
He transmigrated into a Cat

Li Wei, a young woman in her early twenties, has an extraordinary ability to see the red string of fate. Its what connect people who are meant for each other, no matter what time or circumstances may it be. Although she is capable to see other people's red string and could tell about their fortune in love. She couldn't tell hers. She hasn't crossed path with her right one, yet. But what one day as she roam around the city. Her thread behaved in an odd way, making her realized, the day has come. She finally met him, Zhang Ming. The guy who made her feel complete, though, she's so loved by her parents. It's a different love she found in him. But one day, tragic happened. Making Li Wei lost him in a snap. But what if he comes back one day? Though, in a different form. In a cat form.

Kaizen00 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 4: Playful Day

"All right, catch you later, Li Wei!" My friend Hao Suyin's voice came through the phone, a mix of excitement and anticipation in her tone. We met during college and became good pals.

"Don't be late, okay!" Chen Yusheng chimed in, his voice a playful reminder of my habitual tardiness. It seemed like he couldn't resist poking fun at my perpetual struggle to be on time. I knew they had met up early since Chen was excited to try the new game Sarah had put on her Xbox.

"Trust me, I won't be late this time," I smirked as I said those words.

"Anyway, catch you later, guys!" I said with excitement and then hung up the phone.

Today was a special day – our first-year college reunion. Some of our old classmates had reached out to all of us just last week. It was lucky that they managed to convince all of us to meet up at the 'Friends Bar'.

I had to admit, the thought of reuniting with everyone after all these years brought a mix of nostalgia and anticipation. The college years felt like a whirlwind of lectures, late-night study sessions, and impromptu hangouts. And now, here we were, taking a trip down memory lane and sharing stories from our various paths since graduation.

As I got ready for the reunion, I couldn't help but smile at the memories flooding back. The late-night pizza runs, the inside jokes, the camaraderie that had formed effortlessly during those years.

"Ahh, those college years are indeed a roller coaster." I said to myself, smiling as I look to the sky leaning by the window.

Even though life had taken us in different directions, this gathering felt like a chance to bridge the gaps and reconnect.

I opted for a casual yet stylish outfit—jeans and a comfortable top, accessorized with a necklace I hadn't worn in a while. With a final glance in the mirror. "Tsk! You look great, gal"

I grabbed my phone and made my way out the door. Mom and Dad are both not in the house so I just texted them about my day plan.

The 'Friends Bar' was just a short drive away, and I was determined to be on time for once.

A moment later and I arrived. The 'Friends Bar' exudes a welcoming and cozy atmosphere, a perfect setting for old friends to gather and reminisce. The interior is bathed in warm lighting, creating an inviting ambiance that encourages relaxation and camaraderie.

The walls are adorned with an eclectic mix of memorabilia – vintage posters, photographs, and even some old college mementos, adding to the nostalgic feel of the place.

And as I entered the bar, familiar faces greeted me with warm smiles and enthusiastic hellos.

"Li Wei, you made it!" Hao Suyin exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. Chen Yusheng joined in, giving me a friendly pat on the back. "About time you showed up," he teased, his grin infectious.

Li Wei, you haven't changed a bit!" Zhu Xue exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me. "Still as vibrant as ever!" Huang Meilin chimed in, giving me a friendly wink.

But then I noticed Chen Yusheng on the other side of the table suddenly looked annoyed.

"Well, yeah." I gave them a playful smirk and drank my shot.

"I'm interning at a law firm," Lai Song shared, his eyes gleaming with determination. "And check out my little one!" Su Yhongzheng beamed, showing us adorable pictures of her baby daughter.

Amidst the conversations, the memories of our college days came flooding back. "Remember that epic dorm party during finals week?" Chen Yusheng laughed, his face lighting up with mischief. "And the late-night study sessions that turned into movie marathons?" Hao Suyin added, her grin infectious.

"YEAH!" Everyone laughed so hard remembering those good old days with a mixture of mischievous.

As the night went on, the camaraderie grew stronger, reminding us of the unbreakable bonds we had formed during those formative years. "Who would've thought we'd all end up here?" I mused, raising my glass in a toast to our reunion. "From classrooms to real life, we've made quite the journey."

"For real but hey, Li Wei. How about your journey of love life huh? Have you got into it? Who's the lucky guy?" Emily teasingly asked.

They all patiently waited for my answer from the way their faces looked.

"Nah, not yet. I haven't bumped into him yet but who knows? Maybe tomorrow I'd tell his name to you guys!" I ended my response in a silly way.

Their faces looked disappointed after hearing my respond but they just laugh it off in a second.

"Anyway, excuse me for a while. Need to go the restroom."

"Want me to come with you?" Sarah asked seeming concerned knowing I'm not so good with alcohol.

"I can manage, thanks, Sarah." I gave her a smile and a tap on her shoulder.

I then navigate the bar. It didn't take me long to have my business in there so I decided to go for a little walk. The 'Friends Bar' was bigger than I thought.

As I kept walking, I realized that this bar is bigger than I thought. Soon enough, I noticed a quiet corner that caught my attention. It was different from the rest of the bar, away from the noise. There was a small grassy area with lights and cushions, giving off a calm vibe.

Even though I could still hear people talking and laughing, it felt peaceful here. I took a moment to enjoy the calmness in the midst of all the excitement.

"Hey, are you good?" A voice startled me from behind.

"Goodness!" I let out a deep sigh of relief as I realized who it was. It was Chen Yusheng.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." He chuckled, his laughter putting me at ease.

"You don't want to head back in there?" He asked, concern evident in his tone.

"I will, I just saw this corner and thought of sitting here for a bit. And yeah, don't worry, I'm good." I reassured him with a smile.

"Mind if I join you?" His curiosity piqued.

There we shared the silence for a moment.

"Can I bump into you?" He suddenly asked.

I raised an eyebrow and my mouth involuntarily opened in surprise. "What for?"

"Well, you said that you haven't bumped into that guy yet. So, here I am." He said playfully, but there was a hint of seriousness in his expression.

"Chen?" Nervousness tinged my voice as I anticipated what he was about to say.

"I guess it's time. I've kept this hidden for so long." He smiled nervously and took a deep breath.

"I like you, Li Wei. I always have, since the moment I saw you step into that room. You've never stopped running through my mind since then. I've admired you from afar all this time. You know, I thought I wouldn't be able to get close to you. You're smart, beautiful, busy with all those activities, independent, and strong." He chuckled after mentioning the last trait.

I sat there, simply listening to his words, not quite sure how to respond. He had always been my friend.

"I still remember those times when you'd stand up to guys, not letting anyone push you around." His eyes held sincerity as he spoke from his heart.

His feelings had gone unnoticed by me all this time. I thought his gestures were just friendly.

"You know, I uh... used to underestimate myself because I felt like I was just that guy you passed by in the hallway. But then something changed. We became friends, and you showed me that I could be more than I thought. You made me realize that I could change, and I did." He reached out and his hand touched mine.

"During those years when we became close friends, I changed, slowly but surely, all because of you. Because I believed you deserved a better man, so I chose to be better."

I had no idea about any of this, he had always been enough for me.

"By any chance... do you feel the same way? Even a small hint of feeling for me that I could work with?" He looked at me, his eyes filled with hope and vulnerability.

My mind raced as I listened to his heartfelt confession. It brought back memories of all the times we had spent together, the laughter, the support, and the genuine friendship that had grown between us. I couldn't deny that he had been a constant presence in my life, someone I had come to rely on and cherish.

But as his words hung in the air, I felt a pang of guilt. Chen's feelings were genuine and deep, and I wished I could say the same, but my heart couldn't reciprocate his affection in the same way. I searched for words, grappling with the truth that I didn't want to hurt him.

"Chen," I began, my voice soft and hesitant. "You mean a lot to me, you really do. You've been an incredible friend, and I value our friendship more than I can express. Tonight, I do really appreciate your bravery to finally confess, thank you for finding the courage. For also admiring me from afar all this time." I looked into his eyes, hoping he could see the sincerity in my gaze.

"But..." I paused, struggling to find the right words to convey my feelings without causing pain. "I don't feel the same way, Chen. I care about you deeply, but not in the way you're hoping for."

His face fell, and I could see the disappointment in his eyes. It hurt me to know that I was causing him this pain, but I also knew that honesty was the only way forward.

"I understand," he said, his voice tinged with sadness. "I had a feeling you might say that." He tried to smile.

Tears threatened to well up in my own eyes as I saw the hurt in his expression.

I am so sorry, Chen.

I wanted to reach out and console him, to tell him that he deserved someone who could give him the love he sought. But I also knew that sometimes, even the most genuine friendships could change when feelings weren't reciprocated.

"Chen, I hope you can still find it in your heart to be my friend," I said softly, my heart heavy with the weight of the moment. "I don't want to lose what we have because of this."

He managed a small smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I don't want to lose our friendship either, Li Wei. You're important to me, and I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

We sat there in the corner of the bar, the distant sounds of laughter and music echoing around us. The green grass field on the corner seemed to offer a sense of solace, a space away from the loudness of the world. Despite the bittersweet conversation, I was grateful for his understanding, and for the bond that had grown between us.

And as the night wore on, we rejoined our friends, laughing and reminiscing about old times. Though things had shifted between us, the camaraderie and shared memories remained intact. Before saying our goodbyes, we shared another hug, and promise to meet up again soon.