Flame skirted the entirety of the room as I tried to outface the flames licking at my back. The intensity and power were diminished with the multiple holes in its jaw.


Dragon cut off its flame and spun around to the see a massive fist exploded out of the cave wall. It readied its flame breath to burn the intruders. I used the distraction to jump up the cave wall and dived down onto the dragon's back. Impaling its side with the sword. I pulled it out and stabbed repeatedly down onto its body with minimum affect. Out of desperation the dragon's tail came crashing down.


I jumped off to avoid being crushed to death by its tail. The Wyvern was severely injured its other wing in the process. It fell flat in pain as I skidded down to his back. The tail fell to the ground next to me as it tried to force itself up on its claws.


I dropped the armor and with both hands brought the shortsword down in a vertical slash. "GUOOOOOO." The dragon roared in pain as its tail was severed and fell to the ground. The wyvern jumped forward and spun around.


The wall gave out and Loki familia emerged outwards into the room. The dragon was again starting its flame attack. "Bell."


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I dropped the sword and used the full extent of my strength to picked up the tail at the severed end. I jumped forward and swung the barbed end at the face of the dragon. The dragon's jaw was rocked by its own weapon.

"FGOOO." The dragon stumbled from the jaw splitting impact.


The dragon was barely conscious as it desperately tried to remain on its feet. I dropped the tail and grabbed the sword and raced forward, making sure to dip underneath the beast claws and teeth. I found the bleeding holes from the minotaur horns. With the last ounce of my strength, I kicked off the ground and lunched upwards thrusting the blade through the deep hole.


The sword found the magical stone. The dragon spit out blood from its mouth, before I twisted the blade destroying the stone and killing the wyvern. A few seconds later its body exploded into ash.

"He did it." Tiona sounded overjoyed.


The sword fell from my hands. My body was frozen still, my mind was blank and my vision went dark. Slowly my body collapsed sideways before rolling to my back unconscious on the ground. The many teeth marks in my chest were still bleeding.




"Is he even alive?" Bete stared on in shock.

"MOVE!" Riveria ordered pushing through them.

Riveria raced forward to Bell's body concurrently casting her strongest healing spell. The room glowed green and white as a huge magic circle appeared under her feet. "I beseech the seed of the world tree. Ancestors of a distant forest, respond to my desperate song. Please bestow the mercy of healing upon this great warrior. Heavenly star, illuminate the dark places my companion walks for all other lights have gone out. May your blessings beat back the reaper and release them from death. My name is Alf."

Riveria stopped over top of his burned, bloodied and battered body. Everybody watched as she finished her chant, a tear rolled down her flawless cheekbones. She thrust her staff into the ground and held out her hand toward me. "VAN ALHEIM!"

A blinding pure white and green light enveloped my unconscious body. Bones began to mend, burns and stab marks healed over and yet he wasn't responsive.

Riveria took a knee beside his body. "Bell, wake up. Please wake up." She begged pushing his shoulder trying to get a response.

"Lady Riveria." Alicia called out from the other side of the room holding onto Eina's unconscious body.

Riveria ignored Alicia and took two fingers against his neck to feel for a pulse and leaned her head over his face to watch his chest. His pulse was very weak, but his chest was still rising a falling. "He's alive, but we need to get him to Airmid fast." She bent down to cradle his body into her arms.


A loud pounding noise was coming from the floor ten entrance. After a few seconds, the wall shattered inward to the center of the room. Ottar was roughed up and injured but still as imposing as ever as he stepped over the rubble. "Did you have to collapse the floor on me?" Ottar stopped seeing my body in Riveria's arms.

"We didn't. The dungeon summoned an irregular." Riveria responded. She turned towards Ais. "Please get him to the hospital as fast as possible."

"Yes Riveria." Ais nodded and she ran up to Riveria. She cradles his body into her arms. "Awaken Tempest." Ais shouted. Her wind enchantment roared to life. The rest of Loki familia cleared out of the hole to allow her to race through the manmade entrance.

Riveria turned to Alicia. "Alicia take Eina up to the hospital as well."

"Sure thing, Lady Riveria." Alicia gripped Eina's unconscious body tight and raced after Ais.

Ottar watched as both Eina and Bell were rushed away out of the dungeon. "Are they okay?"

"Their alive for now." Riveria replied with a catch in her throat.


Riveria rubbed her eyes and turned around to Finn. "I am going up."

"Alright Riveria." Finn replied. He walked past Riveria toward Ottar. "Fancy meeting you here Ottar, what do we the owe the pleasure?"

"Have any of you seen a minotaur?" Ottar responded in a monotone voice.

Finn tilted his head and eyed Ottar with suspicion. "Those two killed it before we arrived. What do you know of it Ottar?"

"Don't tell me you were roughed up by a little bull. Ha-ha." Bete started gut laughing. "You're weaker than we thought."

Ottar turned his head. "Vanagrand, I assure you. I only need one hand to strangle the life out you."

"You want to bet." Bete's threat went ignored by Ottar.

"Enough wolf." Gareth barked. "What about the dam minotaur!?"

"I was messing around on the middle floors. When I was surrounded and attacked, by the majority of Ishtar's Berbera. A minotaur escaped my grasp during all the fighting and ran up the floors."

"Ishtar." Finn brow scrunched up. "Why would they attack you?"

"Why else do Amazons do anything?" Ottar eyed the nervous twins.

"Heh were not like that." Tiona sounded offended.

"Only man I think about is the captain." Tione crossed her arms and turned away.

"Whatever." Ottar rolled his eyes.

"W-where are the Berbera?" Finn asked with a nervous sideways glance toward Tione.

"Either recovering in the middle floors or in the guts of a monster. I don't care. I have had enough of Amazons for one day." Ottar replied.

"What were you doing with the minotaur?" Finn asked.

"I wasn't aware that I had to explain myself to you. If you will excuse me. I need to get back and report to my mistress." Ottar walked past Loki familia without turning back.

"Interesting, let's go up top to report to Loki." Finn ordered.

"What about the floor boss?" Bete asked impatient itching for a fight.

"The Amphisbaena shouldn't spawn until ten o'clock tonight, Bete. Plus, I need to get my fists checked out." Gareth replied shaking his aching hands. "Go take a little puppy nap. We can set off later."






A brown owl with multi-colored eyes flew through the window of the Babel's fiftieth floor. It soared through the room alarming Freya familia guards until it perched itself above Freya's throne.

"Intruder." Hedin yelled out ready to attack the familiar.

"Don't hurt it Hedin." Freya held her temple with a mischievous smile on her face. Her face was flushed red and she was breathing heavy from the heroic fight displayed by her Odr. "It's a message from Lord Ouranos."

A rolled-up piece of paper fell from the owl's legs. Hedin snatched it out of the air and gave it to Freya. Her purple eyes scanned the paper. She smirked up at the familiar and nodded. The owl gestured like it understood and flew out of the tower back to its owner.

"My lady, are you alright?"

"Fufufu, Yes Hedin." She rolled the paper back up and started fanning herself. "I am going to have to talk with Ouranos in the morning."

Hedin took a knee in front of her. "My lady please tell us you're not going to be sent back to Tenkai. We are nothing without you."

"That decision is up to Ouranos's discretion. My little accident might have angered him. However, I don't believe I will have to leave. I believe my Bell will pull through with Riveria and Armid's magic."

"Bell looked like he was near death my lady."

"True, my love scared me to death. I still worry deeply for him. I don't want him to pass on to the next realm for many years. Bell has one more battle to win."

"What if h-?

"If the worse shall pass then I will embrace my Odr forever in the afterlife." Freya eyes locked on to Hedin's jealous and horrified face. "Bell has accomplished more than I could ever dreamed. He soul shines ever so beautifully. He will live. He must live."

"Can we do anything?"

"He is being rushed to the hospital now. Riveria and Airmid are tending to him. I wish to visit him after my meeting with Lord Ouranos. In the meantime, could you go check on Ottar. Something happened in the dungeon."

"As you wish." Hedin stood up and walked out of the room.

"Helun Dear."

"Yes, my lady."

"My Odr has overwhelmed me. I seemed to have made a mess." Freya's voice drifted off, her body shuttering. "Could you draw me a bath and a fresh pair of clothes for my meeting?"

"At once." She starts to walk away.

"Oh Helun." The young silver haired woman stopped in place.

"Make sure there is enough water for three." Freya held her fingers up. She turned her head to a nervous orange haired female attendant. "Would you help me out of these clothes, Sri." She flashed an evil seductive smile toward the nervous young woman.

The Sri's face was crimson. She stuttered out. "Y-y-yes." Freya licked her lips and stood up. With one swift movement Freya disrobed from her wet clothes. Sri was entranced by the goddess's perfect naked body. Freya giggled at young woman's face before grabbing Sri by the hand. Freya followed after Helun, pulling the overwhelmed Sri along to the bath.




Eina opened her eyes. The horrible memories of the night flooded through her mind. "BELL!" She jolted up in her hospital bed. After realizing where she was, Eina placed her head in her hands and started crying.

"Eina." Alicia woke up from her chair across the room. She jumped over and raced over to her side. "You're okay. You gave us scare."

"I-I a-am…..*Hic* B-But B-B-Bell. H-he's…." Eina started sobbing uncontrollably. Eina grabbed Alicia in for a hug to Alicia's surprise.

Alicia was a little flustered being touched but blocked out those thoughts and consoled her friend. "Bell, is alive, Eina."

Eina pushed away from the embrace and held Alicia at arm's length. "W-what?"

"Lady Riveria healed him. Bell is with Airmid right now." Alicia tried to reassure her.

"B-but he was inside its m-mouth." Eina uncontrollably started crying in disbelief.

"Somehow he got out in relatively one piece and killed it." Alicia replied into Eina's wide eyes. "I haven't heard any news in the last hour, but he was still breathing."

"Take me too him." Eina said adamantly.

"Eina, I don't think we can right now."

"TAKE ME! Take me to him….. please!" Eina begged her friend still tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

"O-okay Eina. Let's go see him." Alicia gave in to her friends request and helped her out of bed.




Alicia and Eina were walking through the halls of the hospital setup outside of Babel. They found their way to the intensive care area for serious cases. Gareth and Riveria were sitting on a bench outside of Bell's hospital room. Gareth's fists were wrapped up while Riveria was napping against the wall.

Gareth saw the two elf women walking down the hall. "Oi Riveria wake up."

"Huh." Riveria looked alarmed as she stared at the hospital room. "Is he awake?"

"Not yet, but Eina is up and walking around." Gareth pointed past her.

Riveria stood up and strained a smiled toward the half elf. "Glad you are awake, Eina."

"Thankyou. W-where is bell?" Eina focus her watery emerald eyes up to the high elf.

"Airmid is still tending to him." Riveria couldn't stare her in the eyes. "We still haven't heard a word yet. Bell hasn't regained consciousness."

"Is he okay?"

"Not sure yet lass. That boy pulled off one hell of a victory but at a great cost." Gareth stared at the ground.

"I want to see him." Eina started walking toward the door.

"Not yet Eina. Airmid is still with him."

"Please." Eina desperately tried to get past Riveria. She was stopped by Riveria's arms as she struggles to get to the door.

"Eina stop." Riveria ordered.


The door opened from the Bell's room. The silver haired doll like woman Airmid poke her head out of the room looking annoyed and tired. "I ask you to keep it quiet in my halls at this hour. Many patients are trying to sleep."

Eina locked eyes with Airmid. "Please tell me Bell's okay."

"You should be resting, Miss Tulle."

"I will rest when I am dead. Please tell me." Eina begged.

Airmid usual emotionless face show signs of strain as she looked into the half elf's eyes. She exited the room fully and stood in front of them. "Mr. Cranel has lost a lot of blood. I had to put him into a medically induced coma to prevent his organs from failing and protect his brain. His body his having trouble regulating after losing so much blood. Especially with the extent of his burns that were healed over."

"How long will he be under?" Riveria asked hiding her panic.

"Unknown. He's not responding to any tests. His pulse and breathing are still very weak. I…." Airmid could feel the many eyes on her. She took a deep breath and replied bluntly. "Mr. Cranell only has a twenty percent chance of recovery. Without the falna it would be far less."

Eina's body lost the will to fight. She just stood there like her strings were cut. Riveria tensed up. "I-is there anything I can do with my magic?"

"No Riveria." Airmid shook her head. "Your healing magic has saved his life temporarily, but he has break through on his own. I can't do a blood transfusion either, Mr. Cranel has a very rare blood type. However, I have removed any trace of infection from his wounds. It's just a waiting game now."

"C-can we see him, Airmid?" Riveria asked.

"Sure. Follow me." Airmid opened the door and motioned for them to go inside.

The four funneled into the room. Bell was resting quietly in his hospital bed. He looked like he was in a deep sleep. Eina rushed over to his bedside placing her hands around his pale left hand. Her head resting against his arm. "Please Bell, wake up."

Riveria stood there watching. A part of her felt a longing to be their next to him like Eina. She could feel Alicia's stare on her.

Gareth placed a hand on her shoulder. "Bell will make it. He's got a will stronger than Orichalcum."

"I don't understand why him. It felt like the dungeon had it out for him. Wasn't the minotaur enough." Eina raised her head and stared up at her familia.

"How did he beat the minotaur?" Alicia asked holding her chest.

"Bell was absolutely terrified of it, but still he told me to run away. Like a coward I ran. Only when I got to the end of the floor did I force myself to go back. I caught it by surprise when he was cornered and weaponless. My magic disarmed it, but still it was about to kill me. Bell went berserk and tackled the beast to the ground and pummeled it into submission before taking its head." Eina placed her head back down against Bell's shoulder.

"Dam." Gareth smiled staring at Bell's unconscious body. "Sounds like he carries a torch for you Lass. He couldn't bare the thought of you getting hurt by either the bull or Hod. Hero in the making in my book."

'Hero.' Riveria's cheeks, tinged a light pink. She shook her head to clear her mind.

"Lady Riveria how did a wyvern appear on floor nine?" Alicia asked. "Aren't wyvern's usually brown?"

"Dungeon irregular Alicia. I don't know what happened to make it spawn again."

"Again." Eina stared up.

"The rest of the familia was trying to stop Evilus terrorists from destroying the industrial sector. Ais was alone in the dungeon when she faced the same monster eight years ago."

"How did she beat it?" Alicia asked.

"Ais's magic, skill and weaponry were better suited to pull off a victor. Still she barely defeated it by the time I got there."

"Yeah, Ais leveled up that night too." Gareth replied. All eyes fell on him. He shifted his head back and forth. "Something wrong."

"Where is Ais?" Riveria eyes were wide with hope.

"I sent her back to get the goddesses." Gareth tilted his head up to the high elf. "You think he's ready."

"It's only been a month and half at best." Alicia shouted.

Gareth held his hand out towards Riveria. "She seen his back, before he cauterized his wounds. Were his scores high enough, elf?"

Riveria remembered the mind-blowing numbers on his back. She shook her head up and down. "Yes. More than anybody."

"How high were they?"

Riveria nervously smiled. "They were at least S." All three stared up at her confused and shocked.




WOOSH. *Pitter-Patter*

The streets were barren and most citizens ran to get indoors away from the torrential downpour pounding the city. Three figures were walking the empty northwestern street from Babel toward the guild hall. An annoyed catman holding an umbrella over his goddess wrapped in a purple cloak to hind her appearance. He was agitated by the weather. Behind them was an introverted dark elf with white hair, his face obscured by a black cloak.

"Arrgggh, dam rain." The catman was agitated that his fur was getting wet.

"Filthy cat it's just water. My arm does not tremble. This deluge won't flood Gekai for forty days and nights." The dark elf mocked him from behind.

"Shut your face elf." Allen stopped to yell back at Hogni. "Dam Chunnibyou, you wouldn't even be out here if sun was up and people were walking around."

"Allen. Hogni. Play nice." Freya giggled from under her cloak.

"Allen should cut off his forked tongue and be grateful to be your chariot. Suck up getting a little wet and cold." Hogni replied.

"Dear, Allen's tongue is rather cute and he prefers the cold. He can't even eat hot food without blowing on it. Fufufu."

"Heh. Tsundere cat." Hogni mocked.

"Why did you have to tell him that?" Allen barked at his goddess.

"Hehe." Freya smiled mischievously under her cloak. "Hush you two I would rather not make Ouranos angry." Nor would I like to catch a cold."

"The rain doesn't deserve to touch you, the sky should submit to your presence and clear a path for you, my lady." Allen protested.

"Its just rain Allen, besides its probably my brother's way of mocking me for almost killing my dear Odr." Freya's eyes scanned the heavens. (2)

"That worthless rabbit doesn't deserve you."

"Ara. Ara. Is my dear Allen jealous?"

"Cat makes a point on this one lady Freya."

"How is it that you both can spend so much time by my side and still not understand how I feel?" Freya pouted. "The potential of his soul is limitless. He will become my Odr."





The guild staff froze seeing Vana Freya and Dainsleif surrounded a cloaked woman between them. Even though Freya's beauty was concealed, the guild staff could still feel her aura emanated outward, making their faces blush crimson and their bodies shudder.

The fat guild pig approached the trio, his usually pale like skin grew pink like a pig. "Good morning, Lady Freya." The flustered Royman bowed in front of them.

"I wish it was a good one, Royman."

"Lord Ouranos is expecting you. Follow me to his chambers." Royman motioned to the back hall. He escorted the three back to the staircase leading to Ouranos chambers. Royman held up his hand to Allen and Hogni. "You two must stay here."

"What did you say elf? I protect my lady at all costs."

"Lady Freya is the only one allowed to enter." Royman stood his ground and refused.

"Don't worry Allen. The discussion will be brief. If Ouranos was gonna send me back. He would have done it already." Freya winked before descending the stairs into the near void black chambers of the elder god.




Freya pulled down her hood as she continued to walk through the dark room until she was ten feet away from the elder god's throne. The only source of light was coming from the four light braziers surrounding the throne. On it sat a large the seven-foot-tall immobile god. Ouranos, known as the father of Orario; his emotionless rough as stone face was an imposing sight for even Freya.

"My lord." She gave a polite bow. "It is nice to see you again. What can I do for you?"

"Don't play innocent with me Freya. I have allowed you to use the divine mirror. Answer me! Why should I not send you back to Tenkai for your crime?"

"It was an accident my lord."

"Accident!?" Ouranos cold stare did not change one bit.

"I saw a sight that was beyond what my heart could take." Freya clasps her hands together against her chest. "I was holding onto the mirror when I unconsciously used a small portion of my divinity."

"Pray tell what would make you do such a thing."

"I saw my dear Ottar injured. He was attacked mercilessly by Ishtar's Berbera."

"Why do I not entirely believe you Freya?"

"But it is the truth, he is recuperating as we speak. Did something bad happen in the dungeon?" Freya feint ignorance.

"You interrupted my prayers for a moment and beast far too strong was summoned on floor nine."

"Did somebody get hurt?"

"Yes, Hestia's child is critically injured and holds onto life by a sliver."

"Oh dear." Freya covered her mouth with her hand.

"Not only will you pay a fine for your interference, you will pay all damages against Hestia familia and if he should pass. Your fate will be up to Hestia to decide."

"Of course, my lord." Freya held up one finger with one eye open making a cute face. "If I may have one small request."


"My lord, while I am hopeful that he will survive and I will do everything in my power to help. I was hoping to hide my little accident."

"Fine but you will also heed a request of my choosing in the future if he does live." Ouranos ordered. Freya started undoing her purple cloak to reveal a white revealing lingerie. "Cover yourself up now!" The elder god yelled angrily. He was protected by the heavenly throne from any charms.

"Oh, I thought you might want little old me." Freya pouted as she covered up her body. "I always feel bad that you're trapped in this room 24/7 for the last one thousand years, with nothing nice to look at. You really should install a window."

"I do not need distractions from my oath. Leave me, Freya."

"Hehe. Goodbye Lord Ouranos." Freya smiled and turned around to go up the stairs.

Ouranos watched her leave his chambers. "Hestia's child is in danger in more ways than one, Fels"

The black cloaked attendant appeared from behind the throne. "Yes Ouranos, it is unfortunate."




Splash. Splash.

Hestia, Loki and Ais raced through the flooded morning streets around Babel. They finally barged their way into the hospital near Babel.

"Dam storm came out of nowhere." Loki squeezed out her red hair. She stared down at her soaked blue shirt and then up to Hestia's near see through white blouse. "Not fair Itty-Bitty." She replied jealous of her Loli's curves.

"Keep your eyes to yourself pervert. Take me to my Bell." Hestia folded her arms across her chest.

"Alright. Alright. Lead the way Ais-pu."

"Bell is in the emergency care area." Ais eyes narrowed and her face sunk to her chest, as she let out a sad reply. "Follow me."

Hestia eyes flared wide with worry. Her blessings had not diminished but she felt a sickening feeling in her stomach for the last few hours. She ran as fast as she could to keep up with blonde knight. A few minutes later they found their way to the Bells room. Gareth and Alicia were sitting outside the room on a bench.

"Yo." Loki got their attention.

"Oh Loki." Gareth waved. "

"Ouch you mess up your hands Gareth."

"Ah this is nothing compared to the boy." Gareth hung his head low.

"Where is my Bell?" Hestia asked her body tensed up.

"He's inside goddess Hestia." Gareth pointed. "Bell is in coma."

"Wwwwwwhhhhhaaatttt!?" Hestia eyes went wide, tears filling the corners of her blue eyes.

"I am sorry goddess." Gareth bowed his head.

"Bell." Hestia ran past the dwarf barged into the hospital room. Upon entering she froze in place overcome by grief and anger. Bell's pale unconscious body was resting peacefully. Eina was resting her head by his shoulder and Riveria jumped up from her chair stirred from her nap. "Leave us." She ordered, but Riveria and Eina didn't budge.

"I am not leaving his side, until he wakes goddess Hestia." Eina replied.

"You are the reason he's in this state, Eeeeina!" Hestia screamed.

Riveria spoke in a calm voice. "Goddess Hestia it is not Eina's or Bell's fault."

"He went to the dungeon to rescue her and to face down one of your convicts."

"I am sorry Hestia." Loki apologized. "We been trying to find Hod all over the dam city. Even placed a bounty out for him."

"It wasn't Hod. Hod is dead." Eina shouted towards the goddesses.

"Then how." Hestia torn between anger and sadness.

"Bell defeated Hod and rescued me. We cornered him by the floor ten entrance and a minotaur appeared behind him." Eina replied.

"Lie. No way a minotaur just shows up." Hestia clenched her fists.

"You're the one lying Itty-Bitty." Loki started become enraged. "You can sense the truth and it's not exactly like it's his first."

"He killed it with a little last second help from me. He conquered his fear and beat the crap out and took its head." Eina recalled holding her chest.

"Then how did my Bell get hurt."

"Wyvern." Alicia answered.

"Wait aren't Wyvern's weaker than minotaurs." Loki asked.

"How does a minotaur and a wyvern just show up on an upper floor?" Hestia said in disbelief

Riveria stepped forward. "A black irregular was summoned by an earthquake, the dungeon collapsed preventing us from getting to him. He was badly wounded, but pulled off an amazing victory. I healed him and Ais rushed him here to Airmid."

"What is all this yelling in my hospital? Patients are resting." Airmid came out of a room opposite of Bell's. The clipboard in her hands was starting to splinter from her anger. Everyone in the vicinity stepped back. "Be quiet or I will force you out."

"How is my Bell?"

"Oh, I am sorry Goddess Hestia."

"Will my Bell be, okay?"

"Bell is not responding. If he doesn't soon. He might not at all." Airmid looked toward the ground.

"Wait what if Goddess Hestia leveled him up?" Alicia jumped forward between Gareth and Ais.

"What!? Of course. That might give him the strength to fight. By all means." Airmid urged.

"How do you?"

"Kind of obvious itty-bitty." Loki rolled her eyes. "Everybody out, let them have privacy. You too Ais-pu." Ais lingered before being pulled away with everybody else, except for Airmid.

"Miss Airmid answer honestly can you read hieroglyphs."

"No goddess." Airmid tilted her head confused.

"I don't sense a lie. Do not look at his back, but help me roll him on his side, please."

"Yes goddess." Airmid walked over to the right side and gently rolled his body on to his left side. "There is a scalpel in the drawer behind you goddess Hestia."

Hestia pulled it open and retrieved a metal scalpel. With one small cut, a drop of Hestia's divine blood fell onto the unconscious Bell's back. The light of the falna came to life. Hestia eyes went wide as she processed the excelia. "He can level up."

"Oh good." Airmid allowed herself to smile.

Bell Cranell Age: 15 Race: Human

Level One

Strength: SS1125…..SSS1252 Defense: SS1050…..SS1180

Dexterity: SS1180…..SSS1285 Agility: SSS1250…..SSS1402

Magic: A850…..SS1001 Luck: I…..H

Magic ()

Firebolt – No chant

Skills ()

Heart of Alfhiem – Rapid Growth

Continued desire results in continued growth.

Stronger desire results in stronger growth.

Allied elves and those of spirit blood can grow based on their mutual desire and proximity.

"I have to choose his developmental ability for him. Ugghh." Hestia held her forehead.

Airmid pointer finger rested on her chin. "Usually, hunter or abnormal resistance are available for melee fighters."

"Hunter is here and something else."

"Oh, wow that's rare." Airmid blinked rapidly in surprise.

'Hunter or Chain Attack? Is chain attack really that rare? Hunter helps him against monsters he's already earned excelia against, but his growth will outpace that ability. Chain attack will increase his strength and speed, for as long as he chains together attacks without losing momentum. What is with these stats?' Hestia maintained her internal debate for another minute until she chose. 'Chain attack it is Bell. It does match his fighting style.' She didn't write down the information. She didn't trust anybody around her with Bell's status sheet.

As soon as Hestia updated Bell's falna and converted him to a level two. Her eyes expanded to their limits, as she starts getting lightheaded and dizzy. 'Two Skills!'

Bell Cranell Age: 15 Race: Human

Level Two

Strength: I0 Defense: I0 Dexterity: I0 Agility: I0 Magic: I0 Luck: H Chain Attack: I

Magic ()


Skills ()

Heart of Alfhiem

Heroic Desire, Earendil (3)

Executes automatically with an active action. Charge up to one minute per level.

Anor's Flame (4)

Grant resistance to flames.

Amplifies power of fire-element attacks.

Affects grow stronger during the day, especially under direct sunlight.


Hestia was at her limit of weird things in Bell's status. Her vision went black and her knees buckled, as she collapsed to the floor. Airmid rolled Bell onto his back and rushed to pick up the small goddess. "GODDESS HESTIA!"




Loki familia opened the door when they heard Airmid shout. They found Airmid propping the unconscious Hestia on a chair. She shined a magic stone powered flashlight into her eyes to check her condition. "Is Itty-Bitty alive?" Loki stared bewildered.

"Ha-ha-ha Goddess Loki." Airmid flashed a sideways glance at the red head. "Goddess Hestia just randomly fainted."

"Sounds like Bell." Riveria let a smile escaped her face. "Did he level?"

"Yes Riveria. I am going to check for any signs of change in his condition now." Airmid made sure the goddess was comfortable before walking over to the hospital bed. Already results were showing, Bell's pale skin was regaining its usual pigmentation.

Airmid continued to test for a pulse, breathing, eye moment with a light and joint flexion to assess his condition; as Loki familia watched. Airmid let out a relieved sigh. "He should regain consciousness in a few days."

"Really." Loki familia cheering woke Hestia out of stupor. "My Bell is going to be fine."

"Yes, Goddess Hestia. His pulse and breathing are getting stronger, his eyes and joints respond and his skin is becoming less pale. It will still take a few days for his body to regulate but with the level increase I put his chances above ninety percent."

"Amazing I saved my Bell."

"Itty-Bitty he did all the hard work. All you did was drop your blood and update his status." Loki mockery ended Hestia's celebration.

"I don't want your family near him anymore, washbo-." Hestia was cutoff as Eina ignored her and walked right by her. She grabbed a chair and sat down next to Bell. "What are you doing Eina?"

"I am not moving. I don't care what either of you say. I am in love with Bell. I will be here when he awakes whether he accepts me or not." She folded her arms over her chest. Eina's confession stunned everybody in the room.

"Bell is not yours." Hestia started getting enraged.

"Go ahead and throw a tantrum goddess. That is his decision to make, dam dragon interrupted us." Eina tilted her head to look away with a smirk on her face.

"Ha-ha. Lass is staking a claim." Gareth chuckled.

"Hehe." Loki snorted. "It's no use, her mind is made up. I am just glad your safe, Eina."

"Thank you, Goddess." She responded staring out the window as the rain clouds dispersed and the sun's rays peaked into the room.

"I want you out Eina. Miss Airmid send her away." Hestia protested.

"As long as Eina doesn't get in the way of myself or my staff. I don't care as long as she's not too loud. That goes for all whether mortal or God. I will continue to monitor Bell but I have other patients." Airmid's reply floored the defeated Hestia as she walked out of the room.

"Ugghhhh, I refuse to let you win. I am staying too." Hestia pulled up a chair and sat on the opposite side of the bed.

Riveria shook her head to break out of her daze. "We can bring you supplies, clothes and maybe a book on the way to the dungeon Eina."

"Thank you, Lady Riveria."

"I still want to know what happened to make you split up from Eina. That worthless mistake of mine wouldn't have been able to get to Eina. We also had people monitoring Bell when he was in the city." Loki's announcement shifted all eyes on the high elf.

"Um, Ugh." Riveria's eyes shifted back and forth. "Gareth it's time for the dungeon. Don't want that floor boss to be killed, do you?"

"Ha-Ha-Ha, it can wait." Gareth gave a suspicious grin up to her.

"Nah I am going to tell Finn. We can rest on floor 18. Glad you're both safe, Eina. Let's go Ais." She sped down the hall away from the room.


"Lady Riveria, wait up." Alicia chased after her.

"I hope he will be awake when we get back."

"I will let him know you asked about him Ais." Eina replied. She waved to the blond knight. "Be safe in the dungeon."

"Hmpf." Ais waved back with a plain smile before chasing after Riveria and Alicia.

"Guess that's my cue. I do have a date with the Amphisbaena tonight." Gareth grinned toward Bell's unconscious body. "Got a hell of guy there. Hopefully we can celebrate his recovery with an ale, before the real expedition.

"He doesn't drink." Hestia responded still agitated.

"Well, he is still young yet. Oh, Goddess Hestia, we couldn't really save his weapons and armor, but the drops items in that box over there might help him buy something new."

"Thank you."

"I got to go Loki. Hopefully I will be level seven when I get back."

"That would be amazing. Be careful Gareth." Loki watched her children take off down the hall before turning back to the half elf. "Hey Eina."

"Yes goddess."

"I won't stop you if you want to stay, but would you like to level up. It would make me feel better about you being on your own."

"Probably should." Eina stood up and walked over to the red head. "Do not touch me anywhere but my back or you will wish to be Hod?"

"Fine. Fine." Loki backed away in fear with her hands up. "Let's find an empty room, Eina."




Thirty minutes later Eina and Loki were sitting on a hospital bed in an empty room. Eina explained the full story of what happened to Loki as she dripped divine blood onto Eina's back. "Do you want Mage, Treatment or Abnormal Resistance?" Loki asked sitting crossed legged behind Eina protecting her front.

"Mage please." She replied coldly hunched forward in a vulnerable position.

"Alright." She went back to updating Eina's status. "So, Hod really tried to r-?"

"Yes! Bell got there just in time to prevent Hod from destroying my innocence. Hod wanted to force me to be his wife or sell me to the pleasure quarter. What's worse is he sounded confident that he would get away with it?"

"Keep owing that kid." Loki shook her head with smile of admiration. "I am glad Bell saved you, but how was Hod gonna get you out of the dungeon. Do you remember anything that stuck out even if it's a minor detail?"

"I was unconscious wrapped in a cloth. The only reason he took me to the dungeon was to lure Bell to his death, but Hod didn't seemed worried at all." Eina recalled

"Is that it?"

"Perfume. Hod smelled of a strong perfume."

"So, he had help. Cruz mentioned Hod always visited an amazon in the pleasure quarter."

"I would rather not talk anymore about it right now goddess Loki. I don't want to imagine what could have happened." Eina ears sank low.

"I can understand but you have given me a lot of helpful information. You are a child of my familia and we all care about you Eina."

"I know."

"I still want to know what happened with Riveria running past you, but for now I will support you and Bell."

"Whether he accepts me or not. I will love him forever."

"Be blind not too, but that head of his is probably spinning at a hundred miles per hour." Loki pulled two pieces of paper out. "Sorry no new skills or magic, but I hope it will cheer you up."

"It does goddess."

Eina Tulle

Level One Race: Half Elf Age: 19

Strength: D502…D551 Defense: E410…..E475

Dexterity: B724…..B758 Agility: E465…..D509

Magic: A875…..S950

Level Two

Strength: I0 Defense: I0 Dexterity: I0 Agility: I0 Magic: I0 Mage: I

Magic ()

Dio Luna (Healing)

Midgard's Twilight (Earth)

Skill ()

Peredhel's Canon

"Geez that skill must be crazy. I can see why Hestia hides it but still dumb to not tell him. You should tell him Eina."

"I know. I been meaning too." Eina put her top back on and gripped the bed staring up at the ceiling. "I feel like I waited too long and I am kind of scared how he will respond."

"Just be honest. Would like it, if one of my elven beauties told the truth for once?" Loki mumbled.

"Huh." Eina turned her head to Loki.

"Oh nothing. You might want to get back into the room before Hestia barricades the door." Loki giggled.





Eina and Loki entered back into Bell's hospital room. Eina walked back over to Bell's side. "Hey Hestia. Let's talk for a bit."

"Don't want too, Loki"

"He's not likely to wake today. Come on think of it as a truce."

"Fine!" Hestia got up from her chair. She took one glance at Eina laying her head by Bell's hand. Before following after the trickster down the hall.

"It's been a long night. Want to get something to eat at the hostess?"

"I am banned." Hestia pouted.

"Well, that explains what happened that night." Loki snickered. "There are other diners around here." Loki kept walking forward staring over at Hestia with her hands clasped above her head.

"Alright." Hestia accepted, before freezing in shock. "Freya!"

"Huh." Loki looked forward seeing the silver haired goddess of beauty wrapped in a purple cloak. Loki immediately tensed up. "What are you doing here?"

"Ara. Ara. Are you two going on a date?" Freya chuckled.

"She wishes." Hestia replied.

"Answer the question Freya."

"I am visiting my dear Ottar. Did your children not mention seeing him?"

"I suppose." Loki brow furrowed.

"Ottar. Please come here for a minute." Freya called into the room she was standing next too.

"Yes, my lady." The towering boaz man came out of the room with a few bandages wrapped around him in various spots. Both goddesses apart from Freya stepped back.

"Please apologize my dear." Freya ordered.

Ottar noticed the two goddess and did a polite half bow before Hestia and Loki. "Please forgive me, Goddess Loki. It seems my actions have inadvertently hurt your boy."

"My boy?" Loki was confused for a second.

"Bell is mine!" Hestia jumped in front of Loki. She stared up at the towering boaz with her hands on her hips.

"Yours?" Freya tilted her head to feint being confused. "Ottar, I thought you said the boy was with Loki familia."

"He was being carried by nine hells, Lady Freya. My apologies I just had a dungeon floor come down on my head." Ottar replied.

"Sorry for the mistake Hestia."

"What did you do to my Bell?" Hestia trembled trying to control her anger.

"I was in the middle floors alone training a minotaur, when I was jumped by the majority of Ishtar's Berbera. The minotaur escaped my grasped and ran up the floors."

"Why would Ishtar attack you?" Hestia asked.

"Amazons." Ottar shrugged.

"It seems Ishtar took advantage of Ottar being on his own and tried to make a move." Freya grabbed Ottar by the chin. "I am just glad my Ottar is safe."

"Why were you training a minotaur?" Loki asked.

"Oh, I ordered him to try to teach one. The event of monsterphilia made me curious. I was hoping it would help motivate Ottar to get back into the dungeon. Maybe use it as a pet or train recruits."

"Uh-huh." Loki rolled her eyes.

"The minotaur didn't hurt my Bell. It was a wyvern."

"I didn't see one of those above thirteen." Ottar replied, surprising both goddesses, that it wasn't a lie.

Freya held her hands together by her thighs. "Still we have harmed you Hestia. I would like to make it up to you by paying off your child's hospital bills."

"Oh, thank you very much Freya." Hestia smiled up to the divine beauty.

"Wait I was gonna do that." Loki interrupted.

"It's clearly my familia's fault Loki." Freya smiled looking into Loki's eyes.

"No, it's Loki's fault. Bell wouldn't have even been in the dungeon if he didn't choose to save one of her children from another one of her children."

"Oh, my he sounds like quite the brave little man. Are you talking about the bounty that was placed on a man named Hod?"

Loki froze in place slumped over. "Yes, he's dead. The minotaur killed him."

"Oh well I guess that solves that. Loki you really should let her start her familia in peace. Hedin said your people keep harassing Hestia's child."

"It's the other way around, Freya."

"Bull, Loki. Your women keep trying to seduce my Bell. Hod got jealous and tried to lure Bell into a trap and kill him."

"Oh, my do you need help Hestia." Freya held her face.

"I am fine as long as Loki stays away." Hestia turned her back to the Loki.

"Loki I will not let you bully Hestia."

"I am not. I didn't want either of them around in the first place. Munchkin keeps chasing my girls and helping them out. Hestia got Eina fired from the guild because those two were getting very close."

"She will not have him. Bell is mine, keep your women away washboard."

"Are you serious? We are back to this Itty-Bitty after I was trying to make it up to you."

"Oh please you probably trying to get me drunk so you can feel me up."

"Does sound like Loki?" Freya giggled.

"Like your one to talk kidnapping people's children." Loki screamed.

"What a horrible accusation goddess Loki?" Ottar stepped forward. "Lady Freya can't help if people fall in love with her and she returns that love to all she deems worthy."

"Right." Loki stared deadpanned up at Ottar.

"Ugggh. I have had enough. Thank you, Freya." Hestia ran off back to Hospital room.

"Anytime dear Hestia."

"Nice song and dance routine, Freya." Loki mocked the duo.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Loki." Freya smiled leaning her head to one side.

"Whatever?" Loki stormed off.




Many hours later Loki familia was gathered around a campfire on floor eighteen. They were finishing up their dinner as the crystal sun started to dim on the under resort ceiling.

"Surprised Lefiya didn't want to come along." Ais asked.

"She said she was gonna train her magic with a friend. One of the elves from Dionysus familia." Aki answered.

"Oh." Ais chest sank.

Finn cleared his plate and stood up from his log to address the ten members brought along to subdue the Amphisbaena. " Hope everybody got enough rest." He looked around the group as they all nodded in agreement. "Good this is a quick trip to the twenty seventh floor so Gareth can face down the floor boss and hopefully level up. We will pack up within the hour and begin to trek over the next five hours to the water capital."

"We don't need a plan, Finn." Gareth ripped the meet off his chicken bone. "We subdued that two headed dragon dozens of times already." *Burp* "Excuse me."

"We should still go over the fight."

"I get it you have the twins wearing those undine cloth bikinis to distract me. Won't work. They can dive in if the puppy chooses to take a bath for once." He wafted the air by his nose.

"Just smells like senior citizen." Bete mocked.

"As if, I will let the puppy drown." Tiona said in disgust.

"I am wearing this in case the captain slips in and needs mouth to mouth." Tione heaved her chest in the direction of Finn's face.

"Ha-ha. Watch your step, Finn." Cruz chuckled.

"Captain how do I look." Tione bashfully shook her shoulders making a cute face.

"Uggh, umm you look nice, Tione." Finn said his eyes wide and face reddening. "B-back to the p-plan."

"You use your head to much prum. Just get the elf to freeze the lake and let me make the Amphisbaena a four headed dragon." Gareth hammered the pommel of his ridiculous sized adamantite Grand Axe into the ground.

"Right on Gramps." Tiona cheered punching Urga into the air.

Bete growled. "Old man you better take it down or I will."

"You take my kill pup and I will bend you over my knee and give you fifty across the ass."

"Watch out Gareth. Bete might like it." Tione taunted.

"Ha-ha-ha." Tiona fell off her log onto her back.

"Shut the hell up dumbass." Bete shouted.

"YOU WANT TO GO!" Tione yelled back.

"Why is everybody so worked up?" Aki raise her hand.

"Bell leveled up."

"Serious Alicia. He just started."

"Bullshit. How did that runt level up so fast?" Bete muttered.

"Hah, puppy's jealous. We seen it with our own eyes." Gareth clenched his axe tighter. His smile went wide splitting his beard. "Boy was on his death bed in a coma. His goddess updated his falna and he started to recover. Hope he will be awake when we get back."

"His fight was so freaking cool against that weird Wyvern. Wish we could have seen him beat Hod's and the minotaur's asses." Tiona was bouncing around full of energy.

Cruz and Aki as well as their supporters faces went pale. "There is no way he could have done all that."

"He had a little help with the minotaur from Eina. Bell did rescue her from Hod. Dragon was just terrifying. I have no idea how he got out of its mouth." Alicia recalled. One of the supporters fainted.

"You scared a weakling Alicia, ha-ha." Bete laughed.

"The dungeon threw every trick at him and he emerged victorious and so will we in our real expedition." Finn smiled grasping onto his spear.

"He reminds me of one of my stories."

Tiona leaned over to her sister. "Please not something lame like the Argonaut. Weren't their like fifty of those oofs."

Tiona shook her head and stared at the ceiling. "Nah I was thinking the wraith of the Blessed bright, or the dragon killer Earendil."

The mention of that name drew the shocked stairs of Riveria and Alicia. Alicia stood up. "Do not ever bring that name up Miss Tiona? That is a famous elf hero."

"Calm down Alicia." Riveria spoke behind her.

"I can't lady Riveria. It's a good thing Lloyd is out cold because he would be enraged if you brought up his idol."

"Enough Alicia." Riveria spoke calmly. Alicia sat back down still angry. "Why do you think that hero matches Bell, Tiona."

"Think about it. Dragons keep on sniffing him out. Two infant dragons and now an irregular wyvern. Plus, he's obviously got a thing for rescuing elves." Tiona winked. Alicia and Riveria eyes went wide.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha." Gareth held his gut. "That he does."

"Stupid Amazon. Big woop. He saved Eina and killed a few monsters. He's still a weakling and will never be a hero. Plus, nobody can compare to Fenrir the devourer."

"Ah shut up Bete. You're all excited to get into the dungeon instead of taking a nap for once, because of him."

"Alright. Alright. Enough." Finn jumped up. "Lets get Lloyd up and healthy and get this trip over with."

"Yes captain." Loki familia packed up camp. Bete threw a bucket of water overtop of the unconscious elf Lloyd and handed him a potion.

"What the hell Bete!?"

"Shut up weakling and carry my bag. We're leaving." He pointed to the stairs leading to floor nineteen where the familia was gathered. "Get your ass up."

"Dam it wait for me." The blond elf man jumped up and raced after them.




Ping. Ping. PLOP.

Hestia was sitting alone in the western district next to a manmade pond. She was in a foul mood, holding her knees; throwing rocks into the water to break the silence. The sight of Eina not budging an inch filled her with anger. She just wanted the girl to go away.

"What is with him? What does he want with that girl when he's got me right in front of him?" Tears started to form at the corner of her eyes. 'Why did he get that skill in the first place?'


Hestia stood up and threw a bigger stone into the lake. She lost her balance and fell to her knees.

Clop. Clop.

Footsteps were approaching her in the darkness. "Whose there?"

"Evening Hestia." The familiar silky seductive voice of the divine beauty announced her arrival, as the silver haired goddess emerged from the shadows.

Hestia stepped back scared. "Freya."