
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

38 Chs

New home

The Dad ran in the room but by the time he was there. The monster had took his daughter and the wife was dead.

-with the monster and Lucy-

"Are you alright" the monster asked while holding the child. The child had not response and continued to cry. She didn't know what she was more sad about. The fact that her mother almost hurt her again or that she died infrunt of her eyes.

"shhhh your alright. stop crying" The monster said in a settle voice. He didn't know why he saved the child. He didn't even know her. Soon the monster put her down. The girl looked up at the monster with tears still in her eyes. She was confused.

"would you like me to take you back" the monster said hoping for a yes but at the exact same time he hoped for a no to come from her mouth. The girl didn't know what to answer with. She didn't know how aggressive this man was normal but based on what she saw she assumed that he was pretty aggressive and that made her want to go home but if she went home she would have to deal with a abouseof dad. She stayed quiet.

"if you don't answer me. I might as well leave you here" the monster said because he was not vary plashont. The girl got up and still didn't talk. she just grabbed his hand. The monster took that as she wanted to stay with him. After a while of walking they finally came upon a red door. The monster opened the door and now they were in a house. The little t girl saw that the house was not as big as her old one but she didn't care.

"make yourself at home" the monster said as he went to the kitchen. The little girl still had tears in her eyes and stood there in the same place waiting. She didn't know what to do. Yes she hated her mom but that didn't mean she didn't feel sorry for her. After a while the monster came back to check on the girl.

"Have you been standing here the hole time" he said confused on why she was so different from when they first met. The girl nodded to scared to talk. She didn't know if he would hit her for saying bum things or not so she didn't talk.

"Let me guess your scared of me for killing your mom." he said as he sighed. He didn't Evan know why he let her stay with him. The girl shrugged. She was scared that he was going to hurt he but she was to scared to a mint it. The monster took her by the hand.

"ok I'll bring you back" The monster said as he opened the door. The little girl started to kick and punch at him. She didn't want to see her dad. She was 100% sure her dad would hurt her and because she didn't know the monster well she thought she had a chance of having a better life. The monster let go of her and he looked at her.

"look if your not going to go with me. you have to go somewhere" he said stating the obvious. The girl ran deeper in his house. She didn't care if she had to hide. She didn't want to go back even if this man killed her mom.

"Hay!? don't run from me!!" the monster yelled as he chased after her. Eventually the girl came upon the real frunt door. She opened it and ran out. The world here was darker and it had much thicker fog but she didn't care. She would rather be lost than deal with her father and if the monster was going to take her back she would rather run away.

The monster rushed out the door after her but soon lost her in the thic fog. He didn't give up tho. He start to yell. "kid

Come back!!!"

Lucy continued to run but soon ran into something. she fell backwards as this big ,Black, red eyed creature turned around.

"hehehe what do we hav-" He strange thing said before getting tackled by the monster that was chacing her. After the big creacher was on the ground he grabbed Lucy and ran back to the house and locked the door.

"Don't do that! You could have gotten your self killed!" the monster nagged at her.

"ok now let just get you home before you do something dumber" he said as he grabbed her by the arm.

"No please!!!" she cried out. "He's going to hurt me. I don't want to go back!" she yelled and cried. The monster stopped and looked at her.

"Fine" he said with the utmost unsatisfied look. He let go of the girl.

"Fine if you are going to stay with me. there are a couple rules you need to follow" The monster said while glaring at her.