
heart felt guide

Lucia woke up in a world different from her own it was fantasy and romance she fell for a guy but he didn't love her back and asked for help with love the one he loved was also a man her eyes widen was she cupid now?! but things aren't what they seem and he comes after her but he doesn't deserve her anymore after the endless heartbreak he put her through and he ends up changing and realizing that the one he belonged with isn't her and lets her go read more to see how it turns out for them and the story doesn't end there - and continues with him in his new life

Malik_druinace · LGBT+
84 Chs

the forest of begings- victor and lucifer

there was a knock on the door

she opened it and she was surprised to see Lucy but she was happy

"Lucy!" she exclaimed and hugged her tight

Lucy's eyes widen

"Victor-Victoria- I missed you too but you're squeezing me too much-" Lucy replied

"Oh I'm sorry- I didn't think you would come back-" she replied

"of course, I would- I love you after all" Lucy replied

Victoria's eyes widen

you finally said it, mom!

"You do?-" she asked

"Well- if lucifer loves Victor then- Lucy loves Victoria- right?-" Lucy replied

Victoria looked at her confused

Lucifer and victor?

"Victor and lucifer?-" she asked

"That's who we once were well I was also Lucy as well- both of our souls ended up together- and I want to love you as lucifer did as Victor but as myself and I want the same from you-" Lucy replied

"I share my soul with Sebastian- as well-" she replied

"You share your soul- with him- like I share my soul with Lucas- but I want to be with you- as Victoria- for now- and things will go back to the way they were before but let's spend this time together as we are now-" Lucy replied

"I-I-I don't really know who I am- but I know that I love you- and I never knew the reason why-" she replied

"It's because of lucifer- Victor loved him-

but I want you to love me as Lucy-" Lucy replied

"I do love you as Lucy- not as lucifer and I'm not Victor- my soul always felt off- out of sorts-and when I met Sebastian- I felt complete- and that was because he is my other half but when we met you we both wanted to be with you-" she replied

"that's because of lucifer-" Lucy replied

"but we love you Lucy-" she replied

"I want you to say that you love me-" Lucy replied

"as I did back then?- I really do love you Lucy

and not as lucifer but as Lucy- I'm not Victor and you're not lucifer-" she replied

"I'm not lucifer- and you're not Victor- but I want to love you- I know that I can- and I want to" Lucy replied

"You came back for me- so you must love me-" she replied

"I- do- I think?-" Lucy replied

"I want you to say that you love me Lucy-" she replied

"I- I love you-" lucy replied

"Say it again" she replied

"I love you-" Lucy replied

"Perfect-" she replied and leaned in and kissed her passionately

well, I'm glad they ended up together-

I would like to meet victoria she would be my second mom

but next thing he was shown-----

I-I- Kill me, please-

he saw victor- and lucifer

he wasn't the only one who witness it though

three girls did as well

"see I told you so-" the light brown haired girl replied

"But-but-how-I was sure Victor liked me-" the black-haired girl replied

"And I thought he loved you?-" the dark brown-haired girl replied

"Well he did- but he's just my friend now-" the light brown-haired girl replied

"and he chose a guy over you?-" the dark brown-haired girl replied

"I knew he would- and that's why I told him to give up on me- at least as a lover-" the light brown-haired girl

"But why did it have to be Victor?- he was going to be mine-" the dark brown-haired girl replied

"He was going to be ours-" the black-haired girl replied

"Well he choose him and neither of you is going have him-" the light brown-haired girl replied

"how about sharing him?-" the black-haired girl replied

"No- stay out of it Victor loves him-" the light brown-haired girl replied

"But why can't he love us?-" the black-haired girl replied

"how about you love eachother-" the light brown-haired girl replied

I like her- the light brown-haired one-

the black-haired girl and the dark brown-haired girl stood silent

they both liked each other but they wouldn't admit it-

"Why would I love her?- I like Victor-" the black-haired girl replied

"I like Victor too-" the dark brown-haired girl replied

"But Victor doesn't like you like that-" the light brown-haired girl replied

"I know- it's hard seeing it with my own eyes-" the dark brown-haired girl replied

"Well it was real-and he'll never love you like that- but you can love each other if you just tried-"the light brown-haired girl replied

the black-haired girl sighed and turned around to face the dark brown-haired girl

"Charis do you love me?" she asked

"I've loved you for a long time-" Charis replied

"Do you love me?-" she asked again

"Yes I love you-" Charis replied again

"Then do it for me- I love you and I can't stand to see you with Victor-" she replied

"Me either I did want Victor but- I wanted you too-" Charis replied

"Then do it for me-" she pleaded

Charis nodded and took her hand

"Okay I'll do it- we'll be a couple-" Charis replied

then next it was victor and Lucifer again

with the black haired girl

"You were supposed to kiss me not him!" Victor shouted

"I'll kiss you after-" she replied

"No you're not kissing him first!" Victor shouted

"come on Victor don't be like this-" she replied

"do you even know him? you've known me longer!" Victor shouted

"that is true but have you ever heard of love at first sight?" she replied

"Yeah I know he is cute and those lips- are begging to be kissed-" Victor replied

her eyes widen

deja vu- isn't this what happened with mom and Sebastian and victoria

- then mom and victoria really are lucifer and victor-

"Victor?-" she replied

"what?" Victor replied

"don't tell me you like him too?" she replied

oh he does- I just wish I never saw that-

"what - no-I- was just saying why it would be hard for you to resist him-" Victor replied

sounds like you can't either

"it sounds like you can't either-" she replied

"Sebastnete" Victor replied, getting closer to her

she pushes him away from herself

"No you were just using me- to make yourself feel better!" she shouted

k that's different

"Sebastnete-" Victor begged moving closer she still held him back

"No I'm not going to let you manipulate me like this- you never loved me!" she shouted

"I do-" he replied

"No you don't!" she shouted and ran off

he tried to go after her but lucifer stopped him

"You shouldn't go after her-" he replied

"why?-" Victor replied

"Because I'm the better choice-" he replied


"Hell No- I'm not choosing you and two I'm not gay-" Victor replied

Wait what?- so I just imagined what I saw---

"Well I'm not gay either but I saw the look in your eyes and I can tell that you like me-

and my heart also beats for you-" he replied

cause you belong together

"That's a load of bull- and I don't know what you saw in me but I could never love you

and that soulmate stuff isn't real-" Victor replied


"Fine I didn't think that it would be an guy to break my heart when I'm not even gay-

but I had to fall for you- I don't know why I had listened to luci- she was wrong- you can't love me either-" he replied and walked off

Lucy? wait my mom wasn't lucifer? -