
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

38 Chs

Monster in my closet

It was a dark night and the sky was as clear as diamonds with stars flashing so lightly. The wind howled as fog started to faze in. Lucy watched this as she sat by her window. She then made her way to her bed and with a loud sigh she layed down. The sound of her drunk parents was in the background. She could not bear to lesson to them. So she layed on her bed and got on her iPad. She started to draw and her finger danced across the screan.

CREEEEEK. she glanced at the closet door as she heard noice from it. A glowing green eye stared back at her. She could see the silhouette of a body. The thing looked muscular and had sharp claws and a tail as long as her 7year old self. She was not scared tho because her parents never told her what monsters are and that it was rong for things or humans to kreep like that. Lucy was rather curious of what she was looking at. She got up off of her bed and walked half way to the closet door and then she stopped. She looked at the monster with eyes of the innocent. The monster looked back at her in shock. He thought she would at least scream or crawl up to a wall. The monster opened the closet door all the way and approached her. He glared at the girl trying to get a different reaction from her. He then got on one nee. The girl and the monster look each other dead in the eyes. The girl had a face of innocence and confusion. The monster had a sturn look on his face and tryed not to look confused as well.


Thank you for reading this. I will have the next chapter out soon! If you enjoyed make sure to use a power stone or what ever you do... Idk just make sure to be here when the next chapter comes out. <( ̄︶ ̄)>...

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