
He used to be a Reserve Genin

My second chance at life only made me realize its preciousness. Being a ninja was a choice I never wanted to make but in a village full of homicidal, reality-bending assassins; you don't get much choice. The plan is to lay low until everyone is lower than me. So fingers crossed and begin the first step; Failing the second Genin Test and entering Genin Reserve Corps. Disclaimer: Characters used in story other than Itsuki and OC's belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

NoodleBrain · 書籍·文学
43 Chs

Genin Medic Program

The Strength of the Hundred Seal is a Jutsu from the era of Sage of Six Paths, that is reputed to be the pinnacle of chakra control. By storing vast amounts of chakra over an extended period of time into a specific point on their body, usually the forehead; the user creates this seal which manifests in the form of a diamond-shaped marking. It is ranked as an S-class supplementary fuinjutsu and is also famous for being notoriously difficult. The only known practitioners being Mito Uzumaki and Tsunade Senju. And I have now added my name to this elite club.

As I focus on every chakra signature passing by, tensing when a signal passes by a little too close, I link chakra in the seal to the tenketsu between my eyebrows; right under the seal. This gives me access to a near limitless chakra that can turn even my rudimentary chakra enhancement technique deadly. This is what I am counting on in case the worst comes to worst.

But to my immense relief, the night passed uneventfully. When the sun rose, Itsuki finally lets his guard down and deactivated the Strength of the Hundred seal. The diamond-shaped mark vanished from his forehead. He laid on his bed to get a quick shuteye. After staying up all night anxious and alert, he now could barely keep his eyes open.

Knock-Knock "Wake up Itsuki, its time for breakfast", his neighbor informed him kindly.

Itsuki groaned.

Konoha Ninja Academy Itsuki settled himself at the very end of the class. He pulled a Shikamaru and simply closed his eyes and laid down on his sat, just as I got a wink of sleep;

"WAKE UP!!!", someone yelled in my ear. All my ninja reflexes worked against me as I instinctively tried to jump up but jerked to the side and promptly fell to the floor.

I look up from my position and see Hana Inuzuka giving me a smirk while all class laughed at me. Shaking my head, I get up, sit on my seat, lay my head down, and simply ignore everyone. The laughter dies down and I can feel Hana glaring at me. But before she could do anything, Fusao sensei enter our class.

The day passed uneventfully. By the end of the day, Itsuki was barely awake. Just as he was leaving the class, Fusao Sensei called him from behind.

"Itsuki, can I talk to you for a moment"

Itsuki nodded. But all sleep left him. He watched as all students left and only he and Fusao sensei remained.

"Itsuki, in your file I read you wanted to become a combat medic. Usually, children your age opt for ninjutsu master or heavy assault. Setting being a medic as your career goal, its very odd. Why do you want to become a medic?"

Trying to calm his rapidly beating heart, Itsuki replied "Being a medic is the safest choice and even if I do not make it like a ninja, I could get a decent job at the hospital."

Although the reasons are not quite true, they are not wrong either. But the main reason I wanted to become a medic was that they are always underestimated. Even the most outstanding medics have barely enough chakra compared to normal ninja. That is why no medic is ever recruited in Anbu. Being an outstanding medic will not garner any wrong attention and might even prove helpful.

" Being a medic is a noble pursuit." Fusao Sensei nodded, "But becoming a Combat Medic is a very hard path. So far only Tsunade-same can be called a competent combat medic. Being a medic is good enough."

I simply nodded.

"Itsuki, I have a proposition for you but first let's wait for someone to arrive."

A chill shot up my spine as I feared for the worst. Before I could continue my line of thoughts, the classroom door suddenly sprang open.

I snapped my head towards the door so fast that I may have broken something. But contrary to my expectation of seeing Root Anbu or even Danzo, there stood Hana Inuzuka.

"So you are finally here." Fusao sensei exclaimed.

In all my life I was never so glad to see Hana as I am now. I even gave her a smile so wide that it weirded out her a little.

"Both of you have applied for medics, Itsuki as a combat medic and Hana as a veterinary medical-ninja. You both have adequate chakra control. But you should know that becoming a medic is very hard. A lot of knowledge is required before even attempting any medical. To develop more medics Hokage has approved a program for aspirant medics. If you sign up, you could access the medical section of the Konoha shinobi library and upon graduation, you would be tested for your knowledge and skill in mystic palm Jutsu. If you are adequate, you would get to learn under medics at Konoha general hospital. So, what do you think?"

"I agree." Hana immediately replied.

I on the other hand thought about a little. 'Access to shinobi library was a huge positive and would greatly help in my research. But on the off chance, it is a trap.' I look towards Hana. 'But with Hana being in the same group, heir apparent to one of the most powerful clans in Konoha, it is highly unlikely someone will try doing anything underhand.'

"So where do I sign up", I replied.

"Welcome to Genin Medic Program", Fusao sensei smiled.

The next day we got our library passes.