
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

38 Chs

Your clean up...

M felt better after he woke up. He looked down at Lucy to see that she was still asleep. He smiled lightly and then set her aside on the bed. He got up and streched his arms out with a quiet yawn. He then opened his bedroom door and his nice smile turned in the face that tells everyone "I hate you" without him even saying a word. All through out the hall were plastic cups full of water. He turned his head and looked at Lucy as she layed on the bed sound asleep and He thought to himself that she will suffer for this. He grabbed one of the cups and went over to Lucy. He threw the water in the cup at her. Lucy woke up in a flash. Lucy looked at M and for a second she looked mad but her mad face turned into a laugh because she realized the M fell for the prank.

"Good morning Dad. So what's up." Lucy said giggling a bit.

"You know exactly what's up Lucy." M said with the face of a killer.

"Oh do I?" she said trying not to brake out laughing.

"Tell me why you put cups full of water in the hallway and where the F*** did you get so many cups" M said as he pointed to the hall way.

"Well I wanted to prank you and meaning that the bucket truck didn't work I did this instead and I got the cups from you pantry. They looked like they had not been used so I used them. Anyway good luck getting anywhere" she said as she layed back down. M did a face palm.

"Do you not realize your also stuck in here. In other case, you don't get eggs till I'm free from your so called prank." M said just looking down at her. Lucy got up and started to grab some cups. She then went to the window in the room and through them out. She repeated this intill it was all down and M sat on the bed and just watched her. When she was done she went to M and with the most serious face she has ever made in her life she said "Now you can't take my eggs away."

"and now I'm free to leave my room" he said as he got up and left the room. Lucy followed him because she had nuthing else to do. M went to the kitchen and started to make food for himself and Lucy because knowing that Lucy was a growing girl. She would probably eat alot. Lucy sat at the table and waited him. Doing this she focused on what he was doing with the food and how cooked it.

Sorry it's short. I got lazy but next chapter will be longer.

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