
He And She:You Don‘t Know I Love You

jalen_Z · 都市
6 Chs

Chapter6 I don’t wanna marry him

"What?" Shelly was stunned for a moment.

Xia's mother had already expected her reaction, and explained: "It's not good to let Herry take care of you all the time. Your father and I contacted a doctor abroad, and it might be possible to cure your disease."

"Mom, I have seen so many doctors over the years, and they all said that it can't be cured, even if I went abroad. Besides, I have learned to take care of myself, so I won't trouble Hengzhi..."

Shelly searched for various reasons to stay in the country.

She didn't dare to think that if Herry left and she left too, then who else could guard this room for them and guard the memories of the two of them. However, at the end, Xia's father only gave one sentence: "This matter is not for discussion."

Shelly opened his mouth, and the emotions that had been accumulated in his heart for the past few days collapsed.

She looked at her father with a serious face, and couldn't help asking after all: "Why do you still dictate my life like this after leaving me in the country for so long?!"

As soon as these words came out, Mother Xia's eyes turned red.

Shelly also knew that she had gone too far. She knew that her parents loved her, and she was busy working all the time to earn money to cure her illness.

So all these years, she never blamed them.

But thinking that they didn't consider their own ideas at all, and directly decided to go abroad, she couldn't accept it calmly.

Shelly lowered her eyes to avoid her mother's gaze, and said, "Anyway, I won't go abroad."

Just went back to the room.

In the dimly lit room, Shelly flipped through the photo album by the moonlight, there were photos of her parents and her together.

After that, it is a photo with Herry.

In the photo, two people are still wearing school uniforms, one is thin and weak, the other is tall and handsome, they don't look like students of the same grade standing together.

Shelly's light-white fingers slid across the young man's cheeks, and the bitterness of secret love flowed into his blood in his heartbeat.

Thinking of Herry's words "I will treat you as my sister no matter what" in the hospital, she raised her hand and held the group photo tightly to her heart.

"Do you know, I like you..."

After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door.

Herry's voice sounded outside: "Shelly, open the door."

For a moment, Shelly thought she was hallucinating.

She got out of bed in a hurry and opened the door, only to see that familiar face, just like the one in the photo, only a little more mature.

Shelly came back to her senses, her throat was dry: "You...why are you here?"

Herry's expression was indifferent: "My parents knew that my uncle and aunt had come back, so they booked a hotel to welcome them."

Only then did Shelly come back to her senses completely, and followed Ji Heng to the outside.

When walking side by side, I heard him say again: "Do you still remember the text message I sent you before?"

In an instant, memories that Shelly wanted to forget flooded back: "If my parents ask you whether you want to marry me again, please refuse."

She froze, and almost lost her footsteps going down the stairs.

Herry took the first step to support him.

His temperature came from the held arm, but Shelly felt cold all over.

She stood up mechanically, and replied numbly, "I remember."

Herry nodded, and led the people into the car.

In the restaurant.

Seeing Shelly, Ji's father and Ji's mother smiled happily.

"Shelly, come quickly and sit with Auntie." Ji Mu pulled Shelly to sit beside her, holding her hand and caring about her body.

Shelly replied obediently, with a relaxed atmosphere.

Until Ji's mother changed the subject: "The two children are not young anymore. It's time to settle down. Even if you don't get married, you can get engaged. Shelly, what do you think?"

When his name was mentioned, Shelly couldn't help but tremble.

As soon as she looked up, she met Herry's eyes.

All emotions were restrained in those dark pupils, like a pool of ice, which made people dare not look directly at them.

Shelly knew that he was waiting for her rejection, but she couldn't say that no matter what happened.

Once she said it, her fate with him would come to an end!

Shelly felt her hands were shaking, her mouth was shaking, and her heart was shaking.

At this moment, Herry yelled: "Shelly."

Shelly's eyelashes twitched, and then she closed her eyes tightly: "I don't want to marry him."