
He betrayed my love for him

Emily_Deo · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter six

I was supposed to go for business trip after Lovely had celebrated her birthday a week ago...I will be spending two weeks in the trip cause it was very important to my company,I might get enough profit for my company if I get that contact... I didn't want Lovely to miss me so much, so I'm taking her along to be with me... Besides she is my world and the one I'm working hard for.. I booked two flight tickets to New York,where the contract needs to be signed... Lovely doesn't need a ticket cause she is young, but Lora was also coming along cause she needs to assist me there.. she can also help look after Lovely when I go to meet the business men for the contract..

We got to New York in the evening,..We went in an already booked hotel, that was booked by BOSS company.. They are among the best companies in New York.. I hope I get get this contract, so we become partners..... We spent the night in the hotel. I got up in the morning to dressed up to meet the business men and women... Our meeting was supposed to be held at exactly 9:am, but I left home before 7:00am, leaving Lovely in the hands of Lora my assistant to look after her....Due to traffic I got to BOSS company at 8:30am...wow the company was so huge,I was mesmerized by how it was.. suddenly someone tapped my shoulder followed by a female's voice..I turned to look at my caller, she was dressed in  white top and black fitted skirt making her look elegant.. she looked beautiful, won't denny that.. Everything look beautiful here... This motivated me to try harder to get this contract by all means... Hello miss, she added.. how may I help you... Um, well I'm here for to meet your CEO, for the contract, I said... Oh yeah, please what's your your name I'm Sarah leono..she checked afile she had in her hands after that she showed me walked me into a room, where I guess the meeting will be held... I was the first person to sit there, so I was able to scrutinize the hall very well.. It was large enough to contain three hundred people,my company conference room could only contain hundred people, there were chandeliers decorated in it... I checked the time and bit was left with just 15 minutes for the meeting to start.. Just then I saw others joining me in the hall... We were all set at the time the meeting started.... The CEO wasn't able to come but he sents his assistant, to take his place called Jerry... He was also good in business affairs, that was why he was trusted to come  stand in for the CEO..

We were 15 people who needed them to agree to work with us..but they the BOSS company needed only one person to sign the contract with...we all went to do our presentation,one by one until we all finished and we were asked to go back to our various places but will be alerted to come back if we qualify...