
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

38 Chs

Prank fail for now

Lucy when Lucy came back to the bedroom door she had a bucket full of water and a stool. She cracked the door and put the bucket of water ontop of it. M heard the door creek when she opened it and being annoyed he turned to look at the door. He was not abill to tell what Lucy was doing and was bothered that the door was cracked and light was entering his room. M got up and went to the door but instead of opening it more. He closed the door, Lucy was not off of the stool when he did so when the bucket fell. It fell on Lucy nocking her off the stool and had a ruff hit on the floor. M heard the chrashing sounds as soon as then did happen. M opened the door to see what happened. He saw Lucy on the floor rubbing her forehead as she sat there soaked. Lucy was about to cry when M opened the door because when he did the stool folded back up Landing on Lucy's leg. M looked at the mess and sighed.

"Lucy are you ok?" M said as he crouched down to get to Lucy's hight. Lucy nodded even though she was about to cry.

"Good... Kama hit you hard. Well at least it was not me"M said as he stood up again laughing abit at Lucy.

"Fuck you!" Lucy yelled at him. M looked down not to happy to hear that out of Lucy's mouth.

"I'm sorry can you repeat that..." M said glaring at Lucy.

"I-I said f-fuck you" Lucy studdered as fear ran down her spine.

"First of all, that's rude. Secondly, your to young to be fucking. Finally, I would like to know who told you to speak like that" M said pissed. Lucy's mouth closed and she looked down. She realized she was not aloud to say that.

"Lucy tell me where you learned that language from" M said looking down apon her shit his arms crossed.

"D-Daddy used to say it to mommy w-when he didn't get h-his way so I thought I..." Lucy stopped and looked back at the floor because she couldn't stand M's look.

"geez your parents were tarible example's... kid don't say that again. What ever your parents taught you, you should just forget it. Your best off forgetting about them" M said as he picked Lucy up. Lucy nodded looking away from M because she was to scared to look him in the eyes.

"Lucy you don't need to be scared. you just got in a bit of truble that's all nuthing to serious. Now let's get you in a bath. Your already soaked so we don't really need water." M said his last sentence sarcastically. Lucy looked M in the eyes like he was a fricken moron because he did sound sarcastic to her.

M carried Lucy to the bathroom and then left her in there to take care of herself. Lucy turned on the shower and took a short shower. When she got out of the bathroom she smelled food. She went to the kitchen to see that M had made her some eggs and toast. Lucy sat down and started to eat.

"Now that you got what you wanted can I please go to sleep it's 6:23am" M said ready to go back to bed.

"Yep but after I'm done eating I'm going back to bed as well." Lucy said because she wanted a nap.

"Fine... just don't wake me up" M said as he got up and left. He then mumbled "I need to get her a separate room." under his breath. Lucy sat in the kitchen and soon finashed her food. She got up but before she went back to the room she wanted to try and prank M one last time. So she did something before she entered the bed room. Lucy crawled on the bed and layed beside M. M opened one of his eyes to take a peek he then pulled Lucy close to his and went back to sleep with Lucy.