

" it's an story of the girl who was unbeatable.....she refused to bow to anyone.... "I prefer death over slavery" & and she fought to get what she wanted until she got it.....The Freedom... She was history maker ... & luckily she found someone compatible during her journey...maybe someone she who was more like her.................. "who the hell are you to tell me what I should do and what Not"F***

Healer_1439 · 歴史
2 Chs


There was an wave of excitement everywhere, it was like everyone was reborn...."where's all of you going?" she asked from an old man passing by her dancing, He stopped for a moment looked at her astonished before he spoke...

"little girl why are you not celebrating....don't you know we're free we are f*** finally free" as he started dancing again

'He seemed drunk' she thought but asked again

"Where are you going to celebrate old man?" he stopped again "There's a horse riding competition in southern Field" excitement was clear on his face and he was kind of unable to speak properly maybe cause of excitement or he was just like that....

But she was not saying a word anymore not because of old man but because she could not what she heard...'this old man is really crazy, our tribe can not hold such events' but ocean of people that were passing by them seem chattering and excited happily moving and dancing towards southern ground seemed to expressed something else

there was only one chant on their lips

"We're free"

"We're free"

"We're free"

She moved forward towards martyrs wall ...yeah that was the wall their tribe build to remember their heroes who lost their lives in war b/w tribes to gain freedom she seems to not recognize anyone but one thing for sure there was dozens of more paintings of new soldiers that came from god knows where....

she was in utter confusion....What the f*** going on

she decided to go towards southern hall with wave of people more excited than before...and it was increasing as they approached hall

there she saw an much clear blue sky,green field that was drought before....but what she saw know was something else

"excuse me....could you move please? your blocking my view" she looked behind where their tribes painter sitting with paper brushes capturing the bright view in front of them....

"You're painting an illusion?" she asked

"Girl i'm painting the future" he replied

from faraway field voices of drum beating, people dancing & and singing voices came....

that's what she wanted...everyone to be free without become f**** slaves of anyone

she wanted her people to dance sing and live however they want....that's what her dream was from childhood or from the day she started realizing the fact...."They cant be slaves anymore...when God make them born free who the f*** are these sick humans to make them obey them and make them do whatever they want....

"it was her dream and she want it to be reality"

"She deny all the rules by shitty system"

"She wanted her life without rules"

"It took decades for them to realize she is not someone to bow...it was death over slavery for her"

..."Luna Luna Luna...where are you?" she opened her eyes stunned "oh f*** ...that was dream" ..."Why does that looked so real damn"