
heart felt guide

Lucia woke up in a world different from her own it was fantasy and romance she fell for a guy but he didn't love her back and asked for help with love the one he loved was also a man her eyes widen was she cupid now?! but things aren't what they seem and he comes after her but he doesn't deserve her anymore after the endless heartbreak he put her through and he ends up changing and realizing that the one he belonged with isn't her and lets her go read more to see how it turns out for them and the story doesn't end there - and continues with him in his new life

Malik_druinace · LGBT+
84 Chs

forest of beginings- Lucifer and Victor- soulmates?

Lucifer was surprised when someone came out from behind the trees and he had to admit

that he really was dashingly Handsome

he even felt his heart beat-

hello there Handsome-

"where did you come from? and who are you?" he replied

he wanted add prince charming or Handsome-

but he didn't-

"I'm Victor- and I don't live that far from here-" he replied

"You don't?-" he replied

"Nope I could take you if you want-" Victor replied

take me- Victor-his mind filled with many dirty ideas- and he was slightly surprised

what is wrong with me? you're supposed to be straight remember?- but- he-.... is the only one left-

he looked up at him

"hey are you alright?-" Victor asked

"Yeah I'm fine-" he replied

"maybe I shouldn't have said that-" Victor replied

"said what?" he replied

"you know inviting you over to my house-

you are just a stranger afterall-" Victor replied

"I guess that's true but- I was going to take your offer- and I'm Lucifer-" he replied

"Lucifer? as in the devil himself?-" Victor replied

"You all have alot of misconceptions of me don't you?- I'm the devil's son and the prince of hell- and I'm not a devil or a angel- I'm something in-between-" he replied

he didn't know why he was explaining himself and being honest with him-

he just did-

"Well if that's the case then you must be a good person-" Victor replied

"Why do you think I'm a good person?-" he replied

"I can just tell I mean you can't be a devil and do bad things- I've seen you with my own eyes saving people-" he replied

"How long have you been following me?-" he replied

"Well since the lady with black hair- had an saw over the brown haired girl with green eyes well her twin held an woman with black hair and blue green eyes- and she turned into a wolf- what she did to her and you as well was awful-" Victor replied

"Why didn't you stop her? why couldn't you be my prince in shining armor?-" he replied

"um-I know I should have tried to help you stop her- but- I was terrified-" Victor replied

"Well on the brightside she doesn't think that you exist-" he replied

"What do you mean?-" Victor replied

"Well- luci this whole time kept telling me about a future husband- and I didn't really believe her either- but we told her and she didn't believe it either- and like luci told me I knew it the moment I saw you-" he replied

"So you believe that it's me?" Victor replied

"I know that it's you-" he replied

"how can you fall for me so fast?-" he replied

Lucifer looked at him confused

"can you read my mind?-" he replied

"No rather I can feel what you feel-" Victor replied

"So you're an empath?-" he replied

"It's only your feelings I can feel-" Victor replied

"you feel my love for you?-" he replied

"Yes I do-" Victor replied

"But how can that be?-" he replied

"I don't know-" Victor replied

"You don't know?-" he replied

"I mean I know that we're soulmates and all but I don't know how that works-" Victor replied

"It's really easy-" he replied

"So what do we do?-" Victor replied

kiss f*ck- other things- like suck each other's cocks- he wasn't brave enough to say any of that

you perve

"get to know eachother better-" he replied

and go on a date- and then on another-

if we don't do it before then- wait how does it work between guys? - stop it lucifer get those things out of your head- but I can't stand it looking at him- how can one be so handsome? enough to bend me?

why is called bending again?- I think because he makes me want to bend down onto my knees- you're lucifer the prince of hell you don't bow down to others! - but he's an expectation- and let him Inside-

Lucifer- you kinky bastard-

"lucifer what are you thinking about? -" Victor asked

"I- um- wasn't thinking of anything!" He shouted

"You can't lie to me you know-" Victor replied

"Well then I'm not going to tell you-" he replied

"Why not?-" Victor replied

"Because- it's too embarrassing-" he replied

"You're embarrassed by me?" Victor asked

"No!- it's just that if I tell you that I'm in love with you then you'll probably say that you love me back-" he replied

"You're right-" Victor said, "And I think that I probably do-"

Victor then felt himself blush and he stopped himself from saying anything

after that.

"So are you in love with me?" He asked

"Yeah I think so-" Victor replied

"F*ck me-"

"F*ck you?-" Victor asked

"Yeah- you know what I mean-" He replied

Victor felt himself get hard and he walked away from him Not too far but enough to keep his distance

"I like you Victor- and I think that I'm in love with you too-" Lucifer replied

"Me too-" he replied

he walked forward and he leaned in to kiss him and when their lips met- he felt his heart flutter

well, it's a good thing that they ended up together-

the ones that Garci killed must have been the female versions of his fathers

but it ended differently


he ran towards her and grabbed her

"how dare you do such a thing to them?

what did they do to you?!-" He shouted

"They took you away from me-" Garci replied

"You were the one who didn't choose me

you chose Drew! and you never said that you loved me and friend zoned me- so since when was I yours?-" he replied

"Well I do love you- and I'm sorry for lying-" she replied

"It's too late now Garci- you f*cking killed our werewolf wife-" he replied

"our?-" she asked

"Yes me and Logan- the one Luci was holding-

speaking of Luci where did she go?-" he replied

she looked to where luci was

she was gone- though victor was still watching behind the trees

"f*ck she must have ran off- well what ever-" Garci replied

Logan was still alive and she was sobbing over Erica's dead body she had transformed back into her human form and her flesh was torn apart- and Garci picked Logan up

and held the saw over her neck again

Logan begged her to kill her

"please just kill me end it already-" she replied

"how sweet she wants to join her-" Garci replied

"Garci don't- please you don't have to do this-" he replied

"Yes I do-" she replied

and she sawed her neck

she struggled against her she tried to fight back but she couldn't-

"Please Garci stop this- if you kill her it won't solve anything-" he replied

"Yes it will they will both be gone and you can be mine-" she replied

"I'm not going to be yours not after this Garci-

if you had apologized to me sooner

I would have forgiven you for breaking my heart- but this is something I will never forgive you for-" he replied

"So you still won't choose me?- do you want me to kill Luci too?-" she asked

"What would Drew think of you? how would she react? wouldn't this ruin her image of you?

wouldn't she be terrified or hate you?-" he replied

"I'm sure she already does -and I couldn't care less I had my fun well I could-" she replied

"You just left her behind? did you give her a reason?-" he replied

"I wrote her a note saying that I didn't love her anymore and I was going after you

because I love you-" she replied

"You love me? since when have you loved me?!" He shouted

"I always have but I couldn't say it- and I did love drew but you're the only one I love now-" she replied

"Well I Don't love you anymore- I love her and if you kill her- I'll kill- Drew- I don't care how much you say you don't care but I know you do

you can't just stop loving someone-

for no reason- and I can't replace her

me and her are very different- and I know that you'll regret it- I could have let you both in

but I was scared- and this is my karma-

but I'm never going to forgive you-" he replied

"What about Luci?-" Garci asked

"I can forgive her- you were the one that killed them not her - and she may have broken my heart too- she isn't the same as you - she ran away- and she couldn't hurt them- she was terrified- and I feel bad for her- and I would gladly choose her instead-" he replied

"and what about Logan? can I kill her?-" Garci asked

"No you can't I love her too -" he replied

"You can't have both you have to choose so Logan or Luci?-" she asked

"I-I- can't choose-" he replied

"Choose Luci- you don't need me anymore and I can't live without Erica by myside- and you can be happy again-" Logan replied

"I - I love you Logan- and I will do as you ask-

but I still love you- and I'm doing it for you-" he replied

"I love you too-luci- I wish you the best-" Logan replied and those were her last words

and Garci killed her