
Heal Me (HPxTwilight)

In the aftermath of the wizarding war, the Light side emerged victorious against Voldemort's forces. However, the conflict had taken a heavy toll on everyone, regardless of their allegiances. Among those who needed time to heal was Selene Lovegood, the elder sister of Luna.  Seeking solace, Selene decided to leave Britain behind and start anew. Unbeknownst to her, fate had a different plan in store. Selene was destined to cross paths with the resident pack of shapeshifters, vampires, and another upcoming war that threatens her peace. Will she heal? Or will she drown?  *** an: This is a crossover fic of the wizarding world of Harry Potter and the supernatural world of the Twilight series. Set before Eclipse and a few months after the final battle at Hogwarts. This is a 1x1 HE. No Harem. This is purely written for my wild fantasies and delusions. lol

NobleVillainess · 書籍·文学
8 Chs

Chapter 8 - Jacob Black

As Selene gazed into a pair of dark orbs, she felt herself becoming utterly transfixed. His eyes were like dark, swirling pools that threatened to pull her in deeper with every passing second. The rich, warm hues of his irises only served to accentuate his striking good looks, making him appear all the more handsome and captivating. 

The intensity of his gaze made Selene feel as if she was the sole focus of his attention, the only thing that mattered in that moment—as if she was the only thing he could see. It was an intoxicating feeling, being the singular object of his undivided focus. 

When Selene finally remembered her manners, she broke the stalemate with a gentle clearing of her throat, her lips curving into a polite, if slightly shy, smile. She took a moment to gather her thoughts, her eyes darting briefly to the family photos she had noticed earlier in Billy's living room. The realization clicked almost immediately; this young man was the same boy in those photos. 

He must be Billy's son, Jacob.

"Hullo," Selene greeted softly, her voice melodious and calming. "You must be Jacob. I'm Selene, a friend of your father's."

Jacob, however, seemed rooted to the spot, his already dark eyes appearing to deepen even further—if such things were possible—and locked onto hers with an intensity that made her feel both seen and slightly self-conscious. He didn't respond, his chest still heaving as if he were catching his breath.

The silence stretched on, and Selene's cheeks began to flush with a mixture of confusion and embarrassment.

Oh—how stupid of me!

She shifted slightly, assuming that Jacob was waiting for her to move out of the way so he could enter the house. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said quickly, stepping aside. "I didn't mean to block you. I was just on my way out. So sorry."

Despite her efforts to move and apologize, the man in front of her remained silent, his eyes following and unwavering. Selene's embarrassment deepened with each passing second. Was there something on her face? 

She tried again, her voice becoming a bit more flustered, "I really didn't mean to—I will just—"

Just as she was about to squeeze between him and the doorframe to leave, an arm swiftly blocked her way, and she finally heard his voice—firm but with a hint of desperation. 

"I'll take you home," he stated. 

Selene blinked, taken aback by the sudden…offer? Was it an offer? Because it sounded like he already decided that he would take her home, regardless of whether she consented to it…? She stared at him, unsure of what to say.

Jacob, seeming to realize her hesitation, quickly elaborated, "It's getting dark soon. I'll drop you off."

Her mind raced, trying to process his insistence. Jacob continued, almost as if trying to convince himself as much as her, "I saw the bike outside. I'm guessing it's yours? It doesn't have any kind of headlights, and the roads from La Push to Forks don't have many streetlights either. It's not safe."

The earnestness in his voice, combined with his rather awkward delivery, softened Selene's initial surprise. She found herself slightly amused by how such a large, imposing figure could be so genuinely concerned for her safety. It was endearing.

Jacob, noticing her still silent, added one last assertion, "I'm not a bad person—really, I—I'm Jacob. Jacob Black."

Selene's lips twitched into a more genuine smile. 

"Thank you for the offer, Jacob. That's very considerate of you," she began, her tone soft but firm. She had always been careful about not imposing on others more than necessary. "But I think I'll be fine. I've made the trip back home by myself before." 

Jacob's face fell, his eyes reflecting disappointment and concern. He looked like a kicked puppy, and Selene's heart twinged with guilt. She hated to see anyone look so dejected, especially after he had been so considerate.

Before she could say anything more, Billy, who had been watching the exchange with a bemused expression, finally took pity on his son and decided to intervene. "Selene," he called out, his voice warm and authoritative. "You should really take Jake's up on his offer."

Selene turned to look at Billy, surprise evident on her face. Billy wheeled himself closer, an amusement in his eye. "I don't want any harm to come to my new friend, especially not on the day we just met," he said with a chuckle. "And besides, you should consider it as a payment for the leg massage you're going to give me next time."

Jacob glanced at his father, and Billy winked at him before turning back to Selene. "I've raised Jake to be a gentleman, or rather, his mother did," he added with a proud smile. "So you can trust him to get you home safely."

Selene couldn't help but smile at Billy's playful yet sincere encouragement. She felt a warmth spread through her at the thought of being part of this new, welcoming community. "Well, when you put it that way," she said, her tone light and accepting, "I suppose I can't refuse."


Jacob was in a shitty mood.

He was finally catching up on some much-needed sleep. The kind that grabs hold of you and won't let go, you know? But then, just like that, it was gone. All because Paul couldn't keep his damn cool around Bella. He wolfed out on her, and Jacob had to step in. Couldn't let him rip her apart, no matter how frustrating she can be, and according to the pack—it was every day.

Now, he was standing by the woods, pulling his clothes on, his brothers, Sam and Paul, were also putting on their shorts and slippers, trying to keep their last shred of dignity intact. Shoes never seem to last these days. Or T-shirts. Who needed them anyway? Their bodies ran hot and they were immune to any diseases and fevers—whether they go buck-naked or not. 

Paul was grumbling under his breath, but Jacob couldn't focus on that right now. His mind was still reeling from what just happened.

He wasn't even putting up much of a fight at first. Just wanted to keep Bella safe, get her out of there. But then Paul had to open his big mouth. 

Oh, is the baby Alpha still in love with the leech lover? Does that mean I can have her friend?

His words hit Jacob like a sledgehammer, and then Paul did the one thing that pushed him over the edge—he pictured her. Jacob's imprint. His. Her silver-blonde hair that shines like the sun, those dark blue irises with that mesmerizing hazel ring. 

He dared to think about her like she was some prize he could claim. Wrong. Fucking. Move.

After that, everything went red. A blur of rage and fur. Jacob doesn't even remember the details, just the burning need to protect her. Honor her. Next thing he knows, his sharp teeth were buried deep in Paul's shoulder. And a small part of Jacob—a darker and more possessive part of himself—felt a twisted sense of satisfaction and exhilaration from hurting Paul.

Then, Sam's on them, breaking it up, his voice angry and authoritative. Paul! You know using our imprints as weapons over our wolf is unacceptable! he scolded Paul, but Jacob wasn't listening. He didn't care about the lecture. All he wanted was to get out of there, away from Paul and his taunts. 

Jacob started walking towards Emily's house, each step on autopilot with the weight of his thoughts. 

Selene. A name that tasted so good in his mouth. 

He came to know her name when he visited Bella yesterday night. He went to apologize for his avoidance and tried to explain what he was. Then he asked—practically begged—for Selene's name. He just had to know. To put a name on the most beautiful woman he ever laid his eyes on. Selene. 

That moment when their eyes met, the powerful connection, the gravity of it all. It's like she's a part of Jacob he didn't know he was missing. And Paul had the nerve to threaten that. Had the nerve to even joke about it. 

He couldn't wait until Paul imprints himself. Jacob will give him shit when that happens. See how he likes it. 

He reaches the house, the familiar scent of Emily's cooking wafting through the air. It usually calms him, but not today. Today, all he can think about is Selene, her safety, and the overwhelming need to be near her—to see her. 

God, he only imprinted on her yesterday and it was already killing him. Oh yeah—he smiled at himself—he was fucking doomed. 

Bella's inside, waiting for them. She'll have questions, no doubt. But right now, he's not sure he'll have any answers. All he knows is that he needed to protect what was his. And nothing, not even Paul, is going to get in the way of that.


About an hour later, Jacob was still in a shitty mood.

Bella finally told him it's her that Victoria is after. Makes sense, in a twisted kind of way. And of course, the Cullens disappeared leaving their problems behind. 

Assholes, the lot of them.

They went back to Emily's place to tell the pack. The whole meeting felt like a blur, everyone talking over each other, trying to figure out how to catch Victoria. When it was finally over, the sun was starting to set, casting long shadows across the ground. Jacob was about to take Bella home when Jared and Embry called out to him, those idiotic playful looks on their faces. 

"Hey, Jake!" Jared yelled. "Do you prefer a princess or a fair lady?"

Jacob furrowed his brow, confused. "What the hell are you guys playing at?"

They snickered, sharing a look like they were in on some big joke he wasn't a part of. 

Embry grinned, "She's a princess through and through."

Jared shook his head, "Nah, she's a fair lady of England, like Queen Elizabeth."

Irritated, Jacob demanded, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Embry smirked, "We're talking about Selene, duh. We met her by your doorstep a few hours ago, with Bella on the way here."

Jacob felt like someone had just punched him in the guts. Selene—? At his house? His mind went blank, freezing him in place. He must've looked like an idiot, standing there with his mouth open.

Jared continued, completely oblivious to Jacob's shock, "She talks like a princess, and her actions are graceful like a queen. You've got your work cut out for you, man."

Embry chimed in, "Yeah, she's like those princesses in fairy tales, and we're the barbarians in the story." They laughed, joking and teasing.

Jared barked a laugh, "No kidding. Hey, Jake, you should've seen the way she handled herself. Totally put us to shame."

Jacob was still reeling from the news about Selene when Bella's voice cut through his thoughts. "Jake, she mentioned she was there to talk to your dad. She wanted to learn more about your history and culture."

Her words snapped him out of his initial shock. Selene was at his house? And he didn't even know about it? Jacob's mind went into overdrive.

Jacob spun towards Embry and Jared, anger flaring. "What the fuck! Why the hell didn't you tell me this sooner?!" He shouted, his frustration boiling over. 

Without another word, he burst out of Emily's place, sprinting toward the woods. He could hear the pack laughing and Bella calling after him, but he couldn't stop. Not now.

As soon as he hit the tree line, Jacob yanked off his shorts and let the transformation take over. The familiar rush of power and heat surged through him, and in an instant, he was on four legs, racing through the forest.

His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and prayers. Please let her still be there. Please let her still be with Dad.

The wind whipped past him as he ran, each stride bringing his closer to home.

Finally, Jacob saw his house came into view. He skidded to a stop just at the edge of the trees, quickly shifting back to human form. He pulled on the spare shorts he kept hidden there for emergencies and bolted for the front door, his heart pounding in his chest.

Jacob briefly saw a vintage bicycle parked on the side—probably hers—and his heart pounded in his chest in relief and excitement. 

He wretched the door open and standing there was a vision—an ethereal beauty that made Jacob's heart skip a beat. Selene's eyes widened, mirroring his shock. Again, time seemed to freeze as their gazes locked. It felt like the universe had conspired to bring them together, even if neither of them had a clue why. 

Her eyes were like liquid pools of endless depth, drawing him in, making it impossible to look away. The warm hues in her irises intensified his attraction, playing off her mesmerizing features. The intensity of the connection was overwhelming, intoxicating. His wolf was purring just by her presence alone. Jesus Christ, she was so close. 

Jacob found himself transfixed, unable to find the words to break the silence.

So he stared. 

And in return, she looked back at him, her unstoppable gaze knitting their destinies together. 

Finally, she cleared her throat, snapping him out of his daze. Selene's shy smile tugged at Jacob's heartstrings as she introduced herself. "Hullo," she greeted softly, her voice like music. "You must be Jacob. I'm Selene, a friend of your father's." 

Her voice was like a sweet melody, especially when she said his name, it reached deep into his chest and straight down towards his dick. Holy fuck, her British accent did things to him.

He stood rooted to the spot, his voice failing to respond. She moved slightly and apologized for blocking him. Jacob wanted to laugh. How innocently wrong she was. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him? 

Guilt washed over Jacob as he realized how rude he must seem, how his silence must be off-putting. 

But he couldn't stop. 

So he stared.

After 38 seconds, her embarrassment deepened as she tried to apologize again, her reddening sweet cheeks, and her flustered voice—struggling to make sense of the situation. God, she smells sooo good. Like apple-cinnamon pie ready for the taking. 

He was still staring shamelessly so it didn't escape his eyes when she made an attempt to squeeze herself between him and the door.

Automatically, his predator instinct came in and Jacob extended his arm, blocking her path—like trapping a well caught prey—and spoke. "I'll take you home." The words came out more like a command than an offer, and he mentally kicked himself for it. 

But at that moment, it didn't matter if she agreed or not; he couldn't bear the thought of letting her go. 

She blinked, clearly taken aback by his sudden offer, caught off guard by his insistent tone. Damn it, Jacob, smooth move.

His heart sank, fearing she might reject him, might refuse his help. He'll probably die if she does.

He quickly added, "It's getting dark soon. I'll drop you off." Jacob hoped that explaining himself would make his insistence seem less... creepy. But her silence stretched on, and he could feel his heart race, knowing he was failing to convince her.

"I saw the bike outside," he continued, determined to make her understand. "I'm guessing it's yours? It doesn't have any kind of headlights, and the roads from La Push to Forks don't have many streetlights either. It's not safe." His words tumbled out faster than he intended, but he couldn't help it. The thought of her riding alone in the dark made his wolf howl with worry.

Selene's expression softened slightly, and he could see a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. It was a small victory, but it felt huge.

He pressed on, desperate to reassure her, "I'm not a bad person—really, I—I'm Jacob. Jacob Black."

After that stupid introduction of his—finally—a genuine smile appeared on her lips, and he felt a rush of relief.

"Thank you for the offer, Jacob. That's very considerate of you," she began, her words like a balm to his aching soul. "But I think I'll be fine. I've made the trip back home by myself before." 

Disappointment and unworthiness flooded through Jacob, warring with the desire to protect her, to keep her safe. Jacob couldn't let her go alone, not when it was within his power to take care of her. 

Before he could think of a way to change her mind, his dad's voice cut through the tension. "Selene," he called out, his voice a warm, reassuring presence. "You should really take Jake up on his offer."

Jacob wanted to hug the living daylights out of his Dad. He knew what had happened, how his world had shifted in that moment, and he wanted Jacob to have this chance, this connection. 

Selene turned to face Billy, surprise evident in her wide eyes. "I don't want any harm to come to my new friend, especially not on the day we just met," he said with a chuckle. "And besides, you should consider it as a payment for the leg massage you're going to give me next time."

Jacob felt a rush of gratitude and embarrassment at the same time. Billy winked at him, and he could only manage a sheepish smile in return. "I've raised Jake to be a gentleman, or rather, his mother did," he added proudly. "So you can trust him to get you home safely."

Selene's smile grew warmer, and Jacob felt his heart soar. She looked back at him, her eyes sparkling. "Well, when you put it that way," she said lightly, "I suppose I can't refuse."

Jacob felt he could ascend to Heaven right then and there.