
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

38 Chs

Zack and Zane are back

M looked at Lucy then picked her up with his non-bloody hand and carried her back to the bedroom.

"Your alright right?" M asked. Lucy just sobbed and barely nodded. M sat on the bed stroking Lucy's hear. As M sat there with Lucy the two boys came back in through the window. M looked at them in anger.

"Why the hell did you tell my sister!" M yelled at the boys.

"You have a sister?" Zane said confused.

"Don't play dum. You told my sister so that she would come running in and try and kill Lucy" M said.

"They tryed to kill Lucy? Ok who is your sister and why did she try and kill Lucy" Zack said also confused.

"I said quit playing dum. What else could you two have done and how else would my sister have known." M said as he clenched Lucy tightly in anger. Lucy started to cry Louder again and M loosened his grip.

"Well we where out getting you a new house meaning that this house is not big enuff for all of us. We didn't even know you had a sitter." Zack and Zane said splitting the sentences.

"oh yeah prove it. Where is this "new house" of are's" M said not believing them.

"ok but first calm Lucy down" Zane said knowing what would happen if they made to much noise. M glared at them and then looked at Lucy.

"Lucy calm down" M said has he started to brush her hair with his fingers again. Zack and Zane went up to her. M glared at them as he held her tightly.

"You two better back away" M demanded of them.

"relax we aren't going to do anything." Zack said without backing off. Lucy started to push away from M as her eyes were just teary now. M lossened his grip but didn't let go of her. Lucy being the person that she is stuck her tung out at M and then tryed to get away to give Zack and Zane a hug.

"Lucy calm down" M said

"But your being a jerk. You killed your own family and then you blamed it on the boys." Lucy said.

"No I blamed them on telling her and push they probably did tell her." M said and the desides to just knock Lucy out.

"ok let's go and this time we are using the door" M said not wanting to crawl through the window.

Zack and Zane nodded as they walked through the front door they saw the dead body and realized why Lucy was making a big fuss about it.

"hay M did you kill your sister right infrunt of Lucy" Zack asked as they went through the front door.

"yes. Why?" M said glaring at them.

"Why would you do that. You know she is not use to killing." Zack said trying not to yell at him.

"I needed to get rid of her as soon as possible. Who knows what she could have done. After all she was the sneaky one" M said

"ok fine but just never do something that reckless again. Not until Lucy thinks killing is normal." Zack said as they walked down the street.


so I couldn't add a part because Lucy can't walk right now but this is how the story would have gone if Lucy could walk.

M finally let go of Lucy. Lucy ran up to the two boys and gave then hugs.

"so I guess we are read to go then" he said then tryed to pick Lucy up. He than mad a constipated face.

"geez how much do you way" he said in a constipated voice then put her down.

"ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT" Luce yell and then kicked him.

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