
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

38 Chs

Marks are made

"she's nice because that big guy probably aboused her in some way and doing that made her stand up for others or shes a murder who is tricking us and get to know us and are weakness befor killing us" The boy said.

"No that's not why I'm nice. I mean I did get aboused but -" Lucy as she got interrupted.

"so it was the abouse one. your so smart Zack" he said to his twin bro

"I know I am Zane and because I'm smart and your my twin that means your smart" Zane said to Zack with a smile. Even tho that's not how twins work.

"So aboused kid whats your name what's your name" Zack ask so politely.

"my name's Lucy and please naver call me that again" Lucy said while frowning.

"well now that we know your name Lucy I won't have to call you that again" Zack said looking at her.

"so kid you want to join us" both of the boy said as the Zane reached on hand out to her.

"join you in what?" Lucy said confused.

"just join us in general. Like as if we are a group because its probably hard to live with that annoying, abusive JA. right" he said talking about M rudly.

"he's not abusive. He saved me from my abouseof family" she said doing a face palm.

"ok so maybe he's not abouseof but has he even told you anything about the reason why you don't see humans in the monster realm or has he talked to you about what going to happen to your body after a mouth of staying here or how about how to sneek up on people and scare them" zack said pointing out to her face that she has not been told things.

"No he's never told me any of that" she said looking down

"but when we were at his sisters house they were talking about telling me something and that we needed to have the conversation" Lucy said looking up at the boys.

"and has he talk to you yet" Zack asked

"no but he will soon I'm sure of it" Lucy said smiling.

"look kid rule number one about this world. Don't trust anyone" Zane said holding one finger up.

"so I can't trust you" Lucy said looking at him confused.

"Well you can trust us because we are going to show you the ropes but don't trust anyone besides us" Zack said trying to gain her trust.

"oh ok... but what about dad" she said looking innocent.

"You can't trust him. After all monsters usually take humans out of there real just to use them or breed with them. After all most females in this world did start out as human" Zane said trying to make her hate M.

"But he wouldn't do that. He's to nice to me and protects me." she said not wanting to believe there lies.

"you know people can put up a act. Who knows he might just use you as a toy when your older" Zane said trying to scare her into coming with them.

"but... but" Lucy said falling for the lie and was about to cry.

"hay kid don't cry. After all if you just come with us you won't have to deal with that and we will tell you everything about this world and how to survive in it." Zack said holding a hand out to her.

Lucy took his hand.

"ok... I'll go with you... but we're are we going"Lucy said wiping the tears away.

"just hold mh hand and you will find out" Zack said smiling at Lucy.

"ok. M should be in his room so he won't know if we leave now." Lucy said giving them some advice.

"good girl" Zane said as he lead the way out the door. As Zane and Zack left the house and took Lucy with them. They couldn't help but smile because now they had who they needed. The two boys lead her passed the park and to a abandon apartment building. They lead Lucy up the stairs and to the one they were staying in. Lucy was scared but trusted the two boys.

"So kid what do you know about this realm. just so we don't go over anything that you know" Zane said as he closed the door behind him.

"I don't know anything about it. I just know that it's always dark and dangerous." Lucy said not looking the boy in the eyes. Zack let go of her hand.

"ok then let's begin with your body and what will happen to it." Zack said as he sat down on one of the torn up chairs.

"so after at least 3-4 days of being here your going to start to notice changes in your body. You can either get stronger or weaker it really depends on what kind of monsters you are. Usual the weaker ones at more stealthy and the stronger ones are like bulldozers but besides that after a month of being here your body should be done with changing. It's just like puberty exsept for shorter and you get a better outcome" zack explained as he layed down on the chair.

"yep and if you want we can mark you" Zane said as he walked up behind her.

"mark me? what will that do." Lucy said taking a step away from Zane.

"We usually when people are marked it makes it so they will turn into a similar monster as the one who marked them. Usually when marking someone you become closer with them and rarely they can have such close connections that there able to talk through thoughts and body language. So kid want us to mark you" Zane said as he made his claws stick out.

"how do you even mark me" Lucy said a bit scared.

"like this" Zane said as he clawed her in the eye. Lucy fell back and cryed in pain as 3 large claw marks were on her eye and she could no longer see out of it for now.

"There was not specific part of the body we have to do it on. just as long as we draw blood." Zane said knowing that they have marked her once already.

-with M-

As M layed there on his bed he felt a sharp pain. He went to go check on the kids in the living room and when he realized they were gone. He paniced but at the same time he didn't. He sat on the couch and waited. He know what's going to happen soon.

-with the 3kids-

Lucy continues to cry on the floor in pain.

"oh shut up. you baby" Zack said annoyed.

"If you don't shut up I'll make you meself" Zane said as he picked up Lucy by the collar of her shirt. Lucy continues to cry as Zane slammed her against the wall. Zane then rapped his other hand around her neck and squeezed it in such a way that it makes Lucy go to sleep. He then throw Lucy on the torn up couch.

-with M-

The sharp pain was worse and he was ready to go and such for Lucy even if it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack right now.