
Chapter 12: The Harbored Ship

(Day 24)

The morning light washed over the normally quiet elven village as the sun started rising over the horizon. The villagers were barely awake as they were hearing the grunts of a woman training with her sword. The air pushed by her swings, the sounds of metal chest plate shifting around her ample body.

Swish. Swish. Swish.

Countless sword thrusts stabbed the air in front of the half elf as she furiously swung her blade at an invisible enemy. Sweat was beading on her forehead as she gritted her teeth angry. She practices transitioning horizontal, vertical, stabs and blocking with her blade.

"I was wondering what she packed in her bag. Orario isn't far from here." Riveria commented while sipping her tea.

Two jade haired high elves observed from the window. "So, this is why you visited, Riveria?" Aina eyed Riveria with an emotionless stare.

"Yes, she seems to want to go back into the dungeon. I thought you would want to know, Aina."

"Oh, Ethan is not gonna like this at all." Aina shook her head. "What happened to the guild?"

"She got fired."

"Why!?" Aina narrowed her brow slightly angry.

"She got a little too attached to a young man from another familia. His goddess reported her out of jealousy."

"So, this goddess cost my daughter her lively hood and destroyed her relationship."

"She definitely tried. Your daughter is not letting that stop her. Eina doesn't blame Bell. She wants to support him and has been going into the dungeon with him." Riveria replied.

"Bell!?" Aina stared into Riveria's eyes. "You both falling for the same elf man."

"No. He is a human. People just keep teasing me, because I help him out."

Aina gave a cute little giggle. "Bit unlike you to help a stranger."

"He saved me and your daughter's life."


"Yes, he saved me in a back alley. Three men were trying to take advantage of my drunken state, after a prank from Loki. He saved her from an escaped silverback and a dragon during monsterphilia."

"Wow I have to meet him. You sure it isn't more. Little taunting wouldn't get you that riled up."

"Y-yes, I am sure Aina." Riveria raised her voice.

"Okay." Aina smirked. "Well here my hubby comes. This should be interesting."




A brown-haired muscular man standing over six feet tall with a neatly trimmed goatee that extended from ear to ear approached the tulle residence. He wore a long black pants, blue t-shirt with a sword at his hip and a bag slung over his shoulder. He stopped seeing his daughter in the front yard, practicing with a sword in her silver armor and green battle skirt. "Eina."

Eina smiled knowing she was caught. She put her sword into her hilt. "Father." She walked up to hug him, feeling dwarfed in his arms.

"How was your, trip?"

"It was just fishing in the ocean for Njord. What are you doing wearing armor and wielding a sword?" Ethan spoke down to Eina in a deep voice.

"I wanted to let you and mother know that I am going back into the dungeon." Eina spoke timidly up to her father.

"Like hell you are going into the dungeon, Eina."

"But dad."

"But nothing. You're my little girl. I don't want you getting mauled by a monster. Working at the guild will be safer for you."

"I got fired."

"I will go scare the guild pig to give it back. Get cleaned up. We will talk later, Eina." Ethan let go of Eina and followed her inside the house.

Eina walked past Aina and Riveria. Her eyes looking towards the ground. "Good morning." She walked past the two high elves to her room.

Ethan walked into the house and paused seeing the two elves. "Must be still sleepy. I am seeing double."

"Ha-ha." Aina sarcastically laughed. "Riveria and Eina are staying for a few days." Aina walked up to Ethan. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed. "How was your trip, love?"

"Just a few aqua serpents messing with our nets. Other than that, nothing happened." He smiled down to Aina before lifting his head to Riveria. "Been a while Riveria. Was expecting you two last week."

"Sorry Ethan. An irregular situation on floor twenty-four was messing up the spawning and feeding cycle of the monsters. Spilled out on floor eighteen and almost destroyed Riviria."

"That's a new one. Please tell me you're not forcing Eina into the dungeon, Riveria."

"Nope that is her choice. I brought her here to talk with you both. Eina's already been back in two times with her boyfriend."

"Boyfriend." Ethan's brow rose. "I don't want my daughter going back into the dungeon. Let alone doing it to impress a man."

"He's on the younger side, but Bell has been helping her get over her fear and rejoin the familia."

"What's next? Is this Bell gonna drag her down for an expedition?" Ethan wondered.

"No, Bell is the only person in his familia. He's a new adventurer. He was one of Eina's advisees, until his goddess cost her job out of jealousy."

Ethan was stunned and wide eyed. Slowly he found a chair and took a seat, holding his head. "She wants to go back into the dungeon with a greenhorn from another familia with no support of his own. He probably can't provide for himself. Let alone my daughter and he cost her job." Ethan stared up to Aina. "I promised you when Eina was young, that I wouldn't drink after my old familia died to that dammed dragon. This could make me start again."

"You better not." Aina warned.

Riveria stepped forward. "Ethan you were powerless to help your familia, against that calamitous beast, being a level four. Eina is not. She is stronger than you think and smarter than anybody I know. Plus, she has me and the rest of Loki familia watching after her. Bell maybe a new adventurer, but his strength would surprise you."

"A greenhorn, Doubtful. I don't want our only child to die in the dungeon."

"How about we talk about it tonight over dinner?" Aina suggested as she walked over to Ethan and started rubbing his back. "Enjoy the day with your daughter."

"Ai, I will." Ethan smiled seeing his wife in front of him and scoop her up into her arms. He kissed her more passionately than before. "I missed you so much my love."

"I missed you too." Aina deepened the kiss.

"Should I leave." Riveria was embarrassed being alone in the room with them.

"No, Ethan can wait one night." Aina pushed away.

"Aww man." Ethan pouted.

"Get cleaned up you smell like fish." Aina ordered.




Ryu ascended the spiral stairs to the western wall, nervously avoiding the eyes of the Ganesha guards. When Ryu arrived at the top of the wall, she noticed an armored Bell meditating trying to slow his breathing. "Good morning, Bell."

I took a deep breath and looked up with a smile. "Good morning, Ryu."

"Did you run in your armor?" Ryu eyes flashed up and down my body.

"Yep." I nodded to the beautiful elf. "I thought sneaking out early in armor would avoid suspicion. Need to get use to running around in my armor more too."

"Might help. This might too." Ryu retrieves a pouch of valis and throws it at my feet. "The door wasn't your fault, Bell."

I picked up the coin pouch and stood up. "I made Chloe angry leading to that chain of events."

"It's sweet that you want take responsibility. Chloe and Syr were at fault for starting that training with the fruit. We all agreed to split the cost of the door. I will not bankrupt you again nor will I let you pay for it, Bell."

"Okay." I tucked my head and smiled bashfully.

'Cute like a bunny.' Ryu eyes widened. "Please stop making that face. Gonna make training your endurance more difficult."


"Nothing, you said you wanted to train your endurance yesterday. Should we start our sparring." Ryu replied

"I think my agility is near max. Shouldn't I just get beat up."

"Max." Ryu stares at me shocked. "How?"

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Never mind." Ryu just shakes her head. "Just standing there getting beat up won't earn that much excelia."

"Why is that Ryu?"

"You can't half ass gaining excelia, Bell. Whether it's killing monsters or training. Otherwise, people would just absorb hits from friends or farm goblins all day long. I also don't want to beat you senseless and would rather see your progression."

I smiled wide. "Okay Ryu."

"Alright." Ryu pulled out her wooden longsword. "Come at me with your full strength."

"Okay here I come." I pulled out my minotaur knives and lunged forward, closing the gap in seconds. I lashed out with my right blade in an upward diagonally slashed which was blocked by an alarmed Ryu. I followed up the attack up by twisting around into a backward stab.


I was kicked in the side of the stomach and sent flying ten feet. 'Not only his speed but his strength and dexterity felt incredibly high too for a level one." She walked up to my body and looked down. "Are you okay Bell?"

"Y-yes…. Nice kick. Ryu." I sat up holding my side.

"Don't expose your back to an enemy." She reaches out her hand.

"Will try not." I stare up at Ryu, with my face reddening a little. I reached out for her hand and she hoisted me up.

"Like I said people will try and take advantage of you. If you expose your back, they will just sink their blade into it." She takes a few steps away and lowers into a fighting stance. "Again."

Again, I lunge forward into a downward slash. Ryu dodges right and backhands me with her wooden sword. The metal clang of the armor rang out on impact as I recoiled from the hit. "Don't lose focus." She races around to my backside and stabs forward as I turn to intercept her. Again, she hits my armor sending me backward stumbling over my feet. "Don't leave blind spots."

I grit my teeth and push forward lunging with my left blade in a horizontal slash and followed it up with a right uppercut. Ryu blocks both with ease. I go in for a left-handed stab.


She smacks my wrist with her wooden sword then strikes my left shoulder pauldron and finishes me off by sweeping my feet, sending me to the ground. I immediately jump back up to her surprise, ready for more. "Again."

I charged toward Ryu, unleashing a flurry of attacks from all angles. She was amazed that even with suppressing herself to a level two, that Bell was able to push her back with countless attacks from both hands. She found an opening and smacked me with a backhanded horizontal slash, sending me backwards, winded but not out. Again, I raced toward her. Ryu went in for another horizontal slash which I rolled underneath to get behind her. I spotted an opening and went to send a kick to her ankle. She sidestepped and brought the flat end of the sword down onto my head. My consciousness faded into blackness.

'Almost.' She saw my unconscious body lying on the stone wall. "I hope Alise doesn't mock me for this." She got down to her knees. Sitting on her heels and picked my head up and placed it on her lap. Her chest started to beat slightly faster as her face tinge pink feeling his warmth against her skin.

A few minutes later, I woke up to see the beautiful fairy hovering above me. My heart rate elevated enough for her to notice as I stared red faced into her blue eyes. "Do you think you can continue?"

I shake my head and jump up. "Ready."




Throughout the morning into the afternoon. I get smacked around either by her sword, her foot or her fists. Each time I jump back up after regaining consciousness. I sit up next to her against the parapets. "Here let's eat lunch. I brought some sandwiches along." She retrieves a small basket she placed on the wall. A thermos with water and two tuna sandwiches.

I bit down into the delicious sandwich. "Your food is the best, Ryu."

"Thank you." She says a little embarrassed.

"Someday I will have to make you food when we move out of that basement." I washed the sandwich down with water.

"You can cook." She asks out of curiosity.

"My grandpa taught me a few things. I use to cook all the time back home in my village for us two and sometimes village festivals. Not a lot to work with in the basement."

"Why festivals?"

"Grandpa said it would help me meet girls." I shake my head and smiled staring at the blue sky.

"Hehe. He sounds like quiet character. Women do a appreciate a man that can cook. Don't tell Momma Mia. She might convince you to quit being an adventurer and come cook for her." Ryu warned.

"I suppose that would be safer. I don't feel like I am improving much." I scratched my chin nervously.

"Oh, you're definitely improving. I feel like I am fighting a completely different person." Ryu states.


"Yes, you're progressing weirdly fast."

"I don't feel like it." I stared at her confused.

"Probably because you're comparing yourself against a woman that is almost level seven. Lady Riveria has been an adventurer for decades." Ryu replies.

"Probably a lost cause." I slammed my head back against the wall.

"That's surprising. Your goal isn't wrong like I said. Just dangerous, Bell."

"No, I never had a chance. Especially since she's married."

"Married." Ryu tilted her head confused. "You sure."

"It's what I heard." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I find that to be doubtful. Someone like Lady Riveria being married would be known worldwide in the matter of days. Who told you that?"

"My goddess said she spoke to her husband."

"Hmmm, maybe you should ask Lady Riveria." Ryu stated as I raised my head bewildered. "Not to disrespect your goddess, but I find that hard to believe."


"Yes. Back to training. You have really been doing well with your footwork, but you are relying on speed too much and you're lacking the ability to defend."

"How so?"

"Bell, you need to connect each block with your next move. You keep attacking trying to find openings instead of creating them. You have skill but you're moving on instinct. You need to strategize and read your opponent's movements."

"Okay Ryu. I think I am ready for more." The both of us stand up ready to continue our spar as the afternoon sun peaks.





Ais enters the Twilight manor with an exhausted Lefiya. Ais being miserable jumped up the stairs and rushed off to her room.

"Miss Ais." Lefiya yelled after her, but her friend didn't stop at all. Lefiya was out of breath and stumbled into the lounge where the Twins were playing checkers and Alicia was reading a book on the sofa. Lefiya went to the opposite couch and collapsed face first into the comfy cushions.

"What happened to you Lefiya?" Tione looked over from her board game.

"I went into the dungeon with miss Ais." She muttered into the couch cushion, before raising her head. "She was running around all over the place with no goal whatsoever."

Alicia looked up from her book. "That doesn't sound like Ais at all. You sure she wasn't looking for a rare monster."

"We only went down to floor twelve. She literally looked around every hall, every dead end, and every pantry. She didn't even stop once for me to pick up drop items. All day I followed her and almost lost her a few times." Lefiya throws her head down into the pillow to let out a pained cry. 'I thought she would train me.'

"Twelve!? Isn't that where we found Bell last week." Tiona pondered.

"You don't think Ais has a crush do you sis." Tione snickered.

"HUHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lefiya raised her head angry and shocked. "Why would miss Ais be with some weakling from another familia?"

"Probably the same reason Eina and Alicia got a crush on him." Tiona said as she jumped two of Tione pieces.

"I-I don't have a crush on Bell." Alicia dismissed Tiona's accusation nervously.

"Not what Aki said." Tione giggled along with her sister. "Hah King me."

"Neither Alicia or Ais like him like that." Lefiya yelled. "Bad enough that Lady Riveria believes she has to bend over backwards to help him. He keeps causing problems for our familia and making us look bad. I don't understand how Eina can tolerate that despicable human boy."


Alicia threw a book at Lefiya. "Why did you do that Alicia?" Lefiya held her head.

"There is no reason to insult Bell because your jealous. Eina cares a lot about him. Riveria and me owe him for saving us and we are glad to help him. He helped Eina come back home to us. It was his goddess's fault for costing her job and Hod's fault for being creepy. How long did it take you to solo level twelve Lefiya?" Alicia yells

"But he almost died."

Tione replied. "It was to a dragon which is like a floor boss of the upper floors. We had trouble the first time we ran into them at level three."

"What are the odds on running into two of them anyways?" Tiona scratched her head.

"Their supposed to be extremely rare." Alicia responded. "Maybe one spawns a week or two and requires a battle party of level 2s."

"Then he should call it even and leave us alone." Lefiya sat up agitated.

"Do you not listen to Lady Riveria?" Tione responds. "She likes helping him. He's all by himself and his goddess is extremely annoying and doesn't seem to help him. Even the captain seems pretty fond of him and he would have been in the familia if that mutt didn't scare him away."

Alicia stood up ready to leave the lounge. "Where are you going Alicia? I thought you wanted next." Tiona asks.

"I think I have an idea about what is bugging Ais. I am gonna go talk to her. Just keep Lefiya away."

"What?! What did I do?!" Lefiya screams at the Alicia walking away.

"Geez the elves are really emotional over that kid." Tione giggles.

"Right." Tiona giggles along. "Oooh, I just remember this one heroic tale. I need to go to the library after." Tiona pondered out loud.




Knock. Knock. Knock

"Ais, its Alicia. Can I come in?"

"Come in." Ais said with a gentle voice through the door. Alicia opened it up to see a pouting Ais wearing Bell's brown jacket. She was sitting on her bed holding her knees.

"Are you okay Ais?" Alicia sat at the end of the bed.

"Feel like he hates me. I can't find Bell anywhere to give him his jacket back." Ais continued to sulk and buried her head in her knees.

"He doesn't hate you at all, Ais. The complete opposite, actually." Alicia replied.

Ais lifted her head a little confused. "Why is he always scared off like I am some monster?"

"His goddess for one is obsessive, especially when he's around other women. He is always near death when we find him. Me, Aki and Cruz actually ate dinner at the hostess with him, the night before the mission."

"Oh, I should of went."

"Probably would have been a stuttering mess." Alicia giggled seeing Ais's confused stare. "He may be a little intimidated by your status and immense beauty. Also, he's worried Loki might hate him."

"Really." Ais blushed a little.

"Yes. I am sure you know how obsessed Loki is with you." Ais nodded in agreement. "I actually have to apologize to you."

"What for?"

"Me and Eina helped him complete two quests on floors seven and ten, yesterday. I forgot you were looking for him." Alicia apologized.

"No fair." Ais pouted. "I want to know how he's improving so fast."

"Not entirely sure, but he is definitely motivated. Should have seen him go. He was toying with those orcs and imps. He is weirdly strong for a level one."

"How? He's only been an adventurer for like five weeks. It took me six months to get down that far."

"I don't even think he knows. He just keeps pushing himself in the dungeon, usually alone." Alicia replies.

"He wasn't in the dungeon today."

"Well, we warned him about Hod but I think he is training with a friend at the hostess. Want to go check?"

"Yes." Ais shook her head eagerly.




An hour later, Ais and Alicia walk into the hostess as they were preparing for lunch. Chloe walked up to them. "Kenki and Silvan. Meow ten minutes until were open. You want to have a seat and wait for mamma to fire up the oven meow."

"Sorry were actually looking for Bell and Ryu. We looked out back and they weren't there." Alicia replied

"Meow white hair ruined my fur in training yesterday. They went somewhere else and didn't tell me or I would smack his firm ass meow. Hey Syr nya?" Chloe called out for a silver haired human as the two blondes stared at each other confused.

"Yes Chloe. Oh, good afternoon can I help you?" The energetic human girl came up to greet the two blondes.

"Hello do you know where Bell is training?" Alicia asked

"I don't think they went to the wall." Syr lied. "Probably the dungeon. I wanted to watch."

"You sure there not on the wall. Bell does run the wall every day."

"I am sure. The whole city would be seeing fire magic from up there. He needed help with magic." Syr smiled

"Ais, I guess we will have to check the dungeon again."

"Hmmpf. Let's go Alicia." Ais replied eagerly as both Loki familia women left the hostess.

"Syr Nya, Ryu isn't allowed in the dungeon apart from when she has to sneak in meow."

"Like I am gonna have more competition from Loki familia for my Bell." Syr smiled evilly scaring the cat woman.





I flew against the wall yet again from Ryu's kick. "Need to be aware of your surroundings and use the space to your advantage. It's a little easy to corner you against a wall and trap you. Yaaaaayaaaahhh." Ryu let out an involuntary yawn.

"Do you want to continue Ryu? You look sleepy."

"Might be a little tired from working." Ryu covered her face for the second yawn.

"I can go to the dungeon, if you want to go sleep."

"Nah we can take a nap here."

"Huh." I stared at her shocked.

"Not like that. You will have to learn how to sleep in awkward places eventually, if you ever go deeper."


"Yes, though you might need more allies or a bigger familia. Like Loki familia spent two weeks in the dungeon straight."

"Wow. That is amazing and makes sense how they go that deep. I guess the weather is nice." I scratched the back of my head as Ryu lied down on the cold stone wall.

"It is an essential skill to recharge your stamina. Let's nap for an hour or two." Ryu ordered.

"Okay." I lied down next to her with my face reddening. After about twenty minutes, I couldn't sleep and looked over in the direction of Ryu who was softly snoring away.

'Woah that was quick.' I sat up next to Ryu and stared at the sleeping fairy lying next to me.

'Make your move Bell. Give her a kiss.' My shoulders felt like an invisible weight was pushing me down almost like my grandpa was forcing me to kiss her.

'Eh? Grandpa? Whoa, Whoa. Not while she's sleeping.'

'Come on my Boy. Now is your chance at a beautiful fairy.' The weight on my shoulders got heavier. Ryu's lips were separated by only an inch.

'Bell, you cheater. I won't ever forgive you. Your first kiss belongs to me.' I could feel the angry aura of my goddess in my head.

'My first belongs to the woman I love. I will not force myself on a sleeping woman.'

"Stop." Ryu whispered out in her sleep. "Take mine instead."

'Reach out for her Bell. She's begging for you. You can have both if you scream out your desires. Just need some Romance!"

'I forbid you to love anybody but me. Stop trying to corrupt him you evil man.' Hestia apparition attacked grandpa's

'Enough both of you. I will love who I chose.' I rolled away to the wall and started to hit my head against the wall to drown out the voices.



(Ryu's mind)

Ryu was having the same dream every time she sleeps. Waterfalls of blood and screams of terror as the nightmare monster eviscerates her familia on floor 27. The red-haired beautiful captain Alise Lovell was covered in injuries. The prum lyra was blind having her eyes burnt from her skull and her vice-captain an eastern girl with black hair Kaguya was trying to stop the bleeding from her missing arm.

"I'm sorry Kaguya, Lyra. Please give me your lives." Alise stared at her friends. "I want to save Leon. We three are already like broken dolls ready to die." (1)

Ryu was frozen. Her heart broken and fragile. Seven of her greatest friends murdered in minutes. "Leon, we need your magic to bring it down. We will destroy its shell. Please…. promise me Leon." (1)

Her three friends rushed head on into the monster's claws of death. Ryu raised her hand to chant, but stopped realizing it was a dream. "Stop take mine instead." She begged it was her life that ended that day and not theirs. Then she saw the monster destroyed by a rabbit covered in fire. The nightmare monster disappeared into ash, as the rabbit got closer and closer to her. She back pedaled and tripped over a rock. The rabbit hovered within an inch of her lips. Then jumped away out of fear.




Ryu woke up to the beautiful blue and orange sky as the evening sun started to lower, with her body resting on the hard stone wall. The blackness of her nightmare gone, the guilt of losing her friends and throwing away her goddess justice still consumed her heart. The rabbit that jumped away out of fear was nowhere to be seen. When she sat up and looked over at Bell. Lying on his back sleeping with a red mark on his head. She looked up to see a small dent in the wall at head height. 'Was I imaging that he was gonna kiss me or was that him digging me out of my nightmare?'

She smiled seeing his restful breathing. 'I wish I was worthy of life. Let alone of you Bell. I will not let you die too. Your light is too precious.'

"Bell, wake up."

"zzzz Huh." I slowly wake up seeing the beautiful fairy. "Did we sleep too long?"

"A little, did you…..?

"Nope. Nope." I said unconvincingly with a light blush on my face.

"I was gonna say sleep well." Ryu narrowed her brow out of suspicion to study my guilty face. "Let's call it a day."

"Okay Ryu. I am gonna go for a run."

"Alright be careful. I will see you tomorrow morning." Ryu lingered around the tower to watch me run. With a crack of the stone beneath my feet. I launched myself at full speed into a run to the south. "How is he doing that?" Ryu shakes her head and descends the stairs.




As the sun was setting on the horizon. Alicia and Ais were walking along the iron fence of the twilight manor. "Still no sign of him in the dungeon." Alicia shook her head. "I can show you where he lives tomorrow."

"Okay. Why is this so difficult?" Ais sighed in defeat holding onto the jacket.

"Probably shouldn't of took the jacket into the dungeon. It's a little bit dirty. Let me clean it for you. Go get some jaga-maru to cheer yourself up."

"Okay." Ais smiled and walked back down the street to the nearest stand.




Less than an hour after I started running, I descended the north tower stairs and walked south to the jaga maru stand. My stomach was begging me to eat something. Surprisingly a different god was manning the jaga maru stand, talking to sword princess.

"Sorry Kenki, my manager will get mad at me if I give a snack away for free."

"I left my valis in my jacket. Can I race home really quick, Lord Takemikazuchi?" Ais pleaded.

"Truly I am sorry. I have to close up my stand and get home. My children just went to the middle floors for the first time today." The tall handsome god replied in an apologetic bow.

"Excuse me, Lord Takemikazuchi." Ais turned around to see my nervous smiling face. "I can pay for A-Ais's potato snacks. Can we get four?"

"Thank you, B-Bell." Ais just stared at me.

"Hestia's kid right." Takemikazuchi started digging into his stand to retrieve the potato snacks. I exchanged my valis for them and gave two to Ais.

"Yes, my lord. Surprised goddess isn't up here."

"Manager placed me up here since she took off a few times. Hestia is down in the south western market district." Takemikazuchi said with a smile on his face. "I been doing so well up here with sales."

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"Probably a good thing. If Hestia saw you dating the sword princess. She would be angry to say the least." Takemikazuchi laughed.

"I-I am not that lucky." I blushed a deep crimson. "Ais is just a friend Lord Takemikazuchi."

Takemikazuchi smiled at the oblivious Ais. "Alright you two enjoy your snacks. I have to check up on my familia." Again, the god bowed and started to pack up his stand.




I started walking south and was stopped by soft hand gripping my wrist. I turned around to see the otherworldly beautiful blond holding on to me. "Please can we talk."

"Ah um s-sure A-Ais." I stuttered out with a red face.

Ais smiled seeing my reaction. "Follow me." She led me to a secluded park off the main road. We sat together on a park bench, munching on the potato snacks.

"Been a while since I had these p-potato snacks." I broke the awkward silence.

"I stop by every day. Their good. Thank you for buying my snacks, Bell." She went back to nibbling cutely on her jaga maru.

"N-not a problem at all. W-what did you want to talk with me about, Ais."

"I have been trying to track you down since that night we found you unconscious on floor eight." Ais replied.

"R-really." My eyes widened in shock.

"I have been trying to give your jacket back but every time I try, I end up getting blocked or you run away." She confessed.

"I-I completely forgot I gave it to you." I joked nervously.

She didn't like that response. "It's not funny. I have been searching the dungeon and around the city for you."

Realizing what I did, I stood up and bowed. "I am so, so sorry I have caused you trouble. A lot of things have been going through my mind lately and it was a lapse of judgement. Please forgive me."

"You didn't do anything wrong." She smiled. "I would give it to you now but Alicia took it to clean it for me."

"I have been constantly bothering your familia. I didn't realize I was hurting you." I stared up from my bow. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you, Ais?"

"Tell me how you're getting so strong so fast."

"Huh." I stare up at her speechless.

"It took me six months to get to floor ten. You been to twelve in a little over one month. By yourself no less."

I stood up. "I was on floor nine when I seen Soma familia dragging Lily down there. I just followed their path down three floors." I shrugged my shoulders.

Ais stared at me in disbelief. "I have seen the damage you did to that dragon and noticed all the monster corpses. I also heard about the other one and Alicia told me you are able to kill orcs pretty easily. How are you able to progress so fast?"

"I don't know." I stared directly into her golden eyes. "Usually, I have trouble and almost die the first time I run into a new monster. I try to learn from my mistakes, so I can get stronger. I just keep pushing. Was nice to have help yesterday."

"Why do you keep pushing so hard?"

"There is a person I want to catch up too. There is a height I want to reach no matter what. I still feel weak." I looked down at the ground.

"I feel the same." Ais replied with a serious tone.

"H-How?" I stared up at her with a stunned look on my face. "I heard you just got level six. That is truly an impressive feat for your age, Ais."

"Keep feeling like it's not enough. Took me nine years to get here." She replied.

"Nine years!" I stared dumbfounded. "How old are you?"

"Sixteen." Ais titled her head.

"YOU STARTED AT SEVEN!" I yelled out. She embarrassingly shook her head. I sat back down holding my head. "You started at more than half my age and got into one of the strongest familias. What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing. Just Loki. I heard you applied at Loki familia but ran away because of Bete." She recalled.

I unconsciously reached to scratch my shoulder, which didn't go unnoticed by Ais. I tilted my head a bit embarrassed. "I tried. Just like the other fifty plus familias I applied. I was thrown out. Trying to make due and help build up my goddess's familia by getting strong enough to protect any future recruits and saving up for a house."

"Do you need help learning how to fight better?"

"I have actually been training with an ex-adventurer friend. We been sparring on the wall all day."

"Can I come along to watch? Maybe I can help and I can bring your jacket."

"If you want too. We are gonna be on the western wall around 8am again. Probably be bored watching me spar, Ais."

"I don't think so."

"I suppose it would be funny seeing me voluntarily get my butt kicked." I nervously laugh causing me hunch over in pain when one of my injuries flared up.

Ais let out a small giggle, which surprised her. "Do you need me to escort you back home because of Hod?"

"I will be fine. I will stay on the main roads, but thank you Ais. I will see you tomorrow." We split ways soon after.

Unbeknownst to me she ran across rooftops to keep an eye on me. When I entered the church ruins. She tilted her head with a sadden look on her face.




The Tulles plus Riveria were sitting around a dinner table. They just finished up eating and cleaning the table. "So how many marriage proposals did you get today?" Aina joked.

"Too many. Not interested." Riveria dismissed

"I bet that just angers your father to no end, Riveria." Ethan chuckled.

"Yes, he's trying indirectly to force me to marry Hedin. Only a matter of time before he tries more direct routes. I will not be forced to marry somebody, especially somebody I despise." Riveria growled.

"That elf is a piece of work. Could always switch to human." Ethan suggested.

Aina stared annoyed at Ethan. "She's a high elf and a princess, Ethan."

"Why does that matter? You're a high elf mother?" Eina asked curiously.

"Eina I am not." Aina shook her head.

Riveria stared down at Eina. "You actually are Aina."


"Or at least the gods recognize you as one." She pulled out a piece of paper.

Eina Tulle

Level One Race: Half Elf Age: 19

Strength: D502 Defense: E410

Dexterity: B724 Agility: E465

Magic: A875

Magic ()

Dio Luna (Healing)

Midgard's Twilight (Earth)

Skill ()

Peredhel's Canon

"Peredhel!" Aina looked up stunned. "Wow." She elbowed her husband.

"Alright I knew I married well." Ethan smiled ear to ear.

"Don't let it get to your head mister." Aina warned.

"Not this one…oof." He recoiled surprised by the force into his stomach from his wife's punch. "Sorry."

"Don't be a perv, dear." Aina said with crimson face.

"Gross dad."

Riveria just shook her head. "As I was saying Eina is a half high elf making you a high elf. She is actually eligible to level up."

"What did her boyfriend force her to do to achieve this rank up?" Ethan mood became more serious.

"Bell's n-not my b-boyfriend." Eina blushed. "We got attacked by a silverback during monsterphilia. He lured it away from me to the colosseum underground. He killed it there and then we were cornered by an infant dragon. I was about to die and he pushed me out of the way and lured the dragon into the arena. He was thoroughly outmatched but managed to keep fighting and slowly injured it without backup. I just limped into the arena and used my magic against its soft underbelly. He finished it off."

Ethan's brow stretched wide slightly impressed. "H-how long has this Bell been an adventurer?"

"Less than a month in a half." Eina answered.

"Eina, that sounds like dumb luck. Brave but foolish." Ethan replied.

"He climbed on its back using his knives and gutted its throat." Eina yelled out.

"You weakened it. Month in a half, means he probably can't even provide for himself. Let alone you. This Bell can't be beyond floor five and if he's by himself he will be in for a quick death."

"He's been to twelve." Eina responded.

"Eina, we didn't raise a liar." Ethan stared slightly annoyed.

"Bell actually has been down there." Riveria responded.

"Huh. Impossible."

"He rescued another girl down there by following their familia down to floor twelve. They chained her up as bait and they all ran away when they suffered losses and left her to die."

"How?" Ethan said in disbelief.

"Still not 100% sure but the floor was littered with corpses of orcs, silverbacks and imps. He half injured another dragon, but was not capable of defeating it. Luckily me and Ais stumbled across his last stand before our mission."

"Still sounds like luck, Riveria."

"Dad I was on floor ten yesterday. He was playing with the orcs while Alicia was helping me."

"Sorry but that sounds unbelievable. It takes years to level…..Eh" Ethan recoiled feeling his wife pinch him.

"I don't think their lying Ethan. Hard to believe sure." Aina replied.

Ethan just held his head. "What happened with the guild? Why did that pig fire you?"

"I have been training a lot with him Bell because I am worried about him. I went in late and tired a few times. I missed work twice because of injuries and they were spying on me going into the dungeon on my day off. His goddess reported me for getting too close." Eina ears lowered.

"So, he cost you your job and forced you into the dungeon." Ethan raised his voice.

"No, I don't blame Bell whatsoever. All of those things I mentioned were my fault. His goddess is obsessive over him and Royman was looking for any excuse to get rid of me. Bell didn't want me going into the dungeon because of what happened three years ago but I insisted." Eina pleaded.

"This is why inter familia relationships are considered taboo. I will go speak to the guild pig tomorrow. You will go back to the guild." Ethan ordered.

"I will not work for that disgusting elf ever again."


"He was drunk and happy I was getting fired. He told me to go work in the pleasure quarter." Eina yelled out. The mood in the room shifted to overwhelming anger.

"Excuse me." Riveria pushed back her chair back and stood up. "I have to go murder an elf."

"Sit down Riveria." Aina ordered. "No force on Gekai is gonna force my daughter into pleasure quarter. I also would prefer my friend to not be miserable being locked up back in the Alf kingdom, by your crazy father." Aina turned her husband. "Nor you being locked up."

Ethan unclenched his hands. "Fine. I still don't want our daughter back in the dungeon."

"I want to go back in dad."

"Let her Ethan." Aina placed her hand on top of Ethan's.

"You want her to get mauled by a monster."

"No, but there are worse fates than monsters. People are far crueler, husband. Riveria will look after her. Plus, I am already gonna be sad when I outlive you. I don't want to outlive Eina. Between the falna, Riveria and hopefully my new son in law. She will succeed." Aina smirked seeing Eina's crimson face.

"Bell is in love with somebody else." She said a little nervous.

"Bell loves Riveria." Aina started chuckling.

"Knock it off." Riveria yelled.

"What's wrong with that?" Eina replied confused, making Riveria's eyes bulge in shock.

"Eina that wouldn't be a good idea." Aina responded. "Her father would kill him; either assassination, poison or execution. Not to mention male elves would be out for his blood."


"Because Riveria is a princess. The high elf bloodline is dying out. If it weren't for Finn and Loki, King Larfal would have had me executed for helping her get out of the forest. Just think what he would do to a non elf male that touches Riveria."

Eina panic-stricken eyes stared back up to a flustered Riveria. "Y-you need to talk to Bell."

"Enough." Riveria stormed out of the house.

"This Bell at least has good taste choosing between you two." Aina giggled. Eina was silent.

"I still don't want to lose my daughter in the dungeon. However, you are an adult." Ethan held his head.

Eina jumped up and walked over to hug her father. "I will take every precaution."

"You better. Now go get rested up." Eina hugged her father harder and kissed him on the cheek and walked over to her bedroom. "Geez she is growing. She's gonna need to level up just to keep the men off her."




"Ah finally my shift is over. So long and boring down here in the market. So many street vendors that people forget I exist." Hestia complained out loud to herself as she stumbled exhausted from the long day up a north side road. The evening sun was going below the horizon.


Lily and Nahza exited a gnome's shop holding a few boxes in their hands, right in front of Hestia. Lily was in Clienthrope form and looked like Nahza's daughter. "Evening Nahza. Supporter."

"Oh, hello Goddess Hestia." Nahza replied.

"Lily has a name." She responded slightly agitated.

"Uh-huh. What are you two doing?" Hestia asked.

"Were moving Lily's stuff to the blue pharmacy. She had to stop by to talk to Mr. Cornwall."

"Supporter knows a spirit." Hestia asked surprised

"Yes, Lily sold a lot of stuff in exchange for gnome jewels. I got a little of my savings out to purchase a weapon from Master Bell's smith. I think he is gonna join us in the dungeon."

"Thank me it's a male human." Hestia said in a low whisper out of relief. Nahza's clienthrope level two hearing heard her and thought it was weird that she specified gender and race. "Where is Bell? Is he not helping you?"


"Master Bell gave Lily a few days off."

"Where is Bell? He ran off in armor this morning." Hestia brow furrowed starting to get upset.

"Master Bell is training with a friend."

"Why didn't he tell me, Miss supporter?"

"Lily thinks you would overreact if he's getting help from another elf woman."

"I have a right to overact. Bell is mine." Hestia gritted her teeth. "Every woman is trying to steal my Bell's chastity."

Nahza gave a weird stare down to Lily. "Why does it matter who Bell is with Goddess Hestia? It's not like he's prancing around the pleasure quarter. A young man as nice as him deserves to find a good mate."

"Lily thinks you should let Master Bell be with who he chooses."

"Why should I listen to either of you? You both took advantage of his kind nature. Just like these elven women do."

Nahza and Lily's tails drifted downward. "Goddess Hestia we are both sorry for hurting Bell. We want to help him in any way we can. I was actually thinking about a new potion that would help Bell in the dungeon but I need help collecting the ingredients outside of the city." They turned west on the main road.

"Okay. I will ask him." Hestia jogged away from the two clienthrope women.

Within twenty minutes Hestia pushed open the door to the basement, expecting to see Bell making food. The basement was full of loud snores coming from Bell passed out on the sofa with a smile on his face. 'I know what you're up to mister.' Hestia walked past the couch and went to her bedroom.




Riveria's anger had subsided as she walked alone in the night along the tree line. "Why is she so adamant about Bell?" She shook her head. She started walking back to the Tulle residence when she saw the warm glow of a fire crackling with a sole figure sitting around it. The elderly village chief was sitting alone staring up at the stars.

Cirdan looked down a noticed the high elf alone approaching from the tree line. "Want to have a seat my lady?" He pointed to a log around the fire pit.

"I don't want to bother you."

"Nonsense my lady. You couldn't bother this old man's stargazing." He soft smile showed the frailty of his advanced age.

"Why are you all alone, Sir?" Riveria took a seat.

"I could ask you the same question, but I have been doing this every night for over a decade and a half." Cirdan rested his head on his walking stick.

"Why is that?"

"The light of our people has been growing brighter. Gives me hope for the future that I will not live to see, my lady."

"The full moon isn't for another five days." Riveria asked confused.

"True the lover's moon is sacred to our people; however, the moon doesn't belong to us elves alone." Riveria was confused until Cirdan raised his walking stick and pointed to a star. "Our most beloved star."(2)

Riveria eyes widen seeing a lone star growing bright in the black void of the night sky. Separate from the rest of the stars. "You're talking about the legends of Alfhiem and the hero's light."

Cirdan held his face and shook his head. "Ughhh, what does that fool of a king teach the children of the Alf Forest."

"Hehehe, bold of you to talk about my father like that." Riveria chuckled hiding her face.

"Forgive me my lady, but I have never viewed King Larfal in a good light. I am three hundred and twenty years old. My bones grow weary and my time grows nearer with each passing day."

"Its fine Mr. Cirdan." Riveria found the elder chiefs view to be refreshing. "I have never been a fan of my father either. I fled the forest to get away from his endless hatred for other races, isolationist policies and blood purity."

"Hmmpf Good." His shoulders rocked as he let out a quick gut laugh. "My lady they are not legends. Gekai is not our home. Have you ever wondered why our lifespan dwarfs that of all other races? Lord Freyr brought us here to escape the wraith of the titans and the Hero's light saved the final bastion of Yggdrasil."

Riveria stared at the lone star. "Why the last fifteen years?"

"I can only guess Lord Freyr's intentions. Maybe Alfhiem will be renewed and the hero will rise to challenge the heart of our people. He might even reach out for yours."

"I don't think I will find any hero. My father has been continually trying to force my hand."

"An elf doesn't offer their hand, my lady. They offer their heart to their last breath." Cirdan said adamantly.

Riveria smiled warmly as she listened to the words of the elder. "Thank you for your time, Sir. I have to get back."

"Anytime you wish to listen to this old man. It will be my honor, my lady."




Ais entered the manor in a much better mood. She walked up to Alicia's room and knocked on the door. "Alicia."

"Ais your back. What took you so long?" Alicia sounded worried. "I found your coin purse in the jacket."

"Sorry, I ran into Bell at the jaga-maru stand. He paid for my jaga maru and we had a little talk." Ais said with a light smile on her face. Unaware of Lefiya listening in when she heard Ais's name.

'Hehe sounds like a date.' Alicia giggled. "Figures you would find him when you're not looking. Still how long was that talk."

"Not long. I followed him back home in case Hod showed up."

"That was nice of you." Alicia smiled. "Where was he hiding all day?"

"He was training on the wall. I am going to go see him in the morning. I was wondering if you had that jacket, Alicia."

"I do. I cleaned it for you. Wonder why that waitress said he wouldn't be on the wall." She walked over to her dresser and grabbed the jacket and held it out to Ais.

"Thank you, Alicia." She grabbed the jacket out of Alicia's hands.

"Did you want to come along?"

"Sorry I have to teach Line and Elfy tomorrow, since Lady Riveria is away. You go have fun with the rabbit, Ais."

"Okay." Ais smiled and walked off to her bedroom.

'That lecherous boy is trying to seduce Ais with training lessons. Not on my watch.' Leyfia gritted her teeth angrily. 'I should be the one getting training lessons from Miss Ais.'




Eina was curled up in bed all alone. A few hours passed since dinner. She was nervous awaiting to be yelled out when she heard the water in the shower.

Creak. Clink.

The door opened slowly and was shut quietly. Riveria was drying out her long jade hair with a towel that she placed into a hamper. She sat down on the bed they were sharing and removed her shoes. She took a deep breath. "Eina are you awake?"

"Yes, do you want me to sleep on the floor, Riveria."

"No, it's only one more night." Riveria stared at Eina out of the corner of her eye. "I-is it true with Bell?"

"Yes, Riveria. He fell for you the second he met you."

"The alleyway." She asked confused.

"He didn't even know who you were then." Riveria's eyes opened wide in shock at Eina's words. "After the minotaur he had a dozen questions about you. I might have convinced him to get stronger to stand a chance. You are what is motivating him."

"So, it's just because I saved him."

"More than that." Eina sat up.

"Doesn't sound like it." Riveria leaned back to stare at Eina.

"Riveria, we slept together, the night he came over to the manor." Eina said with a red face, which surprised Riveria. "He didn't try anything at all and I was literally hugging him all night. The only disturbance from him was when he had a nightmare about the minotaur and he mentioned wanting to be by your side in his sleep. I swear. I thought you would have picked up on it by now." Eina pouted and turned around to lay on her side to ignore the high elf.

Riveria was absolutely speechless. Her eyes were wide and her mind racing in a thousand directions remembering things over the last month. After a few minutes she laid down on her back and stared at the ceiling trying to push out the warm feelingin her chest.




(Day 25)

I woke up at 630am and quietly put my armor on and snuck out the door.


The door shut behind me. Hestia's eyes opened wide hearing the door shut. She jumped out of bed as I was about to walk out of the church. "BEEELLLL!" I heard my name shouted out from the basement. My eyes bulged in surprise and I launched myself at full speed out of the ruins.

"I can't let her know I am going to the wall." I heard my name again as I turned east on the main road.

"Get back here." Hestia shouted as she rounded the corner watching me run in the direction of Babel. She raced after me. I ran up a north side road. West. North. East. Then south when I thought I lost her and spilled out in front of Babel.




Ais woke up and equipped her armor, sword at her waist and the jacket in her hands. She walked out into the empty halls of the Twilight Manor and made her way to the rooftop courtyard, unaware that she was being tailed. She jumped down to a lower roof and then propelled herself over the iron gate to ignore the guards.

"Miss Ais." Lefiya ran to the rail and watched her run south. She gritted her teeth. She ran out of the manor, alarming many in the manor.

Lefiya chased after Ais south down the main road to Babel at full speed. She crossed the circular courtyard around Babel and started up the west road. When Bell jumped out from a side road right in front of her.




Lefiya crashed against my body, knocking the wind out of me as I collapsed on the ground in front of her. Her body rest against my armor as we both were dizzy from the impact. "Ughhh, what the… YOU!" Lefiya yelled down at me. Trapping me in her arms.

My face was crimson feeling her warm body against mine and my eyes wide both flustered and scared. "S-Sorry. G-good morning Lefiya."

"Where is Miss Ais!?"

"U-um. Ahhhhh." I started to squirm in her grasp making her face go red like mine.

"BELLLLLLLLLL!" Hestia screamed seeing an elven woman holding me down. She launched herself against Lefiya tackling her to the ground. "Stay off of him."

"What are you doing?" Lefiya screamed out feeling the busty loli tackling her to the ground.

"Dam you heathens won't stay off of my Bell." Hestia stared down angrily at the shocked Lefiya.

"Heathens. How dare you? Get off me." Lefiya shouted at the stunned goddess.

"Then why were you on top of him." Hestia stood up.

Lefiya dusted herself up and straightened out her clothes. "I am trying to figure out what this delinquent is trying to do to Miss Ais." Lefiya shouted.

Hestia stopped. "Explain."

"She snuck out to see him." Lefiya stared over to where my body use to be. "Where did he go?"

Hestia stared over to the empty spot and looked around and saw me dip down an alley heading south. "Dam it, Bell. Urrghh stop him." She ordered the elf.

"Oh, so you can be reasonable." Lefiya mocked.

"Cheeky elf." Both women ran south down the alleyway chasing after me.




Ryu was standing at the wall impatiently waiting for Bell. "Where is he?" She rotated her head left and right to look out for him. She looked herself over in anticipation for the day's training. She sighed in relief hearing footsteps from the tower and walked over to the tower.

"Bell." She called out.

The sun shone from over a cloud and illuminated the tower as the beautiful blonde Ais Wallenstein exited. "Sword Princess." Ryu started to shake in fear as she raised her wooden sword.

"Hello." Ais tilted her head. "Are you the one training Bell?"

Ryu's gripped on the sword relaxed a little bit. "Y-yes. W-what are you doing here, Sword Princess?"

"Just Ais." She walked closer. "He said I could watch if I wanted."

Ryu's arm went limp, not having the strength to overcome her shock. "Really."

Ais shook her head. "Am I early?"

"No, he's late." Ryu spoke clearly uncomfortable shifting her neck sideways still alarmed by her presence. "Why did he invite you?"

Ais held out the jacket in her hand. "I wanted to give his jacket back to him. I have been curious how he's getting strong so fast. I asked if I could watch. Maybe help."

"Oh, wow I didn't know you two were friends."

Ais ask curiously. "What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Ryu. You look familiar."

Ryu didn't know how to respond. Luckily she didn't have too as both women started hearing footsteps from the tower and went to investigate. I was slowly stumbling up the stairs with a pained face holding on the wall and slowly climbing up the stairs.

"Bell!" Both women yelled out worried about me.

Ryu and Ais helped me up the stairs and a sat me down against the battlements. "What happened?" Ryu looked me over for injuries as I continued breathing heavily.

"Was it Hod?" Ais asked innocently, drawing a weird stare from Ryu.

I shook my head and tried to catch my breath. "Forest Fairy….." Both blondes smirked at me curiously. "B-beautiful…. but… Terrifying. D-do you mind if I rest a little bit?"

"No go ahead." Ryu showed a beautiful smile on her face as her shoulders rocked from laughing internally. Both women sat down on either side of me. Even the sun couldn't outshine both of them together.

"What happened?" Ais asked.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. "Goddess and Lefiya chased me around the city for the last hour."

"HAHA." Ryu started laughing out loud. "Never boring around you Bell."

"Sorry I was late."

"Its fine. Ais scared me. I wasn't expecting her to show up."

"Sorry." Ais apologized in a cute soft voice. "I barged into your training session."

"Its fine Ais." Ryu assured her.

Ais held out the jacket to me. "Here. This belongs to you."

"Thank you Ais. Sorry if I caused you problems."

"Don't worry about it, Bell. Should we get to training?" Ais asked.

"S-sounds like fun." I placed the jacket on the ground and withdrew my knives.

"First fight me, Bell. See how well you absorbed everything from yesterday." Ryu stepped forward with her wooden sword.

"Okay Ryu."




Ryu charged first with a two-handed downward slash. I caught the blow between my blades and pushed upward to parry her blade and immediately jumped backwards to evade her kick. As soon as I landed on my feet I charged forward with an overhand right, driving her blade into the ground. With my left hand I thrusted upward, she backed stepped with her left leg to avoid the blade. I rotated on the ball of left foot and into a spinning back kick into her thigh.


She caught my foot with her hand and threw me over her head into the wall. I shook my head and immediately I jumped up with my back against the wall. "You gave me a second to respond when you turned your back and now you cornered yourself, Bell. Might work on somebody you are stronger than."

"I am not cornered though." I jumped back on to the wall and dived overtop her horizontal slash down on top of her. Quickly she brought her sword up to parry my attack. Instead of following up with my second blade. I rolled into the next wall and kicked myself off into an upward jump. I was performing hit and run rabbit maneuvers as I bounced back and forth between the walls and Ryu. Ryu tracked my movements and went for an upward slash as I dived down at her. Upon impact between our blades, I bounced over top of her to get behind her.

Ryu raised a side kick right into my gut sending me spinning into the wall stomach first. "Hehe. That was wacky, but inventive."

"Ryu. Your shirt." Ais commented.

"Ryu looked down to see a small cut in her side."

"Guess I lost. You're up, Ais." Ryu scooted over the wall. Ais pulled out her blade and laid it against the wall and held her scabbard out in her outstretched hand.

"Hey Bell." I looked over Ryu. "T-try this out." She threw her sword to me.

"Y-you sure, Ryu." I asked with a nervous smile.

"Yes, getting use to a sword couldn't hurt." Ryu turned to Ais. "He is still level one, but you don't have to go to easy Ais. He did want to focus on defense."

I turned to Ais with the wooden sword out stretched. I swing right. Ais instantly counters easily pushing my sword arm outward and bring her scabbard down onto my shoulder, knocking the wind out of me as my armor rattled.

"To wide, you gave me an opening." She said with a blank face. This time she started out with an overhand slash which I caught with two hands holding the sword. Before I could parry upwards, she brought her blade arm backwards to break the guard and went into to stab my chest with the scabbard and followed it up with an elbow to the face. "Enemies and monsters won't wait for you to recover. You need to try and block it out and continue if you're able. Protect your core."

I shook my head and stood up ready to start again. I went in with an upward diagonally slash to break her guard and spun the blade around for a horizontal slash. Ais backpedaled and thrusted her scabbard forward. I managed to blocked her thrust at the last second and stepped forward into another upwards slash into her guard. I turned around behind her to see the back hand of her armored fist come straight for my face.


I collapsed to the ground unconscious. Ais and Ryu wince hearing my body smack the stone floor. "Oops." Ais rushed over to my body, bent down and placed my head into a lap pillow.

Ryu just shook her head and bent down next to her. "Where did you learn about lap pillows?"



"Me, Alicia and Riveria gave him one on floor 8 before when he had a mind down all alone." Ais put her finger on her chin as she recalled that event.

Ryu was taken back. "Lady Riveria did that?"

"Yes." Ais replied to the stunned Ryu.

"That was an interesting night." I spoke up from their laps. Face completely crimson.

"Please tell me that was the only occurrence of a mind down by yourself in the dungeon, Bell." Ryu smirked staring down into my bulging eyes.

"No, he passed out on floor twelve fighting a dragon." Ais replied.

"Ais!" I was too late to interrupt.

"I think I need to lie down too." Ryu held her head eyeing my nervous face.

"BELLLLLLLLLLL!" The familiar scream of my goddess rang out in front of us. I was starting to sweat in fear.




Standing at the tower were two very angry women. Lefiya and Hestia staring at the three of us with clenched hands.

I nervously jumped up to my feet. "Good morning, Goddess. Lefiya."

"Miss Ais what are you doing with him?" Lefiya shouted.

Ais stood up first. "Training."

"Doesn't look like it, Miss Wallensomething." Hestia pointed her fists to the ground and stared up angrily.

"Goddess don't be rude to my friends. They were just helping me to regain consciousness."

"I don't believe you."

"I accidently knocked him out." Ais replied.

"Is this why you didn't tell me, Bell? Their using you as their personal punching bag."

"No, Goddess."

Ryu had enough and stood up. Her presence made Lefiya nervous. "Probably because of what you're doing right now, goddess Hestia. You're overbearing and overreact." She replied in her normal deep emotionless voice. "I have been training Bell for the last two days."

"Goddess, Ryu has been helping me to get stronger and learn how to defend myself. So, I can earn more money in the dungeon. Ais wanted to join."

"Then I am taking the rest of the day off to make sure they keep their hands off you." Hestia warned.

"Goddess I spoke to Lord Takemikazuchi. Sounds like you might lose your part time job if you keep leaving to spy on me."

"I do it because I care. You should call it quits and go home. Miach needs your assistance this afternoon." Hestia pouted.

"Goddess go to your stand, please." I said a bit agitated, but tried to be respectful. "If Ryu and Ais are still willing to teach. I am willing to learn until I have to meet with Lord Miach."

"No, I sensed funny business from you over the last two days and now I know where you been hiding. I don't want either of them around you. They will try to claim my Bell."

"Bell is not property." Ryu held her hand out in front of me. "You can cry all you like Goddess Hestia; Momma Mia won't fire me for getting to close." She stared down at the goddess.

"I knew you were trouble. Always spending time alone with my Bell trying to seduce him."

"STOP IT!" I raised my voice. "Ryu is just helping me learn to fight better. Leave us alone, goddess."

"Why so you can create a Harem?"

"Disgusting." Lefiya shrieked.


I jumped up on the battlements and launched myself to the nearest building. My body smacked the roof upon impact and slid down the shingled roof to the edge and dropped to the ground. I winced in pain with my hands scratched up and my joints aching from the impacts. I shook my head and walked away with my hands in my pockets. The four women just watched me disappear around the corner stunned by my reaction.

"You are unbelievable. Bell is not trying to be like his perverted grandpa and yet you insist on making life harder for him out of petty jealousy. He is beyond you." Ryu talked down to the goddess. Hestia's eyes started to water over as she ran to the tower and down the stairs.

"Miss Ais, sister elf. That mongrel isn't worth your time." Lefiya yelled.

"QUIET!" Ryu stared with angry eyes. Her aura made Lefiya recoil in fear. "Say something like that again about Bell in my presence and even the sword princess won't be able to respond in time." Ais put her hand on her hilt just in case and stared at Ryu curiously. Ryu turned away from the two Loki familia women and launched herself to the same roof Bell jumped too. She landed with grace of an upper tier adventurer and walked off. Ais released her gripped and stared down at the ground.

"Miss Ais, you dropped your jacket." She picked up the familiar brown jacket off the ground.

Ais held her head and reached out and snatched it out of hands. "Why did you follow me?"

"You shouldn't bother yourself with other familias, Miss Ais. I wanted to train with you. Bell just wants to take advantage of y-."

"Train yourself Lefiya!" Ais interrupted with annoyed tone. She started walking up the north side wall and when Lefiya started following. She sprinted all the way back to the Twilight manor.

Lefiya was quickly outpaced and gave up trying to catch up. "Miss Ais." She reached out catching her breath. "Dam that boy messing with her mind." (3)




An hour later I stumbled into the Blue Pharmacy. Lily, Nahza and Miach were stocking up the counters. "Bell, are you alright." Miach walked over to see me.

"I was just training. Can I buy a potion?"

"You can have one for free. Considering everything that happened." Miach held out a red vial. "Don't worry it's not watered down."

I smiled plainly up at the god and reached out to grab the vial. I sat down in a nearby chair. The marks, bruises and cuts healed over after I swallowed the potion. "Master Bell we weren't expecting you too later or even tomorrow."

"Sorry my training session got interrupted." I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Lily is sorry. We ran into your goddess last night and she asked what you were doing, Master Bell."

"Its fine Lily."

"What happened?" Miach asked.

"I have been trying to take your advice Lord Miach."

"Advice?!" The god looked at me confused.

"Monsterphilia." I smiled up to the god

"Ha-Ha. I see Hestia still won't relent with her affections."

"Obsession, more like." Lily replied sarcastically.

My chest moved in a silent gut laugh. "I have been trying to be respectful and tell her I am not interested. She seems to ignore me and get angry at every woman I talk too, especially Ryu or my friends in Loki familia."

"You want me to talk to her Bell." Miach offered.

"No, I don't want to bother you Lord Miach. She might get angry at you like she has Lady Hesphaistos."

"That's surprising. Their best of friends."

"I may have thought Lady Hesphaistos was a goddess of beauty." My face went red.

"Ha-ha, bet she like that." Nahza chuckled holding on to Miach shoulder.

I nodded my head and smiled. "I heard you need help."

"If you're willing, we need help to gather bloodsaurus eggs from the Seolo forest. I got a few passes for us to go outside the city." Miach replied holding onto Nahza's waist. "Nahza had an idea for a double potion. If we get a good haul and are successful. I will give you a case for your efforts."

"I never heard or fought a bloodsaurus before."

"Their actually large category monsters from the deep floors." Nahza replied.

"I don't think I would be strong enough."

"Surface monsters are a lot weaker." Nahza assured me. "They should be equal to an orc. I was thinking you could lure them away from the nests while Lily and I collect the eggs."

"Master Bell should be able to handle them.




A few hours later the four us made our way to the Seolo Forest. It was an incredibly dense forest at the base of the Alv mountains that stretched from northeast of the city around to the southern road.

"Good thing your goddess had to work. Defending Lord Miach and Lady Hestia would be difficult." Nahza answered leading the way into the dark forest. She stopped short of a depression in the ground. "Lily, keep Lord Miach safe."

"Okay but Lily isn't strong enough to kill them."

"Don't worry their gonna be chasing Bell." Nahza handed me a lumpy shaped backpack that was emanating a horribly familiar stench.

I stared at her with an empty deadpanned face. "I am gonna be a monster lure aren't I."

"You use them before Bell."

"Indirectly." I smirked over to the wide-eyed Lily.


"Uuooooooooooooooooooo!" A fifteen-foot-tall red dinosaur like monster started pushing trees aside with its massive body.

"Woah." I stared up at the large beast gapping maw. "Hungry big guy."

Nahza's ptsd started triggering she dropped the bag on the ground and jumped to the nearest tree with her level two reflexes. While Lily and Miach hid in a bush.

The bloodsaurus went down to bite the rancid meat bag. "FIREBOLT." I sent a blast at the ground in front of it. The bloodasaurus raised its head just in time for me to unsling the bow from my back and sent two arrows into its eyes.


"Raaaaaaaaawwwwwwwrrrrrrrr." The beast screamed out in pain as its eyesight was taken from it. Again, it roared out.

In the distance, more roars responded to its call. "Oh crap." The blind bloodsaurus was stumbling into to trees.

"Bell, three more coming from the south." Nahza responded from the tree. "Finish that one off quick."

"I got an idea." I ran full speed towards the blinding monster and grabbed the bag at its feet, dodged the tail and spilt the bag out on the ground to reveal five monster lures. "Nahza shoot the meat at monster."


I smirked up toward and threw the five slabs of meat at the dinosaur. She shot each on in midair, impaling the beast. The three other bloodasaurus were charging toward their meat covered friend.


I shot the snouts of each incoming bloodsaurus. They charged angry by the human that hurt them and motivated by the rancid meat smell. I raced to the wounded monster rolled underneath it at full speed with the other three racing after me.


The four monsters collided into a bone shattering impact. The wounded monster was completely mauled by the jaws of its comrades and died.

"FIREBOLT, FIREBOLT, FIREBOLT, FIREBOLT, FIREBOLT, FIREBOLT." I raced up the dead monster tail to its back and unleashed a torrent of flames at the heads of the dazed dinosaurs. I pulled out my blades and sank them down on the skull of the right one. The one to my side tried to bite down on me. Its teeth missed my skull by inches. I impaled a knife into its cheek. The bloodsaurus got to its feet and started shaking me off.


One of its small arms smacked me to the ground underneath it. Knocking the wind out of me. A giant foot came down upon me from the left bloodsaurus. I rolled to avoid being smashed and held on to its leg.


Nahza sent two arrows threw its sides sending it falling against the others. I rolled to my feet and slit a two-meter gap at its neck. "Thanks Nahza."

"I feel like we could have done this easier." Nahza replied from the tree.

"Probably. Oh well." I turned the remaining dinosaur pinned by its friend's corpse.

"Raaaaaaaaawwwwwwwrrrrrrrr." It roared out in desperation. Two more bloodsaurus started charging, but immediately stopped seeing the four bodies of their comrades and tucked tailed and started racing away.

"Stop them, Bell. There gonna spill out on the southern road."

"Okay." I aimed my hand at the wounded dinosaur. "Firebolt." I sent a blast down its open mouth, scorching its soft insides, before racing after the other two.




Riveria and Eina were walking along the southern stone covered road that parallels the Seolo forest. "Surprised you wanted to come this way, Riveria."

"I wanted to see the forest and the mountains while were out of the city. Have to take advantage of being outside the city a little bit."

"Surprised you didn't want to go to Melen and see the ocean." Eina stared up Riveria. "Seolo forest is infested with bloodsaurus."

"I spend too much time in that stone city and in the dungeon. As much as I like Melen. The forest is calling for me, plus we walked by the ocean on the way to your parents." Riveria lost herself in thought staring off at the forest.

"You're not gonna start climbing trees like Bell are you?" Eina giggled.

Riveria just stared up to the sky and shook her head. "You're gonna keep on insisting on this Eina."

"Denial isn't gonna change it Riveria."

"Why would he want me? Especially with you around." She looked down at Eina confused.

"You serious." Eina replied sarcastically. "Who wouldn't want one of the most beautiful women in the world and princess too? He's seeking an elven wife."

"I still find that hard to believe. I am way too old for him."

"Bell doesn't think that at all."

"He also said why does it matter that you're a half elf and seems to be incredibly shy around you Eina. You too would make a better couple."

"I have been trying. His goddess always gets in the way. Plus…"


"Raaaaaaaaawwwwwwwrrrrrrrr." One giant bloodsaurus crashed out of the tree line and started running to the road in a panic.

"Eina get behind me." Riveria ordered.


A second monster jumped out of the forest a few seconds later. A white-haired figure jumped out of the trees above it and landed on its back.




"Firebolt. Firebolt. Firebolt." I send a volley of spells in front of the leading monster, creating a crater in the ground. The monster tripped and fell face forward end over end. The one that I was standing on the back of tried to reach back and bite me off. "Firebolt." I aimed it at its mouth. The spell damaged its snout. I pulled two arrows out of my quiver and jumped on top of its head and fired both into its skull. Its body went limp and collapsed forward. I slid down its spine and aimed my bow at the head of the other bloodsaurus


The monster stood up to face me still feeling the arrow piercing its hide. "Firebolt." Towards its face. The monster lifts its head in pain when I sent another arrow to its neck. The beast collapsed in front of me. I pulled one of my knives and piked its skull to make sure.

"Whew." I sat down against its corpse to catch my breath. "Hopefully that's all of them." I just laid their using the monster's body as a makeshift pillow and stared up at the evening sky.




"Looks like you been busy." I sat up to see Riveria and Eina in front of me.

"H-hello, R-Riveria. E-Eina." I sat up stunned that they were nearby. "W-what are you two doing here?"

"Returning back to the city, Bell." Riveria stared down at me. "What are you up too?"

"Oh, I am just doing a quest for their eggs." I patted the monster corpse before jumping to my feet. Riveria was impressed by my progress.

"They lay eggs." Eina stared wide eyed.

Riveria turned toward her. "They're descendants of the original monsters that came from the dungeon. They still maintain their numbers despite being cut off from the dungeon. Only natural that they would learn to breed."

"Wow, I did not know that." Eina giggled. "I swear we talk about you and you show up."

"Talking about me." My face went crimson. "Surely there are more interesting things." Eina stared at Riveria.

"Master Bell." Lily was yelling out from the tree line. Miach and Nahza close behind her. They noticed Riveria and Eina standing in front of me.

"My lord what were you doing in the forest. Bit dangerous in there for a god." Riveria asked respectfully.

"Nice make your acquaintance Nine Hells. We didn't have any issues. Bell here killed most of them for us. We got a large number of eggs to make a new potion." Miach replied.

"Potions." Eina and Riveria stared me down.

"What did I tell you Bell?" Eina butted into the conversation.

Miach raised his hand. "Don't worry that issue with the quality has been resolved."

"Find that hard to believe." Eina muttered.

"It was my fault." Nahza stepped forward. "I was the one to take advantage of Bell. I was desperate and ignored the wishes of Lord Miach."

"Bell here has been a lifesaver and saved us from Dian Cecht's wraith." Lord Miach stated with an smile on his face. "Without Bell here. We would be homeless." I blushed being the center of attention.

Both Riveria and Eina were shocked hearing Bell save a familia from financial ruin and to be thought of so highly. "He is like that. Thinks of everybody else before himself." Eina smiled wider.

"Master Bell is amazing."

"Lily, please stop calling me that." I blushed deeper.

"You're the girl he rescued on floor twelve." Riveria said confused.

"Lily can change her form." Eina informed Riveria. "She is a prum."

"Why are you in clienthrope form, Lily?" Riveria said a bit agitated.

"Lily is hiding from her familia."

Miach smiled seeing my nervous red face. He stepped forward. "We're housing her per Bell's request. She is very knowledgably of ingredients Me and Hestia have to talk to Ganesha about getting her out of Soma familia. Hopefully they don't retaliate."

"You never cease to amaze Bell." Riveria smirked towards me.

"We should get back mix up these ingredients. Thank you for all your help bell. We should be able to synthesis these for your reward in a day or two. Come along Nahza, Lily. Let's stop embarrassing Bell in front of these two beautiful women. OOF." Miach bellowed in pain as Nahza elbowed him in the stomach. She grabs his hand and started walking back with him.

"Lily wants to stay with master Bell. Goddess Hestia would be mad if I didn't protect him."

Eina rolled her eyes and stepped forward. "Come with me, Lily. Riveria and Bell need to talk about something and I need to talk too you about the dungeon."

"Fine." Lily walks back with Eina.




Soon I was alone in the field between the road and the forest as the sun was beginning to set. "Ahhhhhh, w-what did you need to talk with me about Riveria."

"I have feeling you know. Follow me, Bell." She motioned me to follow her to the tree line. She sat down against a huge tree out of sight from the road, but not too deep into the forest. "Please sit."

"O-okay. Hope I don't smell to bad." I sat down against the tree. We could still see the sun setting over the horizon.

Riveria smile shaking her head. "Any problems with Hod."

"N-no." My heart started beating faster being alone with my dream woman in a romantic setting. "I-I haven't seen him since that duel. I thought I was feeling someone's eyes on me a few times, but nothing happened."

"Eyes." Riveria was confused. "You keep mentioning that. How do you feel somebodies eyes?"

"Not sure. I feel like something is boring into my soul ever since I started being an adventurer, I feel emotions of things staring at me. For the longest time I felt it was just paranoia but whenever I am in the dungeon it goes away, but it has helped me pick up hidden monsters."

"Do you have a skill, Bell?"

"Its always blank when I look at my skill slot." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You been improving at an unnatural rate. Are you sure?" Riveria questioned.

"I keep hearing that. Do y-you want to read my back?" I offered hiding my red face.

"N-no that would not be proper." Riveria dismissed, even though she very much wanted to see it.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to offend you, Riveria."

"You haven't ever offended me, Bell."

"I am sure with bothering you all the time and t-touching you a few times that your husband probably hates me." I said looking down at the ground. "Sorry I should have thrown myself at his feet to apologize."

Riveria's eyes widen like saucers, as she stares at me. "Who told you that?"

"M-my goddess told me. Congratulations."

"Why did she tell you that?" She stared down at me.

"Any beautiful woman I try to get close too. She tries to scare away. Especially, you, Eina or Ryu. She even got angry at Ais today."

"Ais, why her?"

"I been training with Ryu for the last couple of days. Ais wanted to return my jacket and asked if she could join. Goddess found out and she was very angry."

"I swear your goddess needs to let you make your own decisions about your love life." Riveria held her temple. "I am not married. Your goddess lied to you."

"Really." I locked eyes with her in disbelief.

"Yes, she ran into Hedin." Riveria slammed her head against the tree annoyed. "My father has been trying to force me to marry him. I refused him dozens of times and he still persists."

"I thought an elf's love was eternal."

Riveria's brow peaked out of surprise. "We do, but elves care too much about the high elf bloodline. Its not love. I am a trophy."

"Y-you deserve better than that."

"Thank you." She smiled staring at the sunset.


I took a deep breathe. "Is that more monsters coming this way?" I pointed to her right.

Riveria looked around the tree from her seated position. "I don't see or hear…." Riveria turned back around to me. "Anythi-."


I gather my nerve and sat up as she turned back to me. I planted my right hand against the ground and leaned in towards her. I cupped my left hand against her cheek and our lips met. For a solid second that seemed like a lifetime. I was on cloud nine in a realm of bliss finally able to make my move and feel the soft wet lips of the elven princess. Riveria was too stunned that her lips were forced to move to my rhythm of my facial muscles.


She punched my chest with enough force to send me flying a few feet. I rolled against another tree. My face in the dirt with my legs against the tree. My armor was dented and I was having trouble breathing. Riveria jumped up immediately. Her face red but her eyes were full of surprised anger. "NO! I CAN'T!" She seen my eyes tear up and my smile vanished into shame for forcing myself on her. She ran as fast as she could north to the city.

Slowly I spun my body around until I was laying on my back, staring up at the night sky with the light quickly fading from the sunset. I took a deep breath and got up and stumbled north to the city's southern entrance.




It took forever for Eina and Miach's group to get through the line at the southern gate. "Eina want us to escort you home." Lord Miach asked.

"That's quite alright. I will just wait for Lady Riveria, Lord Miach. Please don't let me hold you up."

"You sure this isn't a nice part of town at night." Nahza asked.

"I am sure Bell and Riveria will be here soon. We did spend a lot of time in that line and its almost empty now. I will just stay with the Ganesha familia guards and wait."

"Lily can stay with her. Eina wanted to talk with Lily."

"Okay please let me take your bag back." Nahza held out her hand and grabbed Lily's bag and slung it over her right shoulder. Please be safe." Nahza and Miach started walking up north. Nahza was holding onto Miach preventing him from looking right into the pleasure quarter.

"So, what you don't want Lily going after Bell, because you want him?"

"Lily I can't deny I am in love with Bell. However, I don't think either of us deserve him for things we have done. Plus, his mind is elsewhere. I think you should focus on getting out of Soma familia first and finding a way get yourself into a healthier lifestyle."

"Like what, I want to be Master Bell's supporter."

"I seen you work. You do a great job as his supporter. I just think you should focus on yourself for a little bit. I also wanted to talk to you about formations with us being a three-man cell." Eina stated.

"Lily thinks we will need to organize into a four-man cell. Master Bell invited his smith Welf Crozzo to join us."

"Oh, wow that will be much easier." Eina smiled.




Riveria's mind was in turmoil. Her face redder than a tomato. She ran at full speed right by the stunned city guards, Eina and Lily without stopping. Each of them only catching a glimpse of a jade haired blur. She did not stop and raced all the way to the twilight manor.

"Woah was that Nine hells?" An upper-level guard said still reeling from the surprise invasion of the first-tier high elf.

"Riveria." Eina was stunned. 'Bell what did you do?' She started racing through the crowd trying to go into the pleasure quarter and casinos in the entertainment district. Desperately she pushed her way through to catch up to her, with Lily following close behind.


I finally managed to make it into the city. I saw the huge crowds going into the entertainment district and decided to sneak up to the tower and make my way northwest to the church. I was depressed thinking of my taste of heaven that I squandered. One word floated in my head. 'CAN'T.'


Lily and Eina continued walking towards Babel. The streets thinned out the further north they ran. Until they were empty and dark. "What on Gekai are you doing thinking you can catch up to a first-tier adventurer, Eina?"

"Sorry, what got into her?"

"What about master Bell?"


Somebody jumped off a building next to them. "I think you should worry about yourself."

"HOD! What are you doing here!?" Eina was shivering in fear. She reached for her weapon but was too slow.

Hod charged Eina and Lily knocking out Eina and kicking Lily to the ground. "I will take my prize early. Tell your piece of shit master. He has two hours to meet me on floor nine. ALONE OR He will never see Eina again."

"Why? Lily begs you to stop!"

"Two hours prum. ALONE OR SHE DIES!" Hod picked up Eina's body and jumped on the roof and down to a clearing on the other side where a couple of amazons wait.

"Should we take her to Lady Ishtar now?" Samira asked.

Hod shook his head. "Nah that brat dies tonight right in front of her. The tower is right here."

"Ge-ge-ge-ge-geh! Trying to be Ishtar's new toy, by trying to impress her.

"It would be my honor." Hod smiled wide.

"Good. Kill your rabbit and meet us at this end of floor nine. Scouts seen Ottar down in the middle levels. We can use the secret exit to bring her back after Lady Ishtar's mission."

"Just leave me alone with Eina. I will damage the walls and kill the rabbit. Toss him to a pig and wait for you, Captain." Hod bowed to the giantess amazon.

"Ge-ge-ge-ge-geh! You got spunk."




I stumbled into the church and sat on the couch heartbroken. "Bell." Hestia came up to the couch and hugged me. "How was the mission?"

"We finished it goddess. I am going over to the blue pharmacy tomorrow to get my reward. Can you get me the high potion?"

"Are you going to return it?" Hestia wondered.

"No Goddess. I am gonna use it. I feel sore all over." Goddess left to find the high potion as I started to remove my chest piece.

"Here you go Bell." Hestia handed me the high potion. I drank the red syrupy liquid. I felt my bruises and cuts heal over. Especially the massive one on my chest.



I jumped up immediately and opened up the door to see a battered and bruised Lily. "Lily what's wrong." She collapsed against me with tears down her cheeks.

"Please save Eina!"

"Save Eina from what Miss Supporter!" Hestia jumped up.

"A man kidnapped her. He said if Master Bell doesn't meet her on floor 9 in hour in half. He will kill her." Lily pleaded.

"Was his name, Hod?!" My body tensed up in anger as I tried to get answers.


"I need to go."

"I forbid you. It's a trap to kill you. That is Loki familia problem." Hestia refused.

"Goddess, update my status. I will go head him off. You and Lily go warn Loki familia." I ordered the small goddess.

"No, you will die."

"Do it or I go as is and have a greater chance of dying. I will not let Eina get hurt because of me. I am sorry. I didn't want to worry you but I have known that he has been after me. It's the reason, I asked Ryu for help."

"No Bell." Hestia started tearing up.

"DO IT! UPDATE MY STATUS! If you don't and I still manage to survive I will leave ORARIO FOREVER!"

"Fine!" Hestia started crying. I pulled up my shirt. Hestia cut her finger and a droplet of blood fell to my back.

Level One

Strength: S952….SS1125 Defense: A862….SS1050

Dexterity: S921….SS1180 Agility: S998….SSS1250

Magic: C680….A850 Luck: I

"What the?" Hestia looked at the paper as I got my armor back on.

"Did I level?"

"Not yet." She held out the paper.

"No time goddess. Please. Please, warn Loki familia at all costs." I got to go." I ran out of church basement and turned east on the west road at full speed. Ignoring all in front of me as a star burned ever brighter above me.