
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

38 Chs

The home

M dragged Lucy through the door. They enternet the black void. Lucy still trying to attack made alot of noice. M was scared on how Lucy was going to react, when she regains control of her body. He hopes that she will stay calm but knowing Lucy that will not be the case. M and Lucy soon entered a nuther door. The door led to a random bedroom. The person in the bedroom was still dead asleep. M looked at Lucy and then set her outside of the closet letting her run a the young human. Lucy started to eat the child alive. Lucy eat at lease one forth of the kid before she regained control of her body. She was confused, She looked down at her hand to see them dug into a human chest. Lucy start to cry. She was covered in blood. M was about to grab her and take her back, but because Lucy felt like a worthless killer. She jumped out the window before M would grab her. Lucy fell from a two story building but even after hitting the ground Lucy didn't seem fazed. Lucy ran down the street blood dripping off of her and tears poring. M jumped out the window after her but when he hit the ground he had already lost track of Lucy. Lucy ran till she was out of breath. She was still around house and only one she but when she looked around her. She recognized a house. It was the house next to her. She had never seen the outside of her house but she new what one of the neighbors house looked like. She ran to her house scared. She wanted to see her real dad. Lucy knocked on the door. She didn't think about if her dad would recognize her or not she just wanted to see him. When the door opened Lucy hugged the person. Her dad was there and she was so happy but her dad was not. He did recognize her at all and pushed her away.

"Who the heck are you" Her dad said.

"d-dad it's me L-lucy" Lucy said crying. Her dad rubbed his eyes and took a second look at her. Lucy was covered in blood but that was not what pissed him off the most it was the fact that it looked like the monster that killed wife and took his kid.

"Oh you are?" Her dad said acting happy.

"I missed you" Lucy said rubbing her eyes.

"Why don't you come in shi-Lucy. I will make get us some soda if you want." Her dad said trying not to kill her there.

"O-Ok" Lucy said said as he led her in the house. She sat down on the sofa and waited as her dad went in the kitchen. It didn't take long for her dad to come back to the living room. He opened a soda without giving Lucy one.

"Can I please have a soda" Lucy asked.

"No I got something better for you. Come to me if you want if" Lucy's dad said as he held something behind his back

poor Lucy (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

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