
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

38 Chs

Ciana's death wish.

Lucy grabbed some food and started to eat. She didn't mention going outside again and just stayed quiet the hole time. After they were done eating M put rest of the food in the fridge and put His and Lucy's plates in the dishes.

"Dad I'm bord" Lucy complained.

"Hi bord I'm dad" M said with a smirk on his face. Lucy looked at him confused.

"I don't get it" Lucy said.

"Have you never heard... Nevermind" M said as he just remembered who her parents were. As M was about to pick Lucy up they heard a knock on the door.

"oh do you think that Zack and Zane are back" Lucy said and then tried to walk. Once again she fell to her nees and held her stumach.

"Lucy! Don't do that. I will go see if there back but don't get up" M said as he sat Lucy back down in the chair. Lucy nodded and still held her stumach. M then went to the front door. As he turned the door nob With his big long claws and twisted the door nob he slowly opened the big, tall wooden door. ((Sorry I just had to /( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)√)) To see his sister.

"M I heard that Lucy attacked you. Are you alright" M's sister said then saw his arm bandaged.

"I'm going to kill her" M's sister said and let herself in the house. M just completed confused stood there and closed the door. It took two seconds for his to chace after his sister. M's sister ran into the kitchen as soon as she saw Lucy. Lucy was confused when Ciana grabbed her by the through and growled at her.

"You little shit I'm goi-" Ciana started to say then was punched in the face by M.

"put my chiled down" M yelled. Ciana mad still at the child instead of putting her down gently she through her across the floor to M's feet.

"What the heck!? What did she do to make you so damn mad" M said as he pick up Lucy who was crying at this point.

"She hurt you and your protecting her. What's wrong with you" Ciana said as she took a nether step forward.

"First off how did you even know about that and Secondly, that's because she started her hole eating human thing. You know how those always turn out for the first time" M said trying not to yell again and taking a step back.

"oh is that what happened... my apologies I only heard that she had hurt you. I didn't know that was the reason" Ciana said calming her self down pretty fast but still had her hand in a fist. M held Lucy tight as anger courses through his veins. He then put Lucy down as he looked at his sister.

"I'll leave if she really did do nuthing" Ciana said. As Ciana walked passed M. M made a quick move and stabbed his hand through her heart.

"Sorry but no one can treat my child like that without me ready to kill them" M said not caring that he just killed his own sister. Lucy watched M kill Ciana and cryed more.