
Product 74 - Cliche Novel

All of Aila's specialized training centered around 'Chirp Punch No. 1.' She had previously heard about the weight and performance of the prototype and, based on that, meticulously designed the training regimen.

By the way, Aila lavishly praised 'Chirp Punch No. 1,' considering it a truly formidable weapon. When asked what made it romantic, she exclaimed, "Launch! Cartridge! The coolness factor is undeniable!"

Thank you for the concise summary.

Nevertheless, aside from her high esteem for the 'Cartridge-type Battle Gauntlet Prototype,' Aila provided clear and composed instructions. "I'll be teaching Chick three things: footwork, deflecting, and the technique for delivering a powerful strike."

"Yes, yes!"

"There's no Tristar family rule against sharing Tristar-style self-defense techniques with outsiders. We're primarily a family of wizards, not martial artists. However, we're quite pressed for time."

"Yes, senior."

"Due to time constraints, I won't be able to teach you many techniques. We'll focus on basic footwork for closing in or creating distance, then deflecting to handle even a greatsword attack, and finally, delivering a precise and forceful strike into an opponent's opening."

"Yes, yes…"

And Aila thoroughly imparted only these three techniques.

"Shall we begin?"

"Uh, uh-oh?"

Saying so, she started swinging a greatsword made of black obsidian in the air with magic.

"What? If you don't evade, you'll get hit and sent flying!"


It was indeed a terrifying attack. The black obsidian sword, combined with the reach of the Gale Strike and the greatsword, came at Mille-feuille with a tremendously menacing force and dissipated just before impact.


"This is to teach you not to avert your gaze from an opponent's attack even if you're struck. Now, let's continue!"

Initially, the focus was on evading without conditions. Then came the offensive maneuvers.

Once she became somewhat accustomed to moving during her attacks, it was time for deflecting.

"The Strike-style greatsword technique is quite renowned, and thanks to students from the Strike family over the years, the technique has been documented in the Jephryn archives. However, there's likely a hidden move."

"Yes, yes!"

"So, you must learn to deflect in any situation when faced with the opponent's sword."

Subsequently, Mille-feuille was sent flying.

Bang! Bang!

She was knocked away each time she failed to deflect the greatsword's blade.

Of course, Aila managed to heal her with a top-quality healing potion provided by the Tristar family.

Once Mille-feuille managed to deflect at least once, Aila proceeded to teach the final component.

"Lastly, it's the technique for delivering a powerful strike. Chick, all creatures in the wild have natural predators. Did you know that?"

"Yes? Yes…"

"And Chick's predator is the Gale Strike. It's a long-standing tradition with a rich history, perfect techniques, a well-trained physique, and a fairly impressive status."

"Yes, that's correct, senior."

"But all creatures strive not to fall victim to their predators, or else they would have become extinct!"

"That makes sense!"

"Exactly! So, this strike is about preparing for that counterattack!"

"Wow, senior, you truly possess extensive knowledge."


Aila said this with a broad smile.

It was very typical of Aila to suddenly act this way after appearing calm just moments ago.

Hmm. But there's some truth to what Mille-feuille said.

Having knowledge about extinction and predators indicates a considerable level of understanding.

It's not common knowledge in this world.

"How did Aila learn about that?"

In response to my question, Aila replied with a cheerful smile.

"I was preparing to give a predator a good strike! It's truly a rebellious stance that doesn't conform to any system! I focused on studying that aspect!"



That makes sense.

"Now Chick needs to make it clear with a single blow that it's not prey. That's when the Chirp Punch will truly land effectively!"

"Yes, yes!"

After saying this, Aila adjusted Mille-feuille's posture and offered one last piece of advice.

"But Chick?"

"Yes, senior."

"Facing a predator is like putting your life on the line in a frenzy. You should consider it a one-time use technique."


"Use the Chirp Punch only once. Understand? Not twice."


"Using it more than that, and your shoulder will really hurt. Promise me."

Aila's advice was indeed serious, and Mille-feuille nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I won't use it twice."


Gale Strike didn't fall with a single strike.

Indeed, the second-best in the class lived up to the name. Truly living up to his reputation. Perhaps it's appropriate to say that he lived up to being second among the 40,000 new Jephryn students.

With gauntlets on both hands.

Admiring the names of her seniors, Mille-feuille named this technique 'Cartridge-style Chirp Punch No. 1.'

Wolfram had mentioned that with this technique, one could knock out a stamina status of up to 16 in one shot, but upon closer consideration, it meant 'could knock out,' not necessarily 'could win.'


The counterattack from the resurgent Gale Strike was fierce and forceful.

'…It's not easy.'

'But I can do it.'

With these conflicting thoughts, Mille-feuille lightly adjusted her posture.

Utilizing the Tristar-style footwork and maintaining perfect distancing, she narrowly evaded the attacks by the width of a sheet of paper.

"Just stand still and take it! Damn it!!"



The first strike she managed to land in an opening seemed to have stunned her opponent.

It was more powerful than she had expected, but as a result, the attacks became less precise.

Whir. Whoosh. Tap-tap. Swoosh.

The greatsword swung, she skillfully evaded, closed in, and delivered a straight punch.

"Kuh! I won't fall for it again!"



The greatsword and gauntlet collided.

However, the sound that followed was not an explosion but the sound of metal scraping against metal.

Mille-feuille refrained from using the 'Chirp Punch' on this occasion.

She didn't have many opportunities.

With a 'reloading' interval present, she had to approach the attack cautiously.

"Huh, aaaaaahhh!"

But she couldn't just wait around forever.

Right after the duel began, she bit into the chocolate ball in her mouth, triggering a 'Half Berserk' state.

She needed to conclude the battle within ten minutes.

"Aah, aaaaaaaaa!!"

Boooooom!! Crash!

Gale's assault now bordered on frenzy. He began to wreak havoc in the arena indiscriminately.

Honestly, it was frightening. It felt like a storm was raging right before her eyes.

The fear-stricken Gale Strike, wielding a magic-infused greatsword, resembled a typhoon, completely blocking Mille-feuille's advances.

"Come on! Just try to get closer!"

Gale finally appeared to believe he had regained the upper hand and sneered maliciously.

Once again, the Mille-feuille standing before him seemed vulnerable.

"Do you think I'll go down just because you've got your hands on a decent weapon?! Huh?!"

It's a valid point. Only ten minutes remained, and the only usable option was one shot with the left hand.

So, she conceded.

"You're right."


For the first time in this battle, Mille-feuille spoke.

The faces of the seniors watching from the second floor above flashed through her mind.

Black obsidian. The eldest daughter of Tristar.

The Knight of Belief. A senior worthy of respect.

The Abyss Dagger. Frightening yet kind and gentle.

The Great Roengreen. A cherished individual.

Initially, it was merely admiration, but someday she aspired to be with those individuals on the second floor.

She longed to stand by their side.

'I won't catch up with admiration alone. I have to prove myself.'

She can't stand beside them if she falters before someone like this guy.

"So, I'm going to attack."

"Huh, huhahaha! You foolish fool!"

Mille-feuille charged straight ahead, and as expected, the greatsword descended.

A direct hit. No way to evade it.

If she takes this blow, defeat is inevitable.

And just before the sword made contact,

The engine in her left hand roared.


The clenched left hand struck the blade of the greatsword.

A surge of pain coursed through her left arm.

It's less painful to strike a person, but hitting a greatsword makes the arm ache.

Now she understood why Senior Aila warned against using it twice.

If she used it again, it would really "hurt."

She should keep the promise she made not to do it.

However, Gale's sword was pushed back, his defenses breached, and now was the opportunity to strike.


"This isn't the second time, right?"

Mille-feuille activated the engine in her right arm, with a 'knuckle-cracking' sound emanating from both gauntlet-clad hands.



And the clenched fists slammed into Gale's solar plexus.

Crack! Crunch. Thump! Thump! Throooom…

Sounds that shouldn't come from a human body resonated, and a person who shouldn't be airborne was sent flying.

An energy output on a whole different level from the initial strike. A proper 'double-handed strike.'

Gale soared through the air like a bird seeking freedom, then crashed into the ground. Unable to control his momentum, he somersaulted seven and a half times before slamming into the wall of the practice arena.


Mille-feuille released a deep breath, feeling a sense of exhaustion.

The 'Half Berserk' usage time had ended, and she was now experiencing the aftereffects.

If Gale were to stand up at this moment, she would have no choice but to concede defeat…

But Gale remained down, foaming at the mouth. It was only then that Mille-feuille twisted her wrist to remove the magic stone and offered an awkward smile.

"If I hit with both hands, it doesn't count as twice, right?"

Gale, having fainted with rolled-back eyes, couldn't provide an answer.


[Winner! Mille-feuille von Sable!]

The verdict was in.

Mille-feuille emerged victorious, and Gale suffered defeat.

The first-year students' section erupted with excitement, and even the relatively calm second floor couldn't contain the enthusiasm.

The first to speak after the match was Aila.

"Chick really… I warned her not to use it twice. I'll have to talk to her later."

Rather than celebrating the victory, her primary concern was her junior's well-being. I couldn't help but smile gently.

"Technically, if she used both hands, it's 1.5 times, right?"

"…Well, yes, but still, I told her to be cautious…"

Aila appeared slightly embarrassed at my response.

"It was an impressive match. Mille-feuille seems like she'll be the ace of the knight faculty next year."

"Hm. Rudika shares that sentiment."

Nephti and Rudika clapped in approval and genuinely celebrated the victory.

As for Eve…

"Hmm. It's a bit of a dilemma."

"What's bothering you?"

"The student council typically scouts the most talented first-year students. Originally, it would have been… Coolpis? And if not him, then that Jael? But…"

How could someone be called Jael?

"So, what's the issue?"

"Hmm. Now I'm thinking of trying to persuade that girl."

Just as Eve had recruited Kelters in the original storyline. The student council usually targets first-year students with excellent grades.

They aim to prevent them from joining Maestro or Yggdrasil and, since top students usually have a good reputation, they play a crucial role in the student council.

…Oh, by the way, Wolfram didn't do that.

The candidates for recruitment were either Eve or Nephti, and both of them, driven by their sense of 'justice,' were not inclined toward corruption, right?

"Mille-feuille in the student council?"

"She's a tempting talent. She defeated both the top and second-ranked students, so she might become the next top student… Should I prepare the appointment letter or not… Hmm."

Eve placed her finger on her chin and immersed herself in deep thought. To anyone else, it might have looked cute, but to me, it was just bothersome.

But it was peculiar.

"Wasn't your policy to avoid recruiting those with lower status?"

"There are exceptions for exceptional talents."

"What caused this change of heart? Didn't you used to believe that first impressions were based on a person's revealed stats?"

"It's not a big deal. It's just that someone has made me question the significance of numbers like status."

Was there such a person?


"Anyway, whoever it was, it seems they've made you rethink things."

"Yes, as much as I hate to admit it."

"Hmm, is that so?"

"Do you truly not know, or are you pretending not to?"

"I genuinely have no idea what you're referring to."

"…Tsk. Anyway, status isn't everything. That's what I've come to realize."

No, without Kelters, would she really have had this change of perspective?

What exactly has influenced her and from whom?

As I grappled with a plot development I was unfamiliar with, Eve dusted herself off and stood up.

"Well, I'll take my time to consider the appointment of the top student and the recruitment for the student council. What I need to prepare right now is clear."

"…What is it?"

"The title authorization."


"Pay close attention. Can't you hear everyone cheering?"

Eve regarded me with a hint of scorn.

While I suppressed my inner frustration and resisted the urge to raise a particular finger, I focused on the clamor from the audience.

Then, I realized that a single word was resounding from the stage.

[Iron Fist! Iron Fist! Iron Fist! Iron Fist!]

[Iron Fist! The first-year's Iron Fist! The champion of the underachievers!]

[I'll be your follower for life! Iron Fist! Our source of pride! Our emblem of honor! Iron Fiiiiist!]

"Now that I think about it, there was a senior who went by the nickname 'Iron Fist' and graduated last year, right? She must be the next 'Iron Fist.'"

"Mille-feuille's nickname is 'Iron Fist'?"

"It's pretty cool, don't you think? She might like it."


It does have a certain appeal.

But whether she'll embrace it or not remains uncertain, doesn't it?

"Initially, I thought taking on the role of the duel notary was going to be trivial, but thanks to that, I've discovered a remarkable talent. Later, I'll have to inquire if she's genuinely considering joining the student council."

Eve said this, humming a little tune as she descended to the first floor, and just as she passed by, Mille-feuille ascended to the second floor.



Though she appeared fatigued, she approached us with a smile on her face.

"Se, Senior! I won!"

"Hmm. I saw it. It was a commendable battle."

"Ehe… And Senior Aila. I'm sorry. I…"

"Hmm, it wasn't twice in the end. If you hit with both hands clasped, then that's… I'll consider it as 1.5 times!"

"Yes, yes! …And, and also."

Aila, who was shorter than Mille-feuille, enveloped her in a warm hug and patted her on the back.

"It must have been daunting in real combat, but you gave it your all."

"Ah, thank you. …Really. Thank you, Senior."

"Hehe. No need to mention it."

After comforting the chick for a while, we engaged in lively conversation.

Eventually, the topic shifted to my bloodline mate, who was absent.

"By the way, I encountered the student council president, and she gave me a smile before heading downstairs!"

"Hmm. She mentioned it was an impressive fight that transcended status."

"Wow… The president…"

"That's why she mentioned she'd bestow a title upon you."

"…A title for me?"


A title is one of the highest honors a Jephryn student can receive.

Out of a hundred thousand students, only a handful hold titles, and particularly among first-year students, they are exceptionally rare.

Nephti was also a potential titleholder, and it was upon entering the knight faculty that she earned the title of 'Knight of Belief.'

"Could it be… What's my title?"

"It's a title that suits you."

"A title that suits me…!"

Mille-feuille appeared flushed as she turned to us, and I glanced at the gauntlet before responding.

"Iron Fist."


"Iron Fist. It appears that will be your title starting tomorrow."

"…Oh, um."

"Congratulations, Title Holder."

"Oh, um… My title is 'Iron Fist'?"

"Hmm. Yes, it is."



"I'd like to return this gauntlet."


"I don't think 'Iron Fist' suits me. What even is 'Iron Fist'? I'd prefer 'Chick' or 'Pink Chick.'"

Is that so?

Isn't it cool?

"The student council's decision is final."


"Why? 'Iron Fist' is cool! Iron Fist Mille-feuille Junior!"

"Hmm. Rudika also thinks it's cool!"

"Don't do this…"

"You're one of us now, a titleholder. Iron Fist! Mille-feuille Junior!"

"Hmm! Rudika also holds the title 'Abyss Dagger'! Iron Fist Mille-feuille!"

"Uh, uhhhhh…"

"I think it's cool too! Just like 'Black obsidian!'"


Leaving them to exchange pleasantries among titleholders, I rose from my seat and gazed down at the first floor.

There wasn't any particular reason. Since I'm not a titleholder, it felt awkward to join in, so I sought somewhere else to direct my attention.

However, there, I unexpectedly made eye contact with someone.

Even though we were on different floors, his red hair was unmistakable.

A tall stature. Handsome features. A longsword hanging at his side.


There he was, the protagonist of Jephryn, gazing up at us from below.