
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

38 Chs

better than you know:,')

"I'll tell you... tommorow" he said smirking as he got up.

"No! Tell me today!" she said winning now.

"I said tommorow and if you want to continue this I'll make you wait long" he said glaring at her a bit.

"hpm fine" she said being a ass and turning her head away from him.

"kid that means stop with the attitude as well." M said as he gave her a scary look. A chill went down Lucy's spine and she stopped in a instant and kept her mouth shut.

"so kid. I wondering what do you want me to call you because you didn't like the last name you had me call you." M said as he sat back down and stopped with the scary face.

"Lucy..." she said a bit quiet because she was still scared a bit.

"ok... Lucy may I ask why you went with the two boys." he said because he was wondering that from a while. Lucy was about to tell him but she then thought of something.

"I'll tell you when you tell me what happened before I passed out" Lucy said smirking. M growled a little bit and then sighed.

"Fine I'll tell you" he said rolling his eyes at her. "but you tell me first and then I'll tell you" he said not lying about it.

"and how do I know that you will tell me" she said suspicious of him lying.

"Jeez what happened to trusting me" M said wondering were she got the feeling he was lying.

"Fine... The only reason I went with the boys was because they were going to tell me information about this world and after that I was planning on coming back." she said looking him in the eye.

"your know you could have ask me if you wanted to know stuff about this world" M said a bit upset that she didn't even bother asking him.

"yeah but it would have probably taken a year for you to tell me or I would have argue with you. You are so hard to get information out of" Lucy said turthfuly.

"It depends on what information I'm going to tell you after all your only 7. I don't want to crush your dreams or hopes for the future." M said looking at Lucy.

"So what. It's not like I can even become anything in my life. I have always been shit" Lucy said just rewording what her birth parents told her when she lived with them.

"Why are you shit?" he said trying to make her think and realize that shes not shit.

"Mommy said so. She said that I was useless shit because I can't do everything she needs me for" Lucy said trying to defend her statement.

"not everything you hear is ture. After all if I told you that I was shit. Dose that make me shit." M said looking Lucy in the eye.

" No but mommy and daddy said I was and when more than one person say it it's usually true. Mommy and Daddy both say I'm just a little shit head." she said looking back at her.

"If my opinion on myself is not true then why should your parents opinions be true about you" he said as he grabbed her and put her on his lap.

"but but" she said trying to think of something else to say.

"just because more than one person said it dose not make it true. It's just a opinion till it proven true or false" M said holding Lucy in his arms.

"dose that mean that opinions don't matter" Lucy said a bit confused.

"no exactly it's just some opinions you have to realize don't matter but yes most opinions do matter it's just you need to have a lot more than to for it to even matter a little bit" M said trying to explain it. Lucy nodded and rested her head on him.

"can I go to bed. I'm tiered"Lucy said as she yonded.

"I can imagine after you eat all that food you would be tired." he said getting up and holding her. He then walked to his room but instead of just setting her down. He continues to hold her while he lays on his side holding her tightly. He sighed in releafe because he didn't have to tell her yet on what happened before she blacked out.