
Chapter 28

Elsa:*stands up and goes to slam her on the wall*I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM JACK!? DIDN'T I!???

Jack:*grabs Elsa's hand making her stop as his sitting up and pulling her on his lap*breathe babygirl...

Elsa:ughhhh!!! *clenches her jaw and fists looking at him*really!?

Emma:*glups a bit in fear but sighs*im not here for you.. I heard what happened to Jack so I came by to see if he's okay.. if you can't tell I care about him.. *looks at Jack*hey*smiles*

Jack:*chuckles and smiles*hey Emma thanks for coming by *chuckles*just don't come closer

Emma:I got the message*chuckles*anyways how are you?... Do you need anything?

Jack:I'm okay*smiles* Elsa is taking a good care of me~* chuckles *and no I don't need anything

Elsa:*still looking at Emma like she's ready to kill her but then smiles when Jack says she's taking good care of him and she kisses his cheek*ohh and were back together do you know ~ try anything and you'll be done for*glares at her *

Emma:okay okay I got that *rolls her eyes *I think everyone knows Jack's yours by now*sighs then remembers*ohh I almost forgot again*laughs taking off his watch *I was cleaning my room and found you're missing watch~*laughs*

Jack:*laughs and takes it *so he was hiding there *chuckles*thanks *smiles*I thought someone stole it I guess not

Elsa:*growls again*jack what does this mean!? *looks at him pinning him down in anger and jealousy*

Jack:*winches a bit*woah calm down baby *chuckles looking at her *we didn't have sex~

Elsa:*calms down a bit standing up then pins her on the wall* listen to me now *gives her a death glare*youll go to you're house and search everywhere , if you find something that belongs to him you'll give it to me then I don't want you to appear ever again!?! GOT IT!?! *slams her fist on the wall next to her *

Emma:yes!!! *jumps when she slams her fist as she starts shaking in fear *I'll do it tight away!?! *runs away super fast*

Elsa:*sighs*ill have to kill every damn woman in the whole world *rolls her eyes then glares at Jack*how many times did you fuck her!?!

Jack:*looks at her as his eyes widen by her question then glups*just once...

Elsa:ughhhh!!! *pins him down again hovering on top of him*i forgive you this time but if I see you once again fucking or talking to some other girl I'll punish you~*turns his head on the side and starts kissing his neck sucking softly*

Jack:*bites his lip*shit... Got it babygirl~*smiles closing his eyes relaxing*careful I'm still hurt

Elsa:I know *starts leaving few hickeys then goes down to his chest leaving bite marks as she hooks her fingers on his pants *I want you... ~

Jack:I know babygirl trust me I want you to but we can't *moans *we're in s hospital I'm hurt and someone can walk right in anytime*chuckles looking down at her *2 more days babygirl

Elsa:*groans and traces her lips up to his mouth *I'll try to wait~*smirks and kisses him deeply sliding her tongue in*mmm~~

Jack:*smiles kissing her back putting his hands on her waist *

Doctor:*walks in and coughs turning around*ummn I came to check up on him... *looking away *

Elsa:ughhhhhh.... *rolls her eyes going off him then remembers he hasn't eaten anything all day*shit I'll get you some food! *runs out*

*15 minutes later she comes back inside with a soup in her hands*

Elsa:I'm baaaaccckkk baby~*chuckles putting it down on the small table *what did the doctor say?

Jack:he said he'll let me go home tomorrow not in 2 days *laughs looking at her *

Elsa:yay!!! *chuckles hugging him tight kissing his cheek*now let's eat*sits next to him taking the soup and filling the spoon then putting it close to his mouth*open up my sexy big baby~

Jack:*groans and looks at her folding his arms *I'm not a sexy big baby I'm just your sexy baby~*smirks*and my hands aren't hurt or shot or anything I can eat by myself thank you*goes to take the soup off her hands*

Elsa:*growls at him moving the soup for from his reach*hey I don't care if you're hands are fine it not all I know is that I'm feeding you period~*chuckles*now open you're god damn mouth~~

Jack:*chuckles looking at her *so bossy~*smiles and eats the soup off the spoon*mmm nice~

*10 minutes later as he finished the whole soup*

Jack:*lays holding his stomach *fuck I'm full... *groans looking at her *you're cruel~*chuckles*

Elsa:*laughs*no I am not~ you needed to eat so I gave it all to you*smiles*now time to sleep *smiles covering him up*

Jack:*looks at her *lay down with me I want to hold you babygirl~

Elsa:finally you asked~*chuckles laying down next to him in his chest carefully*i missed you so much

Jack:you've said that like a hundred times *laughs holding her close *goodnight babygirl~

Elsa:*giggles*goodnight my big sexy baby~*laughs*

*Jack groans making Elsa laugh more as the both fall asleep minutes later *

*the next morning*

...To be continued...