
He transmigrated into a Cat

Li Wei, a young woman in her early twenties, has an extraordinary ability to see the red string of fate. Its what connect people who are meant for each other, no matter what time or circumstances may it be. Although she is capable to see other people's red string and could tell about their fortune in love. She couldn't tell hers. She hasn't crossed path with her right one, yet. But what one day as she roam around the city. Her thread behaved in an odd way, making her realized, the day has come. She finally met him, Zhang Ming. The guy who made her feel complete, though, she's so loved by her parents. It's a different love she found in him. But one day, tragic happened. Making Li Wei lost him in a snap. But what if he comes back one day? Though, in a different form. In a cat form.

Kaizen00 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 1: A Little Story of Myself

The city of Xinyuan pulses with life, its streets alive with a symphony of voices and movement. Amidst this urban ballet, my own existence seems painted in a different hue. From the tender age of five, I've been blessed—or perhaps burdened—with extraordinary ability, the power to see the red threads of fate that bind people to one another.

My name is Li Wei, and my life dances to a rhythm unseen by most. My days are spent in a delicate enchantment, as I observe these ethereal threads that weave intricate patterns among the city's inhabitants. Each thread holds a story, a connection, an invisible bond that links hearts together across time and distance.

"Wow, it looks magical!" I said with amusement.

As a child, I'd sit by the window of my bedroom, gazing out at the city's bustling panorama. Amidst the hustle and bustle, the threads glowed softly, like strands of crimson light casting an enchanting spell upon the world. I'd watch them twirl and sway, carrying with them the whispered promises of companionship, love, and destiny.

Can these threads be touched? Well, I don't know I've never tried but I can with my own thread.

My parents are understanding and supportive, but they've cautioned me about revealing my gift. They know that the world often fears what it cannot comprehend.

"But why can't I tell my friends about my gift? It'd be cool, Mom!" I said feeling so happy and energetic.

"Some things in the world are better kept hidden, sweetie. As it may scare people and sets you apart from them. We don't want you to be avoided by people or kids you want to play with." She spoke these words while caressing my hair giving me a gentle smile, trying not to make me feel sad.

"B-but mommy…" I pouted like the baby I am "In movies, they'd tell their best friends about their power and they'd have someone to accompany them. Right? So can I tell my best friend then?" A hint of hope in my eyes showed as I spoke out what was in my mind.

"Uh uhm… sweetie. I don't want to break these wonderful movies you've seen but in our world. It's different, it's not all fairy tales and rainbows." My dad bluntly said but with caution, still trying to be gentle.

Even though their words were meant to protect me, they didn't lessen the disappointment I felt.

As a kid, not simply getting what you want could shatter your tiny little world.

Regardless of it, my mother, her eyes full of ancient wisdom, would tell stories of a lineage of women in our family who shared this extraordinary ability. She spoke of fate as a tapestry, each thread a note in an eternal melody. How it can travel through space and time.

Growing older, my fascination with the threads deepened. I'd follow them as they wove through the city's markets, parks, and busy streets, connecting strangers in silent ways. To me, they were fragile yet resilient, carrying with them the potential for new beginnings, enduring friendships, and tender love stories.

To tell people the truth, I often lost my way because of these threads I kept following as a little kid.

"Wah! Mom-my…Da-daddy. Where are you?" I cried in the middle of the crowd choking on my own sobs.

"Oh my! There you are, Li Wei!" My Dad hugged me as soon as he saw me. Mom followed to tighten the hug and kissed my head multiple times.

But amidst the multitude of threads, one shines brighter, more vibrant than the rest. It's my thread, my connection to someone whose life is meant to intersect with mine.

And as the years have passed, I've watched it grow stronger, waiting for the moment when it would draw me toward a destiny yet unknown.

"So, what will be my destiny?" I asked the fortune-teller. I was playing around.

"Hmm… As I see here, you hold a different story from the rest. Extraordinary." An old woman in a black garment that looked like those witches you see in a movie.

"How extraordinary? Will I be meeting my soulmate soon enough?" I don't pretty much believe in this thing but it doesn't make a difference anyway if I tell people about my ability so it doesn't matter anymore.

"Patience, that's what you need the most. Life will then rearrange itself for the best." She smiled genuinely, seemed like she knew my fate.

Going through the cards, she flipped the other one and spoke.

"A cat? Sweetie, by any chance, are you into cats?" confusion drew on her face.

"Nope, I hate cats." I quickly respond.

"Well then, you will love it soon enough." After that, she fixed her cards that told me we were done with the session. Her assistant then assisted me out of the stall I got into.

That was weird like I expected.

As years passed, I didn't know that somehow, that old woman's fortune-telling was true. Patience is really something I should work on, since I was a kid it's something I've always struggled with. I like things to always be quick-paced and get what I want. No wonder why I always get lost, it is because I always follow the path I want to know. Without fully realizing the risks ahead.

The fact that I also hate cats made me even more of an unpleasant person I could be at times.

"It gave me a scratch, Dad! Look!" I twist my arm a little to let my dad see.

I sobbed as it hurt so much and I was feeling so scared of the cat our neighbor just let go out.

"Hey, it'll be okay. It's just a minor scratch. It'll soon heal and we'll take care of it. Okay? My Mother wiped the tears flowing down my face.

Since then, I started to hate cats and never dared to touch one. Whenever they come around, I get out of the place as soon as I can. I don't get people every time they say "Cats are so cute" like really? They could be at times but they can hurt you and they always go around mischievously. I also see some people being bitten, scratched, and hurt by these cats they take care of but still keep them. That's something I won't ever do.

Keep a cat.

But what if things change?

"What if your soulmate one day turns into a cat, will you still love him?" My friend Xiao Jun asked me.

"Pft, that is just so impossible, Xiao. But anyway, it will be so hard to love someone who can't communicate but through gestures only. More so, if he's a cat." I respond.

"I guess I'll take that as a no." He then smirked.

Life often unfolds in ways beyond our comprehension, yet the world continues to spin, allowing people to catch up with its rhythm.

Throughout my life, I believed that deciphering the threads of fate was merely about understanding the connections between people. Little did I know that it held deeper layers, adding complexity to my existence. I found myself entangled in life's challenges, ones I hadn't sought but had to face, all for the sake of the love I yearned for.