
a prom day(1)

It was one of those beautiful Friday afternoon, this was one of those days filled with bright sunshine and beautiful blue skies that sung of summer to come.

After a long dreary winter, Emma could see something to look forward to.

Once she was done with all her preparations, she heard a soft knock on the door and upon answering it, her father stepped in.

"Wow sweetie, you just look as stunning as your mother."

When she heard her father's compliment, she whooped her face to look at him. "But there is one thing left.

After her father had said that, he moved towards his daughter who was still standing in front of a long mirror and opened his palm to reveal a beautiful thing silver neckless that had a shiny obsidian locket.

"This one belonged to your mother and I am pretty sure that she would be happy if she were to see you wearing it."

Placing it in Emma's hand, she took her own time to admire the beautiful jewelry and after a second or two, she unfastened the clasp and adorned the shiny piece around her neck.

Turning around to fully face her father, her hand flew onto the locket before she finally spoke.

"It's pretty.._"

Just before she could say anything else, the two heard a door bell and Emma was quick to leave her room and check who was on the door.

"Joel, you are here." Emma said while a smile forming on her beautiful face.

Today was a special night. It was her prom day and she wanted to enjoy everything that came with it before she could embrace the life of adulthood.

"Emma, you look beautiful." Came Joel's compliment who happened to be her partner for the night.

Emma had worn a beautiful dark green ball gown that had silver embroidery at the edges and her lush brown hair had been tied into a low bun where she allowed some few strands of her hair to fall on her temple.

"Well, come in." As the young man stepped inside, Mr Cooper who had taken the last steps of the stairs flashed a smile at him.

Emma was Mr coopers precious gem and after the death of his wife, he had devoted all his time and attention to his daughter which made him overly protective of his girl. "Good afternoon sir."

Joel greeted but behind the courageous facade, the boy seemed to be nervous.

"Good afternoon to you too Joel. You better bring her back in the same condition because if you.._"

"Dad, it's okay. I will be alright." Emma interrupted her dad and with pursed lips, he tenderly kissed Emma's forehead.

"You take care, okay?"

With a nod at her father's words, she went on to stand next to Joel.

Once the two teens had left, Mr Cooper also closely followed them behind and watched the car that they were in disappearing through the gates.

He knew well that his daughter was about to become an adult but his protective instincts always made him worried whenever she was out of his sight.

He truly felt bad that he was not going to be there to watch her last dance in high school. Taking up both the roles of a father and a mother had been hard for him but he had always tried his best to be there for her.


In the luxurious marcedes car, Emma stared through the window in which she looked at all the things that they passed on the car window. Her eyes did not fail to catch the beauty that had been brought by the spring whereby flowers had beautifully blossomed.

"Emma, thank you for today." Joel said.

Throughout their highschool years, Joel had been trying to woo Emma but the girl had no feelings for him.

When Joel had confessed to her,but her reply was a smile. Things had turned out to be awkward but as time passed by, they were back to being friends again.

During the rest of the journey, none of them spoke as they were both absorbed in their own thoughts.

When they finally got to school, Joel was the first one to step out of the car and just like a gentleman that he was, he offered his hand for her to take.

With her arm hooked round his, they entered the school grounds. The place was filled with joyous chatter but when some students noticed the pair that had made an entrance, the chatter turned into whispers.

"Just look at her. Acting as if she is an angel while we all know that she is a gold digger. Joel should have asked someone else."

When she heard those words, the subtle smile that had been plastered on her face fell. Just because she and Joel were friends never meant that she wanted anything from him. Maybe Joel came from a rich family but that did not mean that her father could not provide for her.

"You should not listen to them."

At Joel's words, Emma faked a smile and they walked away from there.

Unlike the girls who looked at her with disdain, the male students seemed to be stunned by her beautiful soft features. She was not the prettiest girl in the school but there was something about her that was intriguing to the eye.

It did not take long before the veil of the night covered the school it's surroundings but with the lights that were everywhere, the darkness did not hinder any activities that were taking place.

"I can't believe that we are almost done with high school."

She started a conversation while looking around the place.

"Me neither. By the way, have you picked the universities that you'd like to join."

Joel inquired. Unlike Emma whose focus was on the activities taking place, Joel's focus was on her and feeling his gaze on her, Emma turned her head and craned her neck so that she could look at him.

"Not yet. But I have a list."

As she said those words, they picked a spot for them to sit.