
He betrayed my love for him

Emily_Deo · ファンタジー
8 Chs

chapter five

Six years later,.... Miss Sarah here are the documents you asked for.. Lora said... Lora is my assistant and my friend as well who has been working for me for the past five years since I started to take care of the company my parents left for me in England.. Lovely my daughter is celebrating her birthday today which means I need to get home early to my grandparents who also moved in here with surprisingly none of them died though they might be in their nineties.. God been so good I had been able to learn how to run a company and had been able to improve the growth of my company which I am the CEO in it .

Miss Sarah, please I forget to tell you that you have appointments with the new inventors,they said they would like to meet you at 5:00pm this evening... cancel the appointment and make it tomorrow I need to attend Lovely's birthday this evening..Ok miss,she replied....and guess what, Hariss is downstairs waiting for you, should I let him?..No tell him I'm busy but I will meet with him tomorrow... Ok miss I'm going to tell him... I heaved a sign of relief when she left, I don't know why I can't stand men anymore especially Hariss who never gives up in trying to win after many tries which failed... Was in my thoughts when I heard a gentle rap on my door to my office inched slowly open a head popped in, followed by the stout, strongly built body of Harris with a rose in his hand... May I come in please? He asked as he walked in... There Lora bumped in, Madam please I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen... It's ok, you can go Lora.. I said as she took her heels to leave... What do you want after I had told you I'm busy, I asked Harris.... Ooo gorgeous, I just came to give you this flower before I take my leave,.. I don't need them, just leave lemme do my work.. Okay I will leave only if you accept to take it, he said... Ooo God, why can't this man get it that I don't like him.. he wouldn't leave if I refuse to take those flowers and I don't wanna take them too... I thought.... I gave up and then collected the flower then asked him to leave... Ooo my gorgeous Sarah, won't you thank me and say a proper good bye to me!... I swallowed my my ego, then did what he wanted until he left my office.... Finally, he is gone, can't stand a moment with him...how I wished I could get ride of him but I can't...

I got home with my present for Lovely,her birthday party was about to start as I got home..the people I hired to decorate the place did a great job won't denny...Yeah!!! Mommy has arrived, Lovely said as she run to give me a tight hug...love you my baby and happy birthday as I brought out her present for her...she opened it quickly to check what was in it.... Wow!,it's my favorite dull Mom,and there's a chocolate too.. thanks very much Mom,I really love you,she said as she run to show it to her friends who joined her at her birthday party...Was happy to see her happy...she just a lovely kid as her name, my grand mother added... Yeah she is ..

Hello kids every one gather around,so we can cut the cake,I said as all the kids joined me...I held her hand in support for Lovely to cut her cake...