
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

38 Chs

It's time

after 10 minutes of Zane and M fighting. They finally made a big enuff crash to wake Lucy up again. When Lucy opened her eyes. Her head was on Zack's crossed legs as he covered her ears. Zack looked down at her and stopped covering her ears.

"I'm sorry you had to wake up because of all the noise" Zack said as he lead againest the frame of the bed.

"what's happening?" Lucy said confused about all the noise.

"M and Zane are having a fight because Zane pushed you off the bed" Zack explained.

"What!?" Lucy said as she got up and headed for the bedroom door.

"hay don't interrupter the fight!" Zack said chacing after her. Lucy left the bedroom not caring and ran too the end of the hall way to watch M through Zane out a window.

"Zane!" Lucy said as she ran out the door to check on him. Zack just stayed at the end of the hall and M stayed in the living room. Lucy ran up to Zane.

"Zane are you ok!?" Lucy said worried

"yeah I'm fine" Zane said then got up again. Zane launched himself through the window and tried to tackle M.

"Dad!" Lucy said as she rushed to see what Zane did. M attention went to Lucy and Zane finally scratched him. M's attention went back to fighting. Lucy not knowing how to stop the fight started to panic. Her vision went red and tears began to invade her eyes. Her adrenaline went up and she snapped. She attacked M. She bit his arm making it bleed. Zane stopped but even though they were not fighting Lucy didn't back off. She clawed at M and ripped his skin. It seemed like she was trying to eat M.

M slammed her againest a wall making her jaw let go of his arm. He then held her by her rist to the wall.

"Lucy I get you mad but the fights stopped so you can" M said trying to give Lucy a reason to stop. Lucy was still violent. She was snapping her jaw at him and had a deep growl. M hoping she was just mad looked her in the eye.

"Lucy come on snap out of it" M said. The two boys Watched from a far. Then never thought Lucy would attack M like that.

"Lucy come on" M said fear it was time.

"Do you think she'll need to feed. After all she is completely monster now" Zane said as he stood right beside M. M sighed knowing that Zane was probably right.

"you two stay here me and Lucy will be back" M said upset that Lucy already has to do this.

"ok but are fight is not over" Zane said mad.

"The fight is over and we will not continue it. Unless you want to be kicked out" M said as he dragged Lucy by the rist making sure the Lucy can't hurt him or get away.

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