

she is just a normal human waitress,what happens when she meets her mate? what about when she finds out she is a hybrid?

mookgo_lefty · 書籍·文学
8 Chs

Elizabeth point of view(POV)

My shitty shift is finally over and I get to go home. It has been home for the past three years now.

well my name is Elizabeth and it's just Elizabeth. My friends call me Lizzy or Beth . I am 21 years old and I grew up in an orphanage,I have never really met my parents.After I turned 18, I was thrown out of the orphanage and told to go and fent for myself.

I have been working as a waitress for this restaurant called Jays ,the owner Bob is an asshole who wants to sleep with every employee and if you do refuse to do that ,he starts treating you badly.It is still a miracle that am still working here,maybe it's because I am desperate ,I mean bills won't pay themselves.

I am glad I work three blocks from where am staying because it's 12:30 am now and I just got home,and since am working full time at the restaurant,I have to be up at five and be at work at 6:45am sharp,so as to prepare for morning rush.

My apartment is only a one bedroom with an open plan kitchen and a small sizes bathroom,it is not much but it is enough for me,I mean I have a roof over my head..

I just throw myself over the bed and just zone off...

thank you for your time everyone,please accept my apologies on any grammar or spellings am still new to all this

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